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Halfrican President (Read 473 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #30 - 05/22/10 at 21:43:22
Earlytimz wrote: "Ronald Regan was the best president we've had in recent times... Period." Grin Grin Grin

Ronald Reagan represents all of the worst elements of the American political experience of the last 50 years. All of them. He was, and always will be, nothing but a steaming hot pile of filthy...well, you get the picture.

Intellectually, Reagan gave chimpy a run for his money. He was vacuous. He was shallow. He was incurious. He was a puppet and a door stop for a group of sick ideologues who really ran the country. He was a crappy actor and foolish tool.

Ideologically, he was a hater and an imperialist and far-right loony-tune. He hated the poor. He hated gays. He hated leftists. He hated communists - and he was pretty sure you were one if you disagreed with him. He hated and he hated and he hated. Just ask his own kids. He hated them and himself and his ex-wife. Ronald Reagan was a twisted unrepentant closed-minded hate monger. And that's just for starters.

The foreign policy of Ronald Reagan did more to impoverish and kill the poor and helpless humans of the world than any world leader before or since - with the possible exception of Bush. Reagan just didn't care. He was going to defeat communism (which was already falling of it's own weight) and he didn't care how many children were burned alive or how many people starved to death on the way. Let em die. Reagan was a monster.

On Reagan's watch the military budget of the U.S. grew to the proportions of a heaping pile of 10,000 week-old dead and bloated Blue Whales. And it stunk just as bad. The practice of rewarding incompetent cronies with gigantic useless contracts for unneeded military hardware was elevated to art form under Reagan. Reagan's legendary megalomania, hubris and abject ignorance led him to believe the tales of any crackpot who managed to slither past the goons who comprised his inner circle. Star-wars missiles, atomic shields, space-age death rays. You name it - that dumb bastard  would fall for it - and blow billions of your tax dollars on it.

And on the domestic front - holy cow the domestic front. Ronald Reagan was a force for the rampaging evil of anti-human destructiveness. He never met a social program he didn't scorn. He never met an American in need he didn't crap directly upon. His response to the AIDS epidemic is one of the most sickening cold-blooded expressions of pure murderous political evil in the history of the earth. Genghis Khan could only dream of such depravity and indifference to human suffering.

Then there was Iran-Contra - the infamous orgy of unfettered criminality at the heart of the Reagan legacy. Again, look it up. Rogues, liars, crooks, murderers and ignorant heartless scum surrounded Reagan at all times. Alli Babba would've been shamed. But Ronald Reagan was shameless.

Oh, did I mention The War on Drugs and it's ballooning of the prison/criminal industrial complex and the rise of brainless goon-like authoritarianism? Or the destruction of the modern labor movement including the cowardly firing of the Air Traffic Controllers puting every air crew and passengers in peril for years? Or the beginnings of the current trend of packing the Judiciary with corrupt freakish pseudo-fascist stoolies? Or the repugnant rapes of Lebanon and Grenada? Or the dim-witted goofball junk science that came to known as "Reaganomics?" Or grant rigging at the Department of Housing and Urban Development? Or James Watt and the whole-hearted attempt to destroy the earth and all it's inhabitants at the expense of greed mongers and corporate whores? Or the largest white collar theft in the history of planet Earth - the Savings and Loan Bailout? And on and on and on and on.

Ronald Reagan will forever be remembered as one of the most idiotic, vile, worthless leaders of any any nation in any era.

Let's examine Ronnie the Raygun's contributions to our great country:

(1) The beginning of rampant homelessness;
(2) The crack cocaine epidemic AND "Just Say No;"
(3) The groundwork for media deregulation and consolidation;
(4) Wholesale deregulation of all critical national infrastructure;
(5) The Iran/Contra Affair;
(6) "Morning in America" which has turned out to be "Mourning in America;"
(7) Lee Atwater, Roger Ailles and KKKarl Rove;
(8) The Savings and Loan Crisis;
(9) The stock market crash of 1987 "Black Monday;"
(11) Sandra Day O'Connor and Anton "Italian Inquisition" Scalia;
(12) Reagonomics and "trickle down" economics
(13) The invasion of Grenada;
(14) The AIDS/HIV crisis;
(15) Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars");
(16) The HUD Scandal;

And the list just goes on and on.

The Great Communicator: Communicating greed, arrogance, cronyism and bad hair dye to everyone!

Whoops...I forgot something.

Reagan did more to ruin the lives of Central Americans than any President this century. His support of the Contras was obviously criminal, but what it did to the people of Nicaragua should never be forgotten.

Now ask me how I really feel about RR. Wink

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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #31 - 05/22/10 at 23:27:55
Boy you shur do sound smart! Musta had a bunch of good learnin! Yessir, one a them interlectial tipes for shur!!

Oh, wait a minute...

I googled 1 (that's one) paragraph from your last post. I found no less than 5 entries that contained YOUR EXACT POST,  VERBATIM (that means word for word) and that was just the first page.

So, uh, hold on... Let me get my head around this. (You liberals are just so much darn smarter than the rest of us... Gimme a sec or two)

If you're gonna copy and paste the work of another liberal, left wing, psycho babbling nut job... At least give them the courtesy and respect to include the source in your reply! You sir, have shown your true colors. Your hatred drives you so far that you find yourself talking out your ass even when you can't come up with your own thoughts. You have that right, by the way... Just please don't take credit for this crap. Give credit where credit is due.

I'm not exactly sure where you found this oral diarrhea, you could have copied it from several sources. My best guess is that you got it here:
But it could have come from here:
Or even here:
And the list goes on. It seems to be a popular thing amongst your kind, to copy & paste this crap everywhere you go. My favorite part is where they (not you) blame Reagan for crack cocaine and AIDS. It's sad that you're probably the first one to criticize someone, or call them out for watching Fox News or listening to conservative radio... Calling people cronies, or sheep, etc... (Can I get a BAAA BAAA????)

I'd just as soon not deal with you anymore, you've proven you can't even think for yourself. Go back to watching Bill Maher and praying to your Barry Obama shrine in the corner of your living room. Whatever it takes...

Oh, and ask me what I really think of BS..  Wink

Thanks for this opportunity!
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #32 - 05/23/10 at 14:26:21
It just so happens Starlifter is right on the mony ,it doesnt matter where it comes from,if he takes the time to copy and paist,good for him, I some times do that myself when it comes to athiesm because being English I am very poor at my own language and grammer.
I also know that Starlifter does not watch Bill Mahar,he does not have HBO,but I do, the only show on TV worth watching,. He (starlifter
) absolutly correct about Reagan he was a baffoon, the laughing stock of the world until Bush 2 came along ,and he took over that job.
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #33 - 05/23/10 at 20:46:10
You and he (starlifter) have every right to post whatever you want. Just don't post a copy & paste job like you spent the last 30 minutes composing it, and DO NOT expect everyone else to believe it like it's the gospel, as you obviously do. Also, it's common courtesy, and in some cases the law, to give credit to the originator of a written piece. If you wanna debate a topic, well then out-fukin-standing, lets debate it!! I've just heard enough of this on and on and on crap... Most people chalk it up to a few liberal nut jobs, jacking off at the mouth... Well I tried to, but when I feel enough is enough, I speak up. You might say I'm part of the silent majority, well most of the time anyway... I'm not sorry to be proud of my country. I have defended her in the past, and will continue to do so til I die. Only this time it's on my terms...

It explains a lot if you think Bill Maher is the only show on TV worth watching. I really really hope that's not where you get your news and current events. Surely you see the difference...

Mick, I've been wanting to ask you... Why did you and your family come to America anyway??? Was it possibly for a better life? Maybe more opportunity?? Whatever the case, you're still here so it must not be all that bad. At least better than across the pond huh?? Why do you support an administration that wants us to be just like Europe? Can't you see this??

You think Reagan was a buffoon?? I guess you don't remember Jimmy Carter!!!??? How do you justify what Barry is doing??? For the life of me, I just don't get it at all...

-Cheerio  Tongue
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #34 - 05/23/10 at 23:07:00
lets not start this kind of thing please. Nothing wrong with debate but theres no reason to be throwing around "psycho babbling nut job" or "dumbass beer guzzling...hick".
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Savage model 417
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #35 - 05/23/10 at 23:14:00
Now I'm nervous... Are you stalking me??? (At least I get HBO, best reception in the trailer park)

By the way, how's the whole economy thing working out for you up there in Michigan?? Have the liberals & unions milked it completely dry yet, or just "pert-near-it"??
Y'all have the worst economy in all of America. That's a fact! Although I know it's hard to believe with California handing out I.O.U.'s for tax returns. Do you see the trend here??? The most liberal states have the absolute worst economies...
Things that make you go, hmmmm...

Hey, you forgot to call me a racist!!! WTF??

Oh, and "y'all" is plural.
You know, kinda like when y'all say "you guys" even when you're talking to the ladies. I must admit, I never understood that. I mean, why would you call girls, guys? Is it something in your subconscious mind wishing you were actually talking to guys?? I dunno, whatever man, to each their own I guess...

You did get one thing right... Some of that good 'ol mule-kick mash will definitely make me feel better! (don't be getting no ideas)

So... you're sick and tired of people like me??? YOU CALLED ME OUT!!!! You're the one always on here preaching your crap. I bet we'd all be amazed at the number of BS posts you've started.
Someone finally fires back a shot or two and you can't handle it... Typical cry-baby liberal work at it's best! Get over it, LOSER!
Not to mention the fact that even though you've got nothing to say, you find it necessary to start with the Kentucky jokes. (not that I give a rat's azz, but you forgot to talk about my sister, btw) Are you 13 years old, or what???
Trust me sunshine, a lot of people are tired of YOU!

In keeping with the original topic, I'd like to present this illustration for your viewing pleasure...

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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #36 - 05/23/10 at 23:35:01
Starlifter wrote on 05/23/10 at 21:59:29:
"Boy you shur do sound smart! Musta had a bunch of good learnin! Yessir, one a them interlectial tipes for shur!!" Earlytimz

Wow, we can sure tell you come from Kentucky earlytimz by your english alone. Grin
Ya'll one of them shoeless trailer trash good ol' boys with faded Bush Cheney o4, and God, guts, & guns bumper stickers pasted on your junker pickup with the gun rack and confederate falg on it?

Of course we copy & paste cogent articles, opinion pieces and news items you dumb ass beer guzzling koolade drinking overall wearing toothless hick.

Now wander back on up to your still and have some more white lightening. It'll make you feel good Bubba.

Edited to add: I'm in a pretty crappy mood tonight and I am sick and tired of people like you starting flame wars.

If earlytimz has a still, that my arrogant Yankee is cool.  Whats wrong with beer, "koolaid" or overalls.  Sounds like some racial slurs to us Appalachian Americans.
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mikelhsr1982 mikelhsr1982   IP Logged
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #37 - 05/23/10 at 23:58:05
"lets not start this kind of thing please. Nothing wrong with debate but theres no reason to be throwing around "psycho babbling nut job" or "dumbass beer guzzling...hick". BP

Meh, you are of course completly correct BurnPgh. This has been a really bad day (and night) for me, and I am really really tired of these flame wars.

I have deleted the offensive post and my apologies to you EarlyTimz. As has been said, we can agree to disagree as gentlemen.

My statement that we copy & paste cogent articles, opinion pieces and news items that impart information or support a point of view is a common practice here. That is all I should have said.

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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #38 - 05/24/10 at 00:42:00
Not to add to the feud, but just as a side...

earlytimz said,... By the way, how's the whole economy thing working out for you up there in Michigan?? Have the liberals & unions milked it completely dry yet, or just "pert-near-it"??
Y'all have the worst economy in all of America. That's a fact! Although I know it's hard to believe with California handing out I.O.U.'s for tax returns. Do you see the trend here??? The most liberal states have the absolute worst economies...

I think it was Al Gore (Yeah,...I know...  Huh)... that pointed out, when shown a red/blue color map of the US...
So much red,.. so little blue...
He replied... "That's where all the people are"...

Densely populated areas will always show the effects of trends sooner, and more strongly, than rural areas...

map according to political preference only...

map adjusted for population density...

Now,.. where do you expect high unemployment?...
Where all the people are...

PS,.. as a personal aside, to my aside... please note that Arizona (current right-wing nut capitol of America....) has two blue spots... one of them is Tucson,... the LA of Arizona,... Raul Grijalva and Gabriel Giffords are my elected reps...

Our current governor is an unelected hijacker...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #39 - 05/24/10 at 01:18:10
Halfrican President ; luckily we live in a country where racism is still protected under our right of free speech right bill?  Democrats, Republicans, what does it matter?  Who's responsible for high oil prices? Corporations.  Who created the largest environmental disaster (actually all of them)?  Corporations.  Who profits when stock markets crash and we lose our retirements ? Corporations.  Who profits from wars, when our young people (and our "enemies" people) die? Corporations.  Who runs both political parties?  Corporations. People need to wake up and focus on our real enemy.  Vote with your money and how you spend it.  Vote for the people who help big business the least  -stratman
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'There's no money above the 7th fret'...Tommy Tedesco
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #40 - 05/24/10 at 01:22:07
stratman wrote on 05/24/10 at 01:18:10:
Vote for the people who help big business the least  -stratman

...and I will soon be president...
Lookout,... Savage in the Whitehouse....Huh... Gulp!...

Grin Grin Grin...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #41 - 05/24/10 at 03:15:57
earlytimz wrote on 05/23/10 at 20:46:10:
You and he (starlifter) have every right to post whatever you want. Just don't post a copy & paste job like you spent the last 30 minutes composing it, and DO NOT expect everyone else to believe it like it's the gospel, as you obviously do. Also, it's common courtesy, and in some cases the law, to give credit to the originator of a written piece. If you wanna debate a topic, well then out-fukin-standing, lets debate it!! I've just heard enough of this on and on and on crap... Most people chalk it up to a few liberal nut jobs, jacking off at the mouth... Well I tried to, but when I feel enough is enough, I speak up. You might say I'm part of the silent majority, well most of the time anyway... I'm not sorry to be proud of my country. I have defended her in the past, and will continue to do so til I die. Only this time it's on my terms...

It explains a lot if you think Bill Maher is the only show on TV worth watching. I really really hope that's not where you get your news and current events. Surely you see the difference...

Mick, I've been wanting to ask you... Why did you and your family come to America anyway??? Was it possibly for a better life? Maybe more opportunity?? Whatever the case, you're still here so it must not be all that bad. At least better than across the pond huh?? Why do you support an administration that wants us to be just like Europe? Can't you see this??

You think Reagan was a buffoon?? I guess you don't remember Jimmy Carter!!!??? How do you justify what Barry is doing??? For the life of me, I just don't get it at all...

-Cheerio  Tongue

So why didn't you ask me why I came here ?
To save you the time I will tell you,first off it was not for a better life,
I was doing just fine,had a great job,lots of freinds,Brands hatch close by ,every thing was rosy.
And then My Moms daughter from her first marraige (her husband was killed in a M/C crash) became ill,she had five daughters and could not take care of them,her husband ,the GI she married at the end of WW11 ,wasen't very well eather,so my mom came over to Long Beach CA,to help with the kids,she fell in love with Long Beach,and the great weather,and decided that iswere she wanted to live,she went back to England so she could emigrate to the US having a ciizen daughter is was easy for her.My dad had to get a sponser he did ,it was Honywell Pentax ,he repaird camaras. My sister was sponserd by a wealthy family to be a nanny she was and is an RN she was hired by the Halliburtons (yes those halliburtons) she had to work there for two years topay off her plain ticket.that left me,I didn't want to come over ,but I missed my family,my Dad sponsered me,6 months later I sponserd my wife and two the meantime my mom died leaving my Dad a 35,000 dollar hospital bill,he could not leave until he paid off that bill, I wanted to go back but my wife didn't, and by this time I had another daughter,each year it got more expensive to go home,in short I never made it.when I went back for a vacation ,I almost said fu*k it , and was going to stay, my new wife from Dallas Texas didn't want to, to be honest with you I find so little difference in this country and Britain it's like I never moved,except the British generally to me anyway are nicer people,the government is more people friendly,and we have fantastic health care,the US has none.
So I stick it out to be near my kids ,my 95 year old dad ,my sister a brother in law who is from Michigen,but we all live in Oregon now,same weather as England, all my kids live in eastern
Utah,I will be seeing them next month,I became a citizen so I could vote and own a hand gun, when they gave me my green card in England,after two years of form filling in, the US was alot different
the people were nice ,"
Clean your windshield sir !" at LAX immigration the officers shook my hand "Welcome to America"  back slapping, we had a big party on the plaine the stewardess found out I was an immigrent she had the pilot announce it,the drinks didn't stop all the way to LA,I must of had 4 job offers, Happy now ?
Ps I get my news from the newspaper,and yahoo.
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #42 - 05/24/10 at 07:07:29
mikelhsr1982 wrote on 05/23/10 at 23:35:01:
Starlifter wrote on 05/23/10 at 21:59:29:
"Boy you shur do sound smart! Musta had a bunch of good learnin! Yessir, one a them interlectial tipes for shur!!" Earlytimz

Wow, we can sure tell you come from Kentucky earlytimz by your english alone. Grin
Ya'll one of them shoeless trailer trash good ol' boys with faded Bush Cheney o4, and God, guts, & guns bumper stickers pasted on your junker pickup with the gun rack and confederate falg on it?

Of course we copy & paste cogent articles, opinion pieces and news items you dumb ass beer guzzling koolade drinking overall wearing toothless hick.

Now wander back on up to your still and have some more white lightening. It'll make you feel good Bubba.

Edited to add: I'm in a pretty crappy mood tonight and I am sick and tired of people like you starting flame wars.

If earlytimz has a still, that my arrogant Yankee is cool.  Whats wrong with beer, "koolaid" or overalls.  Sounds like some racial slurs to us Appalachian Americans.  

Appalachian Americans... I love it! From this day forward, that's how I will refer to myself, to be politically correct of course.

You're exactly right! Everyone gets a pass & gets tolerated except the good 'ol folks like us. Somehow we're even worse than illegal aliens, even though we were born here, pay our taxes, follow the laws (for the most part) & contribute to society.
The funny thing is, there are rednecks everywhere! Back in the early-mid 90's I lived in Boulder, CO for a few years. If you've ever been there, you know that was an experience in itself!! (I call Boulder the hippie capitol of the world) While out working on drill rigs, I was shocked when I rolled through small towns in southern CO, northern NM & northern AZ that didn't even have a paved street in town! You can imagine my surprise, straight from Ky & I thought.. "WOW, these folks are REAL hicks!!" Not to mention the occasional canyon (we call them hollers) that looked like there was some kinda redneck inbred cult thriving up in there... Not unlike some of the remote areas in Appalachia, worse actually... Scary!!

Mick, congrats on a successful LEGAL immigration process. Congrats on being a handgun owner & for being responsible for your own life (& health insurance). Cool story, btw!! I hope you have a good time with your kids. I know yours are grown, but they are still mas importante!

Starlifter, I agree to agree to disagree... I think...
I accept your apology, and would like to extend my own. This is a touchy subject to a lot of us... It's something I'm gonna try to avoid from now on, if I can stand to!! LoL
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #43 - 05/24/10 at 07:29:26
I liiiikkkke it! When left alone we can all agree to get along, even when we don't agree on a particular subject!

Don't really need big brother when we can all do this!

WELL DONE!!!!! Cool

You all deserve a pat on the back for dialing it all back to civil.

While there are many things people put out here I don't agree with, I would hate to see anyone who contributes useful info go away.
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Re: Halfrican President
Reply #44 - 05/24/10 at 07:34:06
Thanks earlytimz, oh, and as I said in some other post not too long ago; eastern Ky is a beautiful area. I love the woods, the scenery, and those winding mountian roads there...just not those speeding tailgating coal trucks! Grin
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