I was asked to post this up, so here goes.
My brake pedal was too high (I actually had to raise my entire leg to get on it!)

so adjusted as follows.
Loosen nut at rear drum. This will give you slack in the pedal cable.

Under brake pedal is a bolt with a locking nut. Loosen nut, hold pedal down and screw bolt in until the desired pedal position is attained. Retighten the lock nut. Notice the second cable attached to the pedal. It's the little wire looking thing to the right of the bolt. This is the brake light cable.

Tighten rear nut until the brake is firm, but not tight. It may take a few adjustments to get it to your satisfaction. Too loose, brake will be mushy and to firm may cause a lock-up.
I sugest taking a road trip with a 14mm wrench.You will have to adjust the rear brake light as follows. This switch looks like a black tube and has a black rubber booty on the top.

If you grab the switch below the bracket near the top of the spring with needle nose pliers and push the switch up out of the bracket, you can turn the black plastic nut. It is almost impossible to get anything besides a finger on the nut. I tried to use needle nose pliers, but boogered the threads which made things worse. Lubricate the threads first and have have a beer if you can. This part is a pain!

If you lower the pedal you will have to turn the nut ccw. Turn on key and push on brake pedal. Adjust nut till you are happy. I had to turn mine to almost the top of the threads. Lots of folks want the light to come on before the brake does so they can flash tailgaters.
Finished pedal location is next pic.