T Mack 1 - FSO
Serious Thumper Alliance Member

sold 2001 LS650 for a 1986 XLH1100
Posts: 2919
So... being a electronics tech by training, and having worked at a factory that made radar components with big-ass magnets on them , I realized that just sticking a magnet on may not work.
You need to test the field of the magnet. Or.... how far the magnetic affects go out from the magnet. Remember back to your school days and the paper and iron filings??? I figured that I needed a field that reached from the bottom of the bike to a few inches into the ground, so I guessed about a foot.
How to find the range of the field.... the easiest way to test it is to use a compass, and I suggest using a cheapie compass as the magnets may ruin it. (yep, a compass.... one of those direction finding things used before GPS).
WHAT I DID......
- I found a bunch of magnets laying around the house. Some strong and nice sized, some tiny and powerful, some long and skinny and only so-so in the strenght department.
- I laid the magnets out on a piece of wood on the concrete garage floor. - I then took the small cheap compass my son had and from a distance, slowly moved it towards the magnets (one at a time). - When the needle of the compass started to move I stopped and marked the distance. - What I found was the long skinny magnet had around an 18 inches range. yea!! The others were less. The small powerful one was the worse. - I attached that magnet on the bracket on the bottm of the bike, with doulbe sided tape and some heavy duty duct tape.
TEST DRIVE: - PITA light number one, just down the street from my house. Previously I had to wait for a car or a second bike. NOW.... the light trigggered...... Hmmmm.... "once is luck, twice is coincident, third time is fact ", .... so, on to the next light. - PITA light two, preivously took three bikes or a car to trigger..... now, my bike triggered it.... WOW! On to the next PITA light. - PITA light number three, a turn lane arrow down by the grocery store. It took a few weeks to get to it without a car behind... but ... IT TRIGGERS NOW!!!!
- PITA light number four, at work.... didn't work.....
Well three out of four isn't too bad.
EDIT: Note, I still need to be over the wire in the roadway.