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Brake Pad Friction Rating System (Read 72 times)
Serious Thumper
Posts: 814
Lewisville, Texas
Brake Pad Friction Rating System
09/12/05 at 03:33:48
C >= 0.15
D >0.15, <=0.25
E >0.25, <=0.35
F >0.35, <=0.45
G >0.45, <=0.55
H >0.55
Z Unclassified
Brake Pad FAQs: Brake pads are normally available as organic, semi-metallic and sintered. Organic pads contain no metallic parts; semi-metallic are a mixture of organic and metallic parts; and sintered metal pads are made completely from metal.
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has a grading system for brake pad friction material (SAE J866). The test applies the brake pads to a rotating drum until the temperature of the pads reaches 650 degrees F. In general terms, the test assigns a two-letter code where the first letter designates normal temperature friction and the second letter designates hot friction. The letters correspond to numbers in the table at left.
This means that "HH" pads have a normal and hot friction coefficient of over 0.55 as defined by the SAE test. Thus there is no such designation as "HHH" or "HHH Plus" pads that you may see in an advertisement!
(In short, HH brakes pads are the strongest, IF you can find anyone who makes them for our bike)
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Had an S40 Jul '04-Jan '07
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Serious Thumper
Posts: 814
Lewisville, Texas
Re: Brake Pad Friction Rating System
Reply #1 -
09/13/05 at 19:42:51
The best I've found so far was: SBS part# 581
They're rated HF. Couldn't find them for sale online but the "stealership" could probably get them. Lots of brake pads I saw online weren't rated so I'd assume they're a lower grade. I'll order some & see if they're an improvement.
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Had an S40 Jul '04-Jan '07
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Serious Thumper
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Posts: 2041
Re: Brake Pad Friction Rating System
Reply #2 -
09/17/05 at 06:30:16
Disc material
Mild steel (EBC) gives 18% more friction than stainless
Cast iron is 40odd% more friction than stainless
But they both rust
Greg_650 has a EBC disc, see what he thinks
Clive W
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Serious Thumper
Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!
Posts: 3547
Rome, Italy
Re: Brake Pad Friction Rating System
Reply #3 -
10/05/05 at 13:45:40
Is there anybody who sells SBS brake shoes? I tried a search on MSN Search 'SBS brakes' found everything and then some but nobody stoked for the Savage.
The Savage is motorcycle archaeology here in Italy, I am the only
in Naples to ride one (I live in Rome but work in naples, weekend commute) and Suzuki smiled when I asked for Savage brake shoes
'you mean you actually ride one?'
'and you call yourself a dealer?' I thought to myself...
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider
Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Serious Thumper
Posts: 814
Lewisville, Texas
Re: Brake Pad Friction Rating System
Reply #4 -
10/06/05 at 17:25:46
I tried a Google search for "SBS 2018" the part # for SBS brake shoes for our Savage (all years) & I got a few websites that sell them. One was in Italy & here's the link:
I hope that helps. 8)
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Had an S40 Jul '04-Jan '07
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Serious Thumper
Posts: 814
Lewisville, Texas
Re: Brake Pad Friction Rating System
Reply #5 -
10/06/05 at 17:47:42
Oops, I messed up!
That website wasn't out of Italy after all. It looked like it was in Spanish so my wife read it & said yes, that's Spanish, not Italian. Anyway, there were a few other websites from different countries that came up on my Google searches using "SBS 2018" so maybe you'll have better luck than I did.
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Had an S40 Jul '04-Jan '07
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Serious Thumper
Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!
Posts: 3547
Rome, Italy
Re: Brake Pad Friction Rating System
Reply #6 -
10/07/05 at 05:31:33
OK Many thanks !!!
Yes, I will admit we do NOT speak Spanish in Italy, we speak a little known, obscure exotic language called... Italian !!!
I assume any website that ends in .mx to be mexican.
Anyway, I did visit the site you all recommended and yes, they list both front and rear brake parts (I was initially intrigued by their showing disc brake pads even when publicizing drum brake shoes ??? but then I guess it's just an odd one.
I will check for the availability of clutch plates and then will setu up to change them all in one go. I have the feeling that purchase in US$ and shipping could cost me less than buying local...
Now, for that tacho issue...
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider
Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Ex Member
Re: Brake Pad Friction Rating System
Reply #7 -
10/15/05 at 10:53:10
is there website.
See if they have a dealer listing.
isnt SBS #SBS581HF the ones for the savage?
but are these disc or drum? anyone know both part numbers?
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Serious Thumper
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Re: Brake Pad Friction Rating System
Reply #8 -
10/15/05 at 10:58:12
klx650sm2002 wrote
on 12/31/69 at 16:00:09:
Disc material
Mild steel (EBC) gives 18% more friction than stainless
Cast iron is 40odd% more friction than stainless
But they both rust
Greg_650 has a EBC disc, see what he thinks
Clive W
Ah, did I hear my name? My front pads are just fine. I know, cause they'll lock that wheel if given a chance
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