No , the writer was saying the twins that share a 400cc motor. Scrambler and Speed are their names .
I saw it and gave the writer the benefit of "mis-wording" the statement but still knowing what they were trying to relay.
The writer mess up and the editor didn't have enough knowledge to catch it , it don't say anything good about the rag they work for !!!

Short runs on the interstate are "OK" even on my little 350cc , it's geared to redline 5th gear at about 85mph.
Ridding on the "Interstate" ain't no fun anyway , 65mph is so much more pleasant . IMHO
It wouldn't make me mad if we did like a lot of the other countries and had a National 100-110km/hour speed limit and camera's to enforce it.
... Just think of how much taxes could be lowered if the 80mph group payed all the bills ...
I can just take the secondary roads to where I'm going.