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? (Read 333 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 1629
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: ?
Reply #60 - 11/01/23 at 15:22:37
You are verry verry much uninformed aboud what goes on there.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

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The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: ?
Reply #61 - 11/02/23 at 05:37:09
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: ?
Reply #62 - 11/02/23 at 05:40:07
I would suggest you are over-informed in the sense you cannot see reality past your bias-glasses.

The hatred of Jews by much of the Arab world is plainly obvious. The fact they are celebrating an OFFENSIVE whose main strategy was brutal torture and slaughter should tell you one side in this conflict is beyond reason.

Again, if these innocent Palestinians want peace, then turn against Hamas. No, it won’t be easy. Look at the history of some of the countries in World War II, how they suffered fighting the Nazis. But it’s necessary. (As a sidenote, for all you anti-2nd amendment freaks, imagine if there really were innocent Palestinians desiring peace and they were armed and able to fight back against the brutal, totalitarian leader ship of Hamas, but that’s another story)

The Nazis were completely wiped out. That’s the only endgame suitable for Hamas and likely the ruling party in Iran. To be completely wiped out.
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Serious Thumper

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The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: ?
Reply #63 - 11/02/23 at 05:44:39
See the video webster ...

0:00 - Intro
2:37 - Welcome Scott Ritter
3:19 - The Truth About Life in Gaza
7:44 - How Israel Security Plans Failed
11:22 - How Israel's Government Helped Create Hamas
16:22 - How Israel Can Defeat Hamas
18:30 - What Is the Exit Strategy for Israel?
26:20 - Will There Be a War Between US and Iran?
31:20 - Is There a Chance for Peace Now?
33:34 - Benjamin Netanyahu's Future is Uncertain
37:40 - The US Plans for the Middle East
40:17 - How Oct 7th Changed the Middle East Forever
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: ?
Reply #64 - 11/02/23 at 13:34:20
zevenenergie wrote on 11/02/23 at 05:44:39:
See the video webster ...  

WOW !!!!!
Believe a Ultra LIBERAL,

CONVICTED multiple sex crimes offender,

And Russian propagandist.

Just WOW !!!!!!!

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1629
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: ?
Reply #65 - 11/03/23 at 02:34:14
Outside America you could say that the whole world is ultra left. Because everyone sees Putin's reasonableness more and more.

Since the Second World War, America has had only one goal in mind for Russia and that is to eliminate Russia. And the war in Ukraine is a consequence of that.
Nowadays, anyone who is critical of the USA is a sex offender.

Too bad nothing came in of the video. You are too identified with being a right-winger.
And that makes you small-minded.

I don't recommend it to many people, but I recommend it to you.

Use something mind-expanding. A mushroom trip, LSD under good guidance.

Not to change your political opinion, because that's not my point.

But to discover that all that is in the world is bred in an all-encompassing spirit.
The art of life is to discover it and live from it. Because if you start to discover that source, you will also shatter all illusion in the world.
And a political orientation is nothing more than a filter through which you see reality distorted.

Once you realize "that", you will also see that everyone walks around with such a filter and that, it is the cause of all the misery in the world.

Because when all filters disappear you see that everything is one. We live in the universe.
And we are not separated from it.

Your identity is an illusion that makes you feel separate.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 13738

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Re: ?
Reply #66 - 11/03/23 at 04:46:01
I’ve been fortunate enough to work for two international companies and travel internationally quite a few times in my life. I regularly keep in touch with people across Europe and specifically those in the Nordic countries today. I’m aware of the rest of the world is quite a bit different than United States.

I’m also aware there’s no place better than United States. There’s a reason why everybody looks to the United States for leadership. I get we fail sometimes, and certainly now, with the demented old corrupt president we have today, but nonetheless, we are at the top of the flag pole. That’s just the way it is.

And I’m in my early 60s and I’ve been following the news regularly for 50+ years so I’m not going to invest 40 minutes watching someone’s YouTube video. i’ve built up a knowledge base as best I can on the Middle East and I’m comfortable with it. I listen to plenty of other points of view which occasionally change my viewpoint, but there are certain fundamental foundations that I know to be 100% true.

I’ve have not been to the Middle East, but I have a good friend in Canada who works for my company who regularly travels to Israel (because our European branches were too chicken and afraid of the Arabs to do it so we manage it out of Canada ) to build our business there and has built deep friendships. I’ve met a few of those people when everyone came over to the states for a meeting.

The Arab states are run by a male dominated, religion-based version of the Mafia. Recently being referred to as Nazis, which I think is an accurate representation. There’s  a great video you can watch, it’s a short one, not 40 minutes, that shows images of women in these Arab states in the 50s and early 60s wearing bikinis, walking in parks, holding jobs, driving cars, etc. Today they wear burkas, cover their head, and if her husband gets mad, they get beaten in public.

No one wants that type of living, except for the few men who are in power and young men who gather together and use that lifestyle as a way to bond with other men, because they don’t have anything else in their life.

Sure there are Arab countries that are slowly changing. If you’re a woman in Saudi Arabia, you can actually drive now, and maybe even become a doctor. But you’re never equal, you’re never actually free and don’t pretend otherwise.

So yes, I hope Israel completely destroyed Hamas and actually occupies Gaza not this ridiculous current definition of occupation, but a real occupation. Liberate all those people. Over 10 or 20 years they could actually turn them into their own functioning society. Now, the Arab states don’t want that. They want to use them as pawns in their little game.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1629
The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: ?
Reply #67 - 11/03/23 at 04:53:01
Well if your not open to new info, what is the point of a discusion whit you?

I mean you're in your early 60s.
You know your thoughts by now, there is nothing new, and you also know that they are usually wrong. Why do you stay in that small world?

In the Middle East they will have to open up if they ever want to have peace.

The countries surrounding Israel do not benefit from war. For a long time now, the chance for peace there has been greater than ever. This is also due to interference from China.
But the Palestinians need a free state.
but that does not benefit Israel. and neither does America. and neither do you, because then your thoughts are no longer correct.

If we want to see the world in peace, we will have to pay a very big price: our identity.

And you suffered quite a dent.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Serious Thumper
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Grand Junction Colorado
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Re: ?
Reply #68 - 11/03/23 at 07:09:14

And I’m in my early 60s and I’ve been following the news regularly for 50+ years so I’m not going to invest 40 minutes watching someone’s YouTube video.

using videos the way Z does is an attempt to  fill the hole left from the inability to form an original thought
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

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Re: ?
Reply #69 - 11/03/23 at 07:38:19
Well if your not open to new info, what is the point of a discusion whit you?

1) what do you mean to say is if you can change my mind and show yourself to be superior of thought, then you don’t want to bother with me.

2) i’m open to new info, but I’m not going to invest 40 minutes in a YouTube video from someone I never heard of before.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: ?
Reply #70 - 11/03/23 at 07:42:23

But the Palestinians need a free state.

1) They could live peacefully in Gaza if they didn’t try to kill Jews all the time.

2) and too bad, they need to deal with it. There’s a whole bunch of Native Americans who feel like they the entire western should be returned to them, but again , too bad. They should’ve fought harder. They lost, and I’ll deal with it.

3) and if they want a free state, ask any of the Arab states that surround them for a little bit of land, and they can carve out their own nation. Good luck with that.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: ?
Reply #71 - 11/03/23 at 07:46:02
using videos the way Z does is an attempt to  fill the hole left from the inability to form an original thought

Typical response. Because you disagree with me on other items, you think I don’t have an original thought. That’s a ridiculous position to take. I’m fairly successful in my work and life despite having come from quite literally complete and total poverty. I don’t have a college degree and barely finished high school yet I’m often confused for a consulting engineer. I’ve done plenty of public speaking events and I’m currently on quite a few standards committee in my industry. You would be surprised. I don’t think that’s possible without an original thought.

Maybe it’s I just don’t have “an original thought” that is the same as your “original thought”.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: ?
Reply #72 - 11/03/23 at 08:10:13
zevenenergie Said:

“ …Use something mind-expanding. A mushroom trip, LSD…”
“…if you start to discover that source, you will also shatter all illusion in the world….”
“…if your not open to new info, what is the point of a discusion whit you?…”
“…You know your thoughts by now, there is nothing new, and you also know that they are usually wrong. Why do you stay in that small world?…”

That explains a lot.
Thought you were  just a Troll.
Now, a brain addled, Fairy Dust Sprinkler, Troll.

The longest WAR ever in the USA, will continue.
When allowed it, numbs people, makes them VERY susceptible to propaganda,  distorts critical thinking.
The US makes a great ‘show’, of doing something.
Not, because it can’t be stopped,

Many State’s have ‘dispensaries’, and more are/will be added.
Yet today, YET, their is no way to prove one in driving under the influence of Mary Jane.
The car accidents, ‘for mysterious reasons’, grow.
The Feds, have no proof of a person lying on the 4473
(GASP, the required gun ownership form)
Until the Feds TAKE all the records from the Dispensaries.
 (Which at some point they will)

Unless your name is Hunter !
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper
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Grand Junction Colorado
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Re: ?
Reply #73 - 11/03/23 at 08:13:09
read my post webby , didn't mention you..
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standing for those who stood for US

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Serious Thumper

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Re: ?
Reply #74 - 11/03/23 at 09:57:12
A great comment
“Israel does not purposely kill civilians, Palestinian terrorists do. If Israel put down its guns tomorrow, there would be a second Holocaust. If the Palestinians put down their guns tomorrow, there would be a Palestinian state. That is the reality,” Ben Shapiro (Oxford debate)
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