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I've got it on good authority that this isn't true (Read 75 times)
Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
I've got it on good authority that this isn't true
07/13/23 at 04:30:17
But it Looks like it is

CDC is caught fraudulently altering Death Certificates to hide COVID Vaccine Death
CDC is caught fraudulently altering Death Certificates to hide COVID Vaccine Deaths
Center for Disease Cr

An investigation of official death certificates has found that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been committing fraud by refusing to assign the correct International Classification of Diseases code for Covid-19 vaccine side effects as the cause of death when they should have done so.

In other words, the CDC is actively engaging in a huge cover up of deaths due to Covid-19 vaccination.

When someone dies, there is a death certificate that is filled out for official/legal purposes. Death certificates contain a lot of information (some states include more than others), including the causes of death (CoD).

Causes of death refer to the medical conditions that ultimately played some role in the demise of the decedent. To qualify as a CoD, a condition only needs to contribute to the medical decline of the decedent in some way, but doesn’t have to be directly responsible for whatever ultimately killed the person. If someone had high blood pressure, and subsequently suffered a heart attack that led to cardiac arrest which killed them, all three conditions qualify as CoD. On the other hand, this unfortunate fellow’s ingrown toenail is not a cause of death, because it in no way contributed to their demise.

This is from the CDC’s own guidance explaining how to properly fill out CoD’s on a death certificate (you don’t need to understand the difference between Cause A, B, etc for this article):

The critical thing to keep in mind is that the person filling out the death certificate writes a text description of the CoD’s, but doesn’t assign the ICD 10 codes for the CoD’s.

That’s the CDC’s job.

ICD 10 Coding System for CoD’s
There is a fancy coding system that is used to classify the many thousands of medical conditions that can play a role in death known as the International Classification of Diseases. Every few years, it is updated/revised to keep up with new medical (or bureaucratic) developments, as new conditions are discovered and old conditions are reorganized or reclassified.

The current iteration of the ICD that was used for the deaths we’re looking at is the ICD 10 (that’s the 10th version). It is basically a hierarchical classification system:

There are codes for practically every random weird thing you can think of:

These are categories themselves – a code can go as 7 characters long:


ICD 10 Codes for Covid Vaccine Side Effects
There are two ICD 10 codes for vaccine side effects that can be broadly used for the covid vaccines – T88.1 and Y59.0:

T88.1 – Other complications following immunization, not elsewhere classified.

Y59.0 – Viral vaccines

(There are other ICD 10 codes for various specific complications or side effects of vaccines, but the point remains that an ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects exists.)

CDC – Centers for Data Concealment
The CDC receives the death certificates from the various states and applies ICD 10 codes. This is primarily done with a secret algorithm, with a tiny percentage of cases adjudicated by CDC staff when the algorithm is unable to confidently assign an ICD code to the text description written on the actual death certificate (such as confounding spelling or a text description that does not make much sense). I confirmed this with a biostatistician who works for a DoH in a US state (I’m leaving out which one because I want to preserve my persona grata status). The individual who obtained the MN death certificates likewise confirmed with state officials that the ICD codes in their data were assigned by the CDC.

What a death certificate identifying a covid vaccine as a CoD *should* look like

There are three death certificates in the MN tranche that contain either T88.1 or Y59.0. One is for a flu vaccine reaction, and – surprisingly – the other two are for a covid vaccine.

Note – when used below:

UCoD (Underlying Cause of Death) refers to “the disease or injury that initiated the train of events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury.”

MCoD (Multiple Causes of Death) refers to “the immediate cause of death and all other intermediate and contributory conditions listed on the death certificate.” (everything else)

The first death certificate contains a covid vaccine ICD (below), and it looks like the CDC was trapped and could not avoid putting it on without fundamentally rewriting the death certificate, because the vaccine complication is unambiguously listed as the UCoD (this death certificate is saying the person was killed by a heart attack caused by the covid vaccine within minutes of injection):

The second death certificate the CDC deigned to assign a vaccine ICD (and not only one but *BOTH* vaccine ICD codes(!!)) feels like perhaps a rogue CDC employee was working that day and snuck it in:

In any event, as we can clearly see, both T88.1 and Y59.0 are indeed appropriate for when a covid vaccine is listed as a CoD. Thus the CDC cannot claim that there was no official ICD 10 code that could be used to designate covid vaccines (or any other excuse).


With that introduction, below are 7 death certificates from Minnesota that identify a covid vaccine as a cause of death where the CDC omitted the corresponding ICD 10 code identifying a vaccine side effect when the CDC assigned ICD codes to the death certificates.

The first fraudulently filled out death certificate offers a crucial detail highlighting not only the fraud but the naked double standards for assigning CoD’s.

This death certificate identifies both a covid vaccine and covid itself as contributory CoD’s (in the last row highlighted in yellow, vaccine underlined in green, covid in blue):

“covid vaccine second dose 10 hrs prior to death”

“history of covid infection in May 2020” (about 7-8 months prior to death)

Any remotely objective person would presume that if a condition that occurred 7 months prior without any clear link to the actual death still nevertheless meets the standard for being identified as a CoD, then surely a condition or event that occurred a mere TEN HOURS before death identified by the doctor filling out the death certificate merits inclusion as a CoD.

Yet, the CDC assigned U70.1 – “COVID-19, virus identified” – for covid, but neglected to assign T88.1 or Y59.0 for the covid vaccine.

A second point to highlight is that we see that anything mentioned as a CoD, even in the context of “history of” that had (presumably) been long resolved, is a legitimate CoD insofar as assigning an ICD 10 code and epidemiological data are concerned.

This decedent suffered a cardiac arrest that ultimately led to her death *ONE DAY* after being vaccinated.

(For the record, I am not bothered by the “though it’s not clear as to any mechanism for how the vaccine could have led to the cardiac arrest” line. This death occurred February 24, 2021 – well before there was any sort of public awareness about the multiple plausible mechanisms by which the vaccine could cause heart damage. So to me, whoever filled out the death certificate was a gutsy fellow willing to identify a covid vaccine on a death certificate that had his name on it.)

Fraudulent Death Certificate #3

This death certificate doesn’t merely identify a covid vaccine, it explains that the decedent “felt sick after the vaccine” and died 4 days later from a heart attack. Yet, no T88.1 or Y59.0.

This death certificate provides that the decedent received her second dose of Pfizer 18 days prior to her death.

Here we have a 65-year-old male who was killed by a heart attack 12 days after getting vaccinated.

This case is especially noteworthy. Someone involved with this death informed me that the family had to pressure the coroner to put the recent covid booster on the death certificate. A family member also filed a VAERS report themselves, after the patient’s doctors declined to do so.

Furthermore, the CDC applied W34 as the UCoD. What is W34 for?

‘accidental discharge and malfunction from other and unspecified firearms and guns.’

There is no mention of any firearms mishaps on the death certificate.

One would have to wonder how such an errant code came to be, especially on a death certificate that contains other ICD 10 shenanigans. It is unlikely that ‘Y590’ or ‘T881’ would be ‘misspelled’ or algorithmically mixed up with ‘W34.’

Perhaps if there were no other instances of fraudulent omittance of vaccine ICD codes on other death certificates, and the CDC wasn’t in the habit of routinely assigning U07.1 for a covid infection that resolved a year ago, the failure to include T88.1 or Y59.0 here could be excused.

At minimum, this death certificate should contain T88.0 – ‘Infection following immunization’ – to document the breakthrough infection (which is a subject for a separate article as this seems to be fairly widespread).

Additional Observations

The following table shows the date of death and age for all 9 death certificates shown above that identified a covid vaccine as a CoD:

It is striking that 7/9 died before May 2021. This is odd – if anything, the deaths should skew later, not earlier. Vaccine adverse events were denied – with maximum prejudice and then some – for many months before the medical mainstream has finally (begrudgingly) started to acknowledge that the covid vaccines can trigger potentially lethal pathologies (in exceedingly rare instances to be sure).

The clustering of death certificates mentioning a covid vaccine at the beginning of the rollout suggests that ‘administrative’ interference likely played a role in discouraging coroners from mentioning a covid vaccine on death certificates.

Another noteworthy tidbit here is the age of the decedents: every single one is a senior citizen, and the average age of the decedents is 80. This is important to highlight because whereas young people “dying suddenly” stands out, there has been much less attention or acknowledgement of the covid vaccine’s devastating toll upon the old and frail, where deaths – even those that occur in close proximity to vaccination – are readily attributed to prior health conditions.

Finally, the actions of the CDC call into question whether the CDC is altogether qualified or trustworthy enough to be the steward of the nation’s epidemiological data. The CDC manages many of the datasets that underpin whole fields of study. If the CDC is willing to fraudulently alter data (or even if the CDC is just too incompetent to avoid corrupting data), all data under the aegis of the CDC is potentially suspect, especially if it relates to a controversial political or social issue. The implications of this are disturbing, to say the least.

Center for Disease Crimes is not only in on the slow kill bioweapon eugenics program, but is profiting from it along with their BigPharma and Intelligence Industrial Complex partners-in-crime.

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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Posts: 28423
Tucson Az
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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #1 - 07/13/23 at 06:19:09
You got it on good authority that you don't source.

It appears to be from here.
A British conspiracy site.
A quick scan shows Climate change denial, Chem trails, Vaccine denial, Bilderbergers, etc.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #2 - 07/13/23 at 07:14:53
Just because it’s on that site doesn’t make it not true. A broken clock is right twice a day.

It’s an absolute certainty that Covid deaths were dramatically inflated. That’s not even an argument anymore. Everybody knows that.  The question is, was it done to be purposely deceptive?. That’s not as easy to answer.

People working for the CDC Infectious disease are by nature completely focused on bad outcomes. They literally see the glass half empty while the rest of us might see the glass half full. So when they see an 89-year-old with congestive heart failure who dies, and he test positive for Covid, they’re naturally gonna mark that as a death from Covid. Logical people look at that and say that guy died with Covid or he was gonna die anyway. The fact that we shut down schools because an 89-year-old with congestive heart failure died with Covid is ridiculous. We know that now.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #3 - 07/13/23 at 07:18:15
You expect to see it on cnn,do ya?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #4 - 07/13/23 at 07:35:19
In searching JOG’s post I have found.
Many web sites saying CDC LIED and COVERED UP even more than reported before.
 (NONE of them, Puppet Controlled propaganda outlets)

And all the BIG, ‘news’ places saying in articles dated 2020/21/22,
How Wonderful, Necessary, Effective the ’new’ vaccine is.
Not even those places reconfirmed how Wonderful the c-a9 vaccine is.

The, RELEASE of c-19, was a great experiment to determine the resistance to the ‘world order’ type government.
The Puppet masters KNEW,  there would be resistance, just not how much, and how effective.
Now the Puppet masters know more about how to control the Worlds populous, so when they do this again, there will be less resistance. Then the next time less. Then next time less. Then next time less.

Also found:
CBS,  Headline said
Deer spread COVID to humans multiple times
The FINE PRINT said:
Americans have transmitted COVID-19 to wild deer hundreds of times, an analysis of thousands of samples collected from the animals suggests, and
people have also caught and spread
mutated variants from deer
at least three times.

Golly Gee Wally Which Is it ?  
Ya mean a top, name, ‘news’ broadcast station.
Is Purposely NOT Telling the TRUTH ???????

And the UL,FDS, DFI, PUPPET LOVING Socialists,

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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YaBB Moderator

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Tucson Az
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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #5 - 07/13/23 at 07:38:17
WebsterMark wrote on 07/13/23 at 07:14:53:
It’s an absolute certainty that Covid deaths were dramatically inflated. That’s not even an argument anymore. Everybody knows that.

How many people got Covid but didn't report it?
That would make an undercount.

Did you get Covid?
Did you report it?
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Younger than most
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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #6 - 07/13/23 at 08:12:35
Serowbot wrote on 07/13/23 at 07:38:17:
" How many people got Covid but didn't report it? ..."

I give up,
how many ?

Wonder, 'how many' people died, WITH c-19, instead OF, c-19.
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #7 - 07/13/23 at 09:59:16
Serowbot wrote on 07/13/23 at 07:38:17:
WebsterMark wrote on 07/13/23 at 07:14:53:
It’s an absolute certainty that Covid deaths were dramatically inflated. That’s not even an argument anymore. Everybody knows that.

How many people got Covid but didn't report it?
That would make an undercount.

Did you get Covid?
Did you report it?


Are you thinking there are a lot of people who died with Covid during the Covid pandemic but they weren’t tested?

No reasonable person believes millions of people died of Covid. Sure a lot of people died of Covid but a lot of people died with Covid and those are two vastly different things.

The bottom line is many government officials dramatically overreacted to COVID. The company and industry I work for financially benefited greatly because of the overreaction. We sold millions of dollars worth of equipment that sit unused to this day. And we’re one of the honest companies, thete were companies that made absolute fortunes off garbage that accomplished absolutely nothing. It was pathetic to see.

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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #8 - 07/13/23 at 10:23:43
How many people died from the jab and the report covered up?
How many people GOT Covid DIDN'T DIE or even go to the Dr, and developed antibodies?

You Do Know that the point you're making is
Clvid,so deadly but you suspect the statistics were tilted by people who got it but didn't report it?
How? I'm thinking since it wasn't serious enough to even go to a doctor, they probably didn't die.

The fact that They Lied to the American people about how dangerous the DISEASE was is not connected in any way to anything else. Period. They ATTRIBUTED dead bodies to covid. People who were actually Dead,and maybe they even Had it, maybe not, does not matter. Not any. We were lied to. Some of us believed the lies. Some didn't.


Vocabulary word for the day.

And No, it would not make Death FROM Covid an undercount.
Getting it, getting over it, not reporting it
means that the actual danger OF covid Looks higher than it really is.

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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #9 - 07/13/23 at 19:04:21
 So we have been looking at ICD 10's in CO and found 12 similar documents.  The difference is CO research will release the overall numbers and Brownstone refuses.

 Incidentally, we still have zero motorcycle/automobile deaths listed as dying FROM Covid no matter how many people say they have seen it, nobody offers the actual cert.  Interesting we can get evidence of incorrect coding on ICD 10, but hundreds of thousands of "FROM" Covid incidents yield not one example.  I wonder why people can provide evidence on one topic, using the exact same CoD documents, but not the other.

 In any case, this has been going on for a while and while I think two of the examples here are a stretch, they are an example of how a system like this can be inaccurate.  I feel It's pointless to discuss here as some people might claim we should ignore, completely, the percentage of inaccurate entries because "the POINT is"...etc. so math as we know it is irrelevant thus no information is ever valuable or useable.  But at least there is a POINT.

In CO there are 12 that we know of, but on this forum we wouldn't dare look at the 38,433 that don't share this bad coding in the same data pools.  If we Observe 0.0312231676% of documents, so far, are incorrectly coded, we can't go forward saying "most" of them are fraudulent.  We would have to use an actual number.

 So it's best not to Observe the percentage so our Reality doesn't have to assess how damaging a 0.031 can be.  
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« Last Edit: 07/13/23 at 21:22:47 by Eegore »  
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Serious Thumper

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The Netherlands   Den Haag
Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #10 - 07/14/23 at 00:33:37
Serowbot wrote on 07/13/23 at 06:19:09:
You got it on good authority that you don't source.

It appears to be from here.
A British conspiracy site.
A quick scan shows Climate change denial, Chem trails, Vaccine denial, Bilderbergers, etc.

What you should not forget is that these kinds of web sites have been around for a long time and the people who run them have been doing these things for a long time. They warn us a long time ago about things that have become reality in recent years. What we call blind accepting. is based on years of experience for them.

Unfortunately, among the supporters are a large group of people who have a mental challenge and whose confidence is not very developed. For them I would say let it go and build a structured life for yourself.

If you want to fight a monster, you have to make sure that you don't become a monster yourself. And I see that happen all too often.

We must never forget that all of this is just another distraction to avoid going inside.
Because that's the biggest problem the world is under. We have lost contact with our soul.
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Do what you know is right. (you can always use fear as a counselor later)
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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #11 - 07/14/23 at 04:03:47
We must never forget that all of this is just another distraction to avoid going inside.
Because that's the biggest problem the world is under. We have lost contact with our soul.

I agree.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #12 - 07/14/23 at 05:50:00
We must never forget that all of this is just another distraction to avoid going inside.
Because that's the biggest problem the world is under. We have lost contact with our soul.

One difference to consider is WHO is creating the distraction. At the end of the day it's not unreasonable to put Satan's signature on it,but we can See the hands of men on it.
Everything is a distraction from something else. We decide what we will look at.

We can only Look at what we are allowed to see. Media are controlled.
Bush said
We create reality for you.

The world is not what it appears. The sophistication of the truly evil, anti humanity types who have been working to take it over is astonishing. The gentle minded,the unaware, the people who don't see behind the curtain, believing things they see aren't being manipulated, they have no clue.
Who didn't hear what Bush SAID?

He was laughing at us. About how futile it was for The Little People to try to understand WTF is really going on? He said, and I paraphrase..

While you are looking here,trying to understand reality,
We are over there, creating a new reality..

Evil pos,, He was The Lone Survivor of a weekend of death at a ranch in SW Texas when his dad was president. The sheriff was looking at George, til he got a call from dad.

Bush ,as governor, took Henry Lucas off of death row.
AFAIK, that is the only one. And he Did allow a mentally disabled woman to be killed.

Anyone who doesn't know who Lucas was, he was accused of being responsible for some killings around Odessa, too. If it wasn't in the paper, IDK,, but the people on the street thought it. There were some really vicious murders out there Back when he was killing people. A woman tied to a pump jack and slowly gutted.. Out where screams in the night won't be heard.. It was a strange time,, IIRC ,in 82 Odessa was the murder capital. The demographic of the dead was Me,, single white guys, in the fwiw department, I was really small, and usually alone. So it was interesting. And reason enough to carry a big knife, very sharp, with a plaited fob, that I could have in hand and open very quickly.

Ahh,remembering the old times, eh?

I know Bible believing people who don't know who is doing what, don't vote,don't interact in any way with the politics of the world. They believe that is right and good,because paying attention to that stuff is ignoring God,? I guess,, it's not something I have gotten them to explain.

Kinda difficult to
Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove
Living in ignorance.

And if we are to be without teeth, why would Jesus say

Sell your cloak,get a sword?

If Having weapons is wrong, why was Peter armed in the garden of Gethsemane?

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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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J Mac
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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #13 - 07/14/23 at 20:02:03
I don't know, because I didn't run out and get tested every time I got a sniffle like so many COVID ninnies did.  The tests were unreliable anyway.  Maybe EVERYBODY had the virus (like the Walking Dead) and many people just didn't have symptoms.  The three times I got tested (because I was forced to) showed negative.  The 3rd time I had a bad cold, and, imagine that, it was just a cold and not COVID.

Serowbot wrote on 07/13/23 at 07:38:17:
How many people got Covid but didn't report it?
That would make an undercount.

Did you get Covid?
Did you report it?

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Tucson Az
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Re: I've got it on good authority that this isn't
Reply #14 - 07/15/23 at 07:42:01
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 07/13/23 at 10:23:43:
Getting it, getting over it, not reporting it
means that the actual danger OF covid Looks higher than it really is.

Good point  Cool
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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