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Joys of growing old ! (Read 268 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 1453
surrey, b.c.
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Joys of growing old !
05/06/23 at 12:22:57
My 17 year old diagnosis "old man problem" came to a conclusion last Monday with a short surgery with a laser up the wazoo! Totally painless, but awkward having external plumbing for 3 days.
Was scheduled for last year, but would have happened in middle of motorcycle season, so I put it off until now.
Will probably celebrate by buying another bike! Open to suggestions!
Cheers!  Cool
ps: my urologist is a cool guy, owns both a Maserati and a Lambo !
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Serious Thumper

Thumpers Rule

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Manteca , CA
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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #1 - 05/06/23 at 17:47:03
Maybe something with 3 wheels , Zipi ?

I apologize , that was mean , but I couldn’t help myself. Maybe a Royal Enfield  , maybe best bang for your buck. Singles & Twins. What ya lookin at?
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Serious Thumper
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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #2 - 05/06/23 at 18:15:40
If you like older bikes there have been a number of BSA’s, triumphs, Yamaha’s & Kawasakis, singles, twins and a few triples selling for very good prices on eBay.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #3 - 05/06/23 at 21:16:49
Hay Zip

I really like my Royal Enfield Meteor .   It rides like a Suzuki Savage and handles just as well too, it just feels the same.    It also (like the Savage) is a high torque low HP machine for its size , imagine a 2/3 power savage geared to run 95mph , w/power to run 85mph (flat ground) , and a "Speed-Limiter" that cuts it off at 75mph (world market).
I've never got less than 75mpg and average 83mpg.  The flywheel is noticeably heavy and it feels good !  I understand 90 per/cent of the torque is available at 1800rpm with only 2 valves to mess with .   A real 20Hp-20ft/pounds Briggs and Stratton with a 5 speed transmission and a low seat.  Wink
It comes with a center stand also like bikes used to do .

Glad you getting better and healing up !  Smiley

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Serious Thumper

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surrey, b.c.
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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #4 - 05/06/23 at 22:45:01
2 days off the plumbing, almost no change to prior, this will be a slow upgrade.
Ranch: youtube riders are sending signals that the Meteor is slow on the uptake as well as top speed? Why not find a mid-teens S40? Is EFI/tubeless tires worth it ? The Hunter appeals to me more. New bikes come with $1000 shipping cost.
I have always wanted a 500 twin, GS or Ninja are cheap up here. Ideas?
Cheers!  Cool
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Serious Thumper

Thumpers Rule

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Manteca , CA
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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #5 - 05/07/23 at 09:54:05
I really like the Meteor,it’s a great looking bike. I would remove the 2up backrest and ride the crap out of it. However I love singles and for some a 350 just isn’t enough.

Growing old isn’t for pus$ies , you gotta be the toughest you’ve ever been !
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Serious Thumper

Thumpers Rule

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Manteca , CA
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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #6 - 05/07/23 at 10:09:09
I was going to suggest finding a low mileage, late model Savage. Even I keep my eyes open for one. Yeah even Ruttly wants a nice stock S40.
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Serious Thumper

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surrey, b.c.
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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #7 - 05/07/23 at 12:19:30
Dreamin' here: think of an S40 with Bosch EFI, tubeless tires, trip ODO, bigger brakes: Buy!
Saw a vid on Legends Cars: they ship all over the world, and cut an exclusive deal with Yamaha to sell them 1200cc motors. In my dreams, I'd do that with Suzuki for S40 motors and a frame supplier.
Cheers!  Cool
ps: Forgot: KTM/Husquvarna has already done it !  Angry Angry Angry
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #8 - 05/07/23 at 16:12:46
You'll know Exactly how cool he is when you tell him that, since he's getting paid for working on you he needs to let you drive one of them. I don't even know How many expensive cars I've helped pay for..
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Serious Thumper

Thumpers Rule

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Manteca , CA
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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #9 - 05/07/23 at 16:57:29
Guy I did my apprenticeship with used to race the legend class cars. Those little cars are bullet fast. I guess maybe could have been like along time ago now.  Grin
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #10 - 05/07/23 at 20:08:55
I like the 85mpg is one of the short assures.  The speed limit is 55 where I live and TN's default speed limit is 45 unless other-wise marked.   So the ability to easy around at 55 to 70 is more than enough.    My Savage struggled to get 55mpg and liked to do the same speeds as the Meteor likes to do , they are both geared about the same (92+95mph red-lines) .
the 650 pulls like a V-8 and the 350 pulls like an in line six .  
Not that I didn't enjoy my years with a Savage then latter with the S40 , but the 30mpg difference and the 250 miles cruise range is not a bad thing.
The other is
I'm not a Hooligan anymore and I also have another bike (53mpg-Guzzi) if the Super-Slab is involved in the day plan.    

Hay zip , I had a GS500 that I bought for $300. with all the plastic broken and had not been cranked-up in 2 years.   I fixed it up with a round headlight and quiet muffler rode it for a while then sold it for a $1000.00.    
It pulled stronger than the S-40 I had at the same time and would wine up seemly forever !
The sitting position and the twin carbs put me in mind of selling it , but if that motor could be on a Savage frame I'd still have it.   It always got 60+mpg and had "good enough" low rpm torque.   I had the idea to put the motor into a Savage frame too , but I got lazy when a young feller came around wanting to buy it.
Roll Eyes

Life is short then ya get too old to ride ... so ... just go get the bike ya want - when ya want it !    I figure about time I cross 100 years then I'll get an electric Moped step-through and a flashy helmet ?  Grin
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« Last Edit: 05/07/23 at 21:34:46 by MMRanch »  

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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1453
surrey, b.c.
Gender: male
Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #11 - 05/07/23 at 21:31:14
My old body never told my old brain that I am past hooliganism!
Right now I am watching WSBK from Catalunya, and itching for a taste!
Maybe I just should buy something cheap and do a rebuild for resale, good idea!
Cheers!  Cool
ps: if we all lived in reality rather than fantasy, no one would need anything larger than 650/750. Boring.................
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #12 - 05/07/23 at 21:39:45
: if we all lived in reality rather than fantasy, no one would need anything larger than 650/750  

Hay , I remember when a 750cc bike was a "SUPER-BIKE" .   It don't seem like very long ago either ...  Roll Eyes

Then there came that 850 Norton Commando !   WoW !!   Why would anybody ever need a bike like that ?    The Honda 305 Dream would do anything a person ever needed to do  Huh

Them old/smaller bikes were and still are fun to ride , it don't take a lot of HP to have a nice ride.
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I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see.
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Serious Thumper

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surrey, b.c.
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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #13 - 05/07/23 at 22:03:10
My '68 BSA Thunderbolt took me everywhere!
The 750 Commando was paradise on earth!
Cheers!  Cool
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Joys of growing old !
Reply #14 - 05/07/23 at 22:16:12

That's really close to my Guzzi V7 on paper !

This is what it feels like to ride the Royal Enfield 350 motor , but with a 3 year bumper to bumper warrantee :
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I see and feel the Holy Spirit in the world , as does anybody who has eyes to see.
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