Jetting for the 30mm Amal will start with stock jetting of the 28mm as per my Haynes manual. Elevation here is about 57 feet above sea level , so I dial it in for sea level , any mountainous rides will require some smaller main jets , the needle is in the lowest possible position so main jet is only way to adjust for elevation , idle mixture screw has no effect above idle. My only change is the slide , I will use a 3 1/2 cut away instead of a 3 , in anticipation of it needing extra air off of idle on the snap. Not building a race bike , LOL , I demand perfect jetting , it gets you max performance and possibly max fuel mileage. I like good fuel mileage , performance is my final goal !
Amal Concentric 930
3 1/2 slide cut away
106 needle jet
2 ring needle , clip in top groove ( lowest needle position )
200 main jet
1 1/2 turns out to start for idle mixture
Initial settings , definitely close , any main jet corrections will be due to porting & exhaust changes. We will see if she is a turd or a turd with a bit of an attitude , cause all my bikes have an attitude ! Not building a race bike , honest , trust me !