Michael Moore wrote on 07/10/24 at 21:52:54:Where's the fun in just buying one when you can have a project that will take you days and cost you XXX% more?

After all, you've been changing carburetors and exhausts and stuff on your bike when you could just buy one of the new Ducati Hyper singles for $13K and avoid all the fooling around.
Naaa. $70 for a PWK38 carb, air filter, and jets needed to get the bike running, and I have a $40 dyna muffler in my back pocket for later. The SuperTrapp muffler came off a parts bike - I had to understand how that thing worked. It got sold on E.Bay.
A simplified battery box would be cool while your messin’ with side covers! Or how about ONE big side cover for everything!? Put it on a swinging gate with a keyless latch! Paint it black of course and put a #69 on it!
Sorry. I’m a bit punchy and bitchy. No power for 3 days now following Hurricane Beryl. Trying to get by with a small generator and small window AC unit when the heat index is like 105°! Finally getting a little better cell phone service back and ability to communicate with the outside world!