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Tachometer Installation: Ryca Mini Tach (Read 409 times)
Serious Thumper

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Tachometer Installation: Ryca Mini Tach
11/24/17 at 11:21:43
When installing a Ryca Mini Tach to my bike, I found a lot of useful information on, however the information is scattered throughout some old posts and can be difficult to fish out. I decided to compile the information here for anyone looking to install one. I’ve also added some information that I picked up along the way.

I think the Ryca Mini Tach is a good choice for three reasons:

1. It looks good, is of good quality, and looks as stock on our bikes as any aftermarket product could look.
2. It is an electronic tach. It reads off the ignition coil as opposed to a cable, so it’s simple to install.
3. It has a range up to only 8000 rpm (as opposed to the 13k and beyond of many other tachs). Our bikes generally run in the 3k to 5k range.

This is what the tach looks like:

Here is a link to the Ryca product page:

Mounting  the Tach

As for mounting the tach, Ryca sell a bracket (I think it costs too much for what it is, and I don't like the mounting position). Or, you can make your own bracket from aluminium plate. Here is a link to a thread that references two methods to make a homemade bracket.
T140V’s Method:

These methods were created by forum-users Todd James and T140V (I used Todd’s method). Unfortunately, many of the image links in the thread are broken but the following images will give you an idea of how they look:

Todd James Method:

T140V Method:

Connecting the Tach

For this method you will need to remove the tank to get access to the area where the wires from the tach will be connected. Instructions for removing the tank are here:

The tach has four wires.

Green – this wire supplies the input for the tach’s display. It gets connected to the bike’s ignition coil.

Black – this is the ‘ground’ wire. It gets connected to the bike’s frame.

Red & Blue – these provide power to the tach. They both get connected to a power source that is switched when the key is on. In this case we’re using the power supply to the bike’s horn.

You don’t need to cut and splice any wires if you don’t want to. All the points we are connecting to have spade connectors (plugs). It’s possible to simply disconnect the plug in question, then insert the end of the wire from the tach into the connector, and ensure the wire is wedged between the male and female connectors. I ran it like this for a couple of months and it worked fine.

The following two images show the connection points:

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S40, 2014, Dyna, Raptor, 52.5/152.5, spacer mod, sea level, cat-eye LED tail light, bullet style halogen turn signals, 'Superbars' with custom 40mm risers, modified stock seat, Metzeler tyres.
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Todd James
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Mansfield, Ohio
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Re: Tachometer Installation: Ryca Mini Tach
Reply #1 - 11/27/17 at 21:20:24

I updated my original post so the pictures of the tachometer
installation are restored now.

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2007 S40, Dyna, 52.5/150, .073 Spacer, 2 Turns
2007 Sportster 1200, V&H Pipes
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Serious Thumper

It doesn't vibrate,
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Posts: 1147
The Kiewa Valley, Australia
Gender: male
Re: Tachometer Installation: Ryca Mini Tach
Reply #2 - 11/27/17 at 23:08:08
Nice one Todd  Grin
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S40, 2014, Dyna, Raptor, 52.5/152.5, spacer mod, sea level, cat-eye LED tail light, bullet style halogen turn signals, 'Superbars' with custom 40mm risers, modified stock seat, Metzeler tyres.
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YaBB Newbies

1950s racer boi

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Re: Tachometer Installation: Ryca Mini Tach
Reply #3 - 08/18/19 at 08:27:30
Thank you, IslandRoad! A couple years down the line, but at the moment this post is timeless! Smiley
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2015 w/ Burly Outlaw fairing, Drilled stock exhaust, protuned carb, reverse risers.
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YaBB Newbies

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Green Cove Springs Fla
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Re: Tachometer Installation: Ryca Mini Tach
Reply #4 - 03/27/22 at 17:52:39
Thanks for the help. I found it after I posted. Tach installed again. Much more useful on the s40 than the c50 Lehman trike.
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Junior Member

Posts: 57

Re: Tachometer Installation: Ryca Mini Tach
Reply #5 - 04/22/22 at 07:51:43
Great timing, as I was just getting ready to install the tach on my 96 Savage winter project.  Thank you!!!!

I wound up using a Drag Specialties electronic tach that for all intents and purposes is the same as the Ryca tach.  These tachs are readily available from several sources (Dennis Kirk, OEM Cycle, ect.) and are in the $88.00 range.  I chose to use the white face model (Part #2211-0058) or you can get the black face model (Part #2211-0057).  Thanks again for the update!
Carry on!!  wiguzziman
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