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No amnesty is a good amnesty (Read 43 times)
Serious Thumper

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No amnesty is a good amnesty
09/14/17 at 05:14:26

The short versof this story is when you heard 800,000 DACA "kids", it's really more like 4,000,000.

September 13, 2017

Donald Trump is being told that amnesty for "Dreamers," or DACA recipients, will only apply to a small, narrowly defined group of totally innocent, eminently deserving illegal immigrants, who were brought to this country "through no fault of their own" as "children." (Children who are up to 36 years old.)

Every syllable of that claim is a lie, and I can prove it.

To see how DACA will actually work, let's look at another extremely limited amnesty that was passed in 1986.

Farmers wanted temporary guest-worker permits for their cheap labor, so that they could continue pretending that the Industrial Revolution never happened and refuse to mechanize. (And, boy, did that work! We haven't heard a peep about "crops rotting in the fields" since then.)

The agricultural amnesty was supposed to apply to -- at most -- 350,000 illegal aliens. It would be available only to illegals who were currently in the country doing the back-breaking farm work that no American would do. Without them, crops would wither on the vine. They were saving us from starvation!

Talk about deserving. Are any Dreamers saving us from starvation?

But instead of guest-worker permits, then-Rep. Charles Schumer -- from the lush farmland of Brooklyn -- decided to grant full amnesty to any illegals who had done farm work for at least 90 days in the previous year.

That's pretty restrictive, isn't it?

In the end, "up to 350,000 farm workers" turned into 1.3 million.

Oh well, what are you going to do? No use worrying -- let's just move forward and get all these people voter registration cards!

This innocent little amnesty for a small, clearly defined group of illegals quickly became amnesty for anyone who applied. The same thing will happen with any other amnesty, no matter how strictly the law is written. (And it won't be written strictly.)

In the first few years of the agricultural amnesty, internal Immigration and Naturalization Service statistics showed that 888,637 legalization applications were fraudulent. According to immigration agents, "farm workers" stated in their interviews that cotton was purple or that they had pulled cherries from the ground.

Of the 888,637 fraudulent applications, guess how many our government approved. Answer: More than 800,000.

The agricultural amnesty was so carefully administered that not one, but TWO of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers were in this country because of it. (More on that in another column.)

The main problem with the farm worker amnesty, the DACA amnesty or any amnesty is that everyone involved in the entire immigration apparatus is feverishly working, on the taxpayer's dime, to transform this country into a Third World hellhole. Lawyers for La Raza and lawyers for the government both believe it is their mission to humiliate and destroy white Christian America. (Actually, this country is "biracial Christian America," plus a few Amerindians and anyone else who assimilated to Western European culture.)

There are multitudes of them, and they will never, ever stop.

Congress could pass a law granting amnesty to any 7-foot-tall, left-handed, red-headed illegal aliens from Lichtenstein -- and hundreds of left-wing outfits would instantly set to work, demanding amnesty for witch doctors, cannibals, pederasts, terrorists and the rest of the multicultural universe that makes America so vibrant.

On the other side of the application process would be government immigration bureaucrats who either used to work at La Raza, or hope to in the future.

On the off chance that some particularly risible amnesty application is denied by a stodgy rules-follower in our immigration bureaucracy, that denial will be litigated before a federal judge in Hawaii, then appealed to the Ninth Circuit.

For two decades after the 1986 amnesty, the federal courts were tied up with dozens of class-action lawsuits brought on behalf of illegal aliens -- regular illegal aliens, farm worker illegal aliens and still-in-Mexico illegal aliens -- challenging every aspect of the law.

Is that how American tax dollars should be spent? On endless litigation, brought by America-hating activists on behalf of people who have no right to be in our country and decided by Democrat-appointed judges? (Who are also America-hating activists.)

And when their work is done, there will be a lot more Democrat-appointed judges because there will be a lot more Democrats.

Lawyers sued over everything -- the absence of Creole interpreters, the requirement that illegals have proof of prior farm work and the rare denials of amnesty. Congress desperately tried passing laws that would prevent courts from hearing these cases -- all to no avail. Left-wing lawyers just had to pick the right judge, and they won.

In 2005 -- nearly 20 years after the 1986 amnesty -- the Ninth Circuit was still granting amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who claimed they had been unfairly denied because they were not in the country for the first amnesty. Seriously.

No matter how the law is written, as long as anyone is eligible for amnesty, everybody's getting amnesty.

President Trump is the last president who will ever have a chance to make the right decision on immigration. After this, it's over. The boat will have sailed.

If he succeeds, all the p@ssy-grabbing and Russia nonsense will burn off like a morning fog. He will be the president who saved the American nation, its character, its sovereignty, its core identity. But if he fails, Donald Trump will go down in history as the man who killed America.

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Serious Thumper

Posts: 11551
pacific northwest
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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #1 - 09/14/17 at 09:16:08

Ann has a zeal for expressing her thoughts in a manner that would do the screen writers in Hollywood proud, however......

Lets look at reality, a failed immigration system.
Its not failed on the part of those folks who come here seeking a chance to provide support to those they love, no.
It has failed because those we elect, and the parties charged with this duty, have failed.

The voting argument is pretty weak, I think the right is afraid of their own shadow, not reality.
Or in with those capitalist who benefit greatly, off of this so called cheap labor.

If the democrats win over new citizens on promises to "give" them everything, they would have to deliver, or maybe these new voters turn conservative voters.

The(se) argument(s) appear more without merit, everyday, but sadly, our elected have not addressed this issue for decades, through administrations, and majorities, on both sides of the isle.....

That is the BIG question.....

Not going after folk who only want a chance.

It reminds me of the strict draconian mindset of going after a illegal drug user, when caught, if this person has any assets at all, he is punished with fines, and a "record" which CLEARLY impacts his/her ability to climb up the social/financial ladder because of the dogma attached to their lapse of judgement/mistake, etc.

Lots of ripe fruit for the local authoritarians to pluck, giving opportunity to others, to pile on, like insurance premiums, etc.

The big organized crime machines that provide these drugs, uh, too much fuss to deal with, they got their own BIG guns to thwart off any threats, etc, so its not cost effective to pursue them.

Its not as Ann honey says, obliviously, now is it, or all would have seen it years ago.
And even as it was deemed a threat, years ago, we somehow still manage to go forward without any mass calamity, that seems a fact, to me.
Hopefully when the swamp is drained, we will see the remnants of why, on the bottom of the pond, all covered in years of ooze.

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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 11551
pacific northwest
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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #2 - 09/14/17 at 09:21:51
Messiah........ is that you, my Lord?

If he succeeds, all the p@ssy-grabbing and Russia nonsense will burn off like a morning fog. He will be the president who saved the American nation, its character, its sovereignty, its core identity. But if he fails, Donald Trump will go down in history as the man who killed America.

Give me a f'n break, GAWD, such theatrics.....
One man, over such a minute time span, in the historical sense of this nation, DOES NOT have the capacity to KILL America, my gawd!

Hitler couldn't do it to Germany, or many other evil people in this world.
Somehow the sun will rise, again, it always has, it always will.
Ann needs to get laid a little more often, and get out of her head.
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #3 - 09/14/17 at 11:23:03
Its not failed on the part of those folks who come here seeking a chance to provide support to those they love, no.
It has failed because those we elect, and the parties charged with this duty, have failed.

Sorry, but if you think that through, it makes no sense. That's like the kid caught stealing blaming society, judges, politicians etc.

Inherent in moving a large number of people with nothing to a new country is the fact, they still have nothing. It's one thing to have a work visa system, its quite another to turn a blind eye to illegal boarder crossing and then grant citizenship when the numbers get so large they present a substantial voting block but that and cheap labor is all they have to offer.

Her point is well made however. Let's say Trump doesn't make any changes to immigration in what will surely be his only term if he doesn't. The DACA illegals are granted citizenship and no permanent wall is built. Whatever laws are passed instead of building a wall, as Coulter pointed out, will be basically ignored litigated into nothingness.

What's the next conservative President going to do? Trump had a mandate to act, it's why many voted for him. it doesn't appear he's doing it. You think a more conventional politician is going to fight that fight against the media, against the entertainment culture? Yea, good luck.....

If Trump doesn't build a wall and stop illegal immigration, the US will continue it's march to a 2nd world country status and then it will eventually resemble Mexico: a $hithole outside of tourist areas.
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Serious Thumper

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pacific northwest
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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #4 - 09/14/17 at 11:47:38
On the surface, of this observation by you:
Sorry, but if you think that through, it makes no sense. That's like the kid caught stealing blaming society, judges, politicians etc.

I will grant your argument merit, however, we now need to assess degree.
Would you throw the lawful book after a man who steals a loaf of bread, to feed his starving neighbor, as one who steals it to sell and profit himself?

Immigration is a major concern, only in the fact to sovereignty and security of those threats, like Muslim Extremist, etc.

I would not put the migrant farm worker in that same degree.
Yes, his illegality of status still is in conflict with our laws, but that is because the enforcement of, or intent, is not fully implemented or utilized, because his very presence, creates conflict WITHIN our own laws.

Its a mess, indeed, but it is being pitched for political posturing, and that has even added more confusion and raised the obstacles to repairing (it).

C'mon Web, a fricken wall....WTF is that?

I like how Bot said, "they will just get a bigger ladder"

He is right.

The fix is in not denying these folk a chance to a better life, nor do I think you are promoting that either.
I asked on a different thread why we don't give support to these folks where they live, in their native land, instead of waiting of them to become a problem here?

Seems like if the USA did more of this before it became fever pitch, we could solve lots of problems before they BECOME problems.....

I dunno.
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #5 - 09/14/17 at 12:10:32
I will grant your argument merit, however, we now need to assess degree.
Would you throw the lawful book after a man who steals a loaf of bread, to feed his starving neighbor, as one who steals it to sell and profit himself? That is an argument that has no merit in today's world. We have a multitude of outlets who gladly give food away, no one starves to death in the US because they can't find food. Crime today is rarely related to the necessities of survival. And I agree that I don't blame illegal immigrants for trying to sneak into the country. Because it is better than their $hithole. But if it were harder to get in, they wouldn't try. Right now, we make it so easy, why does Mexico need to change? Their number one cash source is American dollars being sent back across the boarder. Admittedly, I'm not positive that's true but it wouldn't surprise me either.  

Immigration is a major concern, only in the fact to sovereignty and security of those threats, like Muslim Extremist, etc.

I would not put the migrant farm worker in that same degree.
Yes, his illegality of status still is in conflict with our laws, but that is because the enforcement of, or intent, is not fully implemented or utilized, because his very presence, creates conflict WITHIN our own laws.

Here we disagree. Illegal immigration is a slow death march for a nation, especially given our low birth rates. Read up on the demographics of many European countries. Why would Muslims invade France when all they have to do is wait the French people out....

Its a mess, indeed, but it is being pitched for political posturing, and that has even added more confusion and raised the obstacles to repairing (it).

C'mon Web, a fricken wall....WTF is that?

I like how Bot said, "they will just get a bigger ladder"

He is right.

To everyone who brings up that argument I say do you have a fence in your yard? A lock on your door? Yes, of course you do. Of course it will work. Fences work. Ask the Hungarians if the fences they've built recently work or not.

The fix is in not denying these folk a chance to a better life, nor do I think you are promoting that either.
I asked on a different thread why we don't give support to these folks where they live, in their native land, instead of waiting of them to become a problem here?

I agree. The US must remain strong in order to support the rest of the world. Turning us in to Northern Mexico won't help.

Seems like if the USA did more of this before it became fever pitch, we could solve lots of problems before they BECOME problems.....

I dunno.
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Serious Thumper

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pacific northwest
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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #6 - 09/14/17 at 13:06:16
I think you know my stealing argument was greatly hyped, but it doesn't change the legal principals......

I would like to see what others think, hopefully expanding some views on the issue.

I have presently one last question for you Web, if I may.....
I believe I already know your answer, but I would like clarity on it, ok?

I think when we argue in generalities, it leaves too much wiggle room in trying to lock down a consensus of understandings.

The question:

What should we do to those "dreamers"?
I know some, they do in fact live as Americans, this is their home.
They send no money to Mexico, their life is here.
I have no ties, nor feelings of aligiance to England or Germany, where my dads family immigrated from, none.
I trust these dreamers feel much the same way as I.
I also know a few who own their own home and businesses, contributing to the "American Dream" of others by their very participation.

Why would the USA benifit by forcing them to return to their native land, or leveling added burdens to their lives?
They have achieved success, this is Americana at its best, yes?
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #7 - 09/14/17 at 13:58:04
What should we do to those "dreamers"?

No we shouldn't deport them. But..... we do two things.
1) we build a freaking wall
2) we give them a path towards official citizenship but ONLY if we build a wall.

Otherwise, all we'll get is what's happened since Regan's first amnesty; more illegals.  If we don't do something to stop illegals,, all we're doing is incentivizing more illegals.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #8 - 09/14/17 at 14:17:17
Could this "wall" be one of legal structure so sound in its foundation, which would require architects that push a pencil with right and left hands, that it could stand for years to come, as opposed to a physical wall that can often keep in, what it is, trying to keep out.....???
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #9 - 09/14/17 at 16:04:33
Good going, Mark
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: No amnesty is a good amnesty
Reply #10 - 09/15/17 at 09:58:32

 The difference between the fence around my property, the one in Hungaria and the one along Mexico is that Hungaria and I don't have millions of people and even more millions of dollars on the inside of the fence trying to get people in.
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