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Keepin' it classy, hey tweety? (Read 298 times)
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Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #15 - 07/16/17 at 09:37:09
raydawg wrote on 07/15/17 at 19:59:55:
Oh tweety is bad, well let me qualify that.....
I don't care for the man I see, personally.
I don't know the real man, only what I see from far away.
I don't care for his body language, or the way he argues.
I have a hard time liking him.

If it wasn't for the craziness and zealous attacks by extremely emotional journalists, politicians, etc.
I feel I could get behind a movement to insure he only does one term.
However, this freaking out in mere speculation, innuendo, and a ever evolving new claim of something, and their remedies, is a greater threat to our system of governing that anything I have seen substantiated against him.
This "resists" will become the new normal, for the out of power party from now on, while Rome burns....

First paragraph, I don’t totally agree. Many people did not like past Presidents, but while voicing their views, and pointing out things that he did,  they never  Spun, Cheated, and totally out and out  LIED. Like they are now.
Personally, Trumps Body Language, (Ray Charles could have read),  YET, he has done  SEVERAL  Good things for this Nation.
As to a 2nd term, let’s see what this first one is, first.
If he keep doing all those little things, (by swimming Up Stream), A 2nd is certainly in order.
If not,  a good solid, 3rd party,  (NOT A NUT JOB WACKO).  
       One, Who is  NOT,  ‘Establishment’,   AND, has TESTOSTERONE  !!!!!.

The 2nd part.  Totally Agree.  I Believe it is the Liberal Dems, bolstered, by some Reps, who, NOW, can not LINE THEIR POCKETS, as fast.
So the Dems, with the Reps, with the,  ‘Establishment’,  (Which, ALL 3, are, LINING POCKETS, with your money).  Because Trump is doing his best, to  Stop that.

I Wonder what he could do, if he did not have to spend time and effort, of  Defending, LIES !
But, the ‘Establishment’, the,  ‘Liberal Dems’, (of course not all of them), the ‘Liberal’, Reps, and the, ‘hidden’ people, who’s goal, it to  ONLY,  LINE THEIR PERSONAL POCKETS, with your money.
Are going to do everything they can do, to see that does not happen.
Which includes,  LIEING, and manipulating, Media.
JUST, so they can keep,  Lining their  Personal Pockets, with YOUR  money.

So their is the Problem, as I see it.
What to DO ?
Contact, your  PAID, representatives,
(Ya Know, the ones YOU PAY, to fly in a Private Jet, while you fly coach, with 18” of leg room)
Everybody, calls, (and gives their thoughts, to a secretaries, secretary aid, who has a aid, who has assigned that job to a intern)
or,  sends a e-mail, or, files out a post card, which was sent to you.
 (Yea if a whole bunch did that)
BUT, if YOU, craft a letter, handwritten, or on a W.P., on your letterhead.
That ONE, will count more than 1,000 of the others.

So where are the, ‘Reasonable’, Dems, telling the Party,
  YOU DON’T  Represent me, by your Actions ??????

Where are the Black Skinned people, telling the BLM, people,
who, Riot, Loot, Destroy, Steel, Block Traffic, Shout Death Treats, etc.
YOU DON’T  Represent me, by your Actions ??????

Where are the Muslims,
when 15 (+/-) % of other Muslims,
Kill, Bomb, Throw people off roofs, etc, etc,
Why are they not saying:
YOU DON’T  Represent me, by your Actions ??????

Where are the LGBT People,
When other LGBT people,
Have a, ‘parade’, (Acting really dumb, and wearing, Very Little, if any)
Why do they not say:
YOU DON’T  Represent me, by your Actions ??????

Perhaps, the actions, of those few, DO, represent, the rest.

I Don’t think so.
And I Believe, MANY, of them, have, expressed their views.
Just that the, ‘controlling’ factors don’t let them.
By, controlling what …  (See Above) !
And for the reason, …   (See Above)  !

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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #16 - 07/16/17 at 09:46:01
They're playing with fire. The Silent Majority elected Trump. Now, the establishment and their created splinter groups of society, each believing that they have been wronged, are clamouring for their piece of the pie, entitled and angry and without any consideration for the people who hold to the ideas that Created the Nation they Hate are all working to destroy Trump.
Well, be aware,  Ohhh useful idiots,
The Silent Majority is under no obligation to remain silent.

The people who are excited about destroying trump are working to undermine the people who elected him.
The people who elected him have been wanting SOMEONE not Establishment and predictable, like Obama and his wanton destruction of Libya and the murder of Gadhaffi. We got him. Maybe. Hard to know for sure. He's done a couple of things I agree with.
Bunches I don't. Not sure about his intentions, but Hillary was a clear threat.
Take away the hope from the people, see how it goes.
I'm glad I'm old and unable to get involved. If today's events were thirty years ago, I'd be in the thick of things.
I'll cheer from the sidelines.

The neocons and liberals created the support for Trump. People saw this election as the Last Chance to save America. They saw that another More of the Same administration would continue the downward spiral and elected the only possible option to obvious ruin. Trump laid out about Fifteen bubs... why? Do you actually believe the people didn't see his flaws?
Take a step into your own propaganda.
Be tolerant. Accept the loss and support your president. Then, after he's done what he can, look at your world and decide if you're better off.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #17 - 07/16/17 at 09:51:46
I agree Web.....
And I think its calculated by Trump, sorta of the same thing Rush use to do before he became just another celebrity.
Those who took his bait didn't, realize the irony of the ploy......
But a lot were too dumb to connect the dots, to see how revealing it was about themselves.
Instead of using it as a learning moment, they get angry, etc, and act out with emotions, failing to see its themselves, that cause their paradox.

Pigheadedness, stubbornness, useful fools..... the resulting, but too, Trump should know once lit, a match can burn he who struck it.....

That is what I don't like about the technique.
On its face its manipulative and disingenuous, with too much residual consequence that becomes a NEW problem to hurdle......

Lets be adults, talk straight, engage, dialogue.......
I know the media loves titillation of stirring the pot, but their motives is ratings and wealth, NOT, the good of those folk who elected the politician to represent them.

By NOT giving our votes to politicians who play to the media, and political up-manship, with what Hillary use to call, "gotcha's" until of course she could play one.....  Grin

Will be the fix for this.....
If we can clean our own closet, not worry about the others, but change what WE can.

Everything else, more laws, political correctness doctrine, punishment, censorship, none of it will work.....
Like that match, it will just light aflame new grievances, problems, and issues.

Stop the tweets.
Hold more press conferences, explain yourself......
Truth will always resonant, as it stands high above the lies, deceit, and fake news.

However, looking at Trumps past, he plays life more like a poker game, where winning the pot with the hand your dealt, is the reason for your actions justified.
It takes more money than the hand is worth, to win the pot, and that is only if you can get your opponent to fold first.

Edit: If "truth" was the norm, no need to "spin" or to cover up, I can give you a GREAT example of how history would have changed, FOR THE BETTER....

When Monica and Bill became public, if he would have stood up, like a HONEST MAN, and said something like this:

" I have made some bad personal choices in my life, however, they are in my personal life, not the public. What I did was wrong, make no mistake about that. I hurt people, and I need to make amends and seek help, and I will.
I will not take any further questions on this event, for it will serve as no use to those I hurt, or in overcoming these issues I have personally.
I know many want to capitalize on my weakness, however, you will do it without my participation.
Thank you.

If that had been the case, those who would have tried to chase the story, would look like the National Enquirer wanna be reporters....
The opposition party would appear as desperate and without merit, if they tried to fan the story, hopefully to their own demise....

The Nation would have prospered much better as time, energy, resources, could have been directed at issues the pertain to the sovereignty and welfare of the country, and not on something that SUCKED it away  Grin

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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #18 - 07/16/17 at 15:54:26
Funny that no one can stay on track in a thread....

Oh well - I wonder if anyone dare answer....

Why do you seem to apologize for our president?

I emphasize 'seem' because I have yet to hear any of you say that the country would be better off without him.

Come clean dear readers.... do you think that our president is fit to serve?

this ought to be good.....
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Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #19 - 07/16/17 at 16:28:02
T And T Garage wrote on 07/16/17 at 15:54:26:
Oh well - I wonder if anyone dare answer....

Why do you seem to apologize for our president?

I emphasize 'seem' because I have yet to hear any of you say that the country would be better off without him.

this ought to be good.....

I don't apologize for anything, he is precisely the man for the job.  I would almost say it is divine intervention that put him in office.  

Best regards,
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Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #20 - 07/16/17 at 16:31:23
Why would you expect of others, not what you yourself will do?

THIS...... ought to be good.
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #21 - 07/17/17 at 06:17:42
pg wrote on 07/16/17 at 16:28:02:
T And T Garage wrote on 07/16/17 at 15:54:26:
Oh well - I wonder if anyone dare answer....

Why do you seem to apologize for our president?

I emphasize 'seem' because I have yet to hear any of you say that the country would be better off without him.

this ought to be good.....

I don't apologize for anything, he is precisely the man for the job.  I would almost say it is divine intervention that put him in office.  

Best regards,

LOL - well, you certainly don't disappoint, do you??

I'm sure you're happy with all that he's accomplished thus far... oh wait....

Well, I'm sure you're proud of him locking up hillary... oh wait....

Well, I'm sure you're proud of how got that wall built... oh wait...

Well, I'm sure that you're proud that he's taken less vacations than Obama... oh wait...

Well, I'm sure you're proud that he got his cabinet up and running already... oh wait....

Well, I'm sure you're proud that his approval rating is so high... oh, wait...

Well, I'm sure you're just.... so..... proud......

You do you.... you go Glenn Coco
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #22 - 07/17/17 at 06:21:17
raydawg wrote on 07/16/17 at 16:31:23:
Why would you expect of others, not what you yourself will do?

THIS...... ought to be good.

Umm, huh?

How can you write prose (pretty well, actually), but not make sense in a regular post?

ray - I simply put out a question on whether or not people think our current president is fit to serve....

I don't think he is.  I'm interested in others that do, and how they rationalize it.

Simple as that.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #23 - 07/17/17 at 07:45:35
T And T Garage wrote on 07/17/17 at 06:17:42:
LOL - well, you certainly don't disappoint, do you??

I'm sure you're happy with all that he's accomplished thus far... oh wait....

Well, I'm sure you're proud of him locking up hillary... oh wait....

Well, I'm sure you're proud of how got that wall built... oh wait...

Well, I'm sure that you're proud that he's taken less vacations than Obama... oh wait...

Well, I'm sure you're proud that he got his cabinet up and running already... oh wait....

Well, I'm sure you're proud that his approval rating is so high... oh, wait...

Well, I'm sure you're just.... so..... proud......

You do you.... you go Glenn Coco

He is making on honest effort to achieve what he campaigned on.  Sure, not all of if is going to happen I understand some of it is rhetoric.  However, he put on Gorsuch to court and will probably have another go within the next year or two.  Approximately 100 federal appointments as well.  He is trying to repeal Barrycare.  He is making an honest effort to secure the borders.  He removed us from Paris agreement.  He removed numerous counter productive regulations that hamper corporate productivity by the previous administration.  

So sure, I'm pleased and we are only six months in!!

Best regards,
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #24 - 07/17/17 at 07:59:58
pg wrote on 07/17/17 at 07:45:35:
He is making on honest effort to achieve what he campaigned on.  Sure, not all of if is going to happen I understand some of it is rhetoric.  However, he put on Gorsuch to court and will probably have another go within the next year or two.  

LOL - yeah, he was told to and the pubs slid it through their ranks... Obama's pick (with 9 months left in his term) didn't even get a hearing... how about that?

Approximately 100 federal appointments as well.  He is trying to repeal Barrycare.  

LOL - how's that working out?  Remember, he's got a republican Congress....

He is making an honest effort to secure the borders.  He removed us from Paris agreement.  

BFD - he's made it worse for the US in trade now - and that Paris accord has something to do with it.

He removed numerous counter productive regulations that hamper corporate productivity by the previous administration.  

So sure, I'm pleased and we are only six months in!!

Best regards,

Wow... there are no words though....  just... whatever...
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #25 - 07/17/17 at 12:06:31
OL - yeah, he was told to and the pubs slid it through their ranks

Pass the tin foil, please..

Not seeing the establishment work to undermine his administration is an exercise in mental gymnastics.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #26 - 07/28/17 at 09:12:23
And the class spreads throughout his cabinet.

This is his communications director now:

According to Lizza, Scaramucci imitated White House chief of staff Reince Priebus on their call, saying, “Oh, Bill Shine is coming in. Let me leak the f***ing thing and see if I can c***-block these people the way I c***-blocked Scaramucci for six months.“

“Reince is a f***ing paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” Scaramucci added.

Yeah... all class... Make The Presidency A Joke - that should have been his slogan.
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Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #27 - 07/28/17 at 09:54:19
Yeah... all class... Make The Presidency A Joke - that should have been his slogan.

Its been a joke for a long time amigo.

Heck, Hillary, the classic, prolly the most astute political machine ever assembled, I believe she orchestrated Bill's career ( other than the hummers ) even more so than Pelosi, Bush's, Kennedy's, etc, reveals that politics is a charade, why?


Her life, her goal, her dreams, unrealized, never to be attained....
Is she scorching the earth out of anger?
A sore loser who, because she lost, wants to change the game by revealing how its played, hoping to out everyone.....

A real "If I can't have it, no one can then."

Bitterness can so blind folks, to their own demise, via unintended consequences.
Is her rage revealing the truth?


This/her script was the apex of political, and social experiment, the fulfilling of a void left from the heartbreak of Camelot never realized.....
She would give credence to a fairy tale authored by those trying to overthrow the "system"

It almost worked.
I thought it would.......  

Obama, who I believed had good intention, having been an "outsider" that generated much of the same support Trump got, in his first run, quickly became a puppet of the powers behind the curtain.

A puppet.

Puppets entertain us.
They mesmerize us.
We take our eyes off of the puppet master, laughing at the antics of the puppet, childlike......

Yeah, its a joke, but not a funny one, on us.....
Sadly, most are too caught up laughing at others, when the puppet they choose, beats up the one they didn't, unrealized, it themselves they laugh at, as well.

Make no mistake about the antics of Trump.
He has some of the puppet masters upset.

Is he off script?
Who wrote the script?

Are we upset because someone has disrupted the puppet show?
I don't know, honestly.....
Maybe it is time to look behind the curtains.....
Even as the puppet master writes a new script to deal with this insurgence, threat,  that isn't even about Trump?


Watching the same show, only pulling different strings, thinking that is a fix, isn't, now is it......
It is still the same show, the same puppet master.
Same audience.
Doing the same thing, over again, and again.

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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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T And T Garage
Serious Thumper

Posts: 9839

Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #28 - 07/28/17 at 10:49:12
raydawg wrote on 07/28/17 at 09:54:19:
Yeah... all class... Make The Presidency A Joke - that should have been his slogan.

Its been a joke for a long time amigo.

Heck, Hillary, the classic, prolly the most astute political machine ever assembled, I believe she orchestrated Bill's career ( other than the hummers ) even more so than Pelosi, Bush's, Kennedy's, etc, reveals that politics is a charade, why?


Her life, her goal, her dreams, unrealized, never to be attained....
Is she scorching the earth out of anger?
A sore loser who, because she lost, wants to change the game by revealing how its played, hoping to out everyone.....

A real "If I can't have it, no one can then."

LMAO - wow, you have quite the hard on for hillary, huh?
She lost -she's irrelevant... Why give her so much credit?

Bitterness can so blind folks, to their own demise, via unintended consequences.
Is her rage revealing the truth?


She's a jilted presidential nominee - the first woman ever to reach that height.  Yeah, she's pissed.  Well, she should have run a better campaign.

This/her script was the apex of political, and social experiment, the fulfilling of a void left from the heartbreak of Camelot never realized.....
She would give credence to a fairy tale authored by those trying to overthrow the "system"

It almost worked.
I thought it would.......  

Right there your theory falls apart.  If she is so powerful, then nothing would have stopped her.  She won the popular vote by 3 million - her campaign was so incompetent that they missed their chances in Michigan and Wisconsin.  Sorry, that's not mastermind - that's idiocy and bravado.

Obama, who I believed had good intention, having been an "outsider" that generated much of the same support Trump got, in his first run, quickly became a puppet of the powers behind the curtain.

A puppet.

Nah - he hid his ties to wall street pretty well.  How many bankers got thrown in jail?  Oh yeah - none. Where were his biggest donors?  Oh yeah, on wall street.  He did some good, but at a cost. (not nearly as high a cost as our current president is racking up)

Puppets entertain us.
They mesmerize us.
We take our eyes off of the puppet master, laughing at the antics of the puppet, childlike......

Yeah, its a joke, but not a funny one, on us.....
Sadly, most are too caught up laughing at others, when the puppet they choose, beats up the one they didn't, unrealized, it themselves they laugh at, as well.

Make no mistake about the antics of Trump.
He has some of the puppet masters upset.

Is he off script?
Who wrote the script?

Are we upset because someone has disrupted the puppet show?
I don't know, honestly.....
Maybe it is time to look behind the curtains.....
Even as the puppet master writes a new script to deal with this insurgence, threat,  that isn't even about Trump?


Watching the same show, only pulling different strings, thinking that is a fix, isn't, now is it......
It is still the same show, the same puppet master.
Same audience.
Doing the same thing, over again, and again.


I think you're wrong - my opinion.  If anyone fails to see what a complete and utter joke our president is at this point - it's ignorance.  I'm sorry, but that's all there is to it.

He's got a communications director going on tv and basically saying that they know who the leakers are.  They're at the top and in the old days - guys like that would be hanged.  He continues on about how he appoints the FBI to look into it... too stupid - literally too stupid to realize that that is NOT how it works.  The white house can NOT direct the FBI - yet our president's communications director goes on tv and lies about it...

It's almost become a reality show - which I guess our president is comfortable in.  Not me - not when my Country is at stake.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Keepin' it classy, hey tweety?
Reply #29 - 07/28/17 at 11:07:57
Yeah, the absolute ignorance of the masses and so concerned.
Notta clue about what got us here, which I suspect is true of Trump and nearly every candidate he beat..
I wonder how many in D.C.actually understand the federal reserve.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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