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Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE! (Read 102 times)
Serious Thumper

Wallowing in my own

Posts: 1413
Philadelphia Area
Gender: male
Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
05/02/17 at 07:52:08
Driving home from work a few weeks ago there's pickup tailgating me really badly. Finally it passes me but then cuts me off really bad and is now in front of me.
The truck starts going slower and slower and slower. Eventually I get into the left lane to pass it but then it takes off hard like it's
trying to race me. When I don't keep up with it the driver starts slowing down and letting me catch up to him. Before I do catch up to him I cut hard and take an
exit ramp he's already passed and drive home another way than I intended.

Going to work the next morning a little subcompact starts driving next to me and shadowing my every move. I speed up, it speeds up, I slow down it slows down.
The idiot thinks he's racing me. There's some hard turns in the road and he keeps taking the inside of each curve and matching my speed. He's not a good
driver so he keeps wandering in and out of my lane on these turns but he seems to think he is a Formula One driver.
Finally we get to the bridge where construction closed a lane down and at the merge the idiot makes a desparate dash up the closing lane to get past me and
forces the person in front of me to jam on their brakes to avoid hitting him as he forces his way over. i have to brake hard to avoid hitting the guy
in front of me and barely manage to do so.

The next day on my way to work I take the highway (76). It's stop and crawl for miles on end (due to an accident up ahead). finally we get to the interchange to
the Vine St. Expressway (676) and as the cars from backed-up 76 to fairly clear 676 it turns into a free for all of drivers madly trying to get ahead of each other
and cutting across the highway to get the lane they want. I'm following a big slow flat bed trailer truck carrying a load of huge sheets of metal.
the Broad St. exit comes up and I leave the highway. On the news later I hear that 76 and 676 are shut down due to a truck having an accident and losing
its load of sheet metal all over the roadway just past the Broad st. exit which is then sunsequently crashed into by other motorists. Authorities believe the truck was trying
to avoid a colission after being cut off.

Going home later that day I take I95. As I'm getting to the slow down for the 476 interchange there's a huge boom on my left. I'm in the leftmost lane next
to the center divider barrier. A car on the other side of the interstate has just rammed into it at highway speeds at a 45 degree angle. In my mirror I watch it bounce up and then go into a spin
that takes back across 5 lanes of heavy traffic. The bounce almost took it over the divider and into me. The driver was coming into 95 from the 476 feeding ramp on the right
side and tried cutting though all 5 lanes of traffic to get into the leftmost lane. He either miscalculated or the opening he was aiming for closed up
I don't know. he hit the divider with a boom that I am still hearing in my head a week later. If the person survived I'd bet their in critical condition.

Twice this week the same exact thing happens where I'm going down a local street with little traffic and driving at the speed limit when I see a vehicle
trying to make a left into the street from a parking lot. I see this way head of time and there's more than plenty space for these drivers to just go before I
get to them. But they wait, and wait and then as I get close they creep and stop and creed and stop and finally when I'm right on top of them they pull
out right in my path and make me have ot lock up my rear wheel to avoid hitting them.

Yesterday my better half witnessed an accident on her way to work. A car with a woman and young child came barrelling down the exit ramp from I95 at 70+
mph and slammed right into the back of the truck waiting at the light. Pushing it out into the busy traffic of the intersection where subsequent collisions
take place. The road is closed for the entire day for the cleanup crews. Nobody in the 1st car survived.

This morning I get ready to ride into work and the traffic report comes on saying I95 is closed in two separate locations due to massive fatal accidents.
I walk to the train station and take regional rail to work.

It's slowly getting to where I don't want to ride anymore. Every day I encounter some road raging kamikazi retard or witness the deaths caused by same.
I keep having close calls that are piling up in my mind and making me wonder when my luck will run out.


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07 S40 (Thumpy): 666cc big bore, stage 2 webcam, dyna muffler, 412 shocks, Barnett clutch, Kawasaki ZL900 FE
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 872

Gender: male
Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #1 - 05/02/17 at 08:34:17
I completely understand what you are saying.  It seems some people drive for some sort of egotistical high rather than the logical expedient of going from point A to point B.  

I am fortunate to live in an area where most families are or were once farmers and have a more relaxed and pragmatic world view and are not so  pathetic that they have to "prove" themselves by being bullies on the highway.  But I do encounter a few from time to time.  A motorcyclist has to put a lot of trust in other drivers following the rules.  I usually ride with an action camera recording the road ahead.
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2005 S40, Intruder shocks, Dyna, 52.5/150, 3 washers, 2 turns, modified seat, Raptor
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Serious Thumper

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Rochester, NY
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Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #2 - 05/02/17 at 08:35:38
Re thinkin' that June 19th "ride to work day" ?
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2203
Spring, Texas
Gender: male
Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #3 - 05/02/17 at 08:41:53
Is that Philadelphia, PA or Philadelphia, TX you live in? It sure sounds like you are describing Texas drivers.

Stay safe my friend. And I think you did the right thing. Every now and then you just need to take a break from the bike.
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06 S40 seat mod, airhawk, HD muffler, Shinko 712 140-90-15 rear tire, Shinko 230 front tire, versy cam chain tensioner, Rotella oil, Volar brake pads, EBC clutch & springs
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Camp Springs, Kentucky
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Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #4 - 05/02/17 at 09:03:44
When you get too near some of those wackos on the is hard to just back down and take action to get away from them - but it certainly is the best approach for your safety.

I have been taking a new approach to my casual rides in the country.  The speed limits on the local roads are 50 mph - which is far faster than most of the roads can be driven.  When on the motorcycle I rarely exceed the posted speed limit - but I don't have to slow down much for the corners..  The local cars and trucks seldom can keep up a pace that is any fun - but the hilly/twisty roads all have double yellow lines and seldom is there any passing zone.  Some of the cars pull over or slow down and wave you past them - I honk and wave as I pass to thank them for their consideration.  When they don't allow you to pass - I just slow down, turn around....and enjoy the ride in the other direction for a while.....then turn back around before I come to another car that might be going too slow!  Generally if you give them a 1/2 mile head start you won't catch up to them again.  I have done this on the Tail of the Dragon a few times when I get behind a long line of cars or really doesn't matter which way you ride - the curves are still a lot of fun!

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Someday I will be old......But not today!

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Serious Thumper

Wallowing in my own

Posts: 1413
Philadelphia Area
Gender: male
Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #5 - 05/02/17 at 09:06:16
I'm in Phila PA. traffic problems here are exasperated by the fact that the area is a tri-state region. Over the river is NJ and down the road a few miles is DE. So there's a mix of different driving styles in play and what I think goes wrong is that people don't realize is that the driving norm in their local area is not the norm in another area. An example is the driver obviously from Brooklyn NY I was behind the other day who was driving his car Brooklyn style, way over to the right nearly brushing against the cars parked on the side of the street. Because in Brooklyn the roads are wide enough that if somebody in front of you decides to make a left you can squeeze between them and the parked cars to get past them. In Philly that doesn't work at all because our streets are much too narrow for that. So all this guy was doing was driving in a way that doesn't make sense to people in this city and potentially risking confusion and a resulting accident. Philly drivers have no idea what he's doing and won't react the way he expects them to. NJ and DE drivers have very different driving styles from the average PA driver. Throw in a fair amount of students and transient workers from other states and the mix is quite conflicting in many ways which I believe results in some truly horrific traffic and accidents on the roads here.
Then to compound the problem the way lanes open and then merge back again for no apparent reason and without much warning on our highways plus the idiotic left lane entrance and exit ramps with poor signage and it is total chaos at peak times.

Most of my coworkers who ride are working early hours - 6 - 2:30, 7 - 3:30 because the roads are slightly saner to ride at those times. I've been trying this myself. In the mornings it is much better but it seems no matter what time you leave in the afternoon you're still screwed. I even took a half day for personal business recently and found that leaving as early as 1PM rewards you with the same insanity as 5PM.

Maybe I just need to move away. Someplace where people are more relaxed and pragmatic. In fact I often find myself missing NOrth Carolina. How I used to curse the slowness of the drivers there when I lived there but honestly it was a great deal better than this mess.
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07 S40 (Thumpy): 666cc big bore, stage 2 webcam, dyna muffler, 412 shocks, Barnett clutch, Kawasaki ZL900 FE
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Serious Thumper

SuzukiCabbage. It's

Posts: 1318
Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #6 - 05/03/17 at 14:37:29
our drivers are pretty rubbish, but nothing like as bad as the imbeciles you have to contend with in the states. lucky everyone over there also has guns. what could go wrong there?
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Kenny G
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Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #7 - 05/03/17 at 23:05:16
I did a lot of driving on the Surekill Crawlway getting in and out of Philadelphia, but nothing on earth compares to driving in Dallas.

There is a seldom a fatality involving a pedestrian that is not a hit and run.

There sure as hell is not any hospitality shown by Texas drivers.

Kenny G Undecided
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Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #8 - 05/04/17 at 00:37:37
in these circumstances it sounds difficult to have the big gap all around you, which eliminates one of your only friends. I suppose it's not "the Hun in the sun" anymore, it's "the Hun in the SUV".
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Completely stock 2010 S40, aftermarket rev counter and back pack, Airhawk seat pad
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Serious Thumper

Wallowing in my own

Posts: 1413
Philadelphia Area
Gender: male
Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #9 - 05/04/17 at 06:01:39
Surekill Crawlway LMAO! I used to commute on that back in the 90s and lived to tell about it, barely...
It hasn't gotten any better.

And no you can't have a buffer gap. It invites being cutoff repeatedly by people who can't judge distance and really don't care if you hit their back bumper. Because then it's automatically your fault.

On the bright side one of the pickup truck roadragers in my neighborhood got pulled over by the local Harley cop yesterday and was cited for driving without a tailgate among other things. I overheard part of the cops shouting as I went past. He was pissed too!
I couldn't help but to smile  Wink
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07 S40 (Thumpy): 666cc big bore, stage 2 webcam, dyna muffler, 412 shocks, Barnett clutch, Kawasaki ZL900 FE
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #10 - 05/04/17 at 09:16:22
Who Cares about the tailgate? As long as Stuff isn't unsecured..
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Wallowing in my own

Posts: 1413
Philadelphia Area
Gender: male
Re: Road Raging Kamikazes EVERYWHERE!
Reply #11 - 05/04/17 at 09:50:14
Unsecured stuff isn't much of a worry when parts of the truck itself are falling off anyway

There's a fella on the next block which shares my alleyway and he's always outside working on his truck. It has no bed and every couple months he tears off whatever mad max ghetto bed he jury rigged onto it and rigs up something else. For awhile he had an upside down fiberglass boat hull lashed on it like a bed cap. Now he's building out what resembles to be a wrecker type contraption using the frame of a boat trailer, random pieces of wood and some decorative iron railings from a house porch.
He's actually a nice old guy but a little spacey. He may become a Savage rider in the future, he's gotten to be quite attracted to my Thumpy.
I don't know how he doesn't get pulled over and cited every time he drives that crazy junkyard jalopy of his.
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07 S40 (Thumpy): 666cc big bore, stage 2 webcam, dyna muffler, 412 shocks, Barnett clutch, Kawasaki ZL900 FE
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