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Funny (Read 61 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

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03/21/17 at 17:21:03
At a very basic level there is nothing funny about the climate alarm movement.  After all, climate alarmists are people who have as a goal keeping the poorest of the world's poor -- the 2 billion or so people who lack even access to reliable electricity -- forcibly trapped in their state of crushing poverty.  And then as another goal these people want the living standards of the next lowest tiers of world income earners, the low and lower middle classes, to be drastically reduced through multiplying costs of things like electricity and gasoline by factors of around three, or maybe five, or even ten.  (This goal often goes by the deceptive euphemism of "cap and trade.")  These goals are deeply immoral and troubling; they are no laughing matter.

But, I'm sorry to say, many times I still just can't help laughing at these people.  I mean, their goals may not be funny, but they are.  We're talking about a collection of preening, supercilious elitists, often with fancy university degrees and credentials, big houses, fancy cars, even private jets, pretending to be a morally superior form of human being because, based on fake science whose flaws they do not understand, they have convinced themselves that they are "saving the planet."  And then, time after time, their arrogance and ignorance leads them into major blunders -- getting totally fleeced in international agreements, or making commitments to energy systems that can't possibly work for anything remotely approaching reasonable cost (in ways that are completely obvious if you can do basic arithmetic).

I got on to this topic a few days ago with this post that covered the Paris climate agreement signed last year by ex-President Barack Obama.  (Have I mentioned anything yet about "preening, supercilious elitists with fancy university degrees and credentials"?)  He and his people are such geniuses that they supposedly committed the United States to achieve a (completely impossible without crippling the economy) 25 - 28% cut in our "greenhouse gas" emissions within the next 8 years, while exacting from China the "promise" to maybe think about not growing their own emissions any more after 2030, unless they change their mind in the meantime.  Talk about laughingstocks!

And then there is the joke that is California, where my wife and I have been spending the past week.  This is the state that loves to lecture the rest of the country about climate virtue.  Their Air Resources Board has put out the ultimate "Climate Plan" ("to reduce greenhouse gases and move forward toward a clean, green economy").  Supposedly their greenhouse gas emissions are going to plummet by the early 2020s.  But get here and all you see are massive freeways everywhere.  Back in New York we have a number of big six-lane expressways.  Here, any freeway worth its salt has at least 10 lanes, and some have up to 16.  And they are always jammed with big gas guzzlers.  Sometimes there is one "high-occupancy" lane, which here is defined as two people and up in a car.  We made a small game of seeing how many cars we could count with only a single occupant before seeing any with a second; sometimes it was several dozen.  They have a subway that goes almost nowhere, and it's impossible to conceive how it could ever make more than a few percent of the city accessible, given the vast sprawl of the region.  But don't worry, all of this is going to be transformed within about 8 years!  Sure.  And if they could actually accomplish the transformation, and assuming that the IPCC's worst-case warming models are right, they might be able to reduce future world warming by a completely unmeasurable 0.02 of a degree or so.

But is California more ridiculous than Germany?  Germany has supposedly agreed to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by an incredible 95% by 2050.  Shall we check in on how that's going? They've now built enough solar and wind capacity that, if the darned things worked all the time, they would supply 100% of Germany's electricity needs.  Unfortunately, they don't work most of the time.  According to Environmental Progress in January, Germany's greenhouse gas emissions actually increased in 2016 -- and it was for the second year in a row!  Here's how the effort to transition to solar and wind generation is going:

Not only did new solar and wind not make up for the lost nuclear, the percentage of time during 2016 that solar and wind produced electricity declined dramatically.  Germany added a whopping 10 percent more wind turbine capacity and 2.5 percent more solar panel capacity between 2015 and 2016, but generated less than one percent more electricity from wind and generated one percent less electricity from solar.  The reason is because Germany had significantly less sunshine and wind in 2016 than 2015.

That's right, with solar and wind, you can add more and more capacity and get no more (or even less) electricity.  But can you at least get rid of some of the fossil fuel backup?  The opposite!  They shuttered some more nuclear capacity in 2016, and had to add new coal capacity to provide the steady backup that wind and solar cannot provide.  Oh, and their cost to consumers per kWh is about triple the U.S. average.  Keep it up guys!
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Serious Thumper

I ride, therefore I

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central Mass
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Re: Funny
Reply #1 - 03/22/17 at 07:36:04
and you remember the price of gasoline for the past 3 decades, 2-3 times what it is now.  The costs of production haven't decreased, nor has the cost of transporting fuels. Hmmm, what else makes a price go up.  Sheiks and Presidents with wars of oil control.  Who won, a few Saudi's and Bushes, who lost, America. The greatest wealth transfer since the plunder of America's gold by Spain. Cheesy Cheesy

as for Kalifornia, the great quake can't happen too soon for some of us.
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28399
Tucson Az
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Re: Funny
Reply #2 - 03/22/17 at 09:06:45
Climate deniers... spend half the time saying it ain't happnin', and the other half sayin' it's natural and we can't stop it.
Like a kid... "I didn't hit my sister, but if I did, she hit me first"...

Now we have denier in the WH...
He denies everything... it didn't happen, or somebody else said so, or he never said it, and he never did it, ...
...and his crew of explainers, telling us that whatever he said or tweeted isn't what he meant...

Science can be wrong, but betting against it is a fool's errand...
Science by definition, is based in facts and logic.  To deny science is to deny both.
It's not the Middle Ages... Huh
Science has Newton, Galileo, Tesla, Darwin, Copernicus, Einstein, Hawking...
Deniers have Trump,... Alex Jones... and a gaggle of other brainless idiots...

Arguing against the greatest minds on the planet... is like running the 100m against Usain Bolt...
You can only look foolish.

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Funny
Reply #3 - 03/22/17 at 10:10:28
e and his people are such geniuses that they supposedly committed the United States to achieve a (completely impossible without crippling the economy) 25 - 28% cut in our "greenhouse gas" emissions within the next 8 years, while exacting from China the "promise" to maybe think about not growing their own emissions any more after 2030, unless they change their mind in the meantime.  Talk about laughingstocks!

Well, someone Has to make the Tough decisions.

Nobody wants to admit that the people who ran this game had the power to cause a change in Where the weather stations were. Rural stations were shut down and replaced with stations in Insane places. But, ignore that.

How many Scientific Expeditions have to be Rescued before the Warmlarmists start thinking?

How many times must we watch the politicians and media mold our beliefs?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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YaBB Moderator

Where there's a
will, I want to be
in it.

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L.A. California
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Re: Funny
Reply #4 - 03/22/17 at 10:30:06
Climate warming... slowly I turn around... step by step...

This from the people who can predict the weather with absolute certainty over the next hour.  Tomorrow is another question, next week don't be absurd!

20 years ago our shores were supposed to be under 10 feet of water.
They admit CO2 is not the major contributor to greenhouse gases but can't tell you what is.  But it's doubled so it must of done something.

El Nino was supposed to end the drought last year, we even had the blob tell NASA it was going to happen.  It didn't, it happened this year instead. (note above)

But to hear him describe Kalifornia, we are covered with concrete and everyone is going somewhere 24 hrs a day.  NY must be some sort of Utopia with subways going everywhere and no traffic.  And most of you can't wait for us to slide under the ocean... your fellow democrats are all nut jobs.  But I can't deny the EPA has cleaned up LA smog... although it's a natural condition caused by the environment, not pouring in exhaust byproducts means we can breathe and see a mountain 20 miles away... on a good day you can actually see catalina.

Mothballing Nuke plants is stupid, there is no way to shut it down and return the land to the original condition.  They should be instead converted to thorium as well as recycle the uranium to 100 year nuke waste rather than 1000 year waste.  All this whether or not cold fusion comes to fruition.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Funny
Reply #5 - 03/22/17 at 10:57:51
My desire to wake up one day and discover California is either gone or ten miles out and heading West would come with Much less guilt if you'd move out, V.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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YaBB Moderator

Where there's a
will, I want to be
in it.

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L.A. California
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Re: Funny
Reply #6 - 03/22/17 at 11:32:45
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 03/22/17 at 10:57:51:
My desire to wake up one day and discover California is either gone or ten miles out and heading West would come with Much less guilt if you'd move out, V.

I appreciate that.   Cool
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

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Re: Funny
Reply #7 - 03/22/17 at 12:11:45
Science has Newton, Galileo, Tesla, Darwin, Copernicus, Einstein, Hawking...

How many of those names risked career (and life) arguing against the approved science of their day? There are a lot great minds questioning the extent of mans contributions to change but they are faced with zealots for the religion like you.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 681

Re: Funny
Reply #8 - 03/22/17 at 13:46:06
Who set the benchmark and said X is the perfect temperature, How do you know the climate is not improving. This whole lunacy is predicated on someones presupposition that X is correct. How did they determine that since the climate has always changed.

What really scares me is what these people think they are going to do about supposed climate change.

PS, There are a lot of scientist that do not believe in man made climate change.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 681

Re: Funny
Reply #9 - 03/22/17 at 13:55:11
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28399
Tucson Az
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Re: Funny
Reply #10 - 03/22/17 at 14:06:45
WebsterMark wrote on 03/22/17 at 12:11:45:
Science has Newton, Galileo, Tesla, Darwin, Copernicus, Einstein, Hawking...

How many of those names risked career (and life) arguing against the approved science of their day? There are a lot great minds questioning the extent of mans contributions to change but they are faced with zealots for the religion like you.

You really are funny...
The "approved science" of their day was religious zealotry...
Faith and belief, over facts and logic.
You cannot be a "science" zealot...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Funny
Reply #11 - 03/22/17 at 14:28:12
MShipley wrote on 03/22/17 at 13:46:06:
Who set the benchmark and said X is the perfect temperature, How do you know the climate is not improving. This whole lunacy is predicated on someones presupposition that X is correct. How did they determine that since the climate has always changed.

What really scares me is what these people think they are going to do about supposed climate change.

PS, There are a lot of scientist that do not believe in man made climate change.

Hey, it's Changing.. that's the Prawblumm..

And will any of the Warmlarmists admit that CO2 gets Pumped Into Greenhouses because the plants need more than is available in the greenhouse?

Yeah, take buncha scientists who Live on Grant money and ask them to Study it.
Gee, lookie there,  managed to get the exact findings the guvamint wants.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

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Re: Funny
Reply #12 - 03/23/17 at 05:32:19
You really are funny...
The "approved science" of their day was religious zealotry...
Faith and belief, over facts and logic.
You cannot be a "science" zealot...

Sew; you are the quintessential definition of a religious zealot. You are in the cult of climate change.... you have faith in your belief so much so that you refuse to hear any arguments against it.

Every few years, the UN panel issues yet another prediction of high temperatures in the future and every time they do that, they issue a few paragraphs at the end why their previous predictions didn't come true. Nothing they've predicted has happened yet you think polar bears are starving to death stuck on tiny pieces of floating ice.....  Close you eyes and chant "I do believe in 100% Man Made Climate Change, I do believe in 100% Man Made Climate Change" and maybe it will finally happen.

Any scientist, (yes there are tons of scientist not in your cult) , who doesn't toe the line is put in the modern day version of an Iron Maiden. They are denied grants, blackballed from publications. Your cult is following the same security measures as Scientology.

You and Tom Cruise got a lot in common and it ain't dancing in your underwear...   (if it is, well....that's another story.....)
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Funny
Reply #13 - 03/23/17 at 07:07:52
MShipley wrote on 03/22/17 at 13:55:11:

Gee,, something besides raw emotion.

Bush said, and I paraphrase,
We create reality.
That's part of why They have so little respect for the People.
How stupid do they think we are?
Ohh, trust me, they don't just Think.
The Dumbmasses have proven just how stupid we are. Believing what isn't confirmed by Observed Reality is not exactly genius.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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