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Perfect summary (Read 125 times)
Serious Thumper

Posts: 13122

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Perfect summary
10/20/16 at 05:24:26

Mark Steyn

As I've said for years - on radio, TV and in print - for me the overriding issue in American politics is the corruption. In the Obama era, we have seen the remorseless merging of the party and the state - in the IRS, in the Justice Department and elsewhere. Whatever one feels about, say, Scandinavia, they at least come to their statism and socialism more or less honestly. Not so the United States.

It's bad enough that Democrats aren't agitated about this corruption - but then it works to their advantage. Slightly more mysterious is why so many of my friends on the right aren't incensed by it. For months, conservative commentators assured us that, when it comes to straight arrows, no arrow is straighter than FBI honcho James Comey - non-partisan, career public servant, will follow the evidence whereso'er it leads; why, "no one in law enforcement" is "more capable of navigating through a political maelstrom" and any attempts to politicize the outcome will ensure that "Comey will resign in protest, and other high-level FBI officials could follow him out the door".

All bollocks. Bollocks on stilts. Like everything else the Clintons touch, Comey's FBI is hopelessly corrupted - and certainly more corrupt than J Edgar Hoover's FBI, at least in the sense that Hoover was independent enough not to get rolled. The revelations of what happened reveal Comey to be a hack and a squish: he offered immunity to Hillary's aides not to facilitate his investigation but to obstruct any further investigation; he allowed witnesses to Hillary's crimes to serve as her "lawyers"; and he physically destroyed the evidence - that is, the laptops. A 6' 8" gummi worm would be more of a straight arrow.

Now come the latest revelations. Powerline's John Hinderaker writes:

In the first page, an unidentified FBI employee says he was "pressured" to change the classification of an email to render it unclassified. This pressure came from someone within the FBI, who said he had been contacted by Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy, who "had asked his assistance in altering the email's classification in exchange for a 'quid pro quo.'" The quid pro quo was that, if the FBI would say the email was unclassified, the State Department would allow the FBI to "place more Agents in countries where they are presently forbidden."

So, to add to the corrupt revenue agency and the corrupt justice department, we now have a corrupt national law enforcement agency and a corrupt foreign ministry - willing, indeed, to subordinate national security and its own diplomatic policy to the personal needs of Hillary Clinton. Needless to say, if you get your news from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, etc, etc, you will be entirely unaware of all this. Which is the way they plan on operating for the next eight years.

A small but telling point: Wikileaks' Julian Assange has lived in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for over four years. But not until he leaked against Hillary was his Internet cut off. Hillary, out of office, has a swifter and more ruthless global reach than Hillary in office on the night of Benghazi. And, should she win, her view of her subjects is that we should have the same information access as Ecuadorian Embassy refugees.

John Hinderaker continues:

We have here a clear pattern of corruption that makes Watergate look like child's play. Hillary's aide, Patrick Kennedy, tried to bribe the FBI to change the classification of a Benghazi document so as to enable Hillary's false claim that she didn't send or receive classified information on her illegal home server. The FBI, to its credit, refused. (James Comey wasn't involved at that stage.)

Hillary's aide then asked whether the FBI would be saying anything publicly about the classification issue. Once assured that the FBI would be silent, Hillary took the stage and alleged publicly, and falsely, that she never used her illegal home server to send or receive classified information...

Donald Trump has his faults, but Hillary Clinton is far too corrupt to serve as President of the United States.

On that last point, I agree wholeheartedly. In any society, the chief magistrate's first duty is to uphold the law, and throughout human history his easiest temptation, once in office, has been to regard himself as above it. In this case, the American people would be electing someone who, not yet in office, is already above the law, and way beyond it. (Even her bodily fluids are above the law.) That would be an extraordinary act, and Hillary and her cronies would be entirely justified in treating such an electorate with utter contempt.

As for today's impotent and ineffectual Republican establishment, they'll look like rock-ribbed steel-spined titans compared to the husks that will remain after two Hillary terms.

The corruption might not seem directly relevant to the rise of Donald Trump, but it's there, implicitly. The present arrangements work for the political class, the permanent bureaucracy, their client groups, and the lawless. But not for millions of the law-abiding. Consider illegal immigration, for example, which pre-Trump was entirely discussed in terms of the interests of the lawbreakers - how to "bring them out of the shadows", how to give them "a path to citizenship", celebrate their "family values" and "work ethic" - and never in terms of the law-abiding, whose wages they depress, whose communities they transform, and, in too many criminal cases, whose lives they wreck. Victor Davis Hanson writes:

Something has gone terribly wrong with the Republican party, and it has nothing to do with the flaws of Donald Trump. Something like his tone and message would have to be invented if he did not exist. None of the other 16 primary candidates — the great majority of whom had far greater political expertise, more even temperaments, and more knowledge of issues than did Trump — shared Trump's sense of outrage — or his ability to convey it — over what was wrong: The lives and concerns of the Republican establishment in the media and government no longer resembled those of half their supporters.

That's exactly right. This time last year, to prevent Trump all you had to do was convey that same sense of outrage. As I wrote on July 10th 2015 - a mere month after Trump entered the race:

Trump, like other philosophically erratic politicians from Denmark to Greece, has tapped into a very basic strain of cultural conservatism: the question of how far First World peoples are willing to go in order to extinguish their futures on the altar of "diversity".

As Ann Coulter's new book Adios, America! lays out in remorseless detail, Kate Steinle is dead because the entire Democratic Party, two-thirds of the Republican Party and 100 per cent of the diseased federal-state-municipal bureaucracy prioritizes myths over reality. Yes, it's distressing to persons of taste and discrimination that the only person willing to address that reality is Donald Trump. But that's because he's not the reality-show freak here. The fake-o lame-o reality freakshow is the political pseudo-campaign being waged within the restraints demanded by the media and Macy's. So, if Donald Trump is the only guy willing to bust beyond those bounds, we owe him a debt of gratitude. If, as Karl Rove proposes, other candidates are able to talk about the subject in a more "inclusive" way, so be it. But, if "inclusive" is code for not addressing it at all, nuts to that.

I think we now know that "inclusive" is code for not addressing it at all, and that, if Trump loses next month, that's what the GOP establishment will go right back to doing.

Will he lose? Given that he's running against both the Democrats and half the Republican Party, he remains tenaciously just about competitive. But Victor explains where the math comes up short:

What has always been missing to end the long public career of Hillary Clinton is a four- or five-percentage-point boost from a mélange of the so-called Never Trump Republicans, as well as women and suburban, college-educated independents. Winning back some of these critics could translate into a one- or two-point lead over Clinton in critical swing states.

Many of those openly supporting Hillary among the right-of-center pundit class are people I have known and worked with over the years - from Dorothy Rabinowitz to Max Boot to (he's considering it) Glenn Beck. I don't quite get this. As Victor puts it:

In this low-bar presidential race, why do conservative establishmentarians and past foreign-policy officials feel a need to publish their support for the Democratic candidate, when their liberal counterparts feel no such urge to distance themselves from their own nominee? Is what Clinton actually did, in leaving Iraq abruptly, or lying about Benghazi, or violating federal security laws, so much less alarming than what Trump might do in shaking up NATO or "bombing the hell out of ISIS"?

Just so. Trump is an unknown. But, to channel Donald Rumsfeld, Hillary is the most known known in the history of knowns. And what we know of her is that she's stinkingly corrupt, above the law, and able to suborn entire government agencies in the cause of her corruption. Where do you think we're gonna be after eight years of that?

Oh, and it will be eight years. The NeverTrumpers are saying, "Don't worry. We'll get it right in 2020", just like after 2012 they said, "Don't worry. We'll get it right in 2016", and after 2008 they said, "Don't worry. We'll get it right in 2012." Next time never comes. There are no tomorrows for the Republican Party, because, unlike the GOP, the Democrats use their victories very effectively.

Victor Davis Hanson lives on a small family farm in rural California, at the sharp end of the artificial and lawless demographic transformation of a once Golden State. With respect to my former colleagues in the New York and Washington commentariat, I don't think they have any idea of how bleak life is in many parts of this country. And I don't mean Jimmy Carter-like "malaise" - a brief blip after three decades of post-war prosperity - but bleakness as a permanent feature of life. Perhaps I'm touchy about the corruption because I'm a foreigner and I've lived in countries with clean government. Perhaps I'm sensitive to the contempt in which a put-upon middle-class is held because I've spent much of the last year in wealthy first-world countries (France, Sweden, Germany) that are on the verge of implosion over their delusional immigration policies. But the indifference from influential conservatives to both the despair and the naked corruption is deeply disturbing.

Think of what the last eight years have wrought - Obamacare, a weaponized IRS, six-figure fines for homophobic bakeries - and then pitch America forward to 2024. Picture the most absurd scenario you can concoct - say, a federal transgender-bathroom regime. Oh, no, wait, we've already got that.

The left is serious about power, and they don't waste time. The idea that the most personally corrupt candidate in modern American history will govern as some sort of benign moderate centrist placeholder until the wankers who thought Jeb Bush was a superstar shoo-in come up with their next inspiration is utterly preposterous.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Perfect summary
Reply #1 - 10/20/16 at 06:28:57
six-figure fines for homophobic bakeries ...

Couldn't Find anything that would be counter to observed reality.

Except for the petty pretense that people who don't want to contract with an individual it's just a FEAR. That immigration law supporters are Afraid of people who don't have the same color skin.
It's actually, literally, feel it in my GUTS, disgusting knowing that people who walk around, share the air, drive,  vote, smile, greet people, and they LOOK like Americans, for all the world,, but they are disingenuous and hypocritical to such a degree that They themselves are unable to see what they really are.
The very types who cheat, and still able to rejoice in victory.
How do these people look in a mirror?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #2 - 10/20/16 at 07:52:53
If OJ Hilary is elected, I say the odds are 50/50 she gets impeached over more revelations of criminal activities before her term is up.
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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #3 - 10/20/16 at 12:22:11
you think Clinton is more corrupt than the corruptor Trump?  

That's what gets me about this current age of republicans

you've only got a choice between a briber and a bribee, yet you all swear that Trump is innocent or something... despite his own books and words suggesting the obvious opposite reality
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #4 - 10/20/16 at 12:57:13
you think Clinton is more corrupt than the corruptor Trump?  

By about 1000 times.

That's what gets me about this current age of republicans

you've only got a choice between a briber and a bribee, yet you all swear that Trump is innocent or something... despite his own books and words suggesting the obvious opposite reality

None of us believe Trump is innocent, but compared to Hilay, he's a choir boy.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #5 - 10/20/16 at 13:06:27
let me ask you a question Lost. Do you believe Hilary's stories about her emails?
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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #6 - 10/20/16 at 14:54:35
WebsterMark wrote on 10/20/16 at 13:06:27:
let me ask you a question Lost. Do you believe Hilary's stories about her emails?

the FBI does, they have more information about it than YOU or me
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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #7 - 10/20/16 at 15:43:52

the deal is, you're a partisan, you are going to vote for whoever the republicans put up. They could put up Charles Manson and you'd vote for him. so for you to be complaining about how "corrupt" Clinton is, is quite laughable.

You agree more with the republican platform than the democratic platform. that's it for you. You believe that all the conservative ideologies and theories will work better for our country. I'm not going to convince you otherwise. for some reason you TRUST the rich....  idk why.  

and if Trump would have RUN on the issues, put his ego aside and actually talk about something other than personalities, I believe he is way more moderate than you'd be comfortable with, but he knows just the right amount of dog whistle to put in to make you think he's some kinda populist, that he's for you somehow. But we don't really know, because he won't talk about the issues. of which, from what little I've gathered, I'm not totally opposed to us looking at some of these trade deals again, but that's traditionally a more democratic take on the trade deals. Bernie, one of the more extreme progressive liberals agrees with Trump on the Trade deals, so Trump is adopting a LIBERAL ideal there, but you and yours won't admit it, you and yours are ONLY against it because Obama is for it. If Obama was against it, you'd all be for it.

Trump could have talked about the issues, but he didn't. Clinton tried to talk about the issues but she had to spend most of the time defending herself from Trump, and maybe, I'll give Trump the benefit of the doubt here, Trump might have talked about the issues but the moderator/s in the debates were way more interested in ratings than addressing issues so they attacked him instead of asking about the issues. But Trump pivoted so much that he should have been able to pivot to the issues, but his Ego was always in the way. in 3 debates, He's been very weak on the issues, very weak, strong on name calling, but that's really a sophomoric strategy that only works on the immature.

Unlike, you, I'm actually not partisan, I do tend to lean a left, but I am mostly a centrist. I liked Romney, I liked McCain, I liked Obama just a bit more, not drastically more, but a bit. I don't really like Hillary, but, in these debates, they have shown me that she really does have the temperament to be President, I might not agree with all of her positions, but I think she'll work to fix things instead of making things worse, I think Trump is too impulsive and not disciplined enough for the job, he'd be a puppet, the professional politicians would play him like a flute, then he'll cry like the spoiled baby he is.

Clinton is no prize, but at least she's professional and adult. that's the BARE minimum I require to take anyone seriously.

I also more agree with her on immigration, it's the compassionate side of me I guess. Taxes, eh, I'd rather find better ways to pay for things, cut here, cut there, etc... but at least she's not balancing her Tax plan on the Fantasy of future growth.

Anyway, I'm not going to go into it all right now, but Trump can't be taken seriously, he really has no clue.

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Serious Thumper

Posts: 11551
pacific northwest
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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #8 - 10/20/16 at 15:47:20
LostArtist wrote on 10/20/16 at 14:54:35:
WebsterMark wrote on 10/20/16 at 13:06:27:
let me ask you a question Lost. Do you believe Hilary's stories about her emails?

the FBI does, they have more information about it than YOU or me


And OH JAY was not convicted either you fools, get over it  Grin
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 11551
pacific northwest
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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #9 - 10/20/16 at 16:17:51
LostArtist wrote on 10/20/16 at 15:43:52:

the deal is, you're a partisan, you are going to vote for whoever the republicans put up. They could put up Charles Manson and you'd vote for him. so for you to be complaining about how "corrupt" Clinton is, is quite laughable.

You agree more with the republican platform than the democratic platform. that's it for you. You believe that all the conservative ideologies and theories will work better for our country. I'm not going to convince you otherwise. for some reason you TRUST the rich....  idk why.  

and if Trump would have RUN on the issues, put his ego aside and actually talk about something other than personalities, I believe he is way more moderate than you'd be comfortable with, but he knows just the right amount of dog whistle to put in to make you think he's some kinda populist, that he's for you somehow. But we don't really know, because he won't talk about the issues. of which, from what little I've gathered, I'm not totally opposed to us looking at some of these trade deals again, but that's traditionally a more democratic take on the trade deals. Bernie, one of the more extreme progressive liberals agrees with Trump on the Trade deals, so Trump is adopting a LIBERAL ideal there, but you and yours won't admit it, you and yours are ONLY against it because Obama is for it. If Obama was against it, you'd all be for it.

Trump could have talked about the issues, but he didn't. Clinton tried to talk about the issues but she had to spend most of the time defending herself from Trump, and maybe, I'll give Trump the benefit of the doubt here, Trump might have talked about the issues but the moderator/s in the debates were way more interested in ratings than addressing issues so they attacked him instead of asking about the issues. But Trump pivoted so much that he should have been able to pivot to the issues, but his Ego was always in the way. in 3 debates, He's been very weak on the issues, very weak, strong on name calling, but that's really a sophomoric strategy that only works on the immature.

Unlike, you, I'm actually not partisan, I do tend to lean a left, but I am mostly a centrist. I liked Romney, I liked McCain, I liked Obama just a bit more, not drastically more, but a bit. I don't really like Hillary, but, in these debates, they have shown me that she really does have the temperament to be President, I might not agree with all of her positions, but I think she'll work to fix things instead of making things worse, I think Trump is too impulsive and not disciplined enough for the job, he'd be a puppet, the professional politicians would play him like a flute, then he'll cry like the spoiled baby he is.

Clinton is no prize, but at least she's professional and adult. that's the BARE minimum I require to take anyone seriously.

I also more agree with her on immigration, it's the compassionate side of me I guess. Taxes, eh, I'd rather find better ways to pay for things, cut here, cut there, etc... but at least she's not balancing her Tax plan on the Fantasy of future growth.

Anyway, I'm not going to go into it all right now, but Trump can't be taken seriously, he really has no clue.

My guess she'll swing back to the center more.
If you read the hacked  emails from her bank/wall street engagements, I think that is where she really feels comfortable, an aristocratic, if you will.
I think she believe the rich know better, etc, and will heed that advice/input over the social issues.

She will have accomplished her goal as being the first woman president, but now she knows she is under the gun to perform.

Can she?

I think she has proven she can out fox, and maneuver many, in the political sphere, but she will find herself the bulls-eye now, from all flanks....
Which is why I think she'll go back to center right.

She will get much more plummeting from her own party, than Jimmie Carter did, I bet.  

She'll have to move right, or the deplorable will only grow more powerful, and with a viable candidate, not TRUMP, it might open a whole new party, come midterm....

We'll see......

It ain't Trump she should worry about, its what is feeding Trump, that she knows she can't ignore.
Bernie forced her to a position she did not want to go, and the DNC shenanigans only help reveal to adults, that our parties suck, plain and simple, I hope this election brings changes, real changes!
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Perfect summary
Reply #10 - 10/21/16 at 02:40:02
LA, Comey STATED that she lied.
Comey STATED that if anyone else was in the same position, they would have No Reason to Expect to NOT be prosecuted.
And if Trump wins, Obama will pardon Hillary for anything she may have done, bet on a blanket amnesty for her.
The Only reason Hillary isn't going to prison is who she is.
She did crimes, but won't pay for them.
Try to read exactly what Comey SAID.
Listen to him being interviewed by Trey Gowdy. I posted links before.

I paraphrase

Hillary claimed she turned over work related emails, did she?

We found several she hadn't.

She claimed there were no emails containing sensitive information on the private server, was that true?

We found several with,    

IOW,  She LIED, over and over.

When asked if she had wiped the server, she said

You mean, like, with a Cloth?

A Secretary of State, so ignorant of the law, so ignorant about handling classified information, Or, pretending ignorance to avoid the absolute guilt, either way, she should be, if not in prison, certainly NOT in the Whitehouse.

Trumps employees say nice things about him.
Hillary Clinton has books written by SS agents who watched her be abusive to everyone around her.

She BRAGS about having a public policy and a private policy.

She did it with Bengazi, telling Americans it was a video, but others, she told the truth to,

The mental gymnastics required to look at that bipedal pustule and call her supportable is Olympic Gold Medal level.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #11 - 10/21/16 at 07:53:07

the deal is, you're a partisan, you are going to vote for whoever the republicans put up. They could put up Charles Manson and you'd vote for him

Okay, lets deal in reality here.  I’m 100% partisan in that first and foremost, I will never support a candidate who supports abortion. Never. I was born a twin to a mother in an abusive marriage, poor as dirt who could barely feed the 3 other mouths much less 2 more. My twin in fact died. My wife, who was adopted, was born to a young woman who got pregnant in her late teens by a man who ran off the instant he heard she was pregnant. She moved into a home for unwed mothers as they called them back then, had the child and never told anyone except her sister. That all happened back in the early 1960’s when getting an abortion was, rightly so, a scarlet letter. Those two women today in similar circumstances, would be encouraged to have abortions as a form of birth control which means mostly likely either my wife or I or both, would have been chopped into little pieces, dumped in a plastic bio hazard bag and shipped off to an incinerator. (or sold to a university for research). My little granddaughter playing upstairs as I type this would not exist. So, anyone prochoice can F off as far as I’m concerned. Trump would help limit abortions more than Hilary so regardless of anything else between them, I'd never vote for Hilary. In fact, it's almost a law that a national Democratic figure has to vote Pro-Choice. Her VP, Tim Kane, is a POS as far as I'm concerned. A big fat coward.

You agree more with the republican platform than the democratic platform. that's it for you. You believe that all the conservative ideologies and theories will work better for our country. I'm not going to convince you otherwise. for some reason you TRUST the rich....  idk why.  

Yes, conservative ideology is more republican than democrat so I support republicans more so. And yes, it is better for our country.

Conservatives are the adults and liberals are the children. We need each other. We need liberals to keep us from being that guy who says “Hey you kids, get off my lawn” because you have to change over time. But liberals need conservatives to say no sometimes or we’d be all over the board like a teenager unable to control his impulses.  

As far as trusting the rich, that’s pretty funny given that Democrats in office are some of the wealthiest in the country. I’ve never worked for a poor person in my life and neither have you. The deal is; I don’t have wealth envy like 95% of the people on there.  The liberal ideology that the rich don’t pay their fair share so you’re going to use the government to do your dirty work of asking for their money. Like I always say, you coward liberals should just cut out the middleman. Hang outside a Morton’s Steakhouse and ask the first guy in a suit that comes out for $50. You won’t do that, but you want to hire Hilary to do it for you.

Unlike, you, I'm actually not partisan

That’s the biggest joke I’ve heard in a long, long time. Don’t even try to play that card. I’ve read enough of your post to know it wouldn’t matter who Republicans put up as President, you’d always find an excuse to vote otherwise. If you thought Obama was ‘slightly’ better than McCain or Romney, you’ve revealed you’re true nature. Don’t hide it, embrace who you are. At least have the ball$ to do that.
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Serious Thumper

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Rochester, NY
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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #12 - 10/21/16 at 08:09:29
 I'm actually not partisan

If you say so. But I don't believe that's really possible, For any one.

Old country song. Can't remember who.

Goes something like this:

"If you don't stand for something,
You'll fall for anything"
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Younger than most
people my age.

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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #13 - 10/21/16 at 10:23:50
WebsterMark wrote on 10/21/16 at 07:53:07:
" ... Conservatives are the adults and liberals are the children. We need each other. We need liberals to keep us from being that guy who says “Hey you kids, get off my lawn” because you have to change over time. But liberals need conservatives to say no sometimes or we’d be all over the board like a teenager unable to control his impulses.  

Perfect Acknowledgement WM.  Of the Facts, of how things  work!

Think of this. A child throwing a temper tantrum,  and the, parents, are to tired, overworked, to do anything but just, ‘give in’.
  THUS,  ’Teaching the children’,  “Throw a temper tantrum,  get what you want”
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Perfect summary
Reply #14 - 10/21/16 at 10:33:53
Hadn't taken the analogy that far but good observation.
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