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Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga) (Read 3548 times)
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #225 - 12/01/15 at 19:35:31

Windows 10 continues to crawl its way onto desktop PCs

"Microsoft's Windows 10 isn't setting any speed records moving up the desktop operating system food chain.

The latest edition of Windows snagged a 9 percent share worldwide of all Web traffic generated by desktop operating systems in November, NetMarketShare said Tuesday. That number was up around a percentage point since October. Overall rate of growth had been declining since the initial share of 5.2 percent in August after Windows 10 officially debuted July 29.

The slower uptake in Windows 10 adoption over the past three months comes as Microsoft needs to prove to consumers that it can still make an appealing and user-friendly operating system after the misfortune of Windows 8. Many consumers hesitated upgrading to Windows 8, leading Microsoft to offer Windows 10 for free for Windows 7 and 8.1 users.

The free offer is good for only the first year. After that, Windows 10 will cost $119 for the Home edition and $199 for the Pro version. So growth in adoption of the new version will be a critical factor for Microsoft over the first half of 2016. The offer has one drawback, however, in that it could prevent Windows 7 and 8.1 users from buying new PCs or tablets, both of which are in a sales slump."

Since MS is stifling all the direct sales numbers both from themselves and from all their major device builders (why?  Because the numbers aren't good at all) we are now forced to talk about NET TRAFFIC NUMBERS generated by Win 10 OS equipped machines instead.  

Microsoft can't stifle that information, so it is readily available.

What does this graph tell you?    That the majority of Win 7 users, Win 8 users, Win 8.1 users and the current majority of new machine buyers being sold something this Christmas are ACTIVELY AVOIDING Windows 10.

Win 10 ain't right yet, and everybody knows it .....
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« Last Edit: 12/02/15 at 06:46:45 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #226 - 12/01/15 at 19:42:00

Microsoft Changes License Agreement to Bar Class Actions

Microsoft's customers give up their right to sue and agree to binding arbitration in all disputes

By James R. Hood

"Microsoft, never shy about trumpeting its latest innovations whether real or just vaporware, has quietly changed its U.S. end user license agreement to forbid its customers from suing or joining in class action suits against the company.

The 14th Amendment guarantees everyone the right of due process, but when it's consumers against mighty corporations, that doesn't  mean very much.

In this and similar cases, companies have been modifying their end use license agreements -- commonly called the EULA -- to state that the consumer agrees to be bound by the conditions of the agreement.  And -- voila! -- one of those conditions is now that the consumer will not exercise the right to sue.

In other words, you still have the right. You just can't use it. What could be fairer? After all, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to use Microsoft Word, right?

Not much notice

The notice, such as it was, of the change was slipped into a Microsoft blog just before the Memorial Day weekend, a favorite time for issuing notices that one hopes won't be noticed.

In the blog posting, Tim Fielden, assistant general counsel at Microsoft, describes the changes, which mandate arbitration for all customer claims and forbid class-action lawsuits as a precondition to using Microsoft's products. The mandatory arbitration clause of the EULA is binding and is not an option.

"You understand and acknowledge that b4y agreeing to binding arbitration, you are giving up the right to litigate (or participate in as a party or class member) all disputes in court before a judge or jury," the EULA states in clause 18.1.4.

The denial of consumers' rights already applies to XBOX products and is being extended to other Microsoft products, presumably as quickly as Fielden & Co. can crank out the new boilerplate.

"We will implement similar changes in user agreements for other products and services in the coming months as we roll out major licensing, hardware or software releases and updates," Fielden wrote.

Microsoft, of course, is not alone and, as usual, is not even out in front. Companies have been falling over themselves to unilaterally rewrite their contracts even since an infamous 2011 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the AT&T v. Concepcion case handed corporations the right to simply remove, demolish, diminish and destroy consumers' rights simply by inserting a few sentences in their contracts.

A contract is generally defined as an agreement between the two parties. But that cuts no ice in this case. The consumer simply has no input into the decision once deciding to buy the product or service -- commonly known as the "take it over leave it" option.

Not only is there no opportunity for negotiation or modification by the consumer, most EULAs are written to allow the corporation to unilaterally modify them, as Microsoft is doing, a rather unusual provision for what is supposedly an agreement between consenting parties."

It is my layman's OPINION, that ....
Doing this EULA change after the fact and counting our old "uninformed" and "non-consenting" pre-change EULA click as a contract on this class action issue thing doesn't fly at all.   Many of us clicked long before this "after the fact" change was made.  MS has been informed that users will be carrying forward with their class action suits with all previous MS EULA "protection" being considered null and void by MS's own "after the fact" illegal actions.

Plus, attempting things like this after the fact and after the various issues have been raised acts to increase the severity of the language being used in the complaints, which now use terms like "misrepresented features that were available"  "made fraudulent claims of performance that exceeded competitor products"  "said the software was 85% feature complete and only required mild debugging which was simply false advertising".

Makes their Micro bung holes all pucker up all tight-like, it does .....  and now you know why flippy hair talking head boy was put out of the country during this period of time, as he would have to be called to directly testify to tell the court who told him to say all that false stuff.

And this is in the good ol' USA, mind you.   What the EU Commissioners can and will do to MS is not limited or controlled by US law.    

And then you have those potential local actions by France and Germany and China, filed under their OWN laws to consider.

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« Last Edit: 12/02/15 at 06:43:55 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #227 - 12/02/15 at 06:00:20

Some Wintel fans are reacting to the latest crop of $9 and $5 hobby boards that are out and that you can freely buy today.   How?  By coming up with a crowd funding plan to build one running an Intel Cherry Trail Processor and with Windows 10 as an extra cost option.

Please look at the boards and tell me what you notice right off the bat when looking at the processors ......

                                                                         $5                                                            $9

Now look closely at the proposed Wintel hobby board.     The picture and the pricing tell you what is wrong with Wintel compared to ARM in a nutshell.

A pledge of $129 or more gets you a LattePanda Enhanced edition, which has the same processor and basic design. But the Enhanced version comes with 4GB of RAM, 64GB of storage, and Windows 10 64-bit.

.... yes Virginia, the sticker on the Intel chipset is bigger than either of the ARM processors, and the Allwinner based black board is a full phone system on a chip too, which the Intel is not.

Single-board computers are getting so cheap that you can pick up a CHIP or Raspberry Pi Zero for under $10. But you’ll have to pay a little more if you want a model that can run Windows.

For example, Newegg sells the Kangaroo Mobile Desktop for $99. Want something a little more hacker-friendly? The LattePanda is a new single-board PC with an Intel Atom Cherry Trail processor, Windows 10 software, and support for up to 4GB of RAM. It also has an Arduino-compatible co-processor and GPIO pins.

The team behind the project are launching a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of raising money to deliver the first Lattepanda units in a few months.

I think the Wintel folks have also missed the point that learning how to program a computer means being able to get into the software guts of it freely -- something which MS does not permit the kiddies (or anybody else) to do.

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #228 - 12/02/15 at 07:17:27

"But no one at Microsoft appears to have gone out of his or her way to suggest that the Lumia 950 smartphone that recently went on sale is a world beater.

That’s because this new Windows 10 phone is anything but."

USA Today does its normal so-so job of regurgitating everyone else's breaking news.   In most cases this is OK as USA Today reflects a "consensus viewpoint" and being after the fact they generally do catch little points like the phone does not come with the required $99 "Connection Station" that is required if you want to try to use the Continuum feature.

The lead ins that you follow to get to the video review are telling however

Microsoft Win 10 Phone:  Half-baked

Microsoft's Windows 10 phone is no world beater: Review


Intel isn't happy at being ousted from Microsoft's mobile world and has some plans that they (not Microsoft) have announced now, in the normal reactive "me too"  Intel brown vapor blast coming from left field.

And there they are:

"Now Windows Central reports that Microsoft may be scrapping plans to launch an Intel-powered smartphone in May to make way for a new phone from the Surface team which will reportedly launch in the second half of 2016.

You should probably take the report with a grain of salt: Microsoft still hasn’t confirmed the details. Windows Central’s sources might have inaccurate information. And even if the information is currently accurate, there’s plenty of time for Microsoft to change its plans: the earliest Windows Central expects to see a Surface Phone would be August, 2016. It’s possible it could also launch later in the year… if it launches at all."

So, are you going to get this thing from AT&T?   Verizon?  

If you were going to drop that kind of coin, why not use the Skype already built into the unit's Win10 OS for free  ?????

This is the kind of dumb Wintel reactive brown vapor blasts we have learned to love so well.
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #229 - 12/02/15 at 07:59:19
Mmmkay, everyone knows just how tech savvy I Ain't so, my little post is not to state anything definitive, but, more to offer to the smart guys,
I saw a headline, for lack of a better word, on Rense, saying,paraphrased,
Win 10 malware deletes user files
or something along those lines.

Now, is this true? Is this malware that Bad Guys attack with After it's on the machine or is this something that just comes With it?

I'm just curious to know How is it that after All this time, software developers haven't figured out how to make an OS that is user friendly, has enough bell and whistles to be useful, and doesn't get the flu every time the wind blows. And , if I didn't know better, I'd swear it almost seems like it's on purpose.
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #230 - 12/02/15 at 08:10:50


The latest episode of Win10 illegally deleting user installed programs and files was not a malware at all, it was Win10's first pass at the big Threshold 2 upgrade update that did the evil deed.

Threshold 2 was immediately (and secretively) pulled by MS as they digested several restraining orders issued by various legal arenas, some domestic, some European.  

The speed with which the restraining orders hit suggests that legal arms are primed for MS action now and take literally no time at all to fire off legal actions.

The speed with which the Threshold 2 update was undone also suggests MS can do (and undo) things to your computer AT WILL, no matter what you do with your settings.

The big Threshold 2 upgrade reappeared on your machine two weeks later, somewhat corrected, cleaned up and sanitized.    The deletion damage that was done to user's machines remained however, and further fueled the movement for the class action suits that are rolling around now.

Does this help clarify what you remember reading?
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #231 - 12/02/15 at 08:11:49
Jog wrote:

'm just curious to know How is it that after All this time, software developers haven't figured out how to make an OS that is user friendly, has enough bell and whistles to be useful, and doesn't get the flu every time the wind blows.

They know how to do that. The OS is called Linux Mint. And it's free.
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #232 - 12/02/15 at 08:30:26
I have an Acer, less than a year old
so far as I know it's still win 8.1, I havebn't even been offered win 10
if it goes tits up I'll get a tablet
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #233 - 12/02/15 at 08:31:00


Windows 7 fits the bill for what you requested, and that is the whole point of the Class Action lawsuits against MS -- Win10 has locked users away from being able to go back to their old Win7 installations, Win7 installations that had 7 years still left on the license.  

Users are TIRED now of the Win10 BS level, the nightly invasions and the big bi-monthly upgrade disasters -- they want to go back to Win7 and have calm in their lives again.

Most users agree with Miss Microsoft that Win10 has really shown that MS cannot even fix what they have written because they have lost so much as a company over the last 4 years of cut and cut and cut and cut again.

Crueler reviewers suggest that MS is doing exactly what they have planned to do, showing ZERO concern for normal individual users and taking all their old market share back again by a Genghis Khan type of maneuver.

And now they have run afoul of the legal system because what they are doing (and how they are going about doing it) is potentially illegal.

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #234 - 12/02/15 at 10:04:42

Upgrade 10 Class Action LawSuit

LILisaCapaci started on  August 14, 2015See post history

Is there an attorney or firm interested in pursuing a class action suit?  There are thousands of computers that have been rendered useless after being upgraded to Windows 10 through "automatic updates" and left with 1. no sound, 2. no operating screen time 3. no access (password issues) 3.  memory issues 4. lost files 5. unauthorized access by Microsoft.

Microsoft's own Community Answer Forum is now being used to discuss and organize the Win10 class action lawsuit action.

They are asking for a class action law firm to come forward as the vehicle for their wishes.

Microsoft, who claims to listen to their community, certainly now knows that people really really want the "go back to Win 7" button to last a lot longer than 30 days -- does MS actually do what the talking heads say they do about honoring community requests?

Roll Eyes
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #235 - 12/02/15 at 10:21:23

Windows 10 Users Considering Class Action Lawsuit Against Microsoft for Poor System Performance

“There are simply too many issues with this upgrade”

The Windows 10 experience has so far been very mixed for those who installed Microsoft’s new operating system, and while some claim this is the best OS version so far, others can’t even get the Start menu working after upgrading from Windows 7 and 8.1.

It’s no secret that there are a ton of problems in Windows 10, at least on some PCs, so some of those whose computers got upgraded to this OS version, either manually or automatically by Microsoft, are now considering the possibility of starting a class action lawsuit against the company.
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« Last Edit: 12/02/15 at 12:11:16 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #236 - 12/02/15 at 12:24:36

There is a web page now that is holding reference links to all of the various class action lawsuits against Microsoft over Windows 10.
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #237 - 12/02/15 at 12:35:17
 An example of a current class action lawsuit

Who to contact to join the class action.

"The Abbott Law Group, P.A. has a team of lawyers who specialize in Electronic Discovery and Technology based litigation.  If you have been affected by the unwanted Windows 10 download, or you computer, laptop, or tabled, has stopped functioning properly as a result, you may be eligible to join the Microsoft Class Action Lawsuit.

Microsoft has neglected to inform the users of its Windows operating system that the Windows 10 update will be downloaded onto their hard drive.  Microsoft has also failed to consider how the download may impact the end user.

Call us now for a free consultation if you believe you may be eligible to join the Microsoft class action lawsuit for Windows 10 download without permission."

Notice please how vague the wording is ....   if you had any downsides associated with Microsoft putting crap on your machine without telling you in advance and getting your permission then you're eligible for this lawsuit.

This specifically includes any data cap overages or any problems with a low capacity cloud book running out of storage space or any driver or crash issues involved with not being able to take the entire download and the resulting partial download causing you extreme problems cuz you didn't get all the drivers.  

Specifically it also includes getting Windows 10 drivers substituted in the place of your Windows 7 or Windows 8.x drivers and all the functional problems that spring from that.

It also includes getting portions or all of Windows 10 installed on a machine that doesn't have all the proper drivers available for it yet.

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« Last Edit: 12/02/15 at 13:47:36 by Oldfeller--FSO »  

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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #238 - 12/02/15 at 19:06:35
I have a couple laptops, I use one for my main.... and yes I put windows 10 on it, and yes it still is kinda buggy...but oh well, it works.

I put Linux mint 17 on the little experimental laptop... had 15 on it before I made it go all windows to test win 10 during beta. The hard drive died and after I put in a new one, I put mint 17 on it.

Well Saturday I went out to the garage to fire it up and play with it a bit....  and it kept crashing on start.... would not boot.... so I started putting the old windows home vista back on it.... today is my third day messing with it, and I finally got everything updated....yeah... 3 days from start  new till all upgrades are done.... Sad
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Re: Microsoft Windows 10 (the ongoing saga)
Reply #239 - 12/02/15 at 19:19:21

Have you replaced the Bios "maintain battery" that is located through the drive bay hatch -- 2 wire pin connector to a flat battery pack .....

Jest askin' ......   when these go flat your machine loses its mind while in storage.
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