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'Owning', Slaves. (Read 444 times)
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #30 - 06/26/15 at 16:20:44
Actually I have no doubt that each group works (or was worked) hard. It was not my intent to question that. To come here voluntarily though, does not mean they are not cheated once they get here.  Even so.. I think I am still not communicating well...

A group of people that come into area and are working but then are displaced either by technology or politics, don't just go away. They remain, for what-ever reason, and create a legacy of poverty for those that follow.
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #31 - 06/26/15 at 16:53:21
Pine wrote on 06/26/15 at 16:20:44:
Actually I have no doubt that each group works (or was worked) hard. It was not my intent to question that. To come here voluntarily though, does not mean they are not cheated once they get here.  Even so.. I think I am still not communicating well...

A group of people that come into area and are working but then are displaced either by technology or politics, don't just go away. They remain, for what-ever reason, and create a legacy of poverty for those that follow.

Bearing in mind that 99% of these 'new guys' are of European descent?

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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #32 - 06/27/15 at 01:20:39
WebsterMark wrote on 06/25/15 at 08:31:11:
The idea of dumping the Confederate flag is just typical of today's politically correct nonsense. Walmart and a few other pussified retailers have removed anything with the Confederate flag on it. However, they'll sell Cuban flags,   Palestinian flags,  Iranian flags, those stupid Che tshirts with no objection. $hit, i gurantee you could find a store who wont sell a conferdeate flag, but theyll sell an ISIS flag if they could make a buck....

This is a typical example of the lefts infringement on free speech.  it's always liberals who take away real freedoms.

"Great Wall of China Mart" refused to decorate a cake with a Confederate States Battle Standard...

Biker who ordered the cake asked for it to be done with an Isis flag instead...

"Great Wall of China Mart" made his Isis cake...

June 27th has been designated "Burn a Confederate Flag Day" by the "tolerance and love" folks on the left... I'll be in the front yard, flying the battle flags of TN and the Confederacy, one of them run up the stepped mast of our sailboat. Revolver on my hip, shotgun in my lap, gray hat with a Confederate flag sporting the lightning bolt runes of the SS on my head.

The War of Northern Aggression was fought over money. Northern businesses collected tariffs and customs levies from Southern ports. ALL the money went north. Northern businesses paid a pittance for Southern agricultural production, production that was worth 10x that amount on the European market. Industrial monocropping burned out hundreds of thousands of acres across the South (same thing is happening to this day with cotton, soy and fuel corn, nationwide).

Less than 4% of the population in the South owned slaves. And that includes those held by the Cherokee Nation and by free men of color. Nobody wants to talk about the historical fact that the worst slave owners were themselves black...
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #33 - 06/27/15 at 06:59:11
WD, you're using the points I made, but I don't know where you found

Less than 4% of the population in the South owned slaves.

I think I had about a 25% estimate I found in some article.

I think it's pretty telling that the Soldiers who were doing all that fighting and dying didn't know it was a war for/against slavery.
I think it's interesting that one of the stronger articles that shows that slavery was not THE Reason was posted by someone who was trying to make it about slavery.
Id expect that to at least cause someone to at least have a

Hmmmm , I wonder if there wasn't Just a bit more to it....

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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #34 - 06/27/15 at 07:28:47
I'm sure there was a lot of resentment of fancy industrial northerners,  by the agricultural southern folk... that, and pride, will send a young man to war.
...but the southern powers that be, were slave owners, and wanted to expand into western states as America grew.

In any war, the men on ground have less stake in the overall outcome...
They join because their neighbor did,.. driven by machismo.
They stay and die for their brothers.
It's seldom about the issues of the war.

I think humans are sorta' made for it. Huh...
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #35 - 06/27/15 at 07:40:23
and yet, Ive posted informarion that showed that the north was ripping the south off thru northern industrialists buying legislation that favored them.
IF the war had been about slavery, wouldnt that have been the norths battle cry from day one? If it had been about destroying slavery, would Lincoln have stated that his goal was to preserve the union, even if it meant slavery continues?
Just address those two questions, Make them illogical,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #36 - 06/28/15 at 05:02:00
To some, the atrocities of the Vietnam war such as napalming of innocents and the burning of villages for example are a reason to also remove the American flag from all government buildings, social, and sporting events. Do you also agree with that? How about what we did to Japan under the American flag? Dropping a atom bomb on thousands upon thousands of innocent women and children. Do they not also have the right to object to the flying of the American flag?  The flying of the confederate flag today is not about slavery. It is flown in honor of all of the loved ones that were lost to the people of the south during the war. It is part of their heritage. There is a town in Mississippi  even today that carries my families last name. None of my ancestors ever owned a slave. Yet several of my ancestors died fighting for the Confederate flag. I fly my flag in honor of them. I will not take down my flag because a bunch of politically correct liberals who not only have never been a slave, or even spoken to anyone alive today that has been one demands me to.   15,000 african americans  have died by the hands of other african americans since the death of Treyvon martin three years ago. It would seem they would and should be a little more concerned about that instead of what happened 150 years ago. Like I said, if the flying of the Confederate flag is offensive and should be removed, then also maybe it is time to ban the American flag.
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #37 - 06/29/15 at 10:42:41
stinger wrote on 06/28/15 at 05:02:00:
To some, the atrocities of the Vietnam war such as napalming of innocents and the burning of villages for example are a reason to also remove the American flag from all government buildings, social, and sporting events. Do you also agree with that? How about what we did to Japan under the American flag? Dropping a atom bomb on thousands upon thousands of innocent women and children. Do they not also have the right to object to the flying of the American flag?  The flying of the confederate flag today is not about slavery. It is flown in honor of all of the loved ones that were lost to the people of the south during the war. It is part of their heritage. There is a town in Mississippi  even today that carries my families last name. None of my ancestors ever owned a slave. Yet several of my ancestors died fighting for the Confederate flag. I fly my flag in honor of them. I will not take down my flag because a bunch of politically correct liberals who not only have never been a slave, or even spoken to anyone alive today that has been one demands me to.   15,000 african americans  have died by the hands of other african americans since the death of Treyvon martin three years ago. It would seem they would and should be a little more concerned about that instead of what happened 150 years ago. Like I said, if the flying of the Confederate flag is offensive and should be removed, then also maybe it is time to ban the American flag.

/well said

Of course you left off the most hurt group ever by the USA.. North American natives. Though I guess a large group of them were killed off or shoved off their land prior to there being a proper US flag.

PS: no I am not in favor of getting rid of the US flag. But the point is valid.
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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #38 - 06/29/15 at 12:26:21
Trail of Tears, under Jackson. Some Native Americans will Not accept a twenty dollar bill.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #39 - 06/30/15 at 10:10:06
Somehow I didn't see this one coming, black leaders discuss how the NRA & 2A helped freed slaves.

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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #40 - 07/04/15 at 12:59:22
I wanted to read the posts concerning thus issue but I had no plan to weigh in but things have ever changed.

Let me give an idea as to where I'm coming from before I respond.
Born and raised in rural Alabama. My name is spelt RYLEE instead of RILEY because of General R.E.LEE.
Flip side
My wife is black. And when I say black I don't mean she's of African decent. I mean she's an activist for black rights. She belongs to multiple "women of color" organizations and promotes herself as such.
Basically the farthest end of both sides of the fence. My house is as divided as can get. So much so that this subject has been avoided at all costs even though we both feel strongly towards our argument of the side we represent.

So I'll start with this.
I'm not gonna argue that the war was or was not about slavery. Because really that's not the issue. The issue is a flag. A flag that up until the civil rights movement some 100 years after the war was simply a battle flag. A flag made for a regiment much like today's military has flags designating each regiment. A flag that went thru many designs over a very short period of time because until it reached it's last design was mistaken for a lot of other things like surrender. A flag that was flown with pride by the group of men who it represented. It wasn't designed because of hatred. It wasn't designed to demean a race. It was a flag flown by a group of soilders fighting in a war like someone stated before that the majority of them didn't even care of the real reason. The majority of confederate soilders did not own slaves. I have 3 relatives burried in the confederate section at Arlington. None of them owned slaves. Not one of them even owned farms. They were all professional businessman. But they were from the south and proud of their heritage and for that they fought.

What history doesn't tell you is the man who was the savior of the slaves felt they shouldn't be owned but believed they were less than equal to whites.
What history doesn't tell you is the man the led the confederate armies who was married to a decendent of Washington freed the slaves he was bequeathed in wills from family members deaths.
What history doesn't tell you is the man who led the union and would become president was a proud slave owner.
What history doesn't tell you is the majority of our forefathers owned slaves.

But again this isn't about slavery or the war that was supposedly fought just to end it. This is about a flag that thanks to a few groups who thrive on hatred of non whites decided to take it upon themselves in the 50s and 60s to use said flag as their own personal symbol.

Am I condoning South Carolina or any other states for using this
Am I saying that this flag does not represent

What I'm saying is this flag,this symbol like countless other symbols in history can me one thing to me and something completely different to you.

This country and it's media and all those that feel they can just wipe something from us because "they" feel it's wrong is ludicrous.

Let's pull a TV show that had nothing to do with racism because a car had said flag on the roof.
Let's rename a lake because the man it was named after owned slaves.
Let's remove and recall and products ever created because they have said flag on them.
And Walmart I've got news for you. The "south" made you the multi billion dollar company you are today it's probably in your best interest to not bite that hand?

I could go on and on but I'm going to close with this. I'm from the south and darn proud of it. But, I don't now nor have I ever needed a flag to show that pride. What will never change however is how I see that flag and what it means to me!
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #41 - 07/04/15 at 13:59:32
swastika flag anyone?
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #42 - 07/04/15 at 14:02:41
The swastika is a lot older than the Nazis. If you fly the swastika flag, you're probably not of an ancient, long dead religion. You're probably a neo-Nazi full of hate.
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #43 - 07/04/15 at 14:15:36
How the world loved the swastika - until Hitler stole it
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Re: 'Owning', Slaves.
Reply #44 - 07/04/15 at 14:55:46
How long till this flag goes down?

Incidentally, this is the flag for the state of MS.

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