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Arizona cartoons... (Read 752 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #45 - 05/31/15 at 17:16:50
This movie has some of the best scenes or one liners in cinematography history.  

"Royal with cheese" - Preceded the Ezekiel scene
"Do I have a sign on my house?" -  After they shot Marvin (not PC, yet    
"Diner scene at the end" - The wallet that says "Bad M**ther F**ker"

I'm a Tarantino fan, he's truly brilliant in a twisted manner.

Best regards,
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #46 - 05/31/15 at 17:28:29
Agreed  Cool
Tarantino films have some of the best dialogue ever!
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #47 - 05/31/15 at 17:35:46
Serowbot wrote on 05/31/15 at 12:24:49:
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 05/31/15 at 12:09:50:
Everywhere strict gun control is, we see more gun related crime.

In America...
Because, we have open borders between states, and any gun restrictions are just a state or two away from circumvention...

This ain't such a problem in countries that don't allow such easy access to firearms...
Firearm deaths per 100,000 people...
Japan = 0.06
UK = 0.25
US = 10.30

We, the People,are, by law, the owners of the country, not the government.
The corruption of the government brought our drug war
I prefer our system,broken as it is.
This topic is just too complex for a forum.
Come visit for a few days,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #48 - 06/01/15 at 05:00:29
oldNslow wrote on 05/31/15 at 12:41:11:
Bagdad was the world's centre of learning. The West owes it's understanding of mathematics, medicine, and astronomy to those that studied there

That's a bit of a stretch. And even if it was entirely true it's irrelevant. The new Caliphate that present day Muslims are dreaming about, won't bear much resemblance to the supposed glories of that civilization.

The systematic destruction of the artifacts of their own culture by the ISIS idiots ought to be example enough of that.

The civilization they are working to create is going to be one of savagery, ignorance, and theological tyranny.

Islam is a crackpot religion founded by a psychotic, megalomaniac pedophile. It is evil and indefensible as far as I am concerned. And defending evil in the name of tolerance is simply making a virtue out of cowardice.

Actually, no, it isn't. It's perhaps a bit off in the historical timeline, but the world-famous centers of excellence for learning were, in historical order, Thebes in ancient Egypt, Alexandria (founded by Alexander the Great) the city whose Great Library became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and then Baghdad, because once all the expansion wars ended the Caliphs (=Kings, or rather, Priest Kings) realized there was more to gain by collecting wisdom than there was by forging swords.

The expression "Swords into Plowshares" is not a modern British political principle; it was practiced by the Caliphs who civilized a Middle east which had fallen into disrepair after the fall of the Roman Empire, and was such a well known principle you will find it, surprise surprise, in KJV Isaiah 2:4 "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

In the days when Christian Kings and Bishops were preaching that bathing and personal hygene was work of the devil, arabs had taken on Graeco-Roman (and Egyptian) tradition and built Hammàms (public baths, separate for men and women).
When the last Moorish King fled Granada when the Spaniards (re)conquered Spain, these latter were described as "bloodthirsty, fiendish, filthy animals" who stank and never washed. (Interestingly enough, the same was said of Cortès and Pissarro by the Aztecs and Incas, untrustworthy, greedy and filthy)

As long as the Silk Roads were trod by European and Arabic merchants, come the end of the last Crusade in the Holy Land, it was mostly skirmishes at sea, but Christians were so busy killing each other in religious wars the Muslims were leading relatively quiet lives. Come Christopher Columbus and his blowing the whistle, the Silk Routes were gradually abandoned and Christians found it more economical to rape, pillage and plunder two entire continents than to continue profitable business as usual.

The result is two continents whose people were mass murdered, whose scientific knowledge was erased, whose theology was ignored and whose legacy was burned to cinders.
May we thank the Spaniards for all that happened south of the Rio Grande and neo-Englishmen for what happened north of the river.

You're getting old, and very slow...
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #49 - 06/01/15 at 05:54:06
Actually, no, it isn't. It's perhaps a bit off in the historical timeline, but the world-famous centers of excellence for learning were, in historical order, Thebes in ancient Egypt, Alexandria (founded by Alexander the Great) the city whose Great Library became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and then Baghdad,

The same distinction could just as well be applied to Ancient Greece, Italy few yeas later and of course China, although as far as China is concerned, not necessarily so much with regard to western thought.

You're getting old, and very slow...

So, it's insults now. That's a very convincing argument Roll Eyes

No matter. I suspect that on the issue or kowtowing to our muslim friends It's going to be a horse race as to whether The UK or Italy goes down the drain first. We are circling it over here but, although I'm not real optimistic, I think there is time to turn things around if folks wake up.
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Serious Thumper

Good Vibrations!

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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #50 - 06/01/15 at 06:11:30

Yet again, what an enlightened, educated and informative post.

It was a real pleasure to read.


None of my business, but I fail to see how calling someone 'old' and 'slow' is an insult to someone who willingly calls themselves 'old and slow'. Unless of course it refers to the LS650  Grin
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #51 - 06/01/15 at 07:29:12
Actually, no, it isn't. It's perhaps a bit off in the historical timeline, but the world-famous centers of excellence for learning were, in historical order, Thebes in ancient Egypt, Alexandria (founded by Alexander the Great) the city whose Great Library became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and then Baghdad,

That in of in itself is a very insightful statement although not particularly accurate.  The timeline analogy is off hundreds if not thousands of years off regarding the first two examples you sighted.  Perhaps, the pre-Islamic civilizations, or decedents of modern day Muslims had many wonderful accomplishments would be more accurate.  Alexander the Great died in roughly 300 BC and the ancient Egypt could go back as far as 3500 BC.  Baghdad wasn’t founded until the mid-700s.
Muhammad died in 632 and Islam as a religion didn’t take hold till well after his death.  Since it’s conception is been one caliphate after another claiming political & spiritual supremacy.  

Best regards,
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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #52 - 06/01/15 at 08:30:08
A few of our home-grown muslims:

I think the ones I find the most astonishing in this clip are the guys - and the woman- who apparently believe they would be better off and happier living in Somalia than in Minnesota.

Maybe they just don't like the cold winters.

Possibly they would like an airline ticket instead of an EBT card.
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Art Webb
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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #53 - 06/01/15 at 08:30:51
[quote author=43647D62785B796E78676E720B0 link=1432916418/15#27 date=1433096077][quote author=33202625373030520 link=1432916418/15#25 date=1433095448][quote author=4B6C756A70537166706F667A030 link=1432916418/15#24 date=1433095073]MnSpring wrote on 05/31/15 at 10:02:20:
[color=#0000ff] Quote:
Stick a loaded gun anywhere, anywhere at all, and if no one touches it, it won't kill anyone
if a loaded gun is picked up by someone with killing in their heart, they, not the gun, may kill someone

All the more reason to disarm? Surely?

nope, disarming doesn't make you safer, just less able to defend yourself
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Art Webb
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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #54 - 06/01/15 at 08:37:28
Serowbot wrote on 05/31/15 at 12:24:49:
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 05/31/15 at 12:09:50:
Everywhere strict gun control is, we see more gun related crime.

In America...
Because, we have open borders between states, and any gun restrictions are just a state or two away from circumvention...

This ain't such a problem in countries that don't allow such easy access to firearms...
Firearm deaths per 100,000 people...
Japan = 0.06
UK = 0.25
US = 10.30

But how many counrties with very restrictive gun laws have murder rates far higher than the US, and those murder rates in the US get a lot smaller when you look at places with more relaxed gun laws (chicago murder rate far higher than Texas, etc)

In addition, when Australia got much tougher on guns, their crime rate, violent and otherwise, including gun related crime, spiked sharply
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Serious Thumper

Good Vibrations!

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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #55 - 06/01/15 at 09:07:07
Quote ArtWebb
"But how many counrties with very restrictive gun laws have murder rates far higher than the US, and those murder rates in the US get a lot smaller when you look at places with more relaxed gun laws (chicago murder rate far higher than Texas, etc)"

How about naming these countries? On a 'like-for-like' basis.
Say Canada, for example...

Comparing a city to a state is not a valid comparison to me.

I might add that I own 2 (legally held) revolvers, and can provide a list of fire-arms that I've fired on a shooting-range to anyone that's interested.

NB. The only country I can think of that it is compulsory to have a fire-arm in the house is Switzerland. Switzerland!
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #56 - 06/01/15 at 09:28:46
I'd be interested in seeing the list.

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Serious Thumper

Good Vibrations!

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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #57 - 06/01/15 at 09:42:52
Paraquat wrote on 06/01/15 at 09:28:46:
I'd be interested in seeing the list.


Here goes;

Ruger Mk.III (.22 cal)

Glock 17 (9x19mm)

Ceska Zbrojovka Grand (.22)

Taurus 86 (.357 Magnum)

Kalashnikov AK47 (7.62x39mm)

Remington 870 12 gauge pump-action

Obviously live, not blanks, btw
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'96 Bobbobbobber
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #58 - 06/01/15 at 10:42:40
I own two of those... Huh...
Ruger mkIII 22 stainless
Taurus M86 357...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2206

Re: Arizona cartoons...
Reply #59 - 06/01/15 at 11:07:57
I only own one of them. Sad
Need to get some more variety.

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