It doesn't seem like a 'key less' gas cap, is available, outside of a extensive re fit/mod of tank. (And, 'extensive' = Expensive).
So, I decided to, McGyver something. It seems to work well.
First effort was a chrome wheel lock nut, with a, key in it. Worked but, "What the Heck is a Lock Nut doing on top of a gas cap"?
So thought, 'make a key, that looks like a lock'. (Photo Below) I used the top, 'wing' from a helmet lock had laying about.
Method: take spare key, Put it in gas cap, make sure it works, give it a bit of a turn, then, scribe a line, on the key, flush with top of gas cap.
Find something you want to use, Old helmet lock, or one from a MC Junk Yard. The chrome piece from a older car/truck glove box. From a topper, cabinet, tool box, etc, etc. Their are 100's of things you can use. If you don't want to make the key, look, like a lock, their are 1,000's.
Now, take that old, 'lock' apart, clean it up, and make it look the way you want it to. Now take the, bottom, of that piece, and cut a slot, (often times the slot from the old key will work), otherwise a dremal, or fine drill bits, or a file, or a combo of.
Now take the key, cut the top, so it fits in the, 'slot' you made, in the thing you will use. Make sure it fits. Make sure you are 1/32 - 1/16 " above the scribe line you made in the key. (Depending on how precise you are) Maybe 1/8 - 1/4" above. If it doesn't, 'stand' in their, make sure you have all the supporting things in place, to make it 90 degrees, (both ways), ready, and practice putting them up.
Now take a 2 part epoxy, or JB weld, (or if you are handy with, braise or micro weld). And put in place. When dry, try it. If works, and it looks like you want it to. Great, your done. If not, start over. (If using a glue, just heat up, pull the key out, and start over. If you braised, get a another key, and start over. If it works, you, for a 'fraction' of the cost, made a gas cap on your LS650/S40, 'Keyless'.
Drawbacks: Yep, that, 'key' which 'Looks' like a lock, Will turn the Ig also. If that is a concern, then find someone else who has a LS650/S40, and trade gas caps & key.
You can do the same thing with the Ignition key.
Now, this is for the, "LAZY", Thief. They see a 'lock', and don't bother with it. A determined thief, has a hammer and a large screwdriver, and has to be Real Hungry for 2 gallons of gas !!!!!!!
If you do this for the Ig lock. Again, they won't bother with trying to, 'hot wire', they will just throw it in the back of a PU, and strip, and sell parts cheep on fleaybay.
Anyway, it is an idea, (which is cheep). To do a Keyless Gas cap.
Two links to other ideas, and photos, below: