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Re: Ferguson Missouri (Read 1080 times)
Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Ferguson Missouri
08/16/14 at 11:21:21
Okay, I heard the attorney for the family. Ive heard a few scattered bits & pieces from other interviews. The picture is starting to come clear, I Think.. Here goes,,& the first part has nothing to do with how it ended, cuz the cop had no idea that the man he was talking to had just been doing what he was doing,
Apparently, Brown & a friend were walking in the street & a cop tell them to get outta the street. They didnt. Now, did they say or DO things to agravate the cop Other than just NOT do as they were told? IDK.. Mita flipped him off,, or said the equivalent, again, IDK,,, But, The word is, cop pulls alongside & as he opens his door, it hits Brown, struggle ensues, Gun goes off,Now, IDK if Brown is already running away when it goes off or if he runs when it does,, BUT,, according to the attorney, Brown had some distance between him & the cop, a shot is fired, he stops, raises his hands & surrenders.. THEN he gets shot &, from what Ive heard, he is down & the cop comes up & finishes him off..

Now, the fact that they have some sketchy security cam video of a man who LOOKS like Brown, AT the store that had Snitch painted on it and burned, throttling the clerk & taking some cigars has no bearing on this incident directly, but, IMO, that does play into being able to get some idea as to the mindset of Mr. Brown at the time of the incident.
Full disclosure rules require I add he Did graduate HS & was attending college. So, what happened THAT Day that would cause him to believe he should act that way?
OR, maybe the other side of the coin has the right question,,

Has he generally been a punk & a thug type all his life but KNEW deep down his future would suck if he Didnt Do Something right? Is that why he finished HS? Is that why he was going to college? Id like to know how his grades were in school & what kind of people were his friends & what was he studying in college & how was he doing there.
Id For SURE like to know what a toxicology report would say. Had he been smoking that K2 crap?

Whatever the case, no matter WHO he really was,, based on what Im hearing, that cop Executed him.

I dare say should a cop execute a neighbor of mine I wouldnt start burning MY neighborhood.. Ill never understand that..

& Sharpton? Where is HE when 45 blacks die in Chicago over a weekend? NOWHERE,, because Black people SHOT them,, He doesnt CARE about black people, he only cares about creating racial division.. He is a TOOL,, He is USED BY the system, to keep things agitated..

Now, theres where I am on this event. Should information come out that would make it unsupportable, Ill look at it, but Ive held off making an opinion until I had enough info to believe I could have an opinion supported by facts.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 11551
pacific northwest
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Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #1 - 08/17/14 at 10:33:23
Another option.....

He could have just moved to the sidewalk, and I would not be typing a reply to a post you would of never made  Kiss

Folk, how is your life working out for you?
Are you just happy and thankful to be able to enjoy another day with all its wonder?


Is someone or something keeping you from a good life buzz?

Has fighting and pushing back, work'n for ya?

Can I expect to control the world, when I can't control myself?

I know JOG, you can explain it to me, but you can't make me undetstand it  Grin

Again, how is life working out for you?
Self testimony is cheap and holds no answers, even to one self, as the wheels on the bus keep turning.....
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #2 - 08/17/14 at 16:12:50
Yes,he created a confrontation. If he did the same thing with you or me AND
he pulled away and stopped attacking and then you or I shot him and after he went down and was No Longer a THREAT,then that is Murder. Cop or no cop,IF that's what happened,then that cop is guilty of murder. Unnerstand?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 5273
In Transit
Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #3 - 08/17/14 at 16:23:43
Apparently, Brown & a friend were walking in the street & a cop tell them to get outta the street. They didnt. Now, did they say or DO things to agravate the cop Other than just NOT do as they were told? IDK.. Mita flipped him off,, or said the equivalent, again, IDK,,, But, The word is, cop pulls alongside & as he opens his door, it hits Brown, struggle ensues, Gun goes off,Now, IDK if Brown is already running away when it goes off or if he runs when it does,, BUT,, according to the attorney, Brown had some distance between him & the cop, a shot is fired, he stops, raises his hands & surrenders.. THEN he gets shot &, from what Ive heard, he is down & the cop comes up & finishes him off..

I not disputing this, but do you have any links?  The only stuff I've seen has been about the riots.  
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #4 - 08/17/14 at 16:47:51
I was listening to the lawyer being interviewed And I have been hearing little bits and pieces of the same things being said from other sources,So,until conflicting information comes out,I'm going with that. I have a short wave radio and listen to 5 or more talking heads a day,usually.
I don't watch TV news.. I go to the internet or the radio. And I don't just accept the first story I hear. I wait and check out as many sources as I can.
At this point,I'm seeing a guy who may or may not have been "under the influence",but who certainly,created a confrontation and,best I can tell,got murdered.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2679
Rochester, NY
Gender: male
Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #5 - 08/17/14 at 17:47:31
At this point,I'm seeing a guy who may or may not have been "under the influence",but who certainly,created a confrontation and,best I can tell,got murdered.

Or, maybe not:

Everyone involved - cops, protesters/looters/rioters, media, and of course our race- baiting  pals Sharpton, Jackson etc., all have a dog in this fight, so none of them are going to tell the truth. And most everyone else is only going to believe whatever version of events tends to confirm their own preconceived notions of what went down.

Even when the truth eventually trickles out, whatever it happens to be, sadly,very few folks will actually believe it.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #6 - 08/17/14 at 19:01:22
As I stated earlier,If those were the facts and If no contradictory evidence came out,then I would conclude it was a murder. That's a serious piece of fresh information there. Now,sure would be nice to get to see that person interviewed.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

Gender: male
Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #7 - 08/18/14 at 14:06:49
This is my city and I’m sick to death of it hearing about Ferguson. It’s 15 miles away from me, but might as well be 1,500 miles away which I suppose you could argue is part of the problem….

Like the Travon Martin case, the facts will come out, but they’ll come out slowly. In the beginning, the story was Zimmerman hunted Martin down and murdered him in cold blood. The reality turned out to be vastly different,  to the point where a jury let Zimmerman walked away.

In this case, more and more bull$h!t is getting disseminated and everybody’s an expert or “heard” this or “heard that”.  Just a few days ago, this guy was a gentle giant who wouldn’t hurt a fly, was going to college and was shot while kneeling with his hands up. Now look where we are…..

No one has executed anyone and comments like that serve no good. Let’s try dealing in facts. (You’d think the Martin case would still be fresh enough we’d know that, but apparently we’re going to have to learn it all over again….)  

All we know as fact at this moment is this kid robbed a store, stole cigars, was walking down the middle of the street and the officer made some type of contact with him. There was a confrontation. The cop shot the kid multiple times from the front. There were several wounds on the front of the right arm and two in the head, one of which was fatal.

There are multiple stories that are 180 degrees opposite with one another so it’s fair to say right now, no one knows how the confrontation went down. When the forensic tests are done, the distance he was from the cop when the shots when fired COULD be known, but isn’t always discernible. That’s all I’ve heard that has been released that any reasonable could call factual. That’s it. The rest is rumor and conjecture. That’s as of 4 PM CST.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #8 - 08/19/14 at 06:02:34
Could they have possibly done a worse job of handling this?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 12868

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Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #9 - 08/19/14 at 08:09:13
nope; that much we agree on 100%.

I've never paid much attention to the Governor of Missouri, but Holy Flip-Flops Batman, is he ever a limp noodled politician if ever there was one. First a curfew, then no. First local cops, then no. First backs prosecutor, then doesn't.

My prediction: You think it's bad now; wait until the 'hands up; don't shoot' falsehood is revealed for the BS it most likely is and the cop walks.
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Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #10 - 08/19/14 at 08:32:50
Isn't there a constitutional right to overthrow the tyrants? I think the folks in Fergurson who are Afro-American and rioting are feeling this way in regard to the authorities. The storm trooper response of the cops only supports this.
Read about the Boston Massacre that tipped off the revolution.
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it is what it is
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #11 - 08/19/14 at 08:33:33
So much time has passed that now I don't trust"New"revelations. They have had time to go Find"witnesses"and create a story. If I'm not wrong in the memory department,even the autopsy results are in conflict. One report I heard was"2in the back,5 in the front", just too much conflicting information to even Have an opinion at this point. My speculation that he was high on something is starting to look like that was possibly on target. The rest? Looks like someone is going out of their way to foment racial division.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2206

Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #12 - 08/19/14 at 11:06:28
You don't need to attend college for 7 years to tell the difference between an entry wound and exit wound.

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Serious Thumper
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Rosemark TN
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Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #13 - 08/19/14 at 12:22:04

Let them have their "fun"... you, know, "Saint Flatscreen" is their latest hero, sacrificed his own life so his "downtrodden brethren" could "get's dem dere got's to have's", while wandering aimlessly acting like petulant toddlers.

I say the Guard needs to go belt fed, with live rounds, but on the other hand... A full on Category 5 "Chimp Out" is doing wonders for gun and ammunition stores; is showing the media for the lying, scheming, snake in the grass agitators and collaborators they actually are; and has awakened tens of thousands of Americans to the fallacy of the "diversity is good" bilge spouted by the left since the 1960s.

Diversity is code for White Genocide.

* Typical Negro Behavior *
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Posts: 9023
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Re: Ferguson Missouri
Reply #14 - 08/19/14 at 16:24:12
As to the Brown/Cop thing.
Who is right, who is wrong? Don’t know, don’t have all the facts, wasn’t their. Perhaps in time we will find out.

But the ‘BASIC’ problem is, these are, TWO groups, who BOTH, have been told, over and over again, that they are, ’special’ , and enjoy privileges not available to anyone else.  And that, ‘conflict’, will go on, and on, and happen over and over again.

However this statement, is very disturbing:

“ … Folk, how is your life working out for you? …
… Are you just happy and thankful to be able to enjoy another day with all its wonder? …
… Is someone or something keeping you from a good life buzz? …
… Has fighting and pushing back, work’n for ya? …

That attitude above, is EXACTLY why, we are in the situation we are in today.
Which started, v e r y S l o w y, in 1776. It grossly excelated, in 2008.

'Their is nothing I can do about, ‘it’.
I can’t change, ‘anything’.
I can’t, ‘do’ anything.
My Vote doesn’t count.
It’s to much work.
Let someone else do it.
So I’ll just sit back, and ignore it all.’

That is the attitude that 80% of the people in this country have.
and that is the, SOLE REASON, the elected politicians,
and the appointed administrators, do  ANYTHING they WANT,
Any Way, Any Time, for Any reason.

Because they KNOW,  80% of the, ‘people’ will NOT DO ONE THING, or SAY ONE WORD.
And the few that do, “Well their just kooks, don’t listen to them”

Suppose this happens:
‘You live in a small town, you stop at the mart-mart on the way home from work to pick up some milk and bread. You see your neighbor, (your friend), you have a pleasant chat, and he mentions; “Ya know, I know you drive a Motorcycle, their was something in the local paper, about the town council, and Motorcycles, don’t know what it all was, but maybe you want to check it out”.
Well you had a hard day at work, ya just want to get home, have a beer, order some Pizza, and turn on the TV. So you do just than, and forget all about what your neighbor just said.

Meanwhile: (The camera pans to the notice in the newspaper), and it says: “Town Meeting Tues Night at City Hall at 7PM, All invited. To be discussed, …blaa-bla-bla, and buried in that notice is says: “Decision on the ownership of the Suzuki/Savage, LS650 or the S40 motorcycle”.

Of course it is a Great T.V. show, and a very Tasty Pizza, and you forget all about what your neighbor said.
Didn’t bother to find out what the notice said. Didn’t call City hall. Don’t bother to check. Didn’t bother to talk to your, Alderman/or one of the Council people, or the Mayor. (What a tasty Pizza and a great TV show)

Now, one of the reasons, you are so tired after work, is that you have been putting in a lot of overtime, and saving up for the NEW 2014, S40, which you have had your eye on. Finally, you have enough. You get a ride to the Dealer, (in the next town), plunk down your money, and are driving it home.  SUDDENLY, the Town Cop, pulls you over, is Very agitated, and Demands you surrender your new Motorcycle, ‘BECAUSE IT IS NOW ILLEGAL, for YOU to OWN it !

Seem that, the, ’council’ meeting was well published. And the ONLY people that showed up, were the people that wanted to, BAN, the Suzuki/Savage, LS650 or the S40 motorcycle. NO ONE WAS THEIR, to defend it.   So They Made A LAW!  "Ya Can't Own One"

Now, what will you do?
Kiss 5 grand good buy?  5 grand you worked so hard for, 5 Grand, which was YOUR, money?
Ya now gonna be a, ‘kook’ ?

YES, the above senerio, is far fetched. But you GET THE POINT !
(If you don’t, well then, ‘What JOG said”)
Let someone else do,’it’, because: “The Pizza tastes good, and their is a great TV show on”

Ya know I live a good life, I do stop and, ’smell the roses’.
BUT, one cannot do that, if one’s Head Is In The Sand!
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Ben Franklin once said: "If you give up a freedom, for the sake of security, you will have neither".
Which is More TRUE, today, than yesterday.('06, S-40, Stock) well, mostly .
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