Serious Thumper
What happened?
Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Its been difficult for me, since Ive always been a perfectionist, but with age & failing health Ive learned to say "Thats good enough" or "Its just not worth the time & energy to go in to fix that". As stated, youve already been there to fix it & didnt,, SOOO,, how much time are ya willing to risk wasting by trying again? It runs, its a bike, its as fun as if it didnt oooze,, How much oil are ya losing, in terms of dollars/ year? How much of a mess is it? Is it worth messing with NOW? As you already considered, youre Going back in, eventually,, for the cam chain, SO, Id wait & Id really consider doing the troubleshooting & pinpoint where the problem is,, & Id sure be looking closely at every sealing washer that comes out, AND study where they land. Sealing washers can only seal if the surface they are on is smooth enough to allow them to seal. Id also consider replacing them,, theyre cheap,,
If you dont have the Versy I'm shocked youve got that many miles & no new cam chain,,