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I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar (Read 77 times)
Serious Thumper

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Mississippi, USA
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I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
11/25/13 at 14:06:20

The gist is: just as has been predicted, China is stop actively purchasing the dollar in order to "prop it up". If it stops there (no reason to think it will) this this should mean that imports from China will go up in price.  Think of this as step one in a rachet down of US dollar value. However, this is actually a good side ... imports ( being more expensive) would go down creating a vaccume for goods... this at least allows for manufacturing to return to the US ( at least for some goods).  

Now if China wants to get really nasty they can begin to selling the US debt they hold (they have already stopped buying). That would be step two. There is no step three.  Doing so would flood a dollar rich planet with even more dollars. Everyone would be a millionaire and a pair of shoes would cost two million.  At that point, prices of everything would go up, simply because no one would want worthless dollars. This could cause a run away from the dollar on the world market, as folks attempt to dump their dollars before the Chinese do.

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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #1 - 11/25/13 at 17:00:12
I think you're pretty much on target Pine. Its no secret we cant pay off our debt. One of these days the dollar is going to crash, we're gonna wake up and all there will be on TV is the president announcing the news. It doesnt matter how many dollars you have in the bank, they wont buy nothing at the grocery store. The goverment is buying up non perishable food at an alarming rate just like they bought up ammo. He who controls the food supply rules the planet. I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime. Obama has Congress and the Supreme Court in his back pocket. With the treaty he signed with Iran last night he's setting us up for another war we cant afford. I think he's gonna try to run again because he has Congress and the Supreme Court in his back pocket. Once again he'll get all the minority votes and be hard to beat. People on this forum told me I was crazy when I announced the big goverment ammo buyout 2 weeks before the media agreed with me. Just remember you heard about the nonperishable food buyout and Obama running again from this crazy old man.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #2 - 11/25/13 at 17:07:35
I haven't heard about the food.  Could you elaborate?
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #3 - 11/25/13 at 17:11:05
PG, I hate to say this on the net, but I've got eyes and ears up the ladder in Washington.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #4 - 11/25/13 at 17:25:29
Are they prepping on a massive scale?
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #5 - 11/25/13 at 17:43:57
That's the latest I've heard. The Fema Camps are real. As I speak right now they're building one in Lenoir, about 80 miles from me in the mountains. I couldnt ever get an answer on Obamas birth certificate. If you look on You Tube there are opinions on his birth certificate both pro and con but I have enough sense to know they're biased both ways. My question is, why did it take him 3 years to provide one? Michele even slips up and says on a film on You Tube Kenya is his homeland. This is my opinion, not facts I gathered. I honestly believe he is a Muslim plant intending to destroy this nation. There's another bill that Harry Reid pushed through Congress yesterday that gives Obama the executive privilige of taking away our guns, no Congressional vote needed. If anyone needs info on this I'll be glad to get it for you.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #6 - 11/26/13 at 09:31:03
I'd be interested.

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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #7 - 11/26/13 at 10:07:59
Midnightrider wrote on 11/25/13 at 17:43:57:
My question is, why did it take him 3 years to provide one? Michele even slips up and says on a film on You Tube Kenya is his homeland. This is my opinion, not facts I gathered. I honestly believe he is a Muslim plant intending to destroy this nation.

That explains the tan... Grin...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #8 - 11/26/13 at 10:34:13
Bot you're laughing at me just like you did when I announced the goverment bullet buy out. Could come back to bite you.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #9 - 11/26/13 at 11:25:59
Here You Go Steve     Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s use of the “nuclear option” will cause a tectonic shift in our nation on everything from the interpretation of the Constitution, to the legality of Barack Obama’s executive orders, to gun control, to the climate change and immigration mandates the President has instigated through various federal agencies.
That is precisely what Harry Reid and his Democrat cohorts wanted!  Reid’s use of that cynical tactic is one of the greatest assaults on the function of the United States Senate since Thomas Jefferson wrote the Senior Chamber’s original rules.

Please see my important update and call to action below


Harry Reid’s nuclear bombshell has opened the doors for an unprecedented advance of President Obama’s leftist agenda in ways that experts are just beginning to project.

The “nuclear option” rule change allows the Senate to end debate on Barack Obama’s judicial and agency nominees with a simple majority rather than the prior rule of 60 votes, which ends the minority party’s ability to filibuster radical nominations.

Having key adherents in place in the federal courts and in leadership roles of federal agencies, along with a compliant Senate, makes Barack Obama’s radical agenda virtually impossible to stop.

He has expanded the power of the Executive Branch, dominates the Senate, and has now seized key components of the judicial branch, thus largely subverting what our founding fathers outlined in the Constitution.

The ultraliberal Washington Post almost giddily proclaimed…

“The Senate vote Thursday to lower the barriers for presidential nominations should make it easier for President Obama to accomplish key second-term priorities…

The most immediate effect will be felt at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Widely regarded as second only to the Supreme Court in influence, it plays a central role in upholding or knocking down federal regulations. ‘It shifts the court quite substantially to the left,’ said Amanda Cohen Leiter, a law professor at American University…

White House aides and their allies said they have yet to finalize plans for how to push through another 186 executive nominees and 50 judicial nominees awaiting confirmation in the Senate.”

Please allow me to put this into perspective: With 50 new left-leaning judicial nominees and 189 executive nominees being ramrodded through the Senate, Barack Obama will not have to get his agenda passed by Congress, or even be concerned if it fails!  

The President will be able to simply mandate his will through federal agencies on issues like stricter gun control, financial reform, climate change regulation, immigration amnesty programs, and pro-homosexual marriage laws.

If the lawfulness of a federal mandate gets challenged, the case goes to the D.C. Circuit Court, which will now be tilted heavily to the left.

Then, 50 more judges will soon take their seats in courtrooms all across the country in the state-by-state advance of the Obama scheme.  

This is a power grab unlike any we have ever witnessed in the United States Senate, including the historically corrupt manner in which ObamaCare was pushed through that Chamber.

Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said…

“This is the most important and most dangerous restructuring of Senate rules since Thomas Jefferson wrote them at the beginning of our country. It’s another raw exercise of political power to permit the majority to do anything it wants, whenever it wants to do it.”  

Harry Reid says he plans to start introducing Obama’s nominees immediately after the Thanksgiving break, which gives us limited time to lobby the votes of fence-sitting Senators. We are also declaring to that body of Congress that “we the People” will hold them accountable for this disgraceful power grab! the rules in the Senate and silencing  the voices of the minority party, which represents tens of millions of voting Americans, is the vehicle Obama needed to forward his plan to fundamentally transform our nation.

This was, in fact, like dropping a nuclear bomb on the constitutionally-directed balance of power in our government.

++Democrat senators have underestimated the growing push-back!

I believe employing the nuclear option was a cynical, politically motivated maneuver.  As many leftist Senators head toward the 2014 election season, they thought they would have fewer controversial votes on their record for which to answer since the Executive Branch will be increasingly dictating policy.  

But we will hold them accountable!  Their short-term scheme will be their long-term downfall. Nonetheless, it will take years to undo Obama’s stacking of the courts as many of his judicial nominees are appointed for lifetime terms.

Every freedom-loving American should be deeply concerned and take decisive action today.

the Founders’ vision of a senior legislative body given to deliberation will be gone forever and the courts will become mere rubber-stamp endorsers of Barack Obama’s leftist policies.

effects of the Senate’s recent actions will be felt far and wide for a long time to come.

These elected representatives must be told now that they will be held accountable by citizens who love our nation and want a federal government based upon the Constitution.  

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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

Posts: 28418
Tucson Az
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Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #10 - 11/26/13 at 12:20:15
Sorry Midnight,... I don't mean to laugh at you...
I'm sorry that you believe these things...

I know that disagreeing won't change any minds...
so, I make jokes...
No offense to you or anyone...

I wish you nothing but peace, health, and well being...

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #11 - 11/26/13 at 15:03:23
No offense taken Bot. Just wanted to remind you I have been right every now and then. Bot our main difference is I've got kids and grandkids to worry about. I'll die for them if I have too. As I said before I've never seen anyone take over a country that I love like this creep has. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he served only one term as a Congressman. I see our rights being taken away almost daily, that of which I can prove. He has now passed an executive order that almost grants him the right to bypass Congress on practically any issue he wants. Sorry Bot but that scares the $hit out of me! He also has the Supreme Court in his back pocket. I hope we're still friends.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1694
Mississippi, USA
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Re: I think this will be bad - China vs Dollar
Reply #12 - 11/27/13 at 06:43:17
While the bullet purchase was real the food "purchase" has been a bit more of a non-event. Now what HAS happened and is Fact is that various Federal agencies have sent out surveys to find out what the CAPACITY of various industries is. So "how quickly could you deliver xxxx flats of MRE can you supply in 24 hours". However that was not an order, but survey.  To be sure, even such a survey can lead to speculation (wild or otherwise) about what it all means.

Funny, from where I sit... it might be comforting if I thought the federal government gave a dern and was actually stocking up. I don't, at least from an economic point. If the economy goes south due to pressure on the US dollar... I dont think you will see FEMA opening up camps to feed folks.

Could an economic event cause civil unrest that then could cause FEMA to act.... sure,  but thats a few levels on down the rabbit hole. We know what know... ( China not buying dollars) and I am willling to only speculate only a bit out from there.
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