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I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I Can! (Read 326 times)
Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #15 - 11/27/13 at 07:25:00
Whew ! There's so much to say it makes my skin tingle.

OK, first things first, Israel did NOT exist before 1948. Ask any Jew. Can't be too hard to find one.

Israel was last independent sometime in the 3rd Century BC. 3rd century BC means some 2400-2500 years ago. in 167 BC ZEUS was worshipped in the Temple in Jerusalem, not YHWH
Ever since then, it was under some foreign domination or other, hence it was NOT a sovereign State.

(as a historical anecdote, in 622 the priest Hilkia discovered "the Law of Moses" =Deuteronomy under King Josiah, but nobody could read it because it was writtenin an alphabet nobody could read anymore)

To claim "Palestine never existed" is like to claim "there's no such place as Texas"  Huh

The name "palestine" is the Greek, then Latin translitteration of the Semitic "Philistìn" or "Philistiniye" from which you have the name "Philistine".

When Moses led the People of Israel to the river Jordan, the land was already inhabited.

The name of the region is Canaan, and the people are thus called "Canaanites" which is a mistake the writers of the chronicles made, for the simple reason they apparently did not speak the local language, and quite possibly had nobody to speak to since the locals, once defeated, were murdered en-masse. It says so in the Bible. Joshua 6:21.

So to call those people "Canaanites" is like calling someone from Washington, D.C. a "Potomachian". Huh

And in Joshua 1:8, Joshua smites Jerusalem ???  Shocked "Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire."


The Jewish faith is at the heart of the three major religions... major in Europe and the Americas (not in Asia ... you missed out on over 3 billion)

That is not quite correct.

Modern Jewdom is quite different from Jewdom in the days of Zachariah (who was he ? A Priest in the Temple, father to John the Baptist)

Christianity is so embued with classical philosophy that it would be unrecognizable to a 1st Century Christian.
You only have to spend a few months (not days, please) in Europe and do a proper tour of churches, and read the classics, to realize there is nothing in common between John and Paul.
Christianity is so awash with Paul's philosophy, it often contradicts Jesus' own words (starting with Paul's bigot misoginy)

Islam is the fruit of the religious conversion of a merchant who worshipped the Moon Goddess , with the teachings of a Rabbi who taught him to read and write, and those of Muhammad's first wife, a Coptic Christian.

So there you have it.

Incidentally, Jerusalem is NOT the heart of Jewdom, as it was a city-state governed by a Priest King, Melkisedek, when Abraham, a bedouin sheperd, allied his own cameltroops with local "kings" and waged war against other  local "kings";
it's in Genesis 14:18.


As for my "soft, antisemitic stand":

1. I am curious enough NOT to be content with Sunday School teachings, and do my own research.

2. To those who claim "the Palestinians never existed", go ask the Christians who live(d) in Bethlehem, they lived quite peacefully in Bethlehem for 1900 years (including under the Saladin and Muslim rule) until a guy with a Polish or German name came and claimed "this is my home" Huh

One of those Christians, incidentally, is my Father in Law.
John Anton David, born in Bethlehem in 1926, and still in good health.
He served the draft as a machine gunner in the Palestinian Infantry when Palestine was, a) a British Protectorate, and b) administered separately from Trans-Jordan by the British.
I have pictures of him and even scans of his papers dating back from those days.

That there are ID cards and license plates in different colors has nothing to do with suicide bombings, this has been routine administrative practice since the end of the 1st Arab-Israeli war.
Please be informed that Christian Palestinians (i.e., Israeli citizens of any Christian denomination, mostly Catholics) do NOT have the same rights and privileges as Jewish Israelis, but are considered and treated on par with Muslim Palestinians.

I know. My FiL's lands and business were taken away and handed over to yet another jewish immigrant in 1958 and they had to emigrate to Beirut, and when Yassir Arafat and the PLO created a civil war in Lebanon in 1972 they yet again emigrated to Rome.
That is how I met my wife of 24 years.

So please don't tell me "I don't know", I do know, painfully well, from 1st hand sources.

As for Europe being "softly antisemitic", please take the time to read this article, it is the mere tip of the iceberg:
"Antisemitism as a political weapon"


As a closing remark... on "antisemitism"...

Arabs are ethnic Semites. Muslim Palestinians are Ethnic Semites.
Christian Palestinians are ethnic Philistines, i.e. quasi-Greeks (it's in the genes, it's scientifically proven, they NEVER cross married with the Jews nor with the Muslims)

Do a DNA test on an Israeli Jew: less than 10% qualify as Semites, the rest are (Indo)-Europeans or Ethiopians (Cushites).

So..laugh your arses off all you want, but watch out where to sit when you're left breathless.
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

Posts: 3547
Rome, Italy
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #16 - 11/27/13 at 07:33:08
PS: If Israel deserves to be a sovereign nation, then so does Utah.

After all, God gave Utah to the Mormons, didn't he ?  Huh

Think about it.
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #17 - 11/27/13 at 08:04:41
I don’t know if you’re deliberately missing the point or are too biased to get it.
I don’t care about 2000 years ago, I don’t care about the DNA of a Jew; the point is Israel has been a productive and caring member of the world community for decades and continues to do so. That stands in direct contrast to a nation ruled through fear with a stated goal of completely destroying Israel.

Iran’s stance means they have no inherent right to nuclear power. Sorry, but they gave that up when they demanded another nation’s destruction. There is no moral equivalency between the two nations.

I certainly hope Israel identifies Iran’s nuclear sites and turns them into rubble.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #18 - 11/27/13 at 08:16:01
Web, Im betting that the information youre getting telling you how scary Iran is comes from the media. HISTORY, OTOH, will demonstrate that Iran is a very Old & stable nation, not prone to invasion.. Nothing like the militaristic attitudes being attributed to them OR the history of other nations. YOu remember that rant by Ahmadinejad? YOu know, where he said Israel should be wiped off the map? Well,, those were lies, told to us, by the media. He didnt say the Country needed wiped off the map, he said the REGIME driving the country needed wiped from the pages of history,
IOW, the politicians & their policies, not the people.,
Most Americans are unable to locate the accurate translations & even then, if they had them in front of them, unable to grasp the differences.

People need to understand that WE have black ops pulling dirty tricks in Iran, just BEGGING them to retaliate,, which, Should They,, would be reported as a Brutal , unprovoked Attack on America..The deceit & treachery we live in is just mind boggling,

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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #19 - 11/27/13 at 08:25:14
WebsterMark wrote on 11/27/13 at 08:04:41:
I don’t know if you’re deliberately missing the point or are too biased to get it.
I don’t care about 2000 years ago, I don’t care about the DNA of a Jew; the point is Israel has been a productive and caring member of the world community for decades and continues to do so. That stands in direct contrast to a nation ruled through fear with a stated goal of completely destroying Israel.

What has Israel done to be bestowed a caring member of the world community?

When was the last time Iran attacked another nation?

Iran’s stance means they have no inherent right to nuclear power. Sorry, but they gave that up when they demanded another nation’s destruction. There is no moral equivalency between the two nations.

I certainly hope Israel identifies Iran’s nuclear sites and turns them into rubble.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #20 - 11/27/13 at 08:26:42
Sorry, my 2 questions ended in the middle of the post.
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #21 - 11/27/13 at 09:04:40
Seriously? Look around, do 3 minutes of digging.

I would agree that education by itself doesn’t mean everything but it’s a pretty good indication of world wide contribution, wouldn’t you say? Top 10…..
Top 10 most-educated countries are:
1. Canada
2. Israel
3. Japan
4. United States
5. New Zealand
6. South Korea
7. United Kingdom
8. Finland
9. Australia
10. Ireland

Israel has the highest per capital of scientist in their population.

Since liberals love to point out healthcare as evidence of a failure, I guess it’s worth nothing Israel has been rated 4th best healthcare worldwide.

I believe Israel's economy is larger than all the other middle eastern countries combined minus Saudi Arabia with their oil. In fact, if I recall correctly, Israel has very little oil to export.

Israel contributes to the world community.

Here’s their contribution to the world:
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #22 - 11/27/13 at 09:07:37

When was the last time Iran attacked another nation?

Missed this question. Given the fact they operate behind the scenes by funding numerous terrorist groups, I'd say the correct answer is daily.
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OK.... so what's the
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #23 - 11/27/13 at 09:09:27
So,.. "Palastine", or Israel,... was occupied by nomads, until Moses invaded and claimed the land of Israel...
Then Romans took it,... then Muslims took it,... then all of Christianity fought all of Muslimity ( Grin) for it... (somewhere Alexander sorta' had it, and the Germans sorta' had it)...
... and then the British had it...
Now,.. we should chose an occupier to keep it?...

The Jewish people settled it, and made it what it is... it isn't a patch of dirt... (as dirt, it has practically no value at all)... it's value is in it's religious significance...
All the invasions and occupations throughout history have not been about ownership of dirt... they have been claiming the religious center of the world...
That center belongs to the Jewish people... they made a patch of desert into the center of the world...

You want to give it back to Muslims?... or Syria or Jordan?...
Why not let Rome take back the British isles?...
The British can take back America...

A chronology of invasion and occupation is not a good basis to decide ownership...

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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #24 - 11/27/13 at 09:11:58
Please note, neither of my questions were addressed adequately.  

What does their education level have to do with being a caring member of the world community.

No response to my second question.
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #25 - 11/27/13 at 09:20:35
pg wrote on 11/27/13 at 09:11:58:
Please note, neither of my questions were addressed adequately.  

What does their education level have to do with being a caring member of the world community.

No response to my second question.

A caring member of the world community?...
What have we done?...
... or Greece?,.. or Holland?... or Ireland?... or Cambodia?...

Second question...
We propped up Saddam in Iraq for decades to push against Iranian incursions...
Apparently we considered that to be important...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #26 - 11/27/13 at 09:45:48
WebsterMark wrote on 11/27/13 at 09:07:37:
When was the last time Iran attacked another nation?

Missed this question. Given the fact they operate behind the scenes by funding numerous terrorist groups, I'd say the correct answer is daily.

& you know about their secret actions HOW? YOu dont mean to tell me youve been told about it by the very same media that lies to us daily, do you? How much of what they do is retaliation for what is being clandestinely done to them? Scientists murdered, ammo dump exploding,, we dont even hear of all the BS being done by black ops in there. Weve been thumbing them in the eye for a long time, just trying to get them to overtly strike back, so we can point to it as a "Brutal & unprovoked attack".. How many wars must we be lied into before people start doubting the news?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #27 - 11/27/13 at 09:47:38
A caring member of the world community?...
What have we done?...
... or Greece?,.. or Holland?... or Ireland?... or Cambodia?...

seriously? What haven't we done......

we're not perfect, but compared to the next best alternative, the US is a godsend....
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #28 - 11/27/13 at 09:52:11
Please note, neither of my questions were addressed adequately.  

What does their education level have to do with being a caring member of the world community.

No response to my second question.

I think I did. As I stated, I wouldn't say education level is the be all to end all, but it certainly says something, wouldn't you say? Probably a better indicator is comparing economies. People do business with people they trust and are stable. Israel's economy dwarfs Iran. I think you would have a hard time coming up with any category where Iran would be considered a more valuable member of the world. (assuming you leave out terrorism)
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #29 - 11/27/13 at 09:53:37

& you know about their secret actions HOW?

and you know otherwise HOW? yet another youtube video..... another conspiracy theory....
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