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I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I Can! (Read 326 times)
Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I Can!
11/25/13 at 12:22:54
President Obama’s misguided Middle East polices may have set the table for a war in the Middle East.  

Iran’s leadership wanted a “win-win” in their negotiations to have international sanctions lifted while they continued their efforts toward nuclear power. They have gotten their wish thanks to President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.

In open public displays through their land, Iranian’s are praising the deal.  

In a nutshell, the “interim” deal lifts some of the sanctions while allowing Iran to continue to enrich uranium for nuclear energy, but supposedly not for nuclear warheads.

President Obama called the agreement a “great deal” while former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton derided the agreement as “abject surrender by the United States.”

++U.S. Senators are left scratching their heads.

Senator Marco Rubio, speaking on behalf of a group of bipartisan senators who want to increase sanctions against Iran, said…

“This agreement will not ‘freeze’ Iran’s nuclear program and won’t require the regime to suspend all enrichment as required by multiple UN Security Council resolutions. By allowing the Iranian regime to retain a sizable nuclear infrastructure, this agreement makes a nuclear Iran more likely.”

++Worst of all, the deal totally isolates Israel.

Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the deal a “historic mistake” in a statement to his cabinet…

“What was achieved last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, but a historic mistake. Today the world has become a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world has taken a significant step toward attaining the most dangerous weapon in the world.”

New reports are emerging that Israel, Egypt and other Gulf nations are meeting to discuss their own options to thwart Iran’s nuclear proliferation. They see Iran as a looming threat to the sovereignty of their respective nations.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared that Israel can and will take appropriate action if the ongoing threats from Iran against his nation escalate.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #1 - 11/25/13 at 22:57:02
"unintended consequences" does not necessarily translate to
Unforeseeable Consequences
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Romanum Thumperium
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #2 - 11/26/13 at 04:50:19
If there is one Country which has destabilized an optherwise very peaceful Middle East in 1946, it is not Persia / Iran.

It is Israel.
This is not a political opinion, it is written history.

Israel is an artificial nation created by mass immigration of people essentially from Central and Eastern Europe, with economic and military support by the UK and the US.

The Middle East was at peace under the Ottoman Empire; the breakup of said Empire and the "Protectorates" created by the UK and France created false boundaries, crushed expectations and paved the way towards instability.

Kurdistan is a State that deserved to be created, it had everything political science demands for a "State" to exist:
- a territory,
- a People,
- a sense of national identity,
- a language,
- common heritage and culture.

Upon its creation, Israel had none of these:
- the territory was obtained by cutting a jigsaw of Jordanian territory,
- the People did not exist, because they were immigrants from various European Nations;
- the sense for National Identity was contained only within the Torah and the Mishnah; the Jews within Palestine never strived for a Jewish province under the Ottoman Empire; with all the Jewish Doctors of the Law, Diplomats and Bankers the Ottomans had within their Empire, the demand would have been easily granted, as there were NO anti-jewish sentiments before 1918;
- there was no language; the only "hebrew" spoken by "good religious jews" was the text opf the prayers and the language of the Torah; else, the Germans, Czechs, Poles and Russians spoke their local version of Yiddish, the others simply spoke Spanish, English or whatever ...; the Hebrew alphabet we see today was created in the Middle Ages and is called "carré" (squared off); in the days of Jesus and Herod, the script was an evolution of Egyptian Demotic, very similar to  modern arabic;
- there was no common heritage and culture, as music, poetry and even cuisine were fragmented.

The French Protectorate created Lebanon - the rich twin - and Syria - the poor twin.

Similarly, the British protectorate quelled the push for independence of the "Jordanian West Bank" of the Jordanian Kingdom - aka Palestine - and turned a blind eye to political violence - see Stern, Lehi and Irgun movements - until the situation was so untenable the UK turned the West Bank only - not the entire Kingdom of Jordan - to the newborn United Nations in 1948.

So Israel was created.

That the Middle East was a peaceful region is evident by the fact that three nations - Syria, Jordan and Egypt - could not defeat Israel.
They lacked military experience, military culture in the "European sense" and military doctrine.
On the other hand, the newborn State of Israel was populated by battle-hardened citizens who had just survived WW2, one way or another.

So it was that a nation of Sternbaums, Feldgartners and Bozowievsky populate a region which , for the last few thousand years, had been populated by Iohanna (John), Jaqub (Jacob), Yussuf (Joseph), Mathias (Matthew), Abdallah (Amadeus), Mariam (Mary)  Ada, Eve, and Katharina (St.Catherine was Egyptian)...

So Israel is the destabilizing factor in the Middle East.
Modern Israelis have extremely little in common with the Jews who were driven from Jerusalem in 70A.D.
Even the religion is not the same; they do not sacrifice, nor do they have a Temple, nor do they wish to have it.
They don't even have a Priestly class anymore.

--- --- ---

Back to the original issue... Iran...

Iran is, as I have stated many times over the last few years, the ONLY stable nation in that region.

In fact, it is so stable, it boasts a clear and unbroken line of cultural identity and heritage which reaches back to Kings Darius and Xerxes, both I believe mentioned in the Bible.

Governments come and go, but for a nation to boast 3000 years of national continuity is a characteristic many modern ambassadors struggle to grasp.

Heritage and cultural identity is far stronger than modern technology, and bonds people into a People.

Iran has got the right to do whatever it wants within its borders just as much as Israel, as long as international laws are not broken.

If the AIEA and the UN believe a deal is a good deal, it will take a lot more than a newspaper to make them change their minds.

And I find it extremely hard to believe that with all the bruhaha going on in the Sahel with AlQaeda etc., Israel is happy and content and sitting on its hands, instead of trying to make peace with its neighbors.

--- --- ---

So, does this mean I am anti-Israel or pro-Iran ?  Huh

At first glance, it does.

But if you read what I wrote, again, more carefully, I merely analyse the factors which characterized the creation of Israel, and the factors which characterize the existence of Iran.

I am well aware that "the Jews suffered the Holocaust" - but that should have justified the creation of an Israeli State in Europe, not in the Middle East.

I am well aware that the US (and the US alone among Western nations) is crying out loud against Iran.

But I am merely advocating that "those with a clear, loud voice" try and strive for peace, instead of stirring up yet another war.

Think about it... and set your minds free of the propaganda of Washington lobbyists...
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
Serious Thumper

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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #3 - 11/26/13 at 05:32:06
I see you’re infected with the soft anti-Semitism bug so many in Europe have. (along with 1600 Pennsylvania Ave apparently…)  You don’t quite have the balls to come out and say it so you peddle it in the form of pseudo – intellectual drivel.

Israel succeeded and prospered after 1948 because it’s people are not dedicated to destroying her neighbors. They’ve maintained their democratic government and are responsible members of the world community. The countries around her are the opposite. Take the oil away, and the other middle eastern countries could just as well be in central African. Full of potential, but burdened by corrupt governments, murderous people and a religion of peace which is decidedly not so peaceful.

The message today is terrorism pays off. Take advantage of how easily anti-Semitism is passed along and use this as the cover you need.  Trick the foolish Chamberlain’s of our day and build your bomb over the next 6 months.

It an ironic twist; perhaps Israel and Saudi Arabia will join together and turn Tehran into a Smoky the Bear theme park.
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Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Rome, Italy
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #4 - 11/26/13 at 07:48:28
WebsterMark wrote on 11/26/13 at 05:32:06:
I see you’re infected with the soft anti-Semitism bug so many in Europe have. (along with 1600 Pennsylvania Ave apparently…)  You don’t quite have the balls to come out and say it so you peddle it in the form of pseudo – intellectual drivel.

Oh, I have balls, alright, it's just that you seem to confuse "antisemitism" with "a-semitism", as in "I don't give a darn what they did to your gradpa, you have no right to do the same to the arabs these days".

Israel succeeded and prospered after 1948 because it’s people are not dedicated to destroying her neighbors.

Bovine excrements to the umpteenth power. For all the UNSC statements condemning israel for mass murders, genocide and unnecessary violence since 1948... they were ALL vetoed by the US, often by the US alone.

They’ve maintained their democratic government and are responsible members of the world community.

Yes, they are sooo democratic there are three different types of license plates on cars, and three different types of ID cards:
- for Jewish Israeli citizens,
- for Christian/Muslim/non-jewish citizens,
- for non-citizen residents.
That, in South Africa, was called "Apartheid" and the US imposed sanctions.
That, in Mississippi-Alabama-Arkansan, was called "white only" schools, restaurants, cniemas and buses.
But in Israel it's democratic...?  Huh

The countries around her are the opposite. Take the oil away, and the other middle eastern countries could just as well be in central African. Full of potential, but burdened by corrupt governments, murderous people and a religion of peace which is decidedly not so peaceful.

Too bad those failed states in Central Africa hape puppet governments controlled by the big oil giants. Ever been to Nigeria ? Peaceful place untl they started drilling...

The message today is terrorism pays off. Take advantage of how easily anti-Semitism is passed along and use this as the cover you need.  Trick the foolish Chamberlain’s of our day and build your bomb over the next 6 months.

It an ironic twist; perhaps Israel and Saudi Arabia will join together and turn Tehran into a Smoky the Bear theme park.

Oh, gosh, so take away the oil from the Saudis, and they become friends to the Israelis ? How convenient of you...

Excerpt from the resumé of Dr. Henry Kissinger, Sec.y of State to Pres, Nixon:
Henry Kissinger:
He was an early architect of new world order harshness.
He’s considered a notorious war criminal. His rap sheet includes three to four million Southeast Asian war deaths.
He was instrumental in overthrowing Chile’s democratic government. Augusto Pinochet replaced Salvador Allende. Reign of terror arrests, killings, torture and neoliberal harshness followed.
He backed Suharto’s brutal dictatorship. His Kopassus special forces terrorized Indonesians. Their record includes kidnappings, rape, torture, targeted killings, sweeping violence, mass murder, and other atrocities against anyone challenging his authority.
He supported his West Papua takeover. He OK’d his East Timor invasion. Over two hundred thousand East Timorese died. Around half a million more were displaced.
[N.B. the West Timorese are Muslim, the East Timorese are Christian]
In two months, 10% of the population was annihilated. It was prelude for what followed.
Kissinger supported the Khmer Rouge’s rise to power and reign of terror.
He encouraged a Kurdish revolt against Saddam Hussein. He then abandoned them.
He advised Bush and Cheney on Iraq policy.
He backed a 1974 Cypriot fascist coup. He defended Turkey’s brutal invasion.
He was complicit in Operation Condor. Pinochet and other Latin American despots reigned terror against alleged communists and political opponents. Tens of thousands perished.
He supported Pakistan’s “delicacy and tact” in overthrowing Bangladesh’s democratically elected government. Half a million deaths followed.
In 1974, his secret National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) called for drastic global depopulation. Developing nations are resource rich, he said. They’re vital to US growth.
He wanted useless eaters eliminated. He said “Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World.”
He supported involuntary mass sterilizations. He wanted birth control made a prerequisite for US aid. He wanted hundreds of millions eliminated by 2000.
He endorsed the worst of Israeli crimes. He deplores peace. He supports war and state terror. He symbolizes the worst of imperial lawlessness.

Incidentally... may I have ONE historical reason why Palestine was chosen as the "Land of Israel"?
Any of you who claim "King david" etc. are off your mark, the Crusader Kingdom of Christian Jerusalem lasted longer.
Historically speaking, the one nation to have ruled over palestine longest was Turkey.

I speak history, Webstermark, not propaganda.


Read the Bible.
"Israel" was the name of the 2nd born to Abraham.
"Israel" never existed in the book of Genesis, Abraham - Jacob were bedouin sheep herders.
"Israel" never existed in the book of Exodus, it was a people of exiles crossing the desert.
"Israel" was guilty of the most atrocious war crimes under Moses (he waged war his own Father in Law and exterminated his People) Joshua (see Jericho) and on.
"Israel" was sovereign only under Kings Saul, David, Salomon and Rehoboam.
"Israel" had Samaria, not Jerusalem, as its capital city after the death of Rehoboam, when only Judea and Galilee remained under Jerusalem and the other 9 Tribes coalesced as the Kingdom of (new) Israel
"Israel" was constantly at war with all the neighboring nations under the Judges, and was often a feudal state to Ghaza, paying taxes and tributes to the Philistines.
"Israel" never even existed under the babylonian kings.
"Israel" is last mentioned as an autonous political entity around 260BC by Spartan chonicles.
After that, nothing, nothing at all.

King Herod was not even a Hebrew, he was a Bedouin, faithful to Rome, and appointed King of Jerusalem as reward.
He converted to being a Jew only to obtain the crown.

Read the Bible.
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #5 - 11/26/13 at 08:43:51
Ahhh Kissinger.... now theres a name from the past. I remember jokes about him being the smartest man in the world. Not my favorite person.

As to taking a side ( Israel/ Iran): I don't feel obligated to side with either. I like reading what MPes wrote... you gotta know you can't just take a chuck of the most important land to the big three abrahamic religions and not piss off a few folks.    

As for the current. meh Seems to me US bought some time to keep us (US) out of war. If Israel wants a shot at them.. thats thier business. On the flip side... it may be the US (powers that be) need to stack up some reasons to go to war. Nothing like a war to redirect the fact your economy is in the crapper.  So now we have two targets: Middle East and China. ( because the war on Terror and the war on drugs dont cost enough..... umm yeah)

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #6 - 11/26/13 at 09:15:39
Again , Pesci has no "built in" belief system that colors his views. He knows history & sees events. He hasnt been trained that to be critical of Israel is wrong & anyone who honestly evaluates the events with the colored lenses off is a bad person. OHH NOO,, Thats Anti_Semitism! Ohh NOOO!
Well,, let me ask you folks this.

How many people despise the actions of the American government?
How many hate the citizens?
Criticizing the actions of the government isnt hating the people. Learn to separate that.

How many are actually trained to believe what they would never believe had they not been taught all their lives that to criticize Israeli policy is to be antisemitic?

Some here are..Here,, have a look,,
Its the same game as calling anyone who criticizes Bammy a racist,, that finally wore out, but it didnt have the numbers & the $$ to make it stick,
Antisemitic Did,,

Catching Pesci Wrong takes , well,, I dunno what it takes,, I havent seen it yet,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Dane Allen
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #7 - 11/26/13 at 09:18:55
I am pretty sure Isreal was in existance before 1948 and even further back before the time of Christ. What doesn't exist is Palestine, there are no such people as Palestinians. 4,000 years + Israel has existed, it included parts of Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, etc. If you wish to review history then I request you review the whole timeline and not just the last 70 or so years.
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #8 - 11/26/13 at 10:51:49
We are not talking about Old Testament history, we’re not talking about Henry Kissinger (where ever the hell that came from) and we’re not talking even talking about license plate procedures that identify the owner of a car from a distance and is done to reduce suicide attacks by those wonderful people who, among their more creative methods to spread peace and joy through the region,  use bombs strapped to children or the mentally ill ….  ( as a side note; to compare that to the ‘whites only’ lunch counter shows your utter, and I mean utter, lack of understand in this area…)  

No, what we are talking about the soft anti-Semitic stand that allows a blind eye to be turned towards a nation which repeatedly calls for the complete and utter destruction of another. Your ‘Iran is the most stable nation in the region’ is the equal of ‘at least Saddam had the trains running on time’. Pathetic.  

Israel has been a positive force in the world since 1948 and the hostilities of that region with regards to Israel could be ended immediately if one side would just stop trying to destroy her.  There is no moral equivalent between Israel and the enemies trying to destroy them. Maybe I’m wrong so help me out here if I am but I can’t remember when a group of Israelis issued a fatwa and sent children strapped with bombs to their chest across the border….
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #9 - 11/26/13 at 15:07:08
Web I agree with you 100%. I bet you thought you would never hear that come from me.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #10 - 11/26/13 at 15:13:07

The Jewish faith is the heart of three major religions...
Jerusalem is the birthplace of them...
All three religions agree on this...
The Jews built it... God said it was theirs...

I'm an atheist,.. and even I ain't gonna' argue with God on this one... Grin...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #11 - 11/26/13 at 15:21:15
Ya keeping score Bot? LMAO!
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #12 - 11/26/13 at 17:31:29
Midnightrider wrote on 11/26/13 at 15:07:08:
Web I agree with you 100%. I bet you thought you would never hear that come from me.

I am in shock a bit, yes....

This isn't a religion issue except to the degree that the religion of peace wants to blow the hell out Israel.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #13 - 11/26/13 at 18:52:57
Sit Down, Breathe deeply Web. LMAO I realize what you said. I believe the 12 Tribes Of Israel dissapeared a long time ago through interracial marriges and such. When I was into 9/11 I saw a video of an Israeli Camera Crew sitting up 30 minutes before the first plane hit. When the buildings came down they started dancing in the streets. The detective in me knew somehow they have to be involved. I was really pissed off then the voice of reason took over and told me I couldnt hate a whole oppressed country for the actions of a few. I dont know how deeply those Israelis were involved but one cant help but know they knew it was coming unless the video was a fake which I dont believe it was. The only other choice I had to believe is they were not Israeli's but maybe Arabs that looked a lot like Israelis and maybe the author of the video was trying to stir up some $hit. I prefer to believe the second choice. I really try to look at all sides and investigate eveything I throw out there on this forum because I know someone is going to challenge it. Usually you, still LMAO I hope someday you'll realize I'm not your enemy I'm just writing what I've seen, heard or read and believe to be the truth. I almost hysterical now. I already know your comeback. I should be a reporter for the National Enquirer. Oh $hit, let me out of here Still LMAO!
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: I Cant Believe He Is This Stupid, Or Maybe I C
Reply #14 - 11/27/13 at 05:58:34
I've never viewed you as an enemy Midnight. I enjoy hearing about your life. I told you once before (and I think Jerry did the same) it doesn't seem to fit that you're so easily duped by these conspiracy theories that can't possibly be true. Your life's adventures should have given you the background to know what's possible and what's not.
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