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Obama is a real Ameican (Read 110 times)
Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Obama is a real Ameican
10/09/13 at 18:08:55
The families of fallen soldiers will not receive death benefits during the government shutdown, including the families of the five soldiers who died this past weekend. Closing the ocean and parks is more important than our veterans and their families.
He's bound and determined to take his miserable failings as a president out on Veterans. Poor People. and Helpless Seniors. If he's trying to make a point he just made it with me.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #1 - 10/09/13 at 20:18:24
Watergate was nothing compared to the widespread misuse of power he has now.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #2 - 10/09/13 at 20:31:59
Priest: Obama Administration Denied Mass To Catholics…

(CBN) – How about trying this one on for size? Here is the press release headline from Congressman Tim Huelskamp’s office this afternoon:

Obama Administration Denies Mass to Catholics

Apparently, a priest was denied access to a military chapel this weekend. Father Ray Leonard serves at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia but because of the government shutdown, he wasn’t allowed to go to celebrate Mass this past weekend.

He is contracted by the Defense Department to meet the spiritual needs of Catholics, but not now. The chapel doors were locked and the sign said, “Shutdown: No Catholic service till further notice.”

Father Leonard said the following:

“This is our church, Catholics have an expectation and obligation to attend Mass and we were told, ‘No you can’t go to church this week…“ My parishioners were upset. They were angry and dismayed. They couldn’t believe that in America they’d be denied access to Mass by the government.”

Rep. Tim Huelskamp had this reaction:

“Time and time again this Administration demonstrates it is waging a war against the very religious freedoms upon which America was founded. This is exactly why we worked to pass legislation (House Concurrent Resolution 58) this past weekend – to protect the religious liberties of all those who bravely serve in our Armed Forces.”

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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #3 - 10/09/13 at 21:57:26
The left is comprised of the most control freak, tyrannical buncha assholes alive.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #4 - 10/10/13 at 09:48:10
Obama will not pay respect to our flag during a ceremony or the people who died for it or were willing to die for it. If I knew him personally he would be one of the several people I refuse to speak to when I walk by. He would make a great dictator or drug lord in South America. Anyone that treats fallen heroes like he does, locks church doors should be booted out of this country. I have a better idea but its illegal. I'm dying quicker every day but I want everyone I come in contact with to know how I feel about our last two presidents. Ones a mass murderer and liar, the other a deep rooted muslim communist. There you have it, neither political party works or takes care of us. Hitler was the only other one I ever heard about that locked church doors, they were probably Jewish. I'm sure there have been more down through the ages but he's the only one that comes to mind. Please pray for our truckers tomorrow. I'm glad there are some brave Americans left willing to give up 3 days of their lives and thousands of gallons of fuel. I'm sure there will be some injuries, I hope none serious or no deaths. If I were a cop there I would lay down my badge and personally escort them to Congress. Cops swear to uphold the constitution but like politicians, most of them have forgotten all about it. I wish I could join them tommorow. I'm going to a class on the Constitution and Bill Of Rights soon. The classes main objective is to teach us how to prevent our guns from being confiscated. Our govement is representing around 80% of our people, maybe less. Millions will be working a part time job. The lady that is one of the chief honchos said those 30 hr workers can do without their cable or cell phone. I'll print the link. That's an example of the goverment taking more away from us. Insurance should be a necessity but you shouldnt have to lose 10 hrs of work a week or your TV or phone to pay for it. There's a legal way to become a citizen of the US and it aint broke. Are the Republicans stupid enough to believe if they let these illegals in they are going to vote for them? Hillary is going to handing them out checks and food stamps every month and she is who they will vote for. If you poll or interview Americans over 80% want to pull out of overseas yet Ron Paul was the only candidate that mentioned it , yet he was mocked by the news media. Ron was the only candidate that had a plan for getting us out of debt, yet they refused to let him speak and mocked him. The news media picked out a crook and a muslim communist to lead this country. Hillary and her council on foreign affairs are going to going take us down even further. This world is not ready for a one world government run by the multi Billionaires. This country cant even treat us fairly. The news media will not allow the whites to speak out like they do Al Sharpton. I should have my own TV show and be able to debate everything that racist says. I'd love to go to his and Jesse's church one Sun morning, except there's a problem, they don't have one. I'm sure they have a ministers license but only because they can deduct from their taxes everything they do. The money saved helps Jesse pay his child support. None of the churches I've ever been to, as far as I know the minister didn't have illegitament children. We started this major downhill spiral when the Federal Reserve was created. Anyone with any common sense knows money without a precious metal backing it up  is only worth the paper its printed on. Its like me writing you a check with 0 funds in my checking account. The link to the govrment lady who wants you to lose 10 hrs of work a week and cancel your cable and cell phone is  I would love to destroy her TV and stomp her cellphone. Its on the 2nd video.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #5 - 10/10/13 at 13:02:00

We were warned. Obama is more determined than ever to grant amnesty to illegals. The situation is getting dire.

This week he gave illegals free reign to rally on the National Mall—an area closed else under the shutdown. Yet, he barred the greatest generation of Americans from visiting the World War II and Iwo Jima Memorials, erecting barriers to shut them out.

This is a new low. Under the Obama regime illegals get special treatment and rights but veterans get treated like garbage and have none. What kind of monster treats the greatest generation with such disrespect and dishonor?

If Obama gets his way, he'll grant amnesty to as many as 33 million illegals including drug traffickers and terrorists—let them stream through open borders. He'll do it while no one is looking.

Remember, secret back room deals are being made for one purpose: amnesty for election votes. There are 5 amnesty bills under consideration in the House and at the end of this month they vote. We're dangerously close to that deadline and losing isn't an option. Too much is at stake.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #6 - 10/10/13 at 14:40:17
I wonder where Obama's old chief supporter, Bill 67, has been for quite a while?  Anyone know anything about him and if he's OK?
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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OK.... so what's the
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Tucson Az
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Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #7 - 10/10/13 at 15:34:37
Don't believe everything you read...
Even common sense would tell you,.. it's a fake story...

Hate is so easy to swallow when you're being spoon fed... Huh...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #8 - 10/10/13 at 16:53:22
Yea,, thats pretty obvious.. like an Onion piece,, This, OTOH, is no joke,,


The U.S. military has furloughed as many as 50 Catholic chaplains due to the partial suspension of government services, banning them from celebrating weekend Mass. At least one chaplain was told that if he engaged in any ministry activity, he would be subjected to disciplinary action.

“In very practical terms it means Sunday Mass won’t be offered,” Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services told me. “If someone has a baptism scheduled, it won’t be celebrated.”

The Archdiocese for the Military Services tells me the military installations impacted are served by non-active-duty priests who were hired as government contractors. As a result of a shortage of active duty Catholic chaplains, the government hires contract priests.

   A well-placed source told me that a furloughed Air Force chaplain was threatened after he offered to forgo pay.

Broglio said some military bases have forbidden the contract priests from volunteering to celebrate Mass without pay.

“They were told they cannot function because those are contracted services and since there’s no funding they can’t do it – even if they volunteer,” he said.

John Schlageter, general counsel for the archdiocese, said any furloughed priests volunteering their services could face big trouble.

“During the shutdown, it is illegal for them to minister on base and they risk being arrested if they attempt to do so,” he said in a written statement.

A well-placed source told me that a furloughed Air Force chaplain was threatened after he offered to forgo pay. The chaplain was told he could not go on base or enter his chapel offices. He was also barred from engaging in any ministry activity.

The source told me the chaplain was told that if he violated those orders he and his supervisor would be subjected to disciplinary action – with the possibility of being fired.

Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, called those developments disturbing.

“Catholic military personnel should not have their religious liberties held hostage by this funding crisis,” Crews told me. “I find it alarming that these priests cannot even volunteer to provide services without threat of arrest.”

The archbishop said a priest at Joint Base Langley-Eustis was banned from officiating at the wedding of a couple he’d been counseling.

“The wedding could be on the base, but the priest can’t do the wedding,” Broglio told me.

A priest at the Naval Amphibious Base in Little Creek, Va., was told he could not celebrate Mass on base because of the government shutdown. So he discovered a way to circumvent the ban.

“He’s having Mass in a local park off base,” the archbishop said.

The archbishop said it doesn’t make any sense to forbid priests from voluntarily ministering to the troops.

“Most of us don’t look to see that we’re going to be paid before we do something,” he said. “They are not being allowed to volunteer even to meet the needs of the faithful.”

Bill Donohue, of the Catholic League, told me he’s not surprised by the decision to furlough Catholic priests.

“In American history there has been no administration more anti-Catholic than the Obama administration,” he said. “For them to deny Catholic men and women the opportunity of the sacraments and to deal with their prayerful vocations is really a stunning statement.”

Donohue chalked it up to meanness.

“This idea of punishing Catholics in the military - denying them their priests - is consistent with the animus this administration has demonstrated,” he said.

It’s not exactly clear who is the final arbiter in the furloughs – but I suspect it’s the same folks who kicked school children out of the White House and elderly veterans out of the World War II Memorial.

“It’s difficult to know who exactly is making these decisions,” the archbishop said. “I’m being told it keeps getting kicked up to a higher level.”

I called the Pentagon but no one returned my calls.

I called the Air Force public affairs office and they told me to reach out to the local bases.

Surely there must be some way to compromise, to let Catholics practice their faith.

I find it odd that the military was able to find enough cash to let their football teams play this weekend – but they can’t scrounge up enough cash for weekend church services.

“It’s a sad contrast when we can let a football game go on but we won’t let a priest go on base and celebrate Mass,” he said.

So in President Obama’s world – college football players are essential but Catholic priests are not.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #9 - 10/10/13 at 17:46:05
One more piece of the Constitution he's trying to destroy. I think its the reason we moved here from Europe and started this country.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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YaBB Moderator

OK.... so what's the
speed of dark?

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Tucson Az
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Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #10 - 10/10/13 at 18:15:43
Good God, you're all hopeless...

Pretend I never posted... Huh...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #11 - 10/10/13 at 19:38:46
Has anyone heard of a single foreign aid cut because of sequestering?
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #12 - 10/10/13 at 19:47:36
Its easy to believe stuff like that when he is having the things done he is doing. Look at how he is treating the vets & closing parks they fed doesnt even own,, its ridiculous, he is a liar, over & over,, why should I doubt one more outrage? You wanna defend him? Good, thats great, I dont mind someone scraping one fly off his face, theres so many stuck, my opinion of him will go no lower.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Obama is a real Ameican
Reply #13 - 10/10/13 at 22:21:35
I listened to Bot when he hated Bush and I backed Bot up. Now its my turn and he cuts me off. Obama is trying to destroy everything our ancestors fought and died for. Bot and several more people have argued with me over gun control and they have almost as many guns as I do. I think Bill67 had more guns than me and yet he tried to take me down, If you haven't figured out that neither party works, neither party wants whats best for the country, neither party represents their voters to the tune of 80%. If you want a country to live in this dem versus pub sh!t has got to stop. We're all in this together. Both parties have had their chance to make this country better and both parties have failed miserably. If you cant see that I kind of feel sorry for you. When a president opens up a closed down mall for illegal aliens and shuts down Veteran Memorials he doesn't belong in this country period. He's keeping Andrew's Air Force Golf Course open and according to Jog and me interfering with our men in arms religion, that's not the first time that's happened. He doesn't want a one payer health care system. He wants to keep us confused to the point we don't know what we owe and when we get the bill we don't know enough to dispute it. If we refuse to pay it he's got that covered, the IRS will deduct it from our paychecks. He refuses to cut back on foreign aid, he had rather take our money and blame us for not backing his Bullsh!t anti American ways.
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