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Time to  get a grip, folks.; (Read 529 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #45 - 09/24/13 at 18:02:51
Pesc, a number of years ago I had the good fortune to see Rome and a good bit Italy.  An absolutely fantastic country for many reasons.  Although, I don't know what it is like to make a living there; a wonderful place none the less.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #46 - 09/24/13 at 19:59:19
Thanks Web. First time I've ever been called a babbling, snotty, cave-dwelling, nearsighted, ignoramus, barbarian.

No worries Midnight. PS: it only hurts the first time!
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #47 - 09/24/13 at 20:28:13
I enjoy the conversations and is kinda boring without.  I voted for Goldwater in 64, because I believe the less government the better, and most of the government should be kept close (like your enemies). Grin
I think Rome's time had come, as MSP noted long supply lines and basically foreign legions with Roman officers....old tactics that didn't evolve quickly.  As all empires find out, it just expensive to keep people enslaved.  The US experiment is trying another way, enslavement through debt..following the capitalist system which uses one of our human strongest drives, greed.  
Perhaps we will  do a French style Marie Antoinette on the Kardashians et al
and as noted, the college debt bubble is about to explode and a lot of schools may go under.  I do not see a bright future for the US, I'm hoping it isn't as bleak as I feel it might be. :'(
After the poop hits the platters, we at least have a lot of land for agriculture so after the death of the cities some small percent should emerge in good shape.  This Continent is  blessed with abundance.
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Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #48 - 09/25/13 at 02:32:37
WebsterMark wrote on 09/24/13 at 19:59:19:
Thanks Web. First time I've ever been called a babbling, snotty, cave-dwelling, nearsighted, ignoramus, barbarian.

No worries Midnight. PS: it only hurts the first time!

Don't forget to smile !  Grin


Now, seriously, folks... Obama is not bad, from a European perspective, he's just trying his best to balance social justice towards the lower classes (which is not socialism, I insist) with keeping the fat cats happy and well fed.

And for those of you who don't see it this way... do you maintain your bike ? Yes ? Do you feed your dog ? Yes ?
If schools, Police and Fire dept. are free (i.e. paid by public moneys) how is it that in this day and age the health system is essentially private ? Because that's the European perception.
I can understand the village doctor having to ride his buggy one full day to a remote Nebraska ranch in 1876, and anothe full day back to town, and demand to be paid for his time, but these days?
If the system expects me to work and maintain myself, and to pay my taxes, if the system provides protection against crime and fire, howcome it doesn't provide protection against illness ?
Europe thinks along these lines, from Iceland to Greece and malta, it's the same fundamental principle north to south, east to west.

Anyway, I disgress.

You want to talk Italian politics ? Fine by me.

What Berlusconi tried in 1992 was US-style liberalism in a nation which still boasted a full 32-33% of the polls to be affiliated to the IT Commubnist party, which - if you look at figures closely, was a mere puff behind the Christian Democrats.

Whereas you in the US crank it up between elephants and donkeys, we had "the old Partisan Liberators!" (sic!) wind up the masses calling for the Proletariat Revolution...
...and if Bob Dylan, John Lennon and Joan Baez were popular in the '60s in the US, you have no idea what they obtained when mixed with Communist propaganda in 1970s Italy! The Church even dubbed Lennon and the Beatles as satanists...   Huh
Singers like Guccini - Vecchioni - DeGregori praised the resistance and chanted praise of student marches and protests against "the Establishment".
We came to the point where even waving your own Flag was considered right-wing and nostalgic - hence, fascist.
Only the military were left to Flag-bearing cerimonies - which only added to the "flag = fascist" theorem.
By 1980, living in Italy was living in some kind of left-wing Chile  Lips Sealed you could say whatever you wanted, provided it was leftwing... Tongue

Thnigs gradually changed for the better, yet not good enough.
Berlusconi has proven quite a Statesman, doing business with Russia in a way that left all other European Nations speechless.
We pay russian gas for heating less that the French, Germans or Belgians - hence, they hate us.
We did business with nations that until the previous governments were still attached to the old line of conduct - again, a businessman turned politician was successful where professional politicians and diplomats had failed.
The result? An ever increasing number of "secret investigations" by the Judiciary that was unheard of anywhere else in the world.
Oh, they got him in the end... for minding his own business in his own home, for example, with zero witnesses and ridiculous charges against him, just like during the Inquisition.
They got him for being the CEO of a business that did business, without citing any other VPresident, Executive Director or even a business lawyer (the kind who actually writes down the contracts)... as if he had done everything himself.

Seriously, now: can you imagine the US Republican Party going for President Carter with the allegationas he had, maybe, possibly, used a banned pesticide in his peanut plantation ?  Huh

Roll Eyes
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #49 - 09/25/13 at 06:11:31
The sarcasm with which all politicians are viewed now will be the ruination of many good systems.  We're so concerned with how a person talks, what jokes he may tell, and all kinds of other nonsensical trivia, instead of how he runs a business and the government that we are well on our way to many governments being populated by idiots.
Why didn't Romney have a chance?  A man who proved time and time again that he could pull failure out of the fire and make something successful, like businesses and even the Olympic games, yet he wasn't respected by the common U.S. voter.  In fact, he was vilified for being successful.
Instead, we'd rather have a POTUS who, while being a "good guy", never even ran a lemonade stand, who never had any sort of job in business, and hasn't a clue how to run one.
If we go back to people like Roosevelt (FDR), whose personal life was a disaster, even rumored to have had affairs with a cousin; JFK, who sneaked women into the White House right under his wife's nose; even our recent Bill Clinton, who is certainly no moral saint; Eisenhower, who was rumored to have had an affair with his female driver during WWII, and our first Pres., Washington, who was the wealthiest man to ever be president, who died from pneumonia after falling off of his horse while drunk and lying in a ditch all night, we see men who knew how to run something, and the people voted for them on that basis; not the inconsequential that rules voters' minds today.
But with what we have voting today, we'll never go back to electing successful people.  Don't blame the politicians - blame the voters for electing fools rather than successful people in most instances.
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #50 - 09/25/13 at 06:26:10
Amen Jerry; amen.......

I am NOT a conspiracy theorist like JOG, but I believe the media and entertainment culture's one party takeover is giving too much influence to, those whom Rush correctly calls 'low information voters'. On those rare occasions when I watch the network news, it's laughable what passes as being so important it makes the cut to be included in 22 minutes of primetime broadcast.

You're right; how Romney didn't win going away is a mystery to me. How anybody can mention Hilary Clinton and President in the same breath is staggering. Why is Nancy Pelosi even allowed to live in this country? I'm in Philadelphia right now; there are several precincts here that went 100% for Obama despite the fact unemployment was higher than it was 4 years previous. How is it that the entire population of a couple of voting districts are so stupid that they voted for the guy a second time? Was it 100% race based? I don't think that's all of it. I think it's this handout mentality combined with an utter lack of ability / desire to discern the truth.  

When you sit down and think about all this, it's depressing. We are going the way of Italy, Greece and Europe in general, minus Germany. (at least for a little while)
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #51 - 09/25/13 at 06:43:31
Jerry E wrote:

Don't blame the politicians - blame the voters for electing fools rather than successful people in most instances.

Exactly. Politicians come and go (sometimes even to jail, where a lot of them belong) but the folks that keep electing/reelecting them aren't going anywhere. 50-60 years of a "progressive" public education system gets a good deal of the blame IMO. American history is for all intents not even taught in public schools any more ( world history either for that matter). It's been replaced by "cultural studies" whatever the h*ll that is. You can't expect folks that are completly ignorant of the history and traditions of their own country to be able to participate intelligently in it's government.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #52 - 09/25/13 at 06:45:08
We are going the way of Italy,

no offense Mpes. but Italy is irrelevant in today's world right now as are many other former proud European nations that have given in to the Euro and all that implies (regardless if it's their chosen currency or not)

If the US becomes irrelevant; the sh!t will hit the fan big time. The world does not want China calling the shots.
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What happened?

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #53 - 09/25/13 at 09:12:49
Youre failing to grasp the importance of the idea. You can say Italy is unimportant in the grand scheme of things, okay, well & good, but the point being made is WE are going down the road Italy went down, socially & economically.,You can agree or not, but instead of dismissing his point because you see Italy as a non issue in the world is to fail to consider his point,.Im not agreeing or disagreeing with his point, Im simply trying to get you to think about what he was saying instead of blowing it off because you see it as an attempt to compare the usa to italy in their  importance on the world stage,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #54 - 09/25/13 at 10:55:14
People have to vote sensibly, and not throw votes away by voting for some 3rd party or similar candidate who doesn't have a snowball's chance of winning.
Those who voted for Carter in 1976 just because they wanted a "decent man", like my in-laws did then, got what they deserved - Jerry Ford was not Nixon.
Those who voted for Ross Perot in 1992 elected Bill Clinton.  On the other side of the spectrum, those who voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 elected GWB.
Forget mis-guided "statements" by voting for these  non-winners - in most instances, you are helping elect the person with whom you disagree the most.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #55 - 09/25/13 at 12:01:32
"Why is Nancy Pelosi even allowed to live in this country" Her mission is to disarm us and turn us into Communist. Who keeps voting these people in? We're either terribly stupid or whoever runs against them must be a cesspool. Jerry, Romney did a 180 there for months about every other day. That turned a lot of people off including me. Didn't know from one day to the next what he was gonna say or wanted. The 42% video lost him millions of votes and it pissed me off. If he could have spoke everytime like he did at the debates things might have been different, but with Obama with the minority votes in his back pocket he had a long head start. I wrote in Ron Paul. you're gonna say I wasted my vote. I just couldn't bring myself to vote for either one and I voted for who I thought would be the best man for the job. Its a shame his son isn't more like him. The more Rand opens his mouth the less appealing he becomes. Rubio, Christie, Ryan, especially Ryan don't do anything for me.. Maybe Rand will learn and take some lessons from his father in the next 2 years. All we need the Feds for is to protect our freedom.  We need to quit worrying about the rest of the world. There's kids out there dying for an education and its almost impossible to raise the funds like Pine's daughter.We're building schools in Africa which there's nothing wrong with that IF WE COULD AFFORD IT.. Somehow we got this idea that its better to take care of the rest of the world than our own. One thing that's happened under OBama's watch is we now have more oil than ever. The oil companies make more money selling it to Japan and other countries. Somebody with some balls needs to stop that. The oil companies are subsidized and pay little if any taxes and would still make billions not exporting. Our kids go to the Middle East and have to fight and die for a large percentage of our oil. A little country called Bavaria has made wind and solar power to the tune of 80% of their power. They don't have oil lobbyist or as crooked a government as we have. We should send some engineers over there and learn their methods but the oil companies aren't gonna let that happen. The corporations and the rich have too much control in Washington. That's one reason we have lifetime politicians, they're bought, paid for, and most of them have sheletons in the closet. There's a lot of truth in power leads to corruption. I know you don't like him but Bill Clinton balanced the budget,put 4 billion extra in Social Security and Bush spent it in a few months. He srewed up big time with Nafta though. Send a good man to Washington and in a few months or a year he's a crook looking after himself. If Hillary runs the Pub's better get off their a$$ and get someone that can compete with her. She's like Obama, she's starting off with the minority vote in her back pocket. Another big head start. If Elizabeth Warren would run she's got my vote. She loves the American people and wants whats best for them. The Pubs cant find anyone decent to run.  My opinion is demolish the Federal Reserve, we need once again to have the dollar backed by precious metal! Pull out of the UN! Give more power to the States and less to the Feds. Put a limit on Lobbying. Any politician avoiding taxes or breaking the law or not paying taxes on off shore accounts should be treated like a normal citizen and be held accountable. They are supposed to be working for us but the're screwing us. Spend more on schools and education-real education not what they call education, maybe set up an apprenticeship program like they have in Europe. Make voting easier, everyone probably has read my ideas on computer voting, doing away with the two party system, The Pubs are disappearing quickly anyway. Vote for Who's the best candidate. No one party is right all the time, vote for whats right! Voting along party lines and half the time they haven't even read what they're voting for is just plain wrong! I know it was designed to keep the system in check but now whoever the lobbyist can get to and the amount of money passed under the table determines the vote. Spend a lot less on foreign countries and deal only with the ones we trade with. - The Food Stamp program can be done away with and people and prisoners can be put to work on the infrastructure. This also goes for deadbeat fathers, make them work for those kids. Putting deadbeat fathers in jail does no good for anyone and guess who foots the bill. Give the people more rights, Congress was a good idea but the politicians no longer represent the people who voted for them. They've got a system and they know American people forget quickly so they're voted in again. The people need more power now more than ever. If your congressman refuses to represent the voters we need to be able to get on our computers and fire him immediately. That's the way its supposed to be according to our forefathers, Washington is supposed to be scared of us. The American people are tired of handing out money to other countries and war. We've got to find a way to stop it. Voting no longer works!
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #56 - 09/25/13 at 21:10:11
WebsterMark wrote on 09/25/13 at 06:45:08:
We are going the way of Italy,

no offense Mpes. but Italy is irrelevant in today's world right now as are many other former proud European nations that have given in to the Euro and all that implies (regardless if it's their chosen currency or not)

If the US becomes irrelevant; the sh!t will hit the fan big time. The world does not want China calling the shots.

Go ahead and offend him Web. If he ever comes back over here I'm going to throw a rock at him   LMAO   We're too chicken sh!t to stand together and fight. We're too dam dumb to stick together and do something about the situation. There's not enough difference in the parties to worry about so why argue with each other while Washington has become a haven for dishonest crooked liars who care only about themselves. We're doing exactly what they want us to do while they're getting richer and laughing their a$$es off. Get use to it getting worse because they're keeping us busy arguing and fighting amongst ourselves. You and I disagree a lot but does it really matter in the long run, hell no. If you and Star both get what you want nothing much is gonna change. The real terrorist are in Washington and until we start booting them out and scaring them nothing that really matters is gonna change. Our jobs are gone and probably will never come back because of Nafta and trading with the Chinese. We had rather spend our money overseas and make a few US contractors rich than build decent roads, schools, bridges, affordable higher education. The major corporations and lobbyist run our lives and take our money and jobs. Once you get in with the politicians and big boys the laws of the land don't affect you. Web you and Jerry can say Romney would have made it better but he wouldn't. I watched all three debates and Romneys and Obamas foreign policies were carbon copies. That's the only time they didn't argue. As much as I wanted to I couldn't keep my bros and their families up when they were out of work and trying to find work. I would slip them some money when I could but the bottom line is I couldn't afford it. This country will never learn that, never. We should grow some nads and tell Washington we're through spending money overseas. We should add some amendments to the Constitution, not be trying to take them away like Obama. The amendments should give the people more power. The power to prevent wars, the power to impeach Clinton for signing Nafta instead of impeaching him for a BJ. (That's how stupid we are) The power to impeach Congress if they try to screw us which they're doing a dam good job of. I believe in national healthcare but Obama's plan should be sh!tcanned. Medicare isn't all that bad, I like my Blue Cross. Copy something that works instead of inventing a trainwreck. Instead of acting like Congress (which is what they want) we need to concentrate on what we agree on and do something about it. Someone on the forum said Congress was a good idea but it is corrupt and no longer works. Amen. Our political system no longer works, its put us on a sinking ship and instead of fighting amongst ourselves we all need to get together on the high side of the ship and right it.I thnk its way past time to quit worrying about the rest of the world and get our own house back in order. Web I don't know exactly what you're into right now but if things don't change you'll be traveling overseas to sale your products. We've got enough bombs,missles,aircraft and ships to turn the whole world into a piece of glass many times over and Congress wants more. Could it be the defense contractors are controlling a large part of Washington. Instead of building war machines we don't need send them to Germany and Bavaria and educate them on wind and solar power. As Jog says voting is pointless and he's 90% right. What little bit changes is usually for the worst. Our foreign policy and defense weapons is the biggest piece of the pie and the most useless. If we cant look after our own we don't deserve to be #1. If we withdraw from the UN and mind our own business the rest of the world will leave us alone. If you took a vote right now I'd be willing to bet 70% of the country would want nothing to do with the UN.
Our useless wars accomplish nothing except putting us deeper in debt. We put a new leader in and 10 years later we're right back, trying to get more oil instead of concentrating on making our energy supplies self sufficient all the while killing and maiming our young men. Foreign policy,wars, weapons we don't need, all of that is taking our money and putting us deeper in debt. The only way we will ever become a decent country again is to stick together and quit fighting over the petty stuff, we can straighten that up later. We got to scare Washington by giving more power to the people and quit supporting and blowing up the rest of the world or you low lifes can stand in the unemployment line like we've had to. Its the 21rst century and I still believe in computer voting, Every 6 monts everyone in their own state should vote whether their representative's are doing their job representind the people who voted for them and doing whats best for the country. If they receive less than a 51% rating tell them to go stand in the unemployment line. Where would we be right now if we told Clinton he was fired if he signed Nafta? Walmart might be selling some American goods. Our major car companies might have 2 or 3 times as many employees.What would happen if we could convince one Congressman to demand we quit selling our oil overseas. All the rest of them would know they would be unemployed if they voted against it. Americans including myself forget a lot in four years and then you have them that's gonna vote for their party no matter what but I would hope they have enough sense not to vote themselves out of a job. We've got to take away some of Washington's power and restore the power to the people.
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« Last Edit: 09/26/13 at 02:23:02 by Midnightrider »  

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Rome, Italy
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #57 - 09/26/13 at 06:58:49
Midnightrider wrote on 09/25/13 at 21:10:11:
WebsterMark wrote on 09/25/13 at 06:45:08:
We are going the way of Italy,

no offense Mpes. but Italy is irrelevant in today's world right now as are many other former proud European nations that have given in to the Euro and all that implies (regardless if it's their chosen currency or not)

If the US becomes irrelevant; the sh!t will hit the fan big time. The world does not want China calling the shots.

Go ahead and offend him Web. If he ever comes back over here I'm going to throw a rock at him   LMAO  
We're too chicken sh!t to stand together and fight.
Our major car companies might have 2 or 3 times as many employees.
We've got to take away some of Washington's power and restore the power to the people.

OK, Midnight Rider, point taken.
I promise I will PM you the moment I book my flights next time I fly over to visit.
I hope to god your fists are the size of hams because my feet are darn well practiced at kicking ass, holes or no holes.
Furthermore, my doc put me on a protein-rich, low carb diet, so I'm always hungry... FEED ME, WM !

Now, let's get down to business...

The USA WAS the prime World Power way back in the days when Goverment did as Government should, and Industry did what industry should:
one's job was to govern the other's was to produce and sell.

Unfortunately, these days (too many) governments are more after consensus than "do the right thing",
and politicians are more interested in being re-elected than being remembered for "doing the right thing".

So Industry goes and fills the gap, and what do you get ? BP and EXXON who invest in... oil in Nigeria, but are so powerful one year's profits of these companies are folds more than the nation's GDP!
Which means that BP/Exxon/whomever are the companies who rule the nations, rather than the respective Governments.
Allow this to go on for a few decades, with generations of fat cat managers getting fatter, and young men with high hopes in a good job becoming unemployed grandfathers on the dole,
and their grandchildren turned adult will resort to the ultimate reaction - extremism.

You don't have to believe me, I don't expect you to: but give yourselves the benefit of doubt, and read the kind of websites which are my daily read, and see for yourselves:

- The CIA arming the Syrian extremists
"The CIA is officially sending light arms only to the western aligned Free Syrian Army (FSA; the main secular rebel army)[iii], but this claim is hard to prove. Where the Saudi arms go is also questionable at best[iv]. Money and arms are sent by foreign supporters, especially from Arabia, to Islamist organisations, like the Al Nusra Front or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; an Al-Qaeda branch)"
What is the US government doing to STABILIZE THE SITUATION and save Pres. Assad ? You want yet another Afghanistan/Iraq? Again ? Europe sure as hell doesn't!

- AlQaeda in Mali which is quite a long way from Afghanistan, ain't it ?

So, go ahead, Midnight Rider, go ahead and claim you're the only one custodian of the Almighty Truth.
Who knows, we may have another Almighty yet !

But watch your sixes, you just might be wrong...

You can't ride your bike on the bottom of the ocean...

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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
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Romanum Thumperium
Cavalco, yeaaah !!!

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Rome, Italy
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #58 - 09/26/13 at 07:26:03
As for the American automobile industry, we are simply two separate universes:
as long as Detroit produced 2-ton, single digit mpg road barges and gas was 25c/gal., all was well, the VW Beetle was cute and the Porsche 911 was "that german thang I cannot outrun on twisty roads".

But come the 1980's...  Lips Sealed For documentation, I simply chose the "entry level" versions of the most famous US sports car, the Mustang, and compared it to the European equivalents to the eyes of the foreign buyer:

- 1982 Ford Mustang: 5.0 L V8 (302 with a whopping 157 HP  Huh

- 1982 BMW 635: 3500cc 6L with only 215 HP

- 1982 maserati BiTurbo_ 2000 V6 Turbo i.e. with 180 HP

- Mercedes-Benz 280CE: 2800cc 6L with 175 HP

- Porsche 944: 2.5cc 4L, 150 HP (yup! from a 4-pot!)

In other words, same size, often less weight, half the engine for just as many (if not more) HP, and better mpg.

I purposefully left out the Ferrari Mondial, a 4-seater coupé, 3.o L V8 with 240 HP, THAT would have been cheating...  Wink


So please, Midnight, spare yourself the thing about the Automobile Industry: it took Detroit quite some time to realize they had to go back to the drawing board.
Thay have, and now Detroit produces some spectacular competitors to the European counterparts: similar engine size, similar body size, even the prices are comparable.
But Detroit was going the same way the UK car industry in the 1980s, the wrong way.
It got saved alright, by corageous entepreneurs who were willing to take on the challenge.
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #59 - 09/26/13 at 09:08:07
I agree with Col. Pescatori.  I have owned only 2 American cars in my lifetime, a Dodge Caravan mini van when my daughter was a little girl, and a Jeep Grand Cherokee in the early 1990s that had two complete, foot to the floor brake failures.

Even in high school, when the other kids dreamed of a '57 Chevy, my dream was a Series 1 Jag XKE.

The Japanese forced Detroit to improve quality, while the Europeans forced Detroit to build smaller, efficient cars that handle decently now.

Back in the 1960s, we referred to American cars as Detroit Iron, Boulevard Bathtubs, and Land Yachts, among other, less complimentary terms.

Left to their own devices, without the impetus from foreign manufacturers, we'd all still be seeing 2 ton Ford Galaxy 500s, Chevy El Caminos, and Cadillac Sedan DeVilles coming out of Detroit.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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