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Time to  get a grip, folks.; (Read 529 times)
Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #15 - 09/19/13 at 20:05:10
What part don't you understand?
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #16 - 09/19/13 at 20:23:07
I was anticipating more response's such as another bubble in this sector, the national debt will hit this point, so on.  Well I suppose even Rome fell.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #17 - 09/19/13 at 20:30:02
Rome fell because they tried to rule the world, morals went to zero and the leaders were a bunch of crooks. Is that what you wanted to hear, anything sound familiar? The good part is the spear chunking, rockthrowing peasants beat the mighty Romans.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #18 - 09/19/13 at 20:35:59
Honestly, I wasn't looking for a response.  I was anticipating a more colorful point of view from JOG though.  And it does sound familiar.
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Serious Thumper

What happened?

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #19 - 09/19/13 at 21:03:10
pg wrote on 09/17/13 at 15:34:19:
Many of you have much more experience than I regarding how things are trending.  Economically speaking, how do you foresee things in a 5, 10, 15 year timeframe? This should be interesting.

Either Bryzinski or Rockefeller, I cant remember which, was whining that the masses are more politically awake then ever. The plans? Who knows the exact goals? The Direction we areheaded is obvious, How quickly we allow them to herd us that way? That can change. This is the first time Ive seen the people bring the goobs to heel. I am encouraged,, Its possible we can swing things. I dont saee it being a High %age option, but its at least in the realm of possible now, 6months ago I had it at  much lower odds. Put afew thousand people marching into Bilderberg groups & invading the Grove, marching into the halls of Congress & pointing to the criminals, demanding they resign,,We mite just survive,, see bankers on the run, as in Iceland,, OHHyea,, we Could swing this back to the land of the Free..
BUT, we have QE Infinity, the Fed is buying its own paper..
( You take a car to the auction, you bid on it, buy it & go home & tell the wife you made money on it & she believes you. "She" is the American people in this story)
Predicting social/economic conditions & p[inning a general time frame on them? Notreally possible, too many variables,,
But, Where are we headed? If things dont change,,
Into more unemployment,.& Under-employment. Those whose benefits have run out? NO LONGER COUNTED as Unemployed!
You run out of food & suddenly, youre no longer counted as "Hungry"?
OUr Dollar is bleeding out, BUT, Other currencies are on life support, soo,, people STILL buy dollars./. How much longer will that last?
How does the Fed pumping 85 BILLYUN Dawlerz a MUNTH into the economy affect the long term outlook on the value & attractiveness of the dollar to people elsewhere? Its not good..

I keep hearing we are in a recovery. Ive seen economic downturns, Ive NEVERseen the Fed pump Money into the economy when it was In a Recovery.,..The mere Mention of Tapering off sends Wall Street into a dive,,Gee Wally,, I think theyre givin us the Bizniss!

The more people there are who see the world the way I do, the more weare able to bring DC to a halt. It isnt old mainstream dems or bubs who have screamed NO to DC. Its people who realize neither party represents the people.
If the number of Libertarians/Constitutionalists/Tea Party types continues to grow, then in 10 or 15years I see Americans working & growing,troops at home,
I do wonder, tho, if TPTB will allow themselves to be removed from power w/o killing a bunch of us,,Im really not seeing it..
The Georgia Guidestones are not a joke.,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #20 - 09/19/13 at 22:00:31
"If the number of Libertarians/Constitutionalists/Tea Party types continues to grow, then in 10 or 15years I see Americans working & growing,troops at home," Jog I hope you are right and this country straightens itself out without a war. Several things worry me about the Tea Party, the Kock Bros are #1. The world would be a better place without them. How in the hell could someone vote Michelle Bachman in office? I though Palin was bad but Michilles IQ is double digit lower than Palins.When I found out the Kock Bros were financing the Tea Party my hopes went away. You're dead on about the Dem's and Pub's, neither represent our best interest unless you live in Washington or work on Wall St. Obqama said there would be no more bailouts and that's one of the first things he done. Maybe that's where that mansion in Hawaii came from. I like the name of the Liberalist Constitution Party. That's what I call myself. The liberals hate war so that's pretty much covers how I feel about war and anyone who tries to change or do away with the Constitution is an enemy.I would like to change the way we vote but I'm not trying to take away that right. I want to make it more effiecient  and give the people more rights when it comes to voting. I think we should have more of a say so when it comes to wars and have the right to fire politicians with the press of a button on a computer, no waiting in line in bad weather or having to take off work to vote. That might straighten their crooked asses real quick. I have no say so in my retirement, they should have none in  theirs. Any politician caught evading their taxes or having overseas taxacounts to avoid paying taxes we should be able to fire them on the spot by pressing a button on your computer or one at the library. They're treating us like cattle slaughtering us every chance they get, killing thousands of innocent people including killing and maiming our own while they're threatening to cut back or do away with my retirement because they don't have the money. The dumb crooked SOB's in Wasington claim we're setting an example for the rest of the world while they fill their filthy pockets exploting the poor and starting wars to make the war machine rich.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #21 - 09/20/13 at 08:17:24
We’ve had a great run…. The world’s a thousand times better off because of the arrival of the United States of America. I shudder to think where the world would be without us.

However, success breeds contempt from the outside and complacency from within. Despite what Jog and Midnight preach all the time, there is no secret organization or society orchestrating the nation’s (or the world’s) events. People with power-hungry personalities pursue individual goals as they see fit. Many of those go into politics. Many go into business. Sometimes they work together to achieve a goal and then split apart. These strong personalities can never work together for very long.

There are never two bullies on a block; sooner or later they clash. You’ve heard that saying “there’s not enough room for two of us in this town.”  Same thing happens in politics and business. If you want one reason why Jog and Midnight’s ideology is flawed, that’s the simplest reason right there. There might be a Mr. Big in the movies, but not in the real world. Enough about that….

What’s happening to us is the result of our success. We are fat and happy. We don’t have to struggle to stay alive. We subsidize college degrees in Eastern Art,  Women’s Studies or basketweaving. Doesn’t matter there’s no real market for that. There’s always been government funded institutions to hire those graduates in the past. Not anymore.  

Liberalism is destroying us. We are reaching the top of the pyramid. We foolishly thought some people are simply not capable of taking care of themselves so we taxed producers and used that money to enslave generations to government handouts. We are now stuck with almost half of the population paying no tax who feed at the government bird feeder……  Whole generations will never work more than a couple years in their entire lives. They’ll never even try to improve their lot in life. Why should they? They’ve become accustomed to the US poverty level.

We need something. We need a savior from somewhere.
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #22 - 09/20/13 at 08:26:09
When I say TYeaParty, for GODSSake, Understand, Im NOTtalking about LIARS who Call THEMSELVES Tea Party & VOTE in ways Ron Paul would Never,
Just putting a cops unifoirm on a thief doesnt make him acop.,Get it?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #23 - 09/20/13 at 10:07:01
I understand Jog. I wrote in Ron Paul when I voted. Need to get rid of the Kock Bros too. They're despicable. Web its not Liberals, its lack of morals.  Single parent households are taking over which means no time for the children. They stay on the streets and learn the street life. It doesn't make a dam how a person votes, its how he or she lives. No matter what politicians are put into office or what party the same ol sh!t is gonna happen. Obama wasn't going to bail Wall St out again and that's one of the first things he did because he was told to.He would be in the Middle East now if it wasn't illegal. He's going after guns because he's told to even though he keeps failing. The biggest mass shooting occurred in the 40's and they wanna act like its something new. The news media didn't cry when the FBI gunned down all the women and children at Waco. The bought and paid for news media makes it seem like mass shootings have just started.My millionaire friend told me last Fri night I would be scared to death if I knew what was going on. I told him I already had a pretty good idea. He's dumped all his money and turned it into property I have a cousin that works back and forth between the CIA and the DEA. He tells me the same thing, I don't want to know whats going to happen. My wife retired from law enforcement partly because she got tired of all the crowd control sh!t they were feeding her. I'm no longer receiving SS payments that I started paying into when I was 12 years old.  I had to go out on disability at 55. I 've made over 2million in my lifetime. How much did I pay in, yet now its called a benefit. When you withdraw cash from your savings account does the bank tell you you're receiving a benefit? Over one billion bullets, armored assault vehicles automaticweapons and they're arming the SS offices. Fema, Council On Foreign Affairs, all the new government law enforcement agencies, the UN wants to disarm us and you cant put that puzzle together Webster. Its so simple its not even a puzzle.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #24 - 09/20/13 at 10:33:26
Pg if you don't want to read my long post above, my millionaire friend I talk about was an executive VP of Dean, Witter, Reynolds. 2 words- Buy Land. He's smart when it comes to money, a genius. Of course when sometning needs fixing he calls me LOL. He's bought enough rent property to live comfortably the rest of his life. He and his 2 sons have traveled all over the world. He did it right . He made a sh!tload of money, retired and started having children in his 40's now he gets to spend time and travel with them in the summer when schools out. They've been all over Europe, China, Japan. Money has no value, as Jog says its nothing but a promise. Unless you buy land on the coast next to the water or a volcano it last forever. I made good money but I've had 4 wives. I played in a semi famous Rock n Roll Band. Wine, Women and song and your money will disappear but I have some great memories, they're worth a lot LOL.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #25 - 09/20/13 at 11:10:22
What band?
Why didn't you learn after the first one?

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #26 - 09/20/13 at 11:36:06
Web its not Liberals, its lack of morals.

Midnight; liberalism = lack of morals.

There is no puzzle to put together Midnight. It's not a secret. Everything that's happening can be explained by both my theory and yours & Jogs conspiracy theory. Your way requires a near a massive coordination involving thousands of very selfish individual doing what their told to do and not stepping outside of their roles. My way requires random events by selfish individuals. Think of it as the opposite of the Invisible Hand theory in economics. If you want to get really in-depth; my way follows the 2nd law of thermodynamics with regards to entropy.    You guys theory somewhat violates entropy.

Pgambr: I was anticipating a more colorful point of view

There you go Pgambr; I bet you didn't expect thermodynamics to pop up in this discussion did you?!
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #27 - 09/20/13 at 12:54:52 There is absolutely no mention of lack of morals. The liberals hate war and seeing innocent people slaughtered, is that immoral? The right and left wingers are both wrong in their own way, blaming everything on one group of people is pregidous and wrong.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #28 - 09/20/13 at 13:16:52
"What Band" Back in the 70's I had a band called Earthwood. We opened for Jimmy Buffet, The Allman Bros.Back then youcould drink when you were 18 and most colleges up and down the east coat would have large 2 day music festivals on the football fields and we played for a lot of them. In the80's I had a band and we mainly played Military Bases. That's where the money was at. Ed King and Artemus Pyle are the only two remaining original members of Lynard Skynard that survived the plane crash.. Ed has a lot of heart trouble but the plan is next Feb if he's up to it we're touring Florida and I'll be playing bass for them. They asked me last year but lupus caused my hands to be eat up with arthritis and I couldn't do it. The Dr's have put me on Chemo and its loosening my fingers up and I can play once again. Artemus Pyle, the drummer is in great shape and acts like he's in his 30's. Sunday I'm going to a birthday party of the other guitarist that plays with them. This kid is only 21 years old, a few years ago I taught him a lot about the guitar. Artemus is going to try to drive down, he lives just outside of Nashville.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #29 - 09/20/13 at 13:31:35
        Artemus and I taking a break after playing at a mutual friends birthday party. He still plays just like he use to.
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