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Time to  get a grip, folks.; (Read 529 times)
Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Time to  get a grip, folks.;
09/16/13 at 14:31:58
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #1 - 09/16/13 at 17:02:28
It ain't over yet, the fat lady hasn't sung.  That is in 2016.
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #2 - 09/16/13 at 17:55:51
About a year ago Jerry said all the debt had been paid back since 2008 and the bailout was the greatest thing we've ever done. I knew about the extra 16 trillion then. Hell part of it went to McDonalds and Harley Davidson. Jerry just disappeared. From now on until something drastic happens we're always going to get screwed. From now on if a Corp. or Bank cant make if fire the management, no golden parachutes and have them pay back what money they've can they lost the Corporation and then send them packing and go from there.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #3 - 09/17/13 at 00:49:04
"But instead, America chose to go down the path of collectivization and central planning, and now we are heading toward the biggest economic disaster in the history of mankind." that's what it is". We become too complacent about wars and killing innocent people, that's what its going to take or something similar to turn this country around. Americans will do anything but stick together.I guess everyones heard about the shootings in the Navy Yard by now. Now it's   nothing but guns, guns, guns. The guy worked for the Navy and had entry passes. He just have easily drove a truck full of fertilizer in and done more damage. They said he locked his self up in his room and played shoot em up bang bang video games. Its evil that causes these occurences, not guns. Has anyone ever heard of a member of The NRA going off their rocker and commit mass killings, if so I would like to know. I'm not a member of the NRA and never will be as long as Ted Nugent is on the board. That's one crazy SOB.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #4 - 09/17/13 at 07:02:48
Again, the NRA is Not our friend, They helped pass the gun control act of 68. Ive watched an interview of a board member advocating 3 round max magazines, & HE said "A really good hunter only needs one, really"
ZERO support for what the 2nd Says,
Gun Owners of America.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #5 - 09/17/13 at 15:34:19
Many of you have much more experience than I regarding how things are trending.  Economically speaking, how do you foresee things in a 5, 10, 15 year timeframe? This should be interesting.
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I don't make the rules, I just know what they are.....

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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #6 - 09/17/13 at 17:39:53
In a nutshell.....

History will repeat itself, again. The chasm between the two factions (rich/poor) is getting deeper. They use to be a buffer, middle class, that supported the separation of the two opposing cliff walls. They will collide as more burden is laden upon what is left of the middle class.
Both ends of the spectrum are (is) sucking the life blood out of our country. History has not favored aristocrats after the uprisings. Plenty of blame to go around, too much dependence (not pulling the wagon) too much greed. I love Nelson Mandela's observation "Wealth without compassion is toxic" Wealth in our capitalistic society has become an addiction.....

Oh, and one more piece of the puzzle, perhaps....
Do you know 80% of ALL the world attorney/lawyers reside/practice in the USA. How many politicians have a law degree?
If they are in charge of making the rules/laws.....who do you think they will favor?

I do too....  Grin    
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #7 - 09/17/13 at 20:32:23
I think we'll have another civil war, especially if we don't withdraw and quit spending so much money overseas. There's only so many people going to go hungry and homeless. They're after our retirement, they shipped our jobs overseas. nothing good is coming down the pipe for the little man. The Gov is listening to me right now. We have counties and states wanting to withdraw, that's the beginning, that's how it starts.. The Gubs know it, one billion bullets and most of the SS offices armed and they're trying they're darnest to disarm us. The problem with this civil war will be trying to get the different races to join together. I will attack if my family goes hungry. I wonder if all these government agencies will gun down Americans in the streets. It would be bad manning a 50 cal. in a Humvee and look down the sites and there stands your brother. I believe its all planned out, somebody in Washington besides the politicians are pulling levers. This new generation cant change a flat tire But they can unload an Uzi in a matter of seconds. White collar criminals pull no time and are not accountable for nothing, if caught they're fined and if they have to pull any time at all its months and they're back on the streets with an alias doing it again while none of the money they scammed is recovered. We are falling fast, coming apart at the seams and its the goverments fault, maybe our crime is letting it happen with no resistance. Our POTUS has committed more crimes and told more lies than most of us ever have.The middle east is an unnecessary evil, a place where we and our money don't belong.Speaking of money the Federal Reserve is going to make it where our money is worth nothing, some of the lever pulling not going on in Washington. What does it say about a country when they cant control their money supply. Our medical insurance is going to be a disaster because our congressmen act like 3 year olds, its their way or lets fuk it up. Our morals have virtually disappeared. Children are no longer being raised by loving, caring families. We've killed thousands of innocent Iraqians, 911 and Ben Ghazi are a lie. Our politicians lie and murder and some of us want to act like they're heroes.We need more George Snowdens, willing to risk his life for the truth, we need our morals back and we need to hold people accountable for what they have done. God Bless America
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2206

Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #8 - 09/18/13 at 06:09:30
I'm glad you see it.
The "zombie" targets represent unarmed American citizens.
The "AR" ban, and subsequent gov't buy up... The ammo they are purchasing...
They are preparing for a civil uprising.

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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #9 - 09/18/13 at 06:40:16
They seem to be trying to kikk it off.,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Mississippi, USA
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Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #10 - 09/18/13 at 07:02:23
pg wrote on 09/17/13 at 15:34:19:
Many of you have much more experience than I regarding how things are trending.  Economically speaking, how do you foresee things in a 5, 10, 15 year timeframe? This should be interesting.

This could have been a good topic on its own.. good question. Actually, I have very limited experience.. but I will take a shot. ( note USA only)

Five years: One of the current bubbles is Higher Education. Inflation in that is way ahead of all other rising costs. But this bubble, like the housing bubble is a bit more insidious. Kids are getting educations, but the debt they are accumulating is greater or extends that period that it takes to pay it back. On top of low paying jobs as their reward.. the fact is... there just are not enough jobs at any pay, to support them all.  When this bubble breaks, schools that have spent millions to support the flood of students will be hard pressed to fill the seats to pay back their loans. Government will be asked to step in and cover the losses. Meaning time students will default on loans, and or rates and payback will need to be extended or forgiven.

10 years: The US will be neck deep in over educated and super in debt workers, all competing for service jobs. Most will be part of the "working poor". The Obamacare plan has/will force employers to make everyone "part-time". Employment will increase... but most will not get enough hours/pay to actually make comfortable living. Savings, retirement plans, homes, even personally OWNED cars will be a thing of past. Rent your apt, lease the car, and hope you die in your sleep at a young age. The corps that control money (already) will continue to chain people into debt, which they will do just survive the next day. With the "middle class" extinct, government will re-define economic classes. The working poor will be the new middle class.

15 years; Finally as the "boomers" start dying off, the generations that had to support them will get a bit of break. Many of the boomers will be dealt with by the death squads, and the masses will cheer it. The result will be that more and more "relaxed" rules will be put in place so that younger and healthier groups can be added to the list of those for whom return on cost is not viable (allowed to die). Other groups will be added as well (mentally ill, disabled, veterans). The states will have become redundant government entities, and give up their identity ( ie the federal will take over failed state economies) starting with California, Mississippi, ect. People living there will be under only federal law. This will cause mass movement of people. As welfare populations move in and business and working poor move out.

Most of what I have stated.. really already exists in some form. Its just not obvious/official. Most American will be excited by the downward spiral. That or they will sigh when some other group is chosen to be decimated and they will scamper to exist in other group. I don't think the American people will rise up.. there will not be a stand.. There will be a whimper, and the world will turn away to their own problems and wonder how it all came to be.          

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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #11 - 09/18/13 at 15:22:16
Greed has replaced morality.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

What happened?

Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #12 - 09/18/13 at 15:34:46
& the trumpets blare..

Hell,, Morality has been made out to be some kinda ancient, really square idea.. Support abortion, queers & by all means bomb brown people
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #13 - 09/18/13 at 16:28:17
The Rise Of The AR15   Not everyone is going down easy. Where was the outrage when the FBI killed all those kids at Waco? We protect our president, politicians, banks, jewelry stores, businesses, movie stars etc every day with guns but we send our children into a gun free school zone. John Kerry says we're signing the UN Gun Resolution whether we like it or not. There's a few Americans left who can show you what happens when we don't like it. John Kerry is the kind of politician that no longer cares about the wishes of his people. When we quit watching John Wayne and started watching Lady GaGa things started to go way downhill but there's pockets of true Americans scattered throughout the country that can cause a lot of trouble. A lot of Rebels will be up north this time. A lot of real Americans returning from the wars are pissed, I've talked to them and a lot of them will tell you we went after the wrong enemy. I bought a gun from a salesman at Walmart. He had been home 3 months and the government would not let him own a gun. Words couldn't even begin to describe the way he felt. We talked about 45 minutes. Webster even you should know before long they're gonna try to take your 10/22 and your 401K away Its all over the news and net and you wanna side with the government we now have. Our founding fathers made only one mistake as far as I'm concerned., how to protect ourselves from greed. The War of Independence was started because the English became too greedy, mainly the English government. Greed is the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins, it will cause you to commit the other six. Greed is similar to alchoholism, its addictive and usually only 3 out of 100 recover. Maybe its a disease like alchoholism. Businessmen have enough money to buy a 3rd world country and they still want more. The major yacht company that builds most of the 10 million and up yachts are over 5 years behind in fulfilling orders. Before you say it Web I'm not jealous, I just want them to quit taking money out of my pocket, getting a semi free ride from the goverment and buying off the politicians. That is why I dislike a lot of rich people and I think its dam good reasons. Now with unlimited campaign contributions anything, idea or reasoning can be bought. Voting has all become useless. The rich are going to buy what they want. I first thought the Tea Party was going to be a great group of patriots but they've turned out to be self centered A$$holes who like to chastise handicapped, unemployed, different races, you get it. After I found out who was financing them it became no surprise. The KOCK Bros. Two of the crookedest, greediest envireomental unfriendly SOB's to walk the earth. The future looks dark, we need some laws changed, not the CONSTITUTION or BILL OF RIGHTS. I'm talking about unfair laws like the Patriot Law and the unlimited donation law.  and anyone that wants to change the Constitution or Bill Of Rights can go straight to Hell, don't wanna miss your Fri night Poker game with Hitler. Now that Congress can get paid to vote whats the point in a 2 party system. I think all its good for is racism. Everyone knows 90% of the minorities are gonna vote Democratic. What if there was just one party and everyone voted for what they thought was right instead of following sometime stupid party lines. I want computer voting because I think more people would vote even thogh it seems like its futile It would weaken the unlimited donations. It would make it harder for the rich to get everything they want and that's good..Everyone agrees Congress was once a good idea that went corrupt. Lets do something about it. Quit rewarding then for a job poorly done. We could do that with computer voting. Make Lobbyist illegal. Involve the people more on the decisions made in Washington, Congress has proven time and time again they cant be trusted. We should vote on whether we want to stay in the UN. I think we know how that one would turn out yet we are made to go against our wishes because the underhanded politicians wants whats best for them. Outlaw war manufacturing organizations like Haliburton and Blackwater and their mercenaires. The gas tax should go to roads and rebuilding the infrastructure. Who knows where its going now but everyone knows its not the roads. Let the people vote on the wars, Its their families involved with giving up bodily harm and body bags. We don't have enough money to pay Social Security but there's always enough money for wars. Washington thinks they are Gods but we're not proving anything overseas. We go over there, kill thousands including women and children, put another leader in who hates us and 10 years or less we're back again. Is that how we're suppose to set an example for the rest of the world? Washington thinks it is. Our president put his hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution and the Bill of rights but he's doing everything to destroy the 1rst, 2nd and 4th amendments. Iilegal  search and seizure is becoming almost as common as traffic tickets. If it wasn't illegal we would be in Syria right now. We need to make it harder to get involved in wars. Gangs are running the streets of major cities but we had rather go fight somewhere else than clean up our own mess. There's a way to enter this country legally and its worked well for years, now we want to give it away when we cant support ourselves. I love my country and a lot of you are going to say I'm unpatriotic but is laying on the couch everynight watching Survivor or whatever the stupidest show they can come up with patriotic. I may not be doing much but I want people to know how I feel. I hope I've planted a few seeds tonight. Stay healthy and God Bless America
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« Last Edit: 09/18/13 at 19:07:22 by Midnightrider »  

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 11551
pacific northwest
Gender: male
Re: Time to  get a grip, folks.;
Reply #14 - 09/19/13 at 16:21:58
Midnightrider wrote on 09/18/13 at 16:28:17:
The Rise Of The AR15   Not everyone is going down easy. Where was the outrage when the FBI killed all those kids at Waco? We protect our president, politicians, banks, jewelry stores, businesses, movie stars etc every day with guns but we send our children into a gun free school zone. John Kerry says we're signing the UN Gun Resolution whether we like it or not. There's a few Americans left who can show you what happens when we don't like it. John Kerry is the kind of politician that no longer cares about the wishes of his people. When we quit watching John Wayne and started watching Lady GaGa things started to go way downhill but there's pockets of true Americans scattered throughout the country that can cause a lot of trouble. A lot of Rebels will be up north this time. A lot of real Americans returning from the wars are pissed, I've talked to them and a lot of them will tell you we went after the wrong enemy. I bought a gun from a salesman at Walmart. He had been home 3 months and the government would not let him own a gun. Words couldn't even begin to describe the way he felt. We talked about 45 minutes. Webster even you should know before long they're gonna try to take your 10/22 and your 401K away Its all over the news and net and you wanna side with the government we now have. Our founding fathers made only one mistake as far as I'm concerned., how to protect ourselves from greed. The War of Independence was started because the English became too greedy, mainly the English government. Greed is the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins, it will cause you to commit the other six. Greed is similar to alchoholism, its addictive and usually only 3 out of 100 recover. Maybe its a disease like alchoholism. Businessmen have enough money to buy a 3rd world country and they still want more. The major yacht company that builds most of the 10 million and up yachts are over 5 years behind in fulfilling orders. Before you say it Web I'm not jealous, I just want them to quit taking money out of my pocket, getting a semi free ride from the goverment and buying off the politicians. That is why I dislike a lot of rich people and I think its dam good reasons. Now with unlimited campaign contributions anything, idea or reasoning can be bought. Voting has all become useless. The rich are going to buy what they want. I first thought the Tea Party was going to be a great group of patriots but they've turned out to be self centered A$$holes who like to chastise handicapped, unemployed, different races, you get it. After I found out who was financing them it became no surprise. The KOCK Bros. Two of the crookedest, greediest envireomental unfriendly SOB's to walk the earth. The future looks dark, we need some laws changed, not the CONSTITUTION or BILL OF RIGHTS. I'm talking about unfair laws like the Patriot Law and the unlimited donation law.  and anyone that wants to change the Constitution or Bill Of Rights can go straight to Hell, don't wanna miss your Fri night Poker game with Hitler. Now that Congress can get paid to vote whats the point in a 2 party system. I think all its good for is racism. Everyone knows 90% of the minorities are gonna vote Democratic. What if there was just one party and everyone voted for what they thought was right instead of following sometime stupid party lines. I want computer voting because I think more people would vote even thogh it seems like its futile It would weaken the unlimited donations. It would make it harder for the rich to get everything they want and that's good..Everyone agrees Congress was once a good idea that went corrupt. Lets do something about it. Quit rewarding then for a job poorly done. We could do that with computer voting. Make Lobbyist illegal. Involve the people more on the decisions made in Washington, Congress has proven time and time again they cant be trusted. We should vote on whether we want to stay in the UN. I think we know how that one would turn out yet we are made to go against our wishes because the underhanded politicians wants whats best for them. Outlaw war manufacturing organizations like Haliburton and Blackwater and their mercenaires. The gas tax should go to roads and rebuilding the infrastructure. Who knows where its going now but everyone knows its not the roads. Let the people vote on the wars, Its their families involved with giving up bodily harm and body bags. We don't have enough money to pay Social Security but there's always enough money for wars. Washington thinks they are Gods but we're not proving anything overseas. We go over there, kill thousands including women and children, put another leader in who hates us and 10 years or less we're back again. Is that how we're suppose to set an example for the rest of the world? Washington thinks it is. Our president put his hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution and the Bill of rights but he's doing everything to destroy the 1rst, 2nd and 4th amendments. Iilegal  search and seizure is becoming almost as common as traffic tickets. If it wasn't illegal we would be in Syria right now. We need to make it harder to get involved in wars. Gangs are running the streets of major cities but we had rather go fight somewhere else than clean up our own mess. There's a way to enter this country legally and its worked well for years, now we want to give it away when we cant support ourselves. I love my country and a lot of you are going to say I'm unpatriotic but is laying on the couch everynight watching Survivor or whatever the stupidest show they can come up with patriotic. I may not be doing much but I want people to know how I feel. I hope I've planted a few seeds tonight. Stay healthy and God Bless America one more time again please.....ya know, just so I can try and understand you better.

Now what did they do with the microwaves  Huh
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“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)
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