There are 3 or more generations of "PROFILE" types available for you to choose between. The reason you may want to change your profile has to do with ad bars and other things intruding on your visible screen real estate. Some of us have older less capable monitors that have limited visible room, so we have to make sure we can still read the print in the posts once we can see the whole post and that can mean changing our profile type to an older, simpler type.
These instructions apply to the 2013 standard interface and the immediately previous 2.1 YaBB interface. Once you get to 2014 and beyond you will likely have to apply a little windage to these instructions as you may be using a more modern, not yet invented profile system as your start point (which will likely change these menu choices a bit).
Using your Control Panel to fix thingsGo to the top of the site and look for .....
Home Help Search Members Update Session Cpanel/MyCenter Login/outClick on
Cpanel or MyCenter (you will see just one but it differs per browser/version). The entire page changes.
On the left hand side under
VIEW you will now have
PROFILE and the drop down list below it changes ......
OPTIONS on the new drop down list and click on it
...... you now get presented with the log in screen to make sure you are you. Log in accordingly by typing in your password.
Now you are in the thick things --- you can fix your time zone and everything else you always wanted to fix but could never find the right place to do it. Add in a personal pic or a canned icon or change your log in lines at your name or list your bike's vintage and all your current mods you have done to it down at the bottom of each post.
Lastly, second from the bottom on the list of things to change is
"Which template do you want to use?"
That's the thing you want to change over to
"Old YaBB 2.1 style" or "Standard Profile" If you want to absolutely get rid of the ad frames that can mess up your list text viewing completely go with Old YaBB 2.1 style. If you want a style that puts the ad bars to the right but leaves a full viewing window (once you shift things over that is) for the text box, go with Standard Profile.
"Change Profile" at the bottom and you are done.
Good luck with all the ad bars and video stuff out into the future -- Mysterious John has him a big modern flat screen monitor and he designs stuff that "should fit" most modern monitor screens.
Hey, but some of you have dinky 19" VGA monitors, and you may need this Tech Document sometimes out into the future to remove some "modern" from your viewing pleasure.