After replacing our stock handlebars with z bobber ones, we couldn't find grips to fit. Everything was too long for the 4-1/2" we had at the end of the handlebars. This was a bit tedious, but turned out awesome with our new handlebars.
Grip glue
needle nose pliers
1) starting at outside end of handlebars, lay paracord from end to inside end of grip, back to outside end, then to inside end again.
2) at inside end of grip, thread paracord through loop created, and around grip.
3) alternate threading over and under parallel paracord as it is wrapped, pushing cord tight after several wraps.
4) when end of grip is reached, tie temporary knot, but do not cut.
5) using needlenose pliers, start at inside edge of grip and pull on each wrap of paracord, tightening as you go. Make sure to straighten parallels as you work your way to the end.
6) under last two wraps of paracord, place a thin bead of grip glue prior to tightening.
7) Knot tightly and place zip-ties to hold in place while glue dries.
8) Cut and burn/melt ends to prevent fraying.
I would post pictures, but cannot seem to figure out how to get them to show up in the preview! For step-by-step pictures, see