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4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises (Read 58 times)
Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
it used to be...

Posts: 854
Johnstown, PA.
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4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
07/04/13 at 07:51:01
The 4th of July pantomime requires that we deny the obvious – that we instead pretend we’re free people living in a free country; one in which the government is accountable to the people, one in which the government is limited by law. One in which people can’t simply be dragooned into prisons without due process, held incommunicado, tortured. A country with a president who doesn’t have kill lists – or use the instruments of state power to punish and intimidate his political opponents. One in which citizens must be suspected of a crime before their personal correspondence is filched through and recorded for later use against them. One in which a traveler is free from arbitrary and random searches of his person and effects back turned. One in which the attorney general of the United States isn’t able to get away with providing guns to gangs or brazenly lie about his use of the power of his office to go after political “enemies” rather than pursue justice.

All these things are everyday realities. And the reality is that the America we once celebrated on the Fourth of July is gone, replaced by something dark and ominous.

It is painfully obvious – so why pretend otherwise?

More to the point, why should we celebrate this ugly transformation?

Read the complete article here -
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« Last Edit: 07/04/13 at 13:55:23 by RatdogWillie »  

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Serious Thumper
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Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #1 - 07/04/13 at 08:49:59
Interesting read, and some very interesting replies. All I planned to do today anyway was work in the garden, get some sun at our private pond... pretty much a normal day at my place.

I might summon up enough energy to put one of my non-pc targets up at my private firing range and scare the neighbors a bit...
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #2 - 07/04/13 at 10:27:20
what once was a day i had a feeling of reverence for is now almost a day of mourning. i will not reflect on what america was or was meant to be. i will instead try to ignore how massively my heart is wounded at the losses of freedom & the feeling i once had, a feeling that the nation i was lucky enough to be born in was a blessing to the world.
a very bad bunch has gotten control in dc. they are using our $, diminishing our standard of living, to create a war machine & thru economic terrorism ( confessions of an economic hitman, or close to that, john sullivan, iirc) & black op dirty tricks & straight up invasion, they are USING the strength & greatness we built up after WWII to conquer the world.
thru social engineering, starting with gloria steinham, CIA, & other
" little steps" away from the morally upright america i was born into.

DO NOT come back here suggesting i support racial prejudice, i do not, never did. that was a problem, yes, not ALL was right with america then,
much less is right, now.

& if anyone here would like to show me changes in policy, economic, foreign, domestic, ANYTHING that you can point to that would give me hope that in 5 years, the People of america will be more free, which translates directly to more prosperous, imo, then, please do.

IF  you cant show me policy change that you can reasonably expect to positively impact our people, then can anyone suggest a course of action?

elect the right people?

the global elite are running the show, elected representatives, chairs of
important committees, like national security type stuff, not ALLOWED to see the plans for continuation of government? hello?

very disturbing executive orders exist,, vert disturbing,,

yep,, you can disappear, waterboarding isnt torture,,

but, pop your firecracker, chant, murca, we're number one, over & over
believe we are just the worlds boy scout, running here & there helping people all over the world,, go ahead, believe that,, it'll make ya FEEL all warm & fuzzy & Safe,,

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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 2679
Rochester, NY
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Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #3 - 07/04/13 at 11:18:34
JOG wrote:

[quote]what once was a day i had a feeling of reverence for is now almost a day of mourning. i will not reflect on what america was or was meant to be. i will instead try to ignore how massively my heart is wounded at the losses of freedom & the feeling i once had, a feeling that the nation i was lucky enough to be born in was a blessing to the world.
a very bad bunch has gotten control in dc.

Sadly, I agree. What's worse is that the " bunch in control in DC" didn't GET control. The citizens of this country GAVE control to them. That's the problem that I don't think there is a peaceful way to fix.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #4 - 07/04/13 at 11:46:22
Obama cancelled fireworks on all the military bases. These guys and gals deserve a show of patrism more than anyone. Obama can spend 100 million going to Africa but he cant give the miltary what they desrve. He blamed it on the sequester . He's spending money on himself like a king wile he mistreats our military.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

Nostalgia isn't what
it used to be...

Posts: 854
Johnstown, PA.
Gender: male
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #5 - 07/04/13 at 12:24:25
It Just Doesn’t Feel Like the 4th of July When…
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What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?
How is it possible to have a civil war?
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #6 - 07/04/13 at 14:37:18
Lady Liberty no longer exist. Capitol Hill Daily
Do You Feel Independent?
Published Thu, Jul 4th, 2013   Chris Worthington, Managing Editor
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” – Emma Lazarus
Put yourself in the shoes of a young immigrant about to embark on a life-changing journey.
You’re packed onto a boat with hundreds of people chasing one dream – the American dream. The weeks pass, you eat your rations of food and drink a few sips of water. You’re morale is tested again and again.
Discomfort culminates in a feeling of madness… but then you look up and finally see her.
Lady Liberty…
Standing tall and dominant in her copper form.
She’s wearing a free-flowing robe to honor the Roman goddess “Libertas,” who was cherished by freed slaves…
Broken shackles lay at her feet. She too is free… no longer bound to anyone or anything.
On her head is a crown declaring, “Here, freedom reigns supreme.”
In her right hand she holds a torch. Its flame illuminates the world with America’s freedom.
In her left hand she holds a book of America’s founding principle: Law. The book is carved in the shape of a keystone. Without it everything would crumble, just as freedom and democracy would crumble without law.
The book’s inscription reads JULY IV MDCCLXXVI – the day our founders won their independence. The day America was truly born.
The Rise of the Dependent Citizen
Once upon a time, Lady Liberty embodied everything immigrants left their homelands to search for. But fast-forward to today, and we see that the country Lady Liberty represents no longer exists.
Sure, millions still immigrate here in hopes of a better life. But the dream today is no longer fueled by fierce ambition and a resilient work ethic. It’s a dream of spoon-fed government handouts spawned from a corrupt and decaying political system.
Truth is, America as we know it is on the verge of breaking through an extremely symbolic threshold.
It’s a few percentage points away from half of all its households receiving some type of benefit from the government.
Forget about the unfathomable economics of that for one second, and consider this: Having a society with that much government assistance undermines the independent spirit that once defined being an American… a spirit that people died both seeking and defending.
A vision our forefathers spilt blood to achieve… A vision my ancestors left Rome and Sicily for.
Yet now we’re a nation split almost equally between givers and takers.
And the central problem is the way in which the federal government (the current administration, especially) tries to resolve things.
Not once has President Obama put forth a major initiative to grow the job market. The JOBS act helps venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, no doubt, but I’m referring to the millions of Americans who just need a job – not a means to crowdfund a startup.
And the president can only wrap duct tape around something that’s broken for so long before it finally snaps.
You see, rather than nurturing an environment that promotes thriving industry, he offers more handouts. If there are fewer people working, his solution is give them more help. Throw a free cell phone in the mix, too!
There’s a reason why Obama’s referred to as the “Food Stamp President.” Since taking office, Obama has created 20 new food stamp recipients for every one job he’s created.
Here’s an even more sobering statistic: Since Obama took his hand off of the Bible, the number of food stamp and disability recipients has increased by roughly 18 million.
The Shocking Truth
We’re constantly hearing from the mainstream media how economic turmoil is easing and the job market is growing.
Floyd and I have pointed out several times how much of a façade the unemployment rate is. It doesn’t account for the people who dropped out of the job hunt altogether. And March of this year was proof of that. The Labor Department reported an increase in hiring – in fact, 138,000 jobs were added and the department issued a surprisingly positive outlook for the road ahead.
Yet, they failed to announce that in that very same month there was a 15% spike in food stamp recipients.
You see, we don’t just have an unemployment problem… we have an underemployment problem as well. And people with low wages also qualify for food stamps.
Now, the issue isn’t whether people deserve assistance. It’s the fact that the government, namely this administration, doesn’t promote a “provide for yourself” mentality.
Instead, it inspires a nation of citizens who turn to Uncle Sam and expect him to lend a helping hand.
And how can you blame them? It’s no surprise when seventy percent of federal spending is shelled out towards dependency programs.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #7 - 07/04/13 at 22:40:46
[quote author=023C3D31233F3E500 link=1372949461/0#3 date=1372961914]JOG wrote:

what once was a day i had a feeling of reverence for is now almost a day of mourning. i will not reflect on what america was or was meant to be. i will instead try to ignore how massively my heart is wounded at the losses of freedom & the feeling i once had, a feeling that the nation i was lucky enough to be born in was a blessing to the world.
a very bad bunch has gotten control in dc.

Sadly, I agree. What's worse is that the " bunch in control in DC" didn't GET control. The citizens of this country GAVE control to them. That's the problem that I don't think there is a peaceful way to fix.

Im not talking about electeds, im talking about cfr, b/berg, trilaterals, etc.
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #8 - 07/04/13 at 22:43:11
Midnightrider wrote on 07/04/13 at 11:46:22:
Obama cancelled fireworks on all the military bases. These guys and gals deserve a show of patrism more than anyone. Obama can spend 100 million going to Africa but he cant give the miltary what they desrve. He blamed it on the sequester . He's spending money on himself like a king wile he mistreats our military.

absolute hilarity!  i did not know this & if thats true,, dude,, thats FUNNY!
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #9 - 07/04/13 at 22:59:06
here ya go,, some more
we're number one

land of the free

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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

Alliance Member

Posts: 3244
Winston Salem, NC
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #10 - 07/05/13 at 14:04:26
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 07/04/13 at 22:43:11:
Midnightrider wrote on 07/04/13 at 11:46:22:
Obama cancelled fireworks on all the military bases. These guys and gals deserve a show of patrism more than anyone. Obama can spend 100 million going to Africa but he cant give the miltary what they desrve. He blamed it on the sequester . He's spending money on himself like a king wile he mistreats our military.

absolute hilarity!  i did not know this & if thats true,, dude,, thats FUNNY!

Its any thing but funny. Obama is treating our military like sh!t He wants them to worship Muslim but he knows the majority wont so he does away with worship period which is unconstitutional. Soldiers retiring aren't allow to have guns for a long period of time. Did he visit Arlington Cemetary on Veterans Day, hell no. He's chipping away at the Constitution, lying to cover his ass and we're letting him.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: 4th of July - Openly displaying our bruises
Reply #11 - 07/05/13 at 16:02:03
i guess maybe ive seen so much i just no longer know how to react.. its STILL kinda funny,, i mean,, he can blow millions on himself, but the troops? and his loving followers simply keep on apologizing, defending & justifying,, why has he still got ONE person who believes in him? whats the deal? that left wing kool aid is some strong stuff, man,,
he is a trainwreck for am,erica, but his praetorian guard simply will not see.. THATS why its funny,, because theyr SOOO stuck on stupid,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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