... and you
don't have two broken legs and a trashed bike... (and,... I bet you scored some brownie points for sensibility from your significant one!)...
I was offered to join a friend, in a Guzzi ride group,.. and I know he's a regular 3 digit rider,... so I said, "I don't think I'm in your league"...
He's ridden with me before.... and he said,... "You won't be in the front,... but, you'll be far from the rear,... We ride our own ride in the Guzzi group"...
...(Guzzy guys are pretty cool,.. because they are mostly fast and experienced, but without the ego)...
Point is... Whether it's the bike yer' on,... your level of experience or skill,... or just being in mood to enjoy the scenery,...
In group ride,... you still ride yer' own ride...
A ride, particularly with strangers, shouldn't be a contest...
Everyone has something to prove against new people...
Riding your own ride, proves you're not stupid... and not impressed, or intimidated...
Smart move...
PS... Psychologically speaking... even a squid will like you more, if you modestly acknowledge that he smokes you,... rather than if you try push, and endanger you both... (even if he ain't that fast... pushing a guy with an ego on a bike, can cause bad things)...
Humility and deference, gets a lot of respect when you are the FNG ... (FNG,... you get that, right?)...
Ride safe, on the first ride, be humble, and don't push... once you know the style of the group. you can open up a bit... but, by then, the group is with you and not threatened....
... and,... you don't have to be first...
I'm older now...
If I'm first,.. it's only because no one else is...
Putt, Putt, Putt.....
Lots of guys here,... probably think I'm way faster than I am...
... because I'm so humble...
No honestly...
Double psych!...
See how that works?...
Putt,.. putt,.. putt...
Oh yeah,...
putt,.. putt,.. putt...
You give a good lesson here, Steamboy...
I just had fun playing with it...
Ride safe,