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What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment (Read 645 times)
Serious Thumper

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What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
01/12/13 at 06:09:07
Rather than focus on specific weapons, shouldn’t we once again (or perhaps for the first time for others) consider the very basis of gun ownership to begin with?

What does the 2nd amendment really and truly mean? Who or what does it protect? The Bills Of Rights for the most part, places limits on what activities government can restrict. So, is this amendment about the rights of the very few in this nation today who use guns to actually hunt for their foods? Is it about protecting the firearm choices of deer, duck or turkey hunters?  Does it protect restrictions against the millions who use guns recreationally like skeet shooting, target practice, or just walking through the woods and plinking beer cans? Is that what the 2nd amendment protects?

I think not. I think it’s much deeper than that. And I think it scares many. The ramification of limiting the governments power in restricting gun ownership has at times seemed to be illogical or in today’s world, downright impractical or dangerous. However, I’d also say limiting the government’s ability to restrict free speech or religion likewise seems illogical, impractical or even dangerous. I read today the American Taliban won his case and can now attend daily prayers alongside other imprisoned inmates. That seems absolutely ludicrous to me as does allowing a stupid little church to disrupt military funerals.

But, these are what we live with in order to maintain the historical freedoms we have. The freedoms we have are not easy to maintain and sometimes the results are not easy to swallow. But I don’t think they are something we should not easily turn over either.

I’d be curious to read other’s thoughts on what’s at the very heart of the 2nd amendment, what’s at the heart of the Bill of Rights as a whole. Do we really want to voluntarily limit further what we can and cannot do? What we can and cannot own?
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #1 - 01/12/13 at 12:05:18
WM -

I am not a scholar of constitutional law.  In fact, I found it difficult and confusing in law school, and that hasn't changed much 40 years later.  So, I'll limit my comments to gun ownership and the 2nd amendment only.

To me, it is clear that the American Revolution was basically a series of acts of treason, rebellion, and armed conflict by loose groups of citzens against the then all powerfull British Empire.  Only later did the Continental Army actually come together and function as an organized army, with a command structure and all of the other indicia of a true army.

So our founding fathers chose to preserve a mechanism that allowed citizens ot take up arms to protect themselves not only from robbers, muggers, burglars and other common criminals, but also from a tryannical government.  That mechanism is to have an armed citizenry.

The modern problem is much different from 1785.  Then, armies and citizens had similar weapons; rifles and primitive handguns, except for the cannon, which ordinary folks didn't have.  But a citizen "army" back then was on a fairly even footing with a governmental army in terms of available weaponry, again except for cannons.

Today, the 2nd Amendment has lost most of this "anti-government" power, because obviously no group of citizens has tanks, fighter jets, attack helicopters, large artillery pieces and most of the other conventionla weapons of modern warfare, let alone atomic weapons.

Congress and the courts have long ago enacted, and held constitutional, laws that prevent the average citizen from possessing RPGs, heavy machine guns, fighter jets ( except historical ones that are de-militarized ), tanks (again except historical and de-militarized ones ), attack helicopters, atomic weapons, and on and on.

So, where does the 2nd Amendment really stand now?  I don't know, but I do know that no longer can we say that the average citizen has to be in a constitutionally guaranteed position to protect himself from his gov't, and be in a position to take up arms against tyranny.

I think it will all come down to reasonable restrictions.  Is it reasonable that I cannot own a fully functional RPG, tank, or fighter jet?  Of course it is.  What about my owning a quad set of 50 caliber machine guns?  I doubt many would say it would be reasonable.

The problem with "reasonable" is that it is subjective.  I personally have no fear that my shotgun, nor my 380 Webley are at risk of being outlawed.  I also see no reasonableness in my owning a full auto fire M-16.  Somewhere between those ends of the spectrum is "reasonable"; but precisely where, I can't tell you.
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #2 - 01/12/13 at 15:37:32
I think you are correct, and as noted by some the phrasing includes a well regulated militia -" regulates "which I almost suspect realy meant well organized and controlled (such as the militia in 1776 was organized by each town).   Grin  As you would see in Colonial Williamsburg, the town had an armory where much of the weeaponry was stored, not necessarily  stored in each individuals' home. Cheesy
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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #3 - 01/12/13 at 18:50:58
3.5% of violent crimes are commited by rifles. I dont know how many of those rifles can be classified as assault rifles. The rest are pistols, knives, baseball bats etc. Outlawing assault rifles is not going to make much of a difference in the violent crime rates. My heart goes out to the parents in Conn. I dont want to imagine what it would feel like to lose a young child. I could have taken two razor sharp bouie knives or a sword and done the same thing before the LEO's arrived. You cant outlaw insanity and the only way to stop evil is to fight back. Also shooting is a sport. Are we going to start outlawing sports? There are statistis everywhere that when the public is disarmed the crime rate goes up. Australia is a good example. I cant tell you what the 2nd amendment really means but common sense tells me if you take my guns away from me I wont have my guitar collection very long. There's no common sense in Washington, all they worry about is getting rich  and relection. Our veterans fought and died for the right to be free. One of our freedoms is the right to arm and protect ourselves. Take our guns away and we become just like the countries we fought against.                     "The historical reality of the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms is not that it protects the right to shoot deer. It protects the right to shoot tyrants, and it protects the right to shoot at them effectively, thus, with the same instruments they would use upon us. If the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto had had the firepower and ammunition that the Nazis did, some of Poland might have stayed free and more persons would have survived the Holocaust.

Most people in government reject natural rights and personal sovereignty. Most people in government believe that the exercise of everyone’s rights is subject to the will of those in the government. Most people in government believe that they can write any law and regulate any behavior, not subject to the natural law, not subject to the sovereignty of individuals, not cognizant of history’s tyrants, but subject only to what they can get away with.

Did you empower the government to impair the freedom of us all because of the mania and terror of a few?
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« Last Edit: 01/13/13 at 00:12:59 by Midnightrider »  

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #4 - 01/13/13 at 05:16:42
Did you empower the government to impair the freedom of us all because of the mania and terror of a few?

That is a beautiful phrase Midnight; thank you.
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Serious Thumper

old  tired

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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #5 - 01/13/13 at 05:26:28
I agree with Miss America, Miss Hagan,You shouldn't fight violence with violence,As far as putting guards in school.Sometimes young people come up with the right answer.
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william h krumpen
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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #6 - 01/13/13 at 05:59:14
I'm beginning to think like Justin when he was 12. Something just aint right. There were video cameras outsibe the theater showing Batman and there was a video camera ouside the school in Conn. The police refuse to show these videos. Survivors of the movie theater claim tear gas canisters came from two differnt people at different doors. Helicopter footage clearly shows two men running from the Conn. school. One of them was caught and said to be a parent of one of the children. He should get father of the year award. The other one hasnt been caught or mentioned. If they were to release the videos of the theater or school now they've had plenty of time to alter them so it really wouldnt prove anything. The worshipers at the church that was shot up claim there were two armed men. One killed himself in the parking lot after being shot by the police. Case closed. I smell a rat. Just think of all the criminal organisations not to mention our own goverment who would love to see us unarmed. The Mexican Drug Cartel could drive across our land without worrying about being shot at. Taking away my means of protecting myself, home and family is tyranny at its finest.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #7 - 01/13/13 at 06:32:58
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 01/12/13 at 12:05:18:
To me, it is clear that the American Revolution was basically a series of acts of treason, rebellion, and armed conflict by loose groups of citzens against the then all powerfull British Empire.  Only later did the Continental Army actually come together and function as an organized army, with a command structure and all of the other indicia of a true army.

You forgot that the early American settlers were originally on a government funded mission.

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Serious Thumper

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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #8 - 01/13/13 at 07:07:46
What kind of guns did George Washington's 200 slaves carry to protected them selfs.
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william h krumpen
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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #9 - 01/13/13 at 08:33:23
Reparations have been made. How long until we're able to move on from something that occurred 400 years ago?

You cannot use that as a counter argument for gun control because the government is still an oppressing force.

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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #10 - 01/13/13 at 09:06:50
You use the word gun control like any peson can legally own a gun. There are already 2000 gun laws already in the books. You cant stop evil with more laws. You've heard this before but you need to hear it again. More people were killed with baseball bats than guns. 3.5% of homicides were with rifles, not necessarily assault rifles.We dont have assault rifles. We have semi automatics dressed up like assault rifles. You really think outlawing so called assault rifles is going to stop mass killings. Most of the mass killers murder themselves so no law can be passed to deter them. Somebody as crazy as Lanza will just walk into school with a dynamite vest.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #11 - 01/13/13 at 15:07:23
Paraquat wrote on 01/13/13 at 08:33:23:
Reparations have been made. How long until we're able to move on from something that occurred 400 years ago?

I meant to say 100. The 4 is right ion top of the 1 and my fat sausage finger slipped on it.

The number of firearm victims (injured, wounded, fatalities all included) in 1993 was 1,248,250.
That number in 2009 was 352,810.

Are you kidding me? We dropped to nearly 25% in less than 10 years?! Show me any other statistic that did that.

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Serious Thumper

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Winston Salem, NC
Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #12 - 01/13/13 at 16:48:02
Good point Steve!
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #13 - 01/14/13 at 09:39:28
The right of the people to keep & bear arms shall not be infringed.

It says that

Yes, there is a preamble that causes some questions.

BUT, deductive reasoning I apply there tells me that IF we could sit down with the Framers, that Preamble wouldnt say anything that would contradict with the part that simply states
The Right of the People to keep & bear arms shall not be infringed.

All thru the Constitution, the People have remained the same,The C is a POwer Limiter for the goobs, not the people. Who here believe the Framers said

"The Federal Government gets to decide WHO the People are & the Right of the People to keep & bear arms shall not be infringed."?

Who here believes the Framers said

"Only the People in a State Militia are considered People & the Right of the people toblahdeeblahhblaahblaah blaahhh"

Who believes the preamble, written by the same people who wrote all the rest of it, somehow contradicts with the part that says

And the RIGHT of the People to Keep & Bear Arms SHALL NOT Be infringed...


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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: What's at the heart of the 2nd Amendment
Reply #14 - 01/16/13 at 05:59:53
How many got this correct? Only a couple.

The heart of the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights is about the last line of defense of a free nation. Governments lose wars and get overrun or they turn against their own citizens.

The freedoms given to the citizens of this nation 200+ years ago are the reason we prosper to this day. Yes, at times the day to day responsibilities of a free nation can be messy. Yes, it can be very hard, yes, it is often tinged with the both the good and the bad, but individual freedom is the fabric that produced us.

You cannot undo one of the foundational bricks and expect to avoid sinking down just a little.

You cannot, with a wave of a hand and a single signature on a piece of paper, change the definition of ‘the rights of the people shall not be infringed’.
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