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Repugnant (Read 59 times)
Serious Thumper

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Eastern Michigan
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10/31/12 at 21:17:42
Just when you thought they couldn't stoop any lower.

It seems Rmoney exploited Hurricane Sandy for a photo op. His aides bought $5000.00 worth of supplies a local Wal-Mart to "donate" to him in front of the cameras.

I saw a bunch of facebook posts from right wingers with some picture of Rmoney loading a truck with supplies. The righties were slobbering all over themselves about how this was what a real leader does...and how Rmoney really works hard to help people, blah, blah, blech! These idiots don't know a photo op when it slaps them in the face!

I know dam* good and well that if it had been the exact same picture of Obama, the righties would be condemning him for being unpresidential or pretending to help or whatever other crap they make up!
You do know the REAL reason why Republicans Want To ABOLISH FEMA don't you?  So They Can PROFIT From Natural Disasters. Ah disaster capitalism!
Rmoney said the best scenario would be handing it over to the private sector. Yeah, there's money to be made from people's misery.

Their greed astounds me! There is no low these repugs won't stoop to.
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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Repugnant
Reply #1 - 11/01/12 at 00:34:53
What ever happened to the National Guard as response teams? They have vehicles that go thru bad stuff, people already being paid. Its also good training for them,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Repugnant
Reply #2 - 11/01/12 at 05:08:54
Rmoney said the best scenario would be handing it over to the private sector

no he didn't. stop lying. oh wait, you can't....
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Re: Repugnant
Reply #3 - 11/01/12 at 06:30:25
WebsterMark wrote on 11/01/12 at 05:08:54:
Rmoney said the best scenario would be handing it over to the private sector

no he didn't. stop lying. oh wait, you can't....

Sorry, wrong again -

This is a transcript - not a 2 word sound byte.

KING: What else, Governor Romney? You’ve been a chief executive of a state. I was just in Joplin, Missouri. I’ve been in Mississippi and Louisiana and Tennessee and other communities dealing with whether it’s the tornadoes, the flooding, and worse. FEMA is about to run out of money, and there are some people who say do it on a case-by-case basis and some people who say, you know, maybe we’re learning a lesson here that the states should take on more of this role. How do you deal with something like that?

ROMNEY: Absolutely. Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that’s the right direction. And if you can go even further and send it back to the private sector, that’s even better.

Instead of thinking in the federal budget, what we should cut — we should ask ourselves the opposite question. What should we keep? We should take all of what we’re doing at the federal level and say, what are the things we’re doing that we don’t have to do? And those things we’ve got to stop doing, because we’re borrowing $1.6 trillion more this year than we’re taking in. We cannot…

KING: Including disaster relief, though?

ROMNEY: We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids. It is simply immoral, in my view, for us to continue to rack up larger and larger debts and pass them on to our kids, knowing full well that we’ll all be dead and gone before it’s paid off. It makes no sense at all.

This was @ one of the primary debates. Look it up yourself, just in case you call me for posting out of liberal sources.

Sorry once again it is not us - the liberals in this site that are lying.

Ooooo that was @ repug debate and now "Etch-a-sketch Romney has Romnesia and its all been erased. I guess when the next hurricane hits we will have a Katrina repeat.

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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Repugnant
Reply #4 - 11/01/12 at 07:16:33
Lifter will probably go nuts with this question:

Is it blatant racism when it's predicted that 94% of all blacks will vote for Obama?  I know, I know, he has the best interests of the downtrodden at heart.  But are 94% of all blacks, in this day and age, poor, downtrodden, and poverty stricken?  Surely Colin Powell isn't.  I know that blacks may be disproportionately of lower economic position, but I'm convinced that it isn't anywhere close to 94% of all blacks who are in poverty.

But if it were predicted that 94% of all whites would be voting for Romney, we'd hear a cry and howl from the left so loud that you would not need an electronic transmission of the sound; you could hear it if you stuck your head out of the window.

So, in the end, who are the racists?  Obviously, a significant percentage of whites voted for him in 2008, and I predict a significant portion will again this year, and that he'll get re-elected because of support from whites.

Again I ask, who are the racists?
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Jerry Eichenberger
Columbus, Ohio
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Re: Repugnant
Reply #5 - 11/01/12 at 07:27:15
Easy Eichenberger -
Short answer -

Who is racist ?
People are.

Long answer.

Predictions are predictions - there also have been predictions that that 94% of 08 is going to drop to 85% (what I heard I think) ...
There are also predictions that 70% of white males vote for Romney and 60% of white females (not accurate numbers).

I dont count any of those as racist when I hear it.
Someone else may when they hear it
Some one else may intend it when they say it.

People are anything and everything you can think of.
You can start a group called "Crackheads for Obama/Romney" and you will find a few followers ... what else can I say.

All I can say is what I've been telling my wife to cheer for @ the polling place. "Democracy yeaaaaaaa"

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Serious Thumper

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Re: Repugnant
Reply #6 - 11/01/12 at 07:32:54
And sometimes when they say something is racist and you think its not, you need to call BS on it.

Someone told me I was offending the holocaust survivors that were in their family when I use the word "ghetto" or "Nazi".

Booooogus ...

Is talk of slavery offensive to black people ? No. EOM.
Nazi I can see as being offensive to germans.
So would ghetto. But not to jews.
I come from a country with a history of oppression ... I am not offended by references to the "Raj" or "East India company". I didn't take part or gain from it, ergo there is no inherited guilt.

Would it be offensive to the british ... maybe.

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Serious Thumper

It only snows seven
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Eastern Michigan
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Re: Repugnant
Reply #7 - 11/01/12 at 18:39:16

"Lifter will probably go nuts with this question:

Is it blatant racism when it's predicted that 94% of all blacks will vote for Obama?  I know, I know, he has the best interests of the downtrodden at heart.  But are 94% of all blacks, in this day and age, poor, downtrodden, and poverty stricken?  Surely Colin Powell isn't.  I know that blacks may be disproportionately of lower economic position, but I'm convinced that it isn't anywhere close to 94% of all blacks who are in poverty.

But if it were predicted that 94% of all whites would be voting for Romney, we'd hear a cry and howl from the left so loud that you would not need an electronic transmission of the sound; you could hear it if you stuck your head out of the window.

So, in the end, who are the racists?  Obviously, a significant percentage of whites voted for him in 2008, and I predict a significant portion will again this year, and that he'll get re-elected because of support from whites.

Again I ask, who are the racists?"

Ah, so it's the black people's fault for not supporting a racist party. Instead of looking at the Republican ideology and realizing that it is hostile to blacks, you call blacks racist for their supposedly thoughtless skin-color-based support of Obama.

Are you saying that black people are just too stupid to understand which candidate will serve the citizens of our country, and which one will serve his own?

Jerry, black voters have overwhelmingly voted Democratic for 50+ years. Black people voting Demacratic it is a rational expression of self-interest, which is a lot more than you can say for middle- and lower-class white people voting Republican....Are these white voters racist for supporting Romney over Obama?

Clearly blacks are not as racist as the whites who are trying to find any excuse (he's not American, he was born in Kenya, he's a muslim) to vote against Obama.

There are more whites who won't vote for Obama simply because he's black than there are African Americans who will vote for Obama because he's black.

The Republicantealibertarianparty offers all Minorities, Blacks, Women, Gays, Jews, (and the 99% of workong class white people) NOTHING.

Black voters are not racist...they just have more common sense.

BTW Bet most black folks wouldn't have voted for Herman Cain.

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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Repugnant
Reply #8 - 11/01/12 at 19:05:36
People keep on with that "Self interest" mantra. What about Long Term self interest? What if people are smart enough to realize that by sucking the blood out of the nation will destroy the nation & No One will be okay in 30 years? What about those who are of high moral fiber & want to work? How about we go back to where we were when America really & truly WAS Number One. If you were working on something, trying to get it working right, & you started changing things & it went from Being Number One to sucking MUD, would you just keep on trying different things or would you start working back to the adjustments that were in it before you decided you could make it better? America was doin REal Good in around 1960,, what have we done, legislatively, in foreign policy, in our ways as a people, that have changed us so?

Jerry, Very good question, thot provoking for people who arent so set in their minds that racism is a white thing against others.,

Ive watched on forums as people said they wouldnt vote for Obama again, white people, accusing other whites of racism, for no longer supporting Bammy, Imagine, voting for him 4 years ago & being called racist for disliking his policies & actions & being unwilling to vote for him Again.. Wow,, a guy has lived 50+ years, voted for him last time, & now, he is a racist,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Repugnant
Reply #9 - 11/02/12 at 06:46:36
JOG ... that whole debt is a myth. It is debt OK however its what we mainly owe to ourselves. And to citizens of a few other foreign countries.

Lets try this one more time.

16 trillion total.
11 trillion we owe to US citizens. As in we the people have given it to we the gubbamint. If we the gubbamint think that debt is being passed onto our kids, well so is the notes when the parents die.

2 trillion to China and russia. We can pay these people the same -ve interest we have been paying the last 3-4 years and they will be happy - afterall that is the agreement ... or we can print this in fresh bills and send it off to them.

The rest of the 3 trillion is owed to countries like england, switzerland etc where honestly we own some of their debt as well, its likely to be a wash, however I should say, we pay negative interest, and we make a small positive interest that I'd say we're comming out ahead. China as well we own plenty of chinese assets.

We dont have to worry about our kids inheriting the debt, we are also having the kids inherit the notes ... obviously.

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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Repugnant
Reply #10 - 11/02/12 at 07:24:04
If you honestly believe we have the military we have, the expenditures on men & equipment, the wars, ( Can you point to any war where we took anything of value & gave it back to the taxpayers?)
YOu Think youre educating me with this huge piece of knowledge youve suddenly acquired, but youre late to the party. I know more about it that you do, youre getting lied to. That "Its debt we owe ourselves thing?" WE DO have some obligations to ourselves, of course, but

Do you really believe its that much?
If its growing, then does that not mean we are doing something wrong?
YOure perfectly sure it means nothing? Because as Im watching debt grow, Im seeing the dollar be worth less, Are these events unrelated?
All these years of importing more than we export, thats debt.Someone  Needs to go look at that deficit & add it up. IDK what it is, but its a dang boat load of $$$,, Im too busy for that.Guess Ill hafta trust the goob numbers there.

Look, I know , I KNOW you believe this & Ive tried hard to get it made simple, BUt look,

or we can print this in fresh bills and send it off to them.

Every time We the People go to the Banking Cartel we call the Federal REserve & ask for $$$ to be created, they say Sure! How much you want? YOu want a Million today?
Unca Sam says, Sure, a Million is just what I need.
Fed says, Okay, Heres your million,, Thatl be a million 200,000, sign right here..
Every dollar created creates debt greater than just that dollar.
Its not a printing press, its a BANK,, & Unca Sam is Borrowing from a Bank when we create Money,,& just like when you go to a bank to borrow $$, you pay back more than the loan amount, so it is with our system

NOW you see why Ford said what he said?
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Repugnant
Reply #11 - 11/02/12 at 08:17:34
I know JOG. You have said it before ... however we are not printing dollar bills. The usual method of late in the US has been to print and sell bonds. It creates a ton of worthless garbage for a measly 100 bucks ... 100 bucks at a time we will be putting in a lot of effort and wasting a lot of people's time to ge t100 bucks.

I am pretty much saying what you are ... but the system needs to change, and it will when interest rates go to say 10%.

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