Problem is,.. the ID's required to get the required ID...
"Easy peasy, just go get one"...
.. but,.. they don't just show up and ask for one... They need to bring a current passport, or birth certificate, or whatever, to get one... which may require travel to another state to get, and what do they need to show to get that, and how long does that process take?... then, come back to their current home with that and apply for this one...
This can be very difficult for an elderly person, or a poor person without a car...
Some people, elderly, and born at home, never had a birth cert...
Some people never had a passport...
Some people never get a home loan, because they never could afford a home...
Some had them and they were lost in fire, or flood, or a move...
There are difficulties you, or I, can't imagine...
... it is stupid to think that just because it wouldn't be a problem for you, that others might not find it near impossible...
The hospital I was born in, no longer exists... and it was in a different country... fortunately, I have a Drivers license and a voter ID....