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98 will not start no compression (Read 86 times)
YaBB Newbies

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98 will not start no compression
08/06/12 at 14:28:15
I just bought a 98 with 39000 miles. Test drove it for fifteen minutes, ran strong. Brought it home on trailer and it would not start. Turns over fine. Replaced fuel, tested coil, good spark, took carb apart spotless just a little were on slider. Spark plug looked fine and oil was clean. Decompresser does not test right according to Clymer but when you activate starter it seams to work fine, (activates for half a second and returns to normal position) Have it adjusted with about .020 play. Valves are adjusted to .004 at TDC except intake starts to close at about 5 degreese before TDC and remains at .008 through out the rest of cam rotation.
About at my wits end I stuck my finger in the spark plug hole while cranking and it did not blow it out it sucked it in.
I'm beginning to think it may have jumped a cam timing tooth or it is just worn slap out.
Does anyone have any ideas
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Re: 98 will not start no compression
Reply #1 - 08/06/12 at 14:57:37
Start out with checking the starter solenoid function and the cable/solenoid clearance adjustment on the starter solenoid, then after the solenoid and cable are right then adjust the valves as per Clymers.  

Also check that all the electrical plugs under the tank are plugged in correctly and ARE ALL THE WAY together.

If it sucks strong it should push strong too -- unless an exhaust valve is mebbe being held open that is.

Your method of adjusting that solenoid cable was what ??? using that .020" adjustment number?  The right number is like 3-5 whole millimeters of clearance. Sounds like your solenoid could mebbe be tight, lifting the exhaust valve.  Here is the correct way to do it.;action=display;num=1169356966

Hope this helps, if not something is likely broken/screwed up bad.

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Re: 98 will not start no compression
Reply #2 - 08/06/12 at 15:12:58
Id have to have a look at the tensioner with that kinda mileage
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: 98 will not start no compression
Reply #3 - 08/06/12 at 15:45:29
Thanks Guys
Now I'll go adjust solenoid the proper way. Great picture was wonder about that, Clymer's was not real clear.
It just ran to good to not just start again. I replaced a tensioner on an Audi once and it was on my mind with this mileage.
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Re: 98 will not start no compression
Reply #4 - 08/06/12 at 15:46:17
+1 JOG

You can take the valve inspection covers off, and turn it over and watch the valves jump up and down whilst dodging oil spray.

Or take the header off and if there's a problem with the valves... you'll know.
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Re: 98 will not start no compression
Reply #5 - 08/07/12 at 15:37:48
Clymer error
I read a post about Clymer error. on this site Clymer says to rotate engine clockwise from the left side when in reality it is the opposite  direction. Rotating in the proper direction I now have compression back. The intake valves were held open all the time.
Thank you very much for the sight and shared info. The bike was about to go the junk yard.
Well it still will not start but maybe it is weak spark now at least the freaking out is over.
Again thanks for the help
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Re: 98 will not start no compression
Reply #6 - 08/07/12 at 21:16:52
I'd still take a look at the cam chain.
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