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Romney,.. like a candle in the wind... (Read 94 times)
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Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
07/30/12 at 20:06:23
So,.. Romney created Romneycare in MA...
Then,.. he hates Obamacare,.. which is based on Romneycare...
Then,.. he goes the England, and watches an 11 minute tribute to the NHS health system that all of England loves...
... and then,... he goes to Israel, and points out how great their health system is,... being only 8% of their GDP instead of 18% in the US, and the people there being exceptionally healthy... and telling them that America really needs to get a hold on their spiralling costs...  
Israel has a very socialised medical system, entirely govn't controlled and non-profit...
Now,.. is Romney lying to them, or us?... did he know they had NHS or did he have no idea what he was talking about?...
Is he a liar, or stupid?... or is he both?...

So,.. in summary,.. he's for it, he's again' it, he's for it, he's for it,.. and he'll shortly again be again' it...
He's like a candle in the wind...
... and not a bright one... Huh...
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #1 - 07/30/12 at 21:12:00
He's for Romneycare, cos he thought of it.
He's against Obamacare cos he didn't think of it. Heck its not even his party's idea.
He's for the one in england cos he needs to suck up to them, after all, they also speak english.
Israel, obviously he needs all them, jewish votes from florida so he's gotta be for their system.
Simple, yea, after everything he's still gonna have enough $$$ to not pay them pesky taxes to the gubbamint.

His whole economic plan is this ... Elect me, and my rich friends will hire some people.
Creating jobs using deregulation is like overboring a motor to make more power. Yea it will make power, but soon enough you're gonna start blowing up stuff.
Obama gets blamed for the stimulus. Except it was Bush's idea. Obama had to continue to throw good $ after bad. That whole wind turbines from china and electric cars from finland - there was a domestic production clause in the stimulus that was amended to not have "trade barriers" by - get this, John McCain under Bush's presidency.
Yea Solyndra is to be laid @ the feet of obama, however the reason for that, china has been selling solar for under cost, way under cost. Yet the federal govt should not be picking winners and losers in a tech race.
Neither of these 2 motivate me, but easily Romney wins the double speak. Obama has effectively been made irrelevant by the Tea party sweep, heck the Republican party has been made irrelevant by Tea party. Can see how we are taxed enough, but the rich people who have taken the concept to heart, no freaking way.
I cant see how I pay over 30% but romney pays 14 on income that is 1000 times mine. Yes I value success, what I dont value is that the rich have walked away from their responsibilities. Another bogus argument is that the people making over 250K are job creators ... guess what, the big $ earned nowadays is all executives of big corporations. Goldman sachs, B of A, Wells fargo, JP Morgan etc. Not taxing them and hoping they create jobs is senseless, they are employees themselves. They have just used crony capitalism to negoitiate themselves into a golden corner office complete with golden airplane and golden parachute. tax them @ the same rate as the average worker, and set their overall pay to be 30 or 40X the average workers pay and it will not only help the tax base it also will help the company be profitable.
Oh here is another whopper ... most - as in 93% (2010 number) of small businesses create ... 1 job, as in ... they hire themselves. The tax code is written by the rich, for the rich, Heck I'd even take the famous 999 plan over what we got now.
Anyway healthcare is a red herring, romney aint gonna change it, the insurance companies have implemented so many parts of it and have changed their businesses so much that it will get bogged down for years. The economic plan is what differentiates these 2 and there romney is outright dangerous.
With Obama we complain he didn't do what he said he would.
With Romney we are afraid he would do what he said he would.
Guncontrol, religion and all the rest are the diversions Romney would hope lands him in office.

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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #2 - 07/30/12 at 21:33:44
+1 Srinath, excellent post!


Romney has explained that he opposes ObamaCare because what worked in Massachusetts may not work for other states. Highlighting the success of the Israeli system — in a country that enjoys one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world.


...ha ha...He LOVES the Israeli system, which is universal and (gasp!) SOCIALIZED.

Good god. He's a fawning toady to whoever he's with. What a great leader for America. Roll Eyes

The guy is just dumb. Doesn't have the wit God gave a FIG!

The reason we are 18% and Israel, France, and England are @ 8% is because we have a private for profit health care industry who sees that their job is to make money not help people. We are the only industrialized nation that does not have a single payer national health system.

And with that additional money the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies make they can own Senators such as Max Baucus and Chuck Grassley who make it their job to stop health care reform at any cost.

The affordable care act was a good 1st step but we need to do so much more.

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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #3 - 07/30/12 at 22:25:27
Th Bubs are trying to see that bammy gets another 4 years,, its the only way to ex[plain running an idiot.
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #4 - 07/31/12 at 07:20:07
justin_o_guy2 wrote on 07/30/12 at 22:25:27:
Th Bubs are trying to see that bammy gets another 4 years,, its the only way to ex[plain running an idiot.

I guess you dont have any other points than "he's an Idiot" huh ... even if that is true, An Idiot is probably better than a crook.

Worse yet, the whole Romney premise is wrong ... You dont run a country like you run a company. As a business man, Romney bled everyone he touched dry ... there were people who were winners, but there were big losers too all picked by Bain capital, which sorta is the whole idea, in a way I would expect that. As a country  you need to avoid that. Think solyndra.
A country needs to make sure the bottom rung of society is lifted off the bottom systematically, not robbed and sold off, the middle class needs to be strengthned, not made up to look better and sold off.
If a country is to be run like a company, we should just put goldman sachs in charge.
I know a lot of people call Obama an Idiot, I believe most of that is motivated by racism. Usually there are no real points behind it. Or there is some rather mis directed criticism, like stimulus - bush, or the foreign companies making $ off stimulus - McCain, or not "fixing" the economy - Tea party and congress. I've worked for major banks and finance companies going back to 93 with about a 3-4 yr break in 98-02. And I have no $ put away in any financial institution. Anyone that says "we should remove job killing regulation" is in effect saying "your $$ is to be handed over to these suits and you have no recourse if you did". Without regulation you are going to get robbed blind. Then whopper number 2 is - smaller and smarter government. Gee, wiz, we could just get smarter government andf we'll be perfect ... sadly, no such thing. Especially smaller cos you start cutting it, you start out by cutting the working people and leave the bureaucrats, that is the only way it will survive. Wrong on so many levels.

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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #5 - 07/31/12 at 08:24:09
 I almost feel sorry for Romney, the poor bastard goes on world tour to show off his diplomacy skills, and then sticks both feet in his mouth.. I do hope he can get back to the states without causing WW3...
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #6 - 07/31/12 at 08:52:46
Retread wrote on 07/31/12 at 08:24:09:
 I almost feel sorry for Romney, the poor bastard goes on world tour to show off his diplomacy skills, and then sticks both feet in his mouth.. I do hope he can get back to the states without causing WW3...

That actually is IMHO his biggest endearing move of late. He's been the picture perfect corporate raider, look close and you would almost see Richard Gere of pretty woman and Michael douglas of wall street rolled into 1.
Make a few gaffes and he starts to look like a person. Now politicians show their family and start to look human, except for Romney it makes it worse.
Anyway people are not going to change no matter what other people tell them. They would stick to their guns - literally.
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #7 - 07/31/12 at 09:38:31
srinath wrote on 07/31/12 at 08:52:46:
Anyway people are not going to change no matter what other people tell them. They would stick to their guns - literally.

Except for Romney,... he seems to stick to whatever's nearby... until his managers peel him off and stick him to something else...
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #8 - 07/31/12 at 13:44:44
I almost feel sorry for Romney, the poor bastard goes on world tour to show off his diplomacy skills, and then sticks both feet in his mouth.. I do hope he can get back to the states without causing WW3...

what did he do?
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #9 - 07/31/12 at 13:48:33
He talked,He's letting the whole world know how screwed up he is.
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #10 - 07/31/12 at 18:06:46
He answered a question, honestly,, I dont see the big deal with what he said about the Olympic preparations,, one mayor over there said he was right,, everyone else started hyperventilating.. Mind You,, he didnt just walk up & start being critical,, he was asked a question,
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #11 - 07/31/12 at 18:24:27
It's rude... You aren't supposed to be rude when you're a guest...
Honesty is not the best policy, when it's rude...
He's not there to tell them how it should be done...
He's there to show off to us how good he will be at foreign diplomacy...
Number one rule of diplomacy,.. don't offend your host...
He offended the people, the Mayor, the Prime Minister, and the Opposition Leader...
...and in record time...  
If the Olympics had a rudeness competition,.. he'd have the gold medal...

He failed miserably...
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #12 - 07/31/12 at 19:16:26
JOG... I told you in an earlier post that Rmoney did more than answer that one question in England stupidly. He also wrote a book dissing the UK in a big way. People don't readily forget things like that. He's been traveling around Europe with both feet in his mouth, egg on his face, and air in his head from England to Poland to Israel gaffing, bumbling, and generally talking like a me why you are defending him.
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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #13 - 07/31/12 at 20:35:15

A Romney spokesman today reprimanded reporters traveling with Romney on his foreign trip, telling them to "kiss my *ass" after they shouted questions from behind a rope line.

As Romney left the site of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw and walked toward his motorcade, reporters began shouting questions from the line where campaign staffers had told them to stay behind, prompting traveling press secretary Rick Gorka to tell a group of reporters to "kiss my *ass" and "shove it."

...a real class act there.

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Re: Romney,.. like a candle in the wind...
Reply #14 - 08/01/12 at 13:04:50
Poland ? Poland ? where the heck is Poland ?

That's the demographic that he's appealing to.
And the ... What has poland done for me lately ? demographic.
And the
"Wait a sec, they dont have oil do they ? If so we need to attack their unknown soldiers with our unknown soldiers" demographic.
And the
"Unknown soldier my a$$, I say there is weapons of mass destruction under there" demographic.

I dunno being stupid is an asset in politics. So is sounding like a wind bag I would say, and no I am not referring to any one in particular here, though Barney Frank is really did sound like one.
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