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Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Awesome! (Read 125 times)
Serious Thumper

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Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Awesome!
07/27/12 at 22:50:00
The Olympic opening was just beautiful!!! The celebration of England's National Health Service was awesome, a huge beautiful tribute to their NHS. (It was also most certainly a STFU to our wingers who try to claim the UK National Health Service doesn't serve their citizen well.) We're decades behind Great Briton and Canada...(how embarrassing.)

I imagine the NHS tribute confused many Americans as we're constantly told how awful the NHS is and that most the people in the U.K. hate it. Just as we're told most Canadians hate their system and so on and so on.

Living on the border I love to tell Republicans how the Canadians hate their national health care system so much, they voted the founder of the system the Greatest Canadian. I think a lot of the pride in the (Canadian and UK) national health care systems is not only how well it works, but also has a lot to do with the American media continuously attacking it.

Seriously. They are sick of all the stupid lies. Kudos to the UK for honoring their system in front of 'Mitt the twit'. (Talk about "The Ugly American in foreign lands).
He made such a fool of himself criticizing their ability properly host the 2012 Olympics (among other major gaffs)...again, how embarrassing.

The health care debacle in this country is an excellent example of the greed of our corporate masters, and the ignorance of the right's FOX-Bots voting base.

No society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.

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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #1 - 07/27/12 at 23:04:00
I finally hear that interview with Mitt. Let me start with, I do Not like him, I dont want him for a pres, but then, I have to say the same for Bammy, so,, level playing field there.

Mitt was ASKED by a reporter

Do you think theyre ready?

What he said was Honest. & Not out of line, not even particularly critical,
He did say there had been revelations of weak points in the security that were disconcerting,, so what? Thats been acknowledged publicly..

He pointed out that from his experience, there are always details that have to get dealt with as they show up,, no slap in the face there,,

Totally overblown buncha huuey.,,
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #2 - 07/27/12 at 23:46:37
There is a lot more to it than that. Do some research before dismissing something as hooey.

Romney will be jeered anywhere he goes in London. This is particularly true because it's now being reported in Britain that Romney wrote the following in his idiotic 2010 book No Apology: The Case for American Greatness:

England {sic} is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population.

The British media are also reporting that Romney has insulted their health care system and has repeatedly denigrated Europe throughout the primaries and campaign. If all these things were not bad enough, 10 Downing Street has let it be known that they found Romney to be 'apparently devoid of charm, warmth, humour or sincerity,' and 'worse than Sarah Palin.'

And all this criticism is coming from members of the Conservative Party and their preferred newspaper outlets like the U.K. Telegraph and The Daily Mail.

If Romney wanted to make the case that he'd get along with the U.K. better than Obama, he's failed spectacularly. Today, he wasl be the least welcome person at the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. And the Olympics were supposed to be Romney's only remaining strength, since his record as governor is indefensible and his record at Bain Capital is appalling.

Thank you Great Britain for having an authentic press, for revealing the American press for the gutless lapdogs they are, pandering to the Prince of the Glorious Kingdom of Utah.

He won't be able to point to his visit to the UK with any pride in his 'diplomatic prowess'.

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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #3 - 07/28/12 at 03:13:17
I dont really see the need for further "research",, I listened to him be asked a question, I listened to his answer, I didnt hear anything from his mouth that I didnt understand to be honest & fair & reasonable, I think people are hyperventilating over it for no good reason, & I would happily watch him dig a hole for himself..I just dont see the big deal here,
I also heard an interview with the mayor from another town who agreed with Mitt,, I was driving,, didnt make note of it,
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #4 - 07/28/12 at 05:53:07
Could have done without the Beatles cover band or Sir Paul. The USA team uniforms made Lisa and I both want to throw up. Both of us liked the way the cauldron was lit and created.

As for Mitt the $hit? Who cares. Just another talking head foisted on us by the "Pettabees" (powers that be). No worse than Hobama (sorry, but he's a bit too Marxist for my tastes, so... the reference to Uncle Ho... Chi Mihn).

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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #5 - 07/28/12 at 06:26:23
The Olympic opening was just beautiful!!! The celebration of England's National Health Service was awesome, a huge beautiful tribute to their NHS. (It was also most certainly a STFU to our wingers who try to claim the UK National Health Service doesn't serve their citizen well.) We're decades behind Great Briton and Canada...(how embarrassing.)

Hey Genius… NHS is starting a reorganization program that moves control AWAY from a centralized bureaucracy and towards local control. Hmmmm….. sounds a bit like the beginnings of a for-profit healthcare system…

I imagine the NHS tribute confused many Americans as we're constantly told how awful the NHS is and that most the people in the U.K. hate it. Just as we're told most Canadians hate their system and so on and so on. Living on the border I love to tell Republicans how the Canadians hate their national health care system so much, they voted the founder of the system the Greatest Canadian. I think a lot of the pride in the (Canadian and UK) national health care systems is not only how well it works, but also has a lot to do with the American media continuously attacking it.

Yea, that’s why there’s a steady stream of Canadians coming across the border for treatment rather than accept the rationing…

Seriously. They are sick of all the stupid lies. Kudos to the UK for honoring their system in front of 'Mitt the twit'. (Talk about "The Ugly American in foreign lands).

Yes, next time the Olympics are in the US, maybe we have a great big photo of Kathleen Sebelius displayed and after that, we’ll do a little thing on social security. We can have the athletes carry in giant red numbers showing the deficit…  yep, fills me with a sense of pride…
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #6 - 07/28/12 at 06:36:05
What he said was Honest. & Not out of line, not even particularly critical,
He did say there had been revelations of weak points in the security that were disconcerting,, so what? Thats been acknowledged publicly..

He pointed out that from his experience, there are always details that have to get dealt with as they show up,, no slap in the face there,,

Totally overblown buncha huuey.,,

JOG; we’ve been on opposites ends a lot lately, but have to side with you on this one. I heard about a flap and read up on it and thought the same thing.

But… get ready because this will be standard operating procedure for the media which is in love with Hopey-Dopey. Articles like this will be given front page status while all the stupid and dumb things Hopey says almost daily will be forgotten, not that they were covered to begin with.

All conservative politicians know they have two opponents to defeat: their election rival and the US main stream liberal media. That’s just a simple fact. Again, liberals crybabies can rant against Fox News, Limbaugh, Beck all they want but they created them; it’s their own fault.

I know you’re not a Mitt fan JOG; he’s not my first choice either. But, what we need right now is either an amazing once in a lifetime leader or someone who’s measured in their actions. Mitt is the latter, not sure we have the former anywhere right now. We need to work our way out of Hopey-Dopey’s mess and try to salvage this before we turn into a middle tier country, dependant on others.

One of the single biggest unbelievable traits of Hopey-Dopey is his willingness for America to cede leadership. It’s hard to believe we have a guy in the Oval Office who is so …… un-American.
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #7 - 07/28/12 at 15:06:56
"the US main stream liberal media"

Grin Grin Grin Grin

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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #8 - 07/28/12 at 15:34:47
The paper that called Romney a twit,.. was the SUN... owned by R.Murdoch.. owner of Fox News...

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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #9 - 07/28/12 at 15:43:40
When a man who has been running non-stop for president for almost a decade has NO CLUE that it's a common practice to release many years of tax returns, he's a moron.

When a man runs for president based on his business experience and he has NO IDEA that his business practices will be looked at by his opponents, he'd an idiot.

When you run based upon your "success" as the head of an Olympics and you belittle the work of other Olympic organizers, you're a dipshit.

Face it, Romney is too darn STOOOPID to know that when you're a guest in someone else's home (or country) you don't insult your hosts. If you're enough of a turdbrain to insult your hosts and they slap you down, you DON'T compound the situation by having your flunkies double down on the insults.

Mitt the Twit Romney is STUPID! He is an out of touch with reality reality tv version of Richie Rich, a moron who has had a lifetime of well paid yes men telling him that he's a genius and covering up his f*** ups.  

12 years ago, the Supreme court installed a moron in the white house. We learned a painful 8 year lesson that morons don't make good presidents. They don't even make mildly bad presidents. They make HORRIBLE presidents.

I'm 66 years old. I thought that I'd never see a candidate as stupid as GW again. I SURE AS HELL didn't think I'd see one that was even more stupid!

He doesn't even bother to get stuff right because he figures he doesn't have to. His base doesn't care, and Fox doesn't care, so why should he care?...

If the pubs want him as POTUS they will fix it so that he is POTUS.

...or maybe not, he's so out of touch that even the repub base can't stand him.
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #10 - 07/28/12 at 22:58:23
That Mitt is a twitt is not the issue. I personally despise that  jakass,, but that doesnt mean he is less qualified that Obama, Yes, Mitt sux,, but so does Bammy,& the deal in London is completely overblown,theres absolutely NO justification for all the uproar,
Plenty to gig him on, but not that.,
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #11 - 07/29/12 at 04:33:18
The best comment I heard about the opening ceremonies sums things up perfectly:

It’s hard to believe the opening ceremonies in London England were more communist than the ones in Beijing China….
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #12 - 07/29/12 at 18:01:59
The Brits are Communists now?? Grin

One of the characteristics of stupid people is that they're too dumb to realize how stupid they are.
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #13 - 07/29/12 at 18:13:46
See the grey areas,.. that's the places without Universal health or mandated care...
Those are the places you want to live in Webster... Wink...
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Re: Anyone Watch the London Olympic kickoff? Aweso
Reply #14 - 07/29/12 at 18:33:25
"Those are the places you want to live in Webster?"

...hell, we'll even buy your one way ticket and help you pack! Grin
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