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Taxes (Read 459 times)
Serious Thumper

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Re: Taxes
Reply #15 - 07/24/12 at 05:33:53
Are you out there asking how we pay for the stimulus?...
This inference that "Since I see your guy as a screwup, you have no room to criticize my guy" game is a HUGE part of how we got here,,

no JOG; that's not what I'm doing. I'm pointing out to say our problem was started by the expense of endless wars is nonsense. Simply not true.
I have no idea how to fix Hopey's screw up. It will take a long time of no spending increases and low taxes, less regulation to grow the economy. We're f'*ked for a while.
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Re: Taxes
Reply #16 - 07/24/12 at 05:36:58
Hopey can fix up his screw up the same way GWB fixed up is screw up.
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william h krumpen
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Taxes
Reply #17 - 07/24/12 at 06:16:06
WebsterMark wrote on 07/24/12 at 05:30:32:
There's over 2 Trillion of the Federal Budget unacounted for by the military. Think that $600 Pentagon ashtray is an urban myth?

nope, i'm sure it's not.

Read the article in Bloomberg yesterday by Neil Barofsky. The Tarp money was wasted and pissed away by the bucket full. Don’t get caught up in some kind of class warfare and turn this into a Wall Street/Main Street thing. The point is government bureaucrats wasted millions and millions in mismanagement and fraud.

It always happens. Drop and apple and it falls to the ground. Give government  a big job to do involving lots of money and it fails. Gravity and the law of government screw up are both solid and dependable.

Now, just wait until everyone’s healthcare is dependent upon this…

I'd a lot rather my money go to health care than useless wars and spending by the military!
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Taxes
Reply #18 - 07/24/12 at 09:59:31
WebsterMark wrote on 07/24/12 at 05:33:53:
Are you out there asking how we pay for the stimulus?...
This inference that "Since I see your guy as a screwup, you have no room to criticize my guy" game is a HUGE part of how we got here,,

no JOG; that's not what I'm doing. I'm pointing out to say our problem was started by the expense of endless wars is nonsense. Simply not true.
I have no idea how to fix Hopey's screw up. It will take a long time of no spending increases and low taxes, less regulation to grow the economy. We're f'*ked for a while.

Bush DID screw up, That $$$ spent went from me & you, into the pockets of the worlds wealthiest.& that wasnt the start, for gooniss sakes! We have all seen the debt go from what should have been easily managed & simply paid off back, well,, I was in the 4th or 5th when I was looking at it,, so,, 64? 65? But, instead of the goobs & the people looking at a smal, but growing debt & saying "Whoa here,, we cant keep doing this. We have to live within our means",, The very people who told us all we have to go to school & learn things & we have to take History so we will know what mistakes had been made in the past that hurt other nations & not follow in their footsteps DID exactly the STupidest things they could do,,These problems have been made worse by each successive administration,, &, its designed to be how it is,,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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genoa city wisconsin
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Re: Taxes
Reply #19 - 07/24/12 at 10:29:10
Since Obama took other theres still soldiers getting wounded,The ones that have lost and arm and leg get $250000 a year pension plus the VA still pays the medical expenses GWB should have known this but what did he really know about anything. It was all about making money,But not for us.
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william h krumpen
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Re: Taxes
Reply #20 - 07/24/12 at 21:30:24
REPORT: Debt Limit Fight Cost Government $1.3 Billion In 2011


Republican opposition to raising the debt ceiling increased the government’s borrowing costs by $1.3 billion in fiscal year 2011, and costs will continue to rise in the future, a report from the Government Accountability Office found. The U.S. Treasury was forced to take varying actions to avoid hitting the debt limit before Congress raised it in August, forcing borrowing costs higher on multiple Treasury securities, the report found. And because many of those securities “will remain outstanding for years to come,” the borrowing costs will continue to rise in the near future. The debt limit fight also caused the first-ever downgrade of America’s credit rating, which Standard & Poor’s blamed on Republican unwillingness to raise taxes as part of a debt reduction deal.

<end of snip>

...and they are gearing up to do it again....reduce the deficit indeed!  

Cantor's temper tantrum cost us how much? This guy needs to be drawn and quartered or at least put in a corner to sulk the next time he starts stamping his feet and throwing a fit.

We can't afford the Tea Party. They didn't cut spending or the deficit. Just put on a dog and pony show for their demented supporters. So we lost our credit rating and $1.3 billion dollars. Run on that Republicans. Don't forget to lie on the floor and cry....or just LIE which is your usual behavior.

Oh wait...fortunately, it is written in the Book of Cheney that "Deficits don't matter."
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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Serious Thumper

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East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Taxes
Reply #21 - 07/25/12 at 12:28:02
I resent this reference to the Tea Party. Im tired of people associating me with these jackasses who simply took the NAME & jumped in line to get the support of the People who want things done differently from the DIMS & The BUBS do. You people spit on the one group who would have a positive impact, because you fail to grasp the concepts. Do NOT let neocons running around waving a flag that says Tea Party on it make you think thats who we are,

You want to change the economy? Stop the wars, BURN the trade agreements that CUT our Throats. Do what Iceland did, tell the bankers to SHOVE IT,, ditch the Fed. Retake our Sovereignty,
Why should a Nation have to get its $$$ from a bank the same as you when you want to buy a car? A Nation is a Sovereign entity,, & can create its OWN Money,,interest free, but in 1913 , just 3 or 4 criminals voted to eliminate that for us..
& to those who would say
Well,, if we did fight to eliminate the Fed, we would just have to do it again in a few years & use that LAMEASSED excuse for a reason to not take action, I would ask you if you really believed that Freedom, once attained, would always be? If you know that oppressive forces always work to take control, then you know that the fight for freedom is ongoing. We either press forward to retain it, or we lose it. Am I alone in the ability to see how much freedom has been lost? The Fed is a Huge Part of it.,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Taxes
Reply #22 - 07/25/12 at 19:40:57
"Defense is a constitutional duty. Whether you agree with the war or not, Congress voted for it." Webster

"Give government  a big job to do involving lots of money and it fails." Webster

Well, you said it not me. War is a BIG government job to do involving lots of money and it fails.
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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Taxes
Reply #23 - 07/25/12 at 20:38:32
"The money spent on 10 years of war was about equal to one year of HopeyChange’s stimulus."JOG


Stimulus price tag: $2.8 trillion
Since Obama took office three years ago, Congress has poured a total of $2.8 trillion into the economy in an effort to spur hiring, get people spending again and prop up industries struggling to stay afloat.


Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

In the past ten years of war the defence department has spent 6 trillion 83.7 billion.

...Fact is, you can play with these numbers till the cows come home, but the bottom line is only a FRACTION of this money should have been spent on either of these boondoggles.
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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Winston Salem, NC
Re: Taxes
Reply #24 - 07/25/12 at 20:49:18
There's no need for us ever to go to war with any dictator ever again, now that we have the technolgy to fly a Drone up their a$$. If we send troops in on the ground we're there because there's something Wall St or Haliburton wants.
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Taxes
Reply #25 - 07/25/12 at 21:03:38
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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Re: Taxes
Reply #26 - 07/25/12 at 23:47:38
July 25 th statement from President Obama on the Senate vote:

With the Senate’s vote, the House Republicans are now the only people left in Washington holding hostage the middle-class tax cuts for 98% of Americans and nearly every small business owner. The last thing a typical middle class family can afford is a $2,200 tax hike at the beginning of next year. It’s time for House Republicans to drop their demand for another $1 trillion giveaway to the wealthiest Americans and give our families and small businesses the financial security and certainty that they need. Our economy isn’t built from the top-down, it’s built from a strong and growing middle class, and that’s who we should be fighting for.

Bohner would readily go along with tax cuts for the 98% but his hands are tied by the tea party.

...just say'n
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Proud to be everything the right-wing hates.
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Serious Thumper

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Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
Re: Taxes
Reply #27 - 07/26/12 at 01:37:46
Hers what I am sayin,, get off the Tea Party label & call them Neo Cons,
Unless you can show ME where Ron Paul votes against tax cuts, Because the Tea Party is ME,people who support the things RP supports., & the people YOU call the tea party are just opportunistic parasites who TOOK the Name & did NOT act the way people who are Tea Party types act.,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Re: Taxes
Reply #28 - 07/26/12 at 03:48:04
JOG,.. unfortunately, the Tea Party is what it is... and it ain't what you wish it was any more...
But they are now holding the right wing hostage... and doing their best to obstruct.

Bush created 10 trillion debt, Obama added another 5...
Each side can argue which side did worse, but in the mean time, we pay interest on that debt, every year until it gets paid...

It is Bush that gave giant tax cuts for the rich, allowing people like Romney to pay half the percentage of a secretary.  This was going to boost jobs and the economy.  It didn't happen.  It created the worst economy in near a century, and the debt exploded.
Two simultaneous trillion dollar wars and tax cuts at the same time was a prescription for catastrophe...
Time to pay the piper...

Just like in your own home,... you can't max out the credit cards for a decade and keep refinancing...
Now, the middle class has virtually disappeared, while the poor have become poorer, and the rich have done great.
Income disparity has increased 400%...
Trickle down,.. was a myth... America got pissed on...
The rich have to pay... because the rest no longer can...
You can't get blood from a stone.
Romney can tighten his belt and just have a three car elevator, his country needs the other one.

Rep's may argue the unfairness of the rich paying the lions share of taxes,... but, it's the poor  and working class that do the lions share of dying in the wars we make.
Blood and treasure... that's the cost of war.
Blood's been paid,.. time for treasure...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Taxes
Reply #29 - 07/26/12 at 05:04:55
Bush created 10 trillion debt, Obama added another 5...
Each side can argue which side did worse, but in the mean time, we pay interest on that debt, every year until it gets paid...

It is Bush that gave giant tax cuts for the rich, allowing people like Romney to pay half the percentage of a secretary. This was going to boost jobs and the economy. It didn't happen. It created the worst economy in near a century, and the debt exploded.
Two simultaneous trillion dollar wars and tax cuts at the same time was a prescription for catastrophe...
Time to pay the piper...

There is more BS in those few sentences than all the matadors in the history of the world have ever stepped in….
What planet do you people come from?!....

Just like in your own home,... you can't max out the credit cards for a decade and keep refinancing...

Hopey-dopey has now only max out our credit cards, he’s ordered more and maxing them out… The guy spends and spends and spends…

The rich have to pay... because the rest no longer can...
Screw that….. stop spending.

Trickle down,.. was a myth... America got pissed on...

The utter stupidity of that statement cannot be over emphasized.

Rep's may argue the unfairness of the rich paying the lions share of taxes,... but, it's the poor and working class that do the lions share of dying in the wars we make.

Sounded better when George Bailey said it to the Board…

Don’t knock the The Tea Party. They are playing their role by forcing Republicans who are too ingrained in politics and corruption to return to what it is that separates conservatives from liberals which is being the adult in the relationship. We need conservatives and liberals to be who they are, not some wishy-washy blending of the two. Liberals can play, dream, create (mostly they just whine lately…) but we need that in our society the same way you need diversity in a family. Ultimately, someone’s gotta stand up and make decisions to keep this big playground we live on afloat and that’s what conservatives do.
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