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Healthcare in America (Read 269 times)
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Healthcare in America
07/13/12 at 19:26:24
I usually try to stay out of this Hell's Kitchen area, but this is something I have to vent...

My wife got a bump on her leg about 2 weeks ago that kept getting worse.   At first we thought perhaps it was a spider bite, wasp sting, etc., but over a 2 week period it didn't seem to be diminishing and it kept getting more painful.   Finally she decided to go to the Dr to see what it was and check on any treatment.   Her Dr took a look and decided that she couldn't do anything in her office, so she was sent to the hospital.

Once in the hosp, they took blood tests trying to determine the cause.  They decided it had become infected and even abscessed, so multiple Drs consorted and decided surgery would be necessary to remove the infected tissue, just to be safe.  Long story short, they kept her for 2 days & nights, along with IVs, radiology, etc...   They ended up cutting out a plug about 1/2 inch in diameter and 1 inch deep.   The resulting wound had to packed with expensive strips of silver nitrate or some such(?), that cost $70 per strip and needed changing 3 times a day.   After 2 days she was released and allowed to come home.  We were told that the strips would be required for several weeks.

Anyway, she has now been home for several days, even tho still in a good amount of pain.   The next day we receive a phone call from the hospital billing dept, saying the bill is ready.   We, of course asked about the amount?  I was thinking... hmmm 2 days at today's hospital prices is going to be expensive, perhaps even $5k .. $8k or so?  The gal in the billing dept then calmly informed us that our total was a mere $44k, but that did NOT include the radiology lab and surgeon fee!!!   That's $22k per day for a minor surgery and hospitalization, or another way you could think of it is the cost of a brand new car everyday (and not a cheap car either)!

Stunned didn't begin to describe our feelings at that moment.   This is especially true since we were forced to cancel our health insurance 5 years prior after it had climbed to $12k annually, with automatic increases every quarter due to our age.  We are both retired, and decided that if things were left as is, the insurance company was going to clean out our savings and IRAs - money we had worked for and saved all our lives.   I became 65 in april and have only just qualified for Medicare, but my 60 year old wife has nothing.  I asked the hosp about a payment plan, but their idea of payments was essentially my entire SS check each month, and that is only after signing over our home as collateral.   That means if Deb were to die first, I am still on the hook for payments or the hospital can seize my home and other assets for restitution.   I must say, we are both feeling very victimized right now, but there seems little we can do against the empire.

I think back to my childhood (Leave it to Beaver days), and when I or one of my siblings got sick or broke a bone, Mom took us to the Dr.  I don't even think we had anything like health insurance; you simply paid the bill or made payments until you were paid up.   That's it - injured person is happy, Dr is happy, hospital is happy!   I don't know if I can put my finger on it exactly, but between then and now, something has gone horribly wrong with medical care???
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Tucson Az
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #1 - 07/13/12 at 19:34:20
Only in America... Huh...

So sorry, 360...  Hope your wife feels better soon...

PS... refuse to pay, or sign over anything...  Uninsured don't pay full price.
You should be able to talk them down to 1/2 to 1/3... an HMO or Medicare would that, too.. they pad the bill, to get what they want out of them...
What a sukass system!... Huh...

PS.. also, check with city/state programs for low income... There may be a cost threshold that allows you to be covered before you are wiped out financially...
My best to you both... Serow...
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #2 - 07/13/12 at 20:05:10
that sucks man,  I believe back in the day, healthcare wasn't as for profit as it is now.  Business is what's happened to healthcare.
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #3 - 07/13/12 at 21:03:20
I am so sorry 360.

Send the bill to the wingnut teabaggers...or maybe Rush would be happy to pay the bill from his million dollar a week (4 day week at that) salary.

The conservative right... No amout of money is too much for wars and killing.

Any amount to HURT.

But not ONE DIME to HEAL.
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #4 - 07/14/12 at 05:32:54
Yet another example of why Lisa and I will likely sell the farm and move to Germany or Spain after her dad dies.

It is also why I turned down a full ride to Johns Hopkins.

Medicine as a money making machine... only in America.
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #5 - 07/14/12 at 05:50:12
I don't know if I can put my finger on it exactly, but between then and now, something has gone horribly wrong with medical care???

Insurance with little competition between companies for  your business is what went wrong with medical expense. Once the majority of people begin getting health insurance from their employer, it started going downhill. Most people don’t see the hospital bill, only their deductible and co-pay so the actual amount means nothing.

So companies jack up the expense and it gets spread all around. We don’t do that with car insurance. Geico, Progressive, State Farm all battle for my business. Someone with a 16 year old teenage boy pays more than I do. I pick the company that gives me the best value. With health insurance, I don’t have that option. My company ‘gives’ me a health coverage. No competition, prices go up, service goes don’t.

I agree with Sew, negoiate. We had a guy at church with little or no insurance, racked up 100,000 or so due to cancer, he begain paying a small amount every month that he considered fair and the hospital ended up writing the rest off. Not saying that's gonna happen, but calculate what you consider to be a fair price and pay based on that. Be prepared to demostrate how you arrived at your figure. If they press you, request an itemized bill showing every service and product charged.

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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #6 - 07/14/12 at 06:10:37
The last (only) time I had surgery was for a hernia repair.
Initial diagnosis by family doctor- free.
Diagnosis by surgeon- free.
Surgery, including an overnight stay in hospital- free.
All drugs administered at the hospital- free.
Prescription for Tylenol 3- $12.00
Follow up visit to surgeon, including staple removal-free.

I am 62 years old, diabetic, have had pneumonia, broken ribs, involved in clinics, blood tests up the wazoo - free
My wife has MS. MRI's, clinics, a complete battery of cognitive testing, - free. Mobility devices 75% paid for (her power chair alone cost $13000).
Our drugs are not paid for, but will be when we turn 65.
Did I say "free"?
Sorry, our Ontario Health Insurance Plan cost around $700 per year, based on income.
Good deal?
You bet!
For the life of me I can't understand why some people are opposed to mandatory health care.
360k's sad tale should be a lesson to all opponents.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #7 - 07/14/12 at 06:28:38
For the life of me I can't understand why some people are opposed to mandatory health care.

Did they take a copy of your system or did they build one from the ground up? If you wanted something & there were models around the world to look at & base yours on, would you send teams to study the other systems & put the best parts of each existing system together? Of course YOU would, I would, every DUMBASS In here would,, BUT did OUR Goobs do that? NO,., Because its not MEANT to give us what WE need, its meant as yet another Wealth TRansferral System from the pockets of the People into the POckets of the Elite,,

Wait & see how OUR system works, its gonna make health care today look Fabulous. In 5 years, people are gonna be seriously unhappy.,
Print it out, tape it up,
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The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #8 - 07/14/12 at 06:31:31
Hey teacher; here's what a very young student of yours would say...

I was born and my parents took me home to a nice crib; guess what? It was Free!

Then I had formula and later food and guess what? It was Free!

My diapers were changed for Free!

As I got older, I got a bigger bed, my own room and guess what? It was Free!

I got new clothes, played little league, got toys at Christmas and guess what? It was all Free!

Ain’t life grand?! Everything is FREE!!!
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #9 - 07/14/12 at 08:50:00
Webster,... did you cut and paste that, again... or have you committed it to memory, so you don't have to think?...

People here, are losing everything they worked and saved for their whole lives, in a matter of days... People that worked hard, played fair, planned well, and saved wisely... Good people...
This is not fair or deserved... there is no righteousness to it...  
Just because you are currently in a fortunate situation, don't think you're immune... life can throw a curve at any minute...
If it ever does,... you'll eat your words...

Remember Skat?... She lost her job, her insurance, her savings, her bike, and her home, before she died...
All Americans should be ashamed that such things happen...
I am...

If only "Obamacare" had been in place...
Skat's family would not have lost everything...
... and 360, would not be worrying about bills and his families future, and be able to focus on his wife's wellness...
These tragedies aren't just happening to poor, lazy, people... 3 of 5 bankruptcies involve medical cost issues ...  

Canada is rightfully proud that they have a good system, and they are free to plan their lives without such financial catastrophe looming over them...
Yea, Canada...

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Serious Thumper

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London ontario
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #10 - 07/14/12 at 09:25:37
WebsterMark wrote on 07/14/12 at 06:31:31:
Hey teacher; here's what a very young student of yours would say...

I was born and my parents took me home to a nice crib; guess what? It was Free!

Then I had formula and later food and guess what? It was Free!

My diapers were changed for Free!

As I got older, I got a bigger bed, my own room and guess what? It was Free!

I got new clothes, played little league, got toys at Christmas and guess what? It was all Free!

Ain’t life grand?! Everything is FREE!!!

I can only guess at what you are getting at here-'splain it to me Lucy. Huh
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Serious Thumper

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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #11 - 07/14/12 at 09:29:50
Webster,... did you cut and paste that, again... or have you committed it to memory, so you don't have to think?...

that's a pretty stupid comment coming from you.

My point was, teacher's "free healthcare" is anything but free.

Do you think i rejoice in other people's misfortune? The seeds of Skat’s financial troubles that went along with her unfortunate health issues were sowed long ago. The time was ripe for healthcare reform that included competition between companies, lifetime portability, no terminations and a slow weaning away from employer provided benefits, but Hopey-change jumped in for the whole thing and will jeopardize everything.

Just because you are currently in a fortunate situation, don't think you're immune... life can throw a curve at any minute...
If it ever does,... you'll eat your words...

I don’t wish ill will on anyone and I’m aware I’m in a good spot right now. I’m also aware it can change on a dime. There are no guarantees in life. I’ve had my share of tragedies, perhaps more than most, but I’m not in favor of bankrupting the future of the nation to give me a little piece of mind today.

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Serious Thumper

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London ontario
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #12 - 07/14/12 at 09:46:40
What makes you think it will "bankrupt the nation"?
Canada has had it for quite a while and we are doing relatively OK.
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white '07, Raask exh, Corbin seat, slipstreamer shie, Raptor, Routy's fwd controls, Baron tach, Frisco bars, Isogrips, Headlight and taillight modulators, Dial-a- jet, AME 9 deg chop kit, K&N air flt
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Tucson Az
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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #13 - 07/14/12 at 10:18:19
WebsterMark wrote on 07/14/12 at 09:29:50:
Webster,... did you cut and paste that, again... or have you committed it to memory, so you don't have to think?...

that's a pretty stupid comment coming from you.

How?... How is it stupid?.. and how, particularly coming from me?..

This lame attempt at insult, has no teeth...  it only serves to show how how ill equipped you are, to debate with any intelligence...

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Re: Healthcare in America
Reply #14 - 07/14/12 at 10:39:59
Webster is playing dumb again (I think...he can't really be that stupid can he?...oh wait.)

"Ain’t life grand?! Everything is FREE!!!" -Webster

In Canada taxes (albeit they are high) are used for the good of the people. In the US taxes are used to go overseas and murder people for corporate profit and the people be dammed...big difference.
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