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Multiculturism ??? (Read 855 times)
Serious Thumper
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #30 - 10/19/10 at 00:43:48
PerrydaSavage wrote on 10/19/10 at 00:32:49:
mick wrote on 10/18/10 at 15:01:11:
Since when did you guys speak English ? Wink

Actually mick out here on our Rock in the North Atlantic, we have our own dialect, "Newfanese" Wink

first I hope you know I was kidding.
How does Newfanese sound ? anything like canook ? saying oot instead of out or are you like Assie English,or South African English ?
I just found out this evening that English is the 2nd most spoken language in the world,the first,you guessed it "Manderine Chinese"
the place were English suposidly is spoken as perfect as can be is in north Wales,not even in England.
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #31 - 10/19/10 at 03:12:29
I've been in Germany since 1997 so I lived the huge change this failed
"integration" caused and can tell you first hand it's all highly complex
and it's all sadly true.

Also, as a lifelong student of philosophy, psychology and sociology
saw this mess coming a mile away, duh.

The goal was supposedly to bring in qualified workforce and new
taxpayers since the darn germans are not having any kids and the
population is aging FAST.

It was an utter failure, same as the reunification effort.

The millions of, mainly, russian and turkish immigrants came legaly
prancing in with extended families of 20 and of these just maybe 1
or 2 persons work and pay taxes, the rest enjoy welfare benefits.
Talk about backfire.

Little Russia and little Istanbul neighborhoods popped up by the
thousands and that is that, nobody learned german nor adapted
to the cultural/social standards; and these people aren't going
anywhere, they are here to stay, utter utter failure.  

In my opinion, Merkels speech came out out of pressure or
desperation since the country is honestly in pretty bad shape,
but then again, nothing in politics happens by accident.  

If anyone has any questions, shoot, later, R.
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Romanum Thumperium
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #32 - 10/19/10 at 05:58:05
My own two cents, but since they're Eurocents are they worth a little more ?


You all speak about multiculturality, yet forget who it was that colonized your lands (never mind the issue of the North American Indian)
Was it poor glebes, toling the soil? In part.
For the major part, it was a mix of :
1) people sentenced to exile (so it was in His Majesty's Courts, to populate the Colonies, including Australia, South Africa and New Zealand)
2) entire communities deported (see the Irish or the Scots)
3) families following their loved ones into exile
4) communities seeking freedom of religion (the Pilgrim Fathers, for starters, not to mention Russian and Polish Jews)
5) communities seeking freedom of identity (wars in Europe meant borders would come and go, up until 1946, see the Poles, the Armenians, French and German Alsatians)
6) servicemen (meaning, entire regiments) posted to the Colonies, and families would either follow or form
7) and, last but not least, farmers tired of toiling the soil for His Highness or His Holiness, and spent small fortunes for tickets to the New World.

Read any short story which describes Ellis Island, very few were actually escaping "famine", most could read and write and had money to spare.

Now, my own personal experience.
I went over in 1968, one of the first words I learned was "WOP", if I didn't answer whomever of the schoolkids called me WOP I would get beaten more or less badly.
I learned to run fast, verry fast, very quickly.
I also learned to read and write in English, and so they found a new reason to beat me up, I would consistently win the spelling bees, which to the eyes of many WASPs was unacceptable.

My perception is that America created its own identity out of the desire for one, but never had the years and years (centuries upon centuries) to allow it to sink its roots deep into the weave of society.

The result is a number of contradictions on the one hand and misconceptions on the other.

Elvis would sing of his "Yiddishe Mommye" and many of his fans would don the hoods of the KKK;
Some will brag of being "American as Apple Pie", which is the most notorious Bavarian dessert;

Cowboy songs are riddled with slow yodels (again, from Bavaria and Tyrol)

or will sing about


Now, let me telly you abot what a "melting pot" really is.
It's NOT a soup pot, where you put in many different things, and hopefully all will cooperate to make the main ingredient (water) a little more tasty.
Because if this were true, then the fundamental ingredient, the WASP community, is defining itself as "insipid".

The melting pot, the real melting pot, is known in English as a CRUCIBLE, or by Alchemists and Esoterists as the ATHANOR.

So, the crucible will take copper and tin, to make bronze; but both copper and tin will lose their identity as such.

Here I do not see anybody willing to meet others, neither in a crucible nor in an Athanòr.

Do not forget what it was like in the 19th Century for your own ancestors when they crossed the ocean.

One thing is social discipline, another is deculturalization.

Cool  Cool
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #33 - 10/19/10 at 06:26:36
mick wrote on 10/18/10 at 15:01:11:
Since when did you guys speak English ? Wink

I always say we don't speak English in the States, we speak Idiogrammic American.

And this is all I will say in this thread. If I actually decided to join this conversation I would pi$$ a lot of people off.
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #34 - 10/19/10 at 06:51:19
reloaded now round 2

We (wifey & I ) were in walmart on Sunday afternoon - fairly packed - and the wife mentioned how in every department she went in to there were groups of people speaking foriegn languages - not always the same language but nonetheless foreign languages throughout the store (what are they disccussing the price of items or plotting to take over the store i dont know I live in America where the language is supposed to be English - I dont speak any freaking foreign languages and i dont plan to learn any, any time soon if ever!)

- I asked the walmart associate in the frozen foods area where the Oscar Meyer Canadian Bacon was since they had re-organized the section since I was last in this store - she did not understand my question and did not answer me she just pointed for me to go to the island full of Oscar Myer Bacon 2 for $6, not what i asked for in plain understandable English .....she finally asked her co-worker (by way of foreign language) where this product was - pointed down the row to another location and there it was - he did not speak just pointed.......

When I go out in public I expect to be able to ask a question and get an answer in understandable English - not a blank look and point of a finger - or some in-coherent babbling in a foriegn language......speak english or GET OUT!...and take all your freakin relative who dont speak english or know how to follow American ways - GET OUT!
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Romanum Thumperium
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #35 - 10/19/10 at 07:14:19
Weracerc, may I suggest you go to Scotland, or Wales, or even North Yorkshire, and spend a week there.

They all speak English, you wouldn't last a day... different accents, different cadence of speech, even different words for the same concept...

Y'knoo wo'I mean ?

In the US, Manhattan-ese is surprisingly close to London Cockney,
but in NY State the accent is closer to Dutch (ever hear the Dutch speak English ? Incredibly good accent !)
Go to Bost'n, close as you can get to King's English; take your wife to a jewelers and the first thing they'll ask is if she has p-s-d-s.
Roll Eyes P-S-D-S ???
Spell the letters out loud; does she have... pearced ears ? P-S-D-S ?

Go out to the Kentucky hillbilly, he doesn't live very differently from his grandpappy; and would a Texas Redneck fit in, in S.Francisco ?
How would a teenager from greater Los Angeles get along in a Milwaukee High School ?

It's the same here, there and everywhere.
In Europe, the Belgians would sneer at the Italian and Greek immigrants who would find little or no work, if not in the coal mines.
In Germany, autoworkers.
Now, those 3rd generation people are trueblood certified Belgians, Germans etc.

In Italy, I've seen Somalis dressed in their garb in Rome since I first came in 1979, but they fit in alright.
I'ts not a matter of "learn my language or get out", it's a matter of "get used to it".
It's what makes the USA so great. Opportunity.
Withou OPPORTUNITY, the USA is bound for decadence, just as it was for every single Nation in Europe.
Sooner or later, everybody will have their decadent period.
The only thing that will save a Nation from decadence is renewal, and you can't do that without "new people".
Not just a new generation but a generation of new Americans.

And, by the way, what's so hot about Canadian Bacon, why can't good old American bacon do?
Or... is it like "Freedom Fries" vs "French Fries" ?
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Maurizio Pescatori, Esq.
Gentleman Rider

Mikuni BST40, K&N filter, Stage2 cam, Verslagen tensioner, Sportster muff, 120 proof moonshine, Pirelli MT 66 tourers... and a chain conversion too !
mpescatori   IP Logged
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Greensboro, NC
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #36 - 10/19/10 at 07:28:55
I would not go abroad because I dont know what the rules and customs are so i dont want to offend people in ther homeland by not following thier rules - just like i expect people who come here to follow our rules, not impose thier will and way of life on US......if you come here to visit for a week on vacation and you know enough English to get by for a week and you follow our rules fine - if you stay longer and think you are going to bring your culture here and impose your will on US think again we dont want or need that.......there is a saying too many chiefs not enough indians........there needs to be 1 set of rules and people who follow them....not a set of rules for every culture who comes here.

We let this get out of hand over the past 3-4 decades - I just want to see us enforce our rules and stand our ground and take back over this country before we all are forced to live a set of rules that was never intended to be a part of America.

we should stay out of other countries problems and solve our own first.
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"GOD Was Busy, He Sent The Marines"
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Riding "The

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Republic of Newfoundland
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #37 - 10/19/10 at 08:26:57
mick wrote on 10/19/10 at 00:43:48:
PerrydaSavage wrote on 10/19/10 at 00:32:49:
mick wrote on 10/18/10 at 15:01:11:
Since when did you guys speak English ? Wink

Actually mick out here on our Rock in the North Atlantic, we have our own dialect, "Newfanese" Wink

first I hope you know I was kidding.
How does Newfanese sound ? anything like canook ? saying oot instead of out or are you like Assie English,or South African English ?
I just found out this evening that English is the 2nd most spoken language in the world,the first,you guessed it "Manderine Chinese"
the place were English suposidly is spoken as perfect as can be is in north Wales,not even in England.

Of course mick my friend I knew you were kidding (hence the winky on the end of my post) ... yes, here in Newfoundland we actually speak a dialect of English (though it is not known as "Newfanese"; that was my little joke!) with a variety of accents depending on which part of Nfld. one may be from. The St. John's/Avalon Peninsula area has a very Irish-sounding accent while the Southwest Coast (where my family originate) have an accent reminiscent of Dorset & Devonshire over in England other places have somewhat distinct accents and turns-of-phrase as well ... The Island of Newfoundland is almost as large geographically as England/Scotland/Wales too, but with only 550,000 people, who were until 50 years ago scattered and largely isolated from one another ... the reason for the distinct regional accents. Now-a-days though, most of the kids coming up have a pretty much "standard" North American blandness to their speech.

Newfanese                  Plain English

How are ya gettin' on?       How are you?
What are ya at?             Greeting = Nice to see you
Go way b'y! (or G'wan b'y!)          Expression of disbelief = No kidding!
Sleveen                   Scoundrel
Don't be so crooked!             Don't be so grouchy!
It's some sticky today!       It's rather humid today!
He's like da Cracky!              His bark is bigger than his bite (a
                  Cracky is a small yappy dog)    

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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #38 - 10/19/10 at 08:36:12
I wonder in another 100 years if most of the American regional accents, most predominantly what we call the southern accent, the Boston accent, and the northern midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Dakotas and Iowa) will all disappear, as people are so mobile now.

Regional isolation is rapidly disappearing.  So will regional accents in all probability as people quickly move from one region to another, for a few days, or for a few years.

Look at metropolitan southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas - just as many people there now who didn't grow up there as there are natives.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #39 - 10/19/10 at 08:36:49
A further point ... something that I find kind of ironic actually ... during the 1930's, the United States practised a foreign policy that was largely isolationist in it's approach ... ended by Japan's surprise attack on Dec. 7th, 1941, ushering America into WW2 ... strangely, a similar surprise attack on Sept. 11th, 2001 came during a period of a more globalized foreign policy, which has since fostered an isolationist sentiment amongst many Americans ...
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Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by arseholes!
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #40 - 10/19/10 at 08:53:53
Perry -

The isolationism of the 1930s just isn't economically or physically possible anymore.

In the 1930s, we had only rudimentary air transportation.  It still took days to cross the American continent by rail, and only the wealthy ever went overseas, and then by ship that took days to cross the Atlantic.

Today's international economy and our rapid transportation means, along with the computer and the internet, have changed us to the point where we'll never go back.

In 1940, the U.S. was basically self sufficient, except for a few raw materials, like rubber, not found in North America.  We were an oil exporter in those days, along with gold, silver, and many other natural resources that we now import in huge quantities.

The old saying that you just can't go back is so true.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #41 - 10/19/10 at 08:59:46
I fully realize that Jerry ... just pointing out the irony that a period of American isolationist policy was ended by a dirty sneak attack while a similar attack 60 years later has many Americans wishing for an end to globalization ...
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Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by arseholes!
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Serious Thumper
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #42 - 10/19/10 at 09:08:50
weracerc wrote on 10/19/10 at 07:28:55:
I would not go abroad because I dont know what the rules and customs are so i dont want to offend people in ther homeland by not following thier rules - just like i expect people who come here to follow our rules, not impose thier will and way of life on US......if you come here to visit for a week on vacation and you know enough English to get by for a week and you follow our rules fine - if you stay longer and think you are going to bring your culture here and impose your will on US think again we dont want or need that.......there is a saying too many chiefs not enough indians........there needs to be 1 set of rules and people who follow them....not a set of rules for every culture who comes here.

We let this get out of hand over the past 3-4 decades - I just want to see us enforce our rules and stand our ground and take back over this country before we all are forced to live a set of rules that was never intended to be a part of America.

we should stay out of other countries problems and solve our own first.

It's pretty bad if you won't go on vacation to a different country just because you know nothing of there culture ,the reason you go to London,Paris,Rome is to learn about there culture ,the way they do things,experiment with ethnic foods make the whole thing an adventure,if you don't you will learn nothing.
I love it when people come here ,I love showing them around eat a real hamburger, go to Las Vegas there really is no place like it, any old family members that still live in the UK ,they love it when they come here , I dont tell to learn the American way of doing things before they come here ,thats rediculious.
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #43 - 10/19/10 at 09:23:40
I dont/cant /will not travel outside US for many reason the main reason $$ I have not even been able to take a vacation within my own state for over 15 years because i cant afford it. but that is another story for another topic...

i just dont want to be overrun by other cultures who expect US to make allowances for them to be here....short visit one thing but long ternm concessions and new rules to allow them to live thier lifestyles like did where they came from - not a good thing to let happen.
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"GOD Was Busy, He Sent The Marines"
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Re: Multiculturism ???
Reply #44 - 10/19/10 at 09:26:25
My Italian friend you should know better American bacon is c---rap
nothing but fat,Canadian is way better but best of all is Irish or English
lots of lean meat in there ,the bacon you guys eat is called streaky,I eat it to because you just cant get Irish or english,oh well another cross to bear.
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