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this one for believers,are there any left ? (Read 1036 times)
Serious Thumper
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this one for believers,are there any left ?
09/01/10 at 01:43:42

"It appears to me (whether rightly or wrongly) that direct arguments against christianity and theism produce hardly any effect on the public; and freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of men's minds which follows from the advance of science." [Darwin]
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." [Voltaire]

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism." [Einstein]

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]

"I cannot believe in the immortality of the soul.... No, all this talk of an existence for us, as individuals, beyond the grave is wrong. It is born of our tenacity of life – our desire to go on living … our dread of coming to an end." [Edison]

"The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma." [Lincoln]

"Religion is a byproduct of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?" [Arthur C. Clarke]

"Religions are all alike – founded upon fables and mythologies." [Thomas Jefferson]

"Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile." [Kurt Vonnegut]

"Religion is based . . . mainly on fear . . . fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand. . . . My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race." [Bertrand Russell]



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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #1 - 09/01/10 at 03:48:44
The sky is deep, the sky is dark.
The light of stars is so darn dark.
When I look up, I fill with fear.
If all we have is what lies here,
this lonely world, this troubled place,
then cold dark stars and empty space...
Well I see no reason to presevere,
no reason to laugh or shed a tear,
no reason to sleep or ever to wake,
no promises to keep, and none to make.
And so at night I still raise my eyes
to study the clear but mysterious skies
that arch above us, as cold as stone.
Are we there, God? Are we all alone?

Book of Counted Sorrows

Better hope your right Mick!
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Kalashna Kitty, from

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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #2 - 09/01/10 at 06:46:21
Yes, there are some believers left; in fact, I would say there are many of us.  I am one and am thankful for my relationship with God.  As Forrest Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that."
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prechermike   IP Logged
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #3 - 09/01/10 at 08:21:01
The bible was written by men if women had written the bible it would have been way difference.Anyone can write what they thing that doesn't make it right,The bible was written by top men at the time,Top men now is congress,They would write what laws that are best for them and keep them in power,not the masses,And the bible was written the same way.
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william h krumpen
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #4 - 09/01/10 at 08:21:10
me too - well put Forrest
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"GOD Was Busy, He Sent The Marines"
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #5 - 09/01/10 at 09:37:04
one right here.

looks like someone can't even wait for a thread to hijack,

speaking of, how is the incompetent barak hussein obama?
Looks like he is leading his party into a ditch, guess a lot of the suckers woke up, but not all of them.

I guess 41% dont even believe in what they see, much less faith in the unseen
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #6 - 09/01/10 at 18:59:13
I believe. I put my faith in God. Everytime I put faith in my fellow man, I am forever disappointed.
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old  tired

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genoa city wisconsin
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #7 - 09/01/10 at 19:03:30
You mean your disappointed in god's children!
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william h krumpen
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #8 - 09/01/10 at 19:17:35
+1 PreacherMike...
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OK.... so what's the
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #9 - 09/01/10 at 19:32:02
Prechermike don't count...  
It's like workin' for Ford,... you have to drive one...

Grin... Kidding Preach... Wink...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #10 - 09/01/10 at 19:52:21
Rogue_Cheddar wrote on 09/01/10 at 18:59:13:
I believe. I put my faith in God. Everytime I put faith in my fellow man, I am forever disappointed.  

So please tell, what happens when you put your faith in God ?
does he speak to you ? Did he ever tell you about the time he had a poor old guy put to death by Stoning for picking up sticks on the Sabeth ? another person put to death just for looking at another man.
This is old testiment stuff ,I believe Mike the preacher has offered to give some sermons from that very book,He will Cherry pick and will not tell you all those barberic things that went on in that first bible.
So they wrote a different one.
No more Adam and eve, who had three children all boys,Cain killed Abel, they did have three more boys between them. so far we 5 kids and one commen law husband,Now Eve must have sex with her own children for the sons and grandsons become fathers.
One more thing what form do we take when we die,what age will you be when you die ?What wife will you live with ?  Will that gal be there that you got pregnant in high school,I'm kidding about the pg girl.
if you have no answers for the above,tell me again why do you follow the lambs ,Get yourself FREE .
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #11 - 09/01/10 at 22:52:59
As usual I never get answers when I ask the above questions.
I think deep down in your heart you know I am right,
Even Preacher Mike ? think out side the box Mike,I know you are a smart guy ,probably a degree in theology,I think if you put enough thought into it you will agree. Com'on Mike think about it.................
What kind of after life are you all dreaming about ? You die your mortal body is buried or insinerated. So what goes to heaven ?
A Sprit you say, ok, So you cant see you have no eyes no digestive tract so you cant eat,you cant hear or speak all that hardwear you left in your grave,that will one day turn to dust.
Com'on guys get real Besides you Mike how many of you believers go to church every Sunday,now be honest honesty should be your Forte.
Mike have you ever read "A letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris ?  Or "the God delusion" Dawson.
He does seem to pick on Muslims quite a bit.
All muslims are not terrorists,but all terrorists are Muslims.
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #12 - 09/02/10 at 00:50:31
Mick - I tried to debate you a year or two back but realized I was not going to change your mind. Yes, the bible is full of examples of how men (and women) relied on themselves and did things their way. God gives you a choice, believe or not believe. I fail everyday but my God does not give up on me. My friends, families and co-workers are just like me. We all fall short. I am not going to debate you now either. The difference between what I was once and what I am now is that I lay my head on the pillow every night in complete peace. You my friend, display quite the opposite. You are racking your brain and looking at all avenues for the answer that you will not accept because you will loose control and give it up to a higher power. I will keep you in my prayers everyday that some day you will have the same peace that passes all understanding. There is a song out there (can't remember the name) that goes something like 'everyone will believe, it's just a matter of when they change their mind'. I sincerely hope that your time is before you pass into eternity. I believe and trust in what my God tells me, therefore I can lay my head down everynight in complete and absolute peace. My prayer is that you will as well one day. I am open to discussion in pm's but I will not debate you in an open forum. My mind is as set as yours. Thanks for listening Mick! Will be praying for you as will/are all the other believers here on this forum who love you as a human being in spite of all the bravado you can put up. Inside of you is a tender heart evidenced by how you talk about your family. Put your faith in God, not a religion created by man, and live in true peace the rest of your days.
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grandpa   IP Logged
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #13 - 09/02/10 at 01:43:09
I usualy avoid religon and politics discussions like the PLAGUE!!

But i got to toss this brain teaser out for mick...and others.
What if there is a god?
But god did'nt put us here to rule the earth and all on it.
What if its all a cr@pshoot?
God created all things equal in the beginning.
And through evolution over many centuries we just happen to be the ones that have come out on top right now?
If not how is there evidance pointing both ways. Religon and the bible(koran ect) and Darwinism, evolution?

Here's another for you. Most, christians especialy, beleive animals have no souls and know nothing of god.
Some peoples like the american indians beleived animals did know god and had souls. They were all brothers.
Buddahist(some) think we come back as animals and bugs untill we reach enlightenment. Then we go to heaven.
Heaven would be kind of empty to me without my beloved pets.

The bible was written 600 years after the death and resurrection of christ. Written by monks. Supposedly directly from his teachings.
My problem there is when has man had an opportunity to insert his own thoughts/beleifs when given the chance??
The essance is there but the words may be twisted around a bit to suit.

For most its all about fear and faith. They fear the fact that there MAY NOT be anything after death but nothingness. Wormfood.
So they have to have Faith that there is a god and that one day they will all see their loved ones again. To live an eternal life without sickness, or death. Otherwise some might not make it through life and its trials.
Some have to have the faith to function, get through life. Others make do without it.

If there is a god he's a fickel god and has a warped sense of humor.
Inquisition, & major Crusades and what, 13 small ones? Eboli, spanish flu, Aids, Down syndrom, muscular dystrophy, War, i could go on.
Some even beleive the life we live on earth is he!! and we all go to heaven sooner or later depending on how we live our life(lives) on earth.

Just some odd thoughts on a subject WE ALL will learn the truth about one day. One way or another.
To each their own beleifs and respect the beleifs of others. Wink
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Re: this one for believers,are there any left ?
Reply #14 - 09/02/10 at 10:01:20
Mick, I don't see any quotes from Martin Luther or Dr. Martin Luther King?

Do I personally believe in a 'God ', or a 'great plan' that created all this, You betcha.
Science now shows us of the vastness of our universe, and the possible existence of parallel universes. That is a Hell of a lot of coincidence and accidental connections of random particles.
Do I believe in 'Any' organized, not really.
Do I believe in an after life? Yes! The alternative is just too sad. The few atheist that I know are generally bitter people that have a fear of life and their own mortality.
I choose to believe in better worlds, and greater adventures to come. I say to my creator on a daily basis, Thank you show me what you got! If that view makes me look foolish in the eyes of others...well, I can live with that.
Look me up when you cross over and we can go riding together.
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