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Weight loss (Read 242 times)
james may
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holyoke, ma
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Weight loss
06/17/10 at 21:58:54
I've noticed there is a spread of people on here who ride the savages.. and it seems to handle all kinds of people big and small.

I have recently accepted that I have a problem with my weight and that I want to do something about it.. So I have started a blog on here's the link..

Let me know what you think.. maybe a few of us on this forum can make a weightloss commitment together.. Smiley

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doublecheerypie   IP Logged
Stimpy - FSO
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #1 - 06/18/10 at 04:28:27
Way to go James!   Cool    Allrighty, here we go.  

First of all congrats, 2nd, before you begin, stop, just stop.
I'm going to be honest here and tell you the hard, fat
truth, diets, bmi and calorie counting DON'T WORK, period.

Obesity is the symptom of a much larger problem and what
you really need is to educate yourself along with a complete
lifestyle change, a detox and brain rewiring (impulses/cravings).

So get your facts straight and understand your body and the
basics of chemistry and nutritional science first, then please
share your knowledge and experience with others.

I'm a 1000% behind anyone with the will to better themselves
in anyway and I'll try and help you as much as I can by sharing
what i know. My credentials? Thin, fit, active, happy, professional
chef, I also work with young people therefore see and understand
the problems first hand and I come from a long line of doctors,
teachers, psychologists and chemists that thought me all the basics
and I was also fat for a while back in my teen years because of lack
of discipline, and I hated myself. Never again. The "happy fatty"
theory is PURE BS! Even worse in adults, it's just sad and shameful.

As a chef I almost rather not tell you what is in your food since
EVERYTHING is basically pure oil/mayonnaise (salty=all sauces
and dressings / sweet=all desserts), the rest is flour, oh, and
this is a certified 4 star restaurant we are talking about. And every
time I go to a supermarket for private shopping i just wanna cry.

So let's begin, your homework is to get and watch these
Award winning documentary films:

- Food Inc (R. Kenner)
- King Corn (A.Woolf)
- Earthlings (J.Phoenix)
- Animals (J.Young),
- Fast Food Nation (R. Linklater)
- The World According to Monsanto (Arte)
* Available (most, if not all, for free) at google videos, youtube, at download
sites, buy or rent, whatever but watch'em!  (warning: disturbing scenes).

2nd you must identify and remove/curb the following from you life:

ALL soda (diet is worse), fruit juice, desserts, all pastries, etc.
The #1 offender is high fructose corn syrup (do research).

Animal, vegetable, lard, mayo, margarine, heavy creams, shakes, etc.

White flour
white bread, white pasta, all cookies, all chips; beware also of white rice.

Animal fats
My bologna has a first name it's P-O-I-S-O-N. Beware all sausage forms and bacon.

LOTS of calories plus if your liver is damaged, it's all over, period.

When you're chronically stressed, the adrenal glands are forced to
work overtime and eventually exhaust themselves, inhibiting your
immune system and hormones.

Resist the urge! Being an obese, sedentary TV/PC addicted couch
potato makes for speedy self-destruction. Stop sacrificing your
sleep for tv, you need it. Get a (real) dog or a good outdoor hobby.
Take along audiobooks, not music, audiobooks are addictive and
educational and you'll always want MOAR!

Junk Food
Last year, at least 500,000 Americans managed to kill themselves
based almost solely on what they ate. Heart disease is the country's
number one killer due to the fat-laden, sugar-heavy junk we put in
our bodies.

They don't call them "coffin nails" for nothing: Tobacco-related
illnesses are America's number two killer, and the most preventable.

Prescription drugs
These will whack your system and hormones of of balance with awful
side effects and cravings.

"1/4 of what you eat keeps you alive and 3/4 of what you eat keeps your doctor alive"

"Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food." - Hippocrates

...and watch american beauty again for inspiration  Wink

good luck,
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Recently sold 97'savage (change of residence) - looking to buy another - just bought a temp, a great SR125 called 'methadone'
WWW Stimpy - FSO   IP Logged
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #2 - 06/18/10 at 05:25:46
Bravo James!!  You have taken the first step.  I will be a cheerleader for you!  You can do it!!!    Smiley   Smiley
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~ 2006 Black, Big Crank battery, HD Softail muffler, engine guard/o-ring pegs, Spitfite windshield, custom mounted Saddlemen bags, Mustang seat! ~ oh, and Hairdo by Helmet! ~
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #3 - 06/18/10 at 06:10:10
James, Stimpy sent you some great advice. I have battled weight for most of my adult life.

I have found out myself it is a life change. Infact that is how I describe it now. I don't say I am dieting. I refer to it as a life change.

It is an adjustment yet you will soon see the results. I don't know if you walk much, yet it does help.

Personally I gave up all soda over a year ago. I loved a ice cold Pepsi. Well ok so more than one a day was not unusal for me.
I just decided one day I was going to give it up, like smoking. I will tell yes their are still times I want both. However once you see the results and feel better from not having all that sugar you will find it easier to stay away.

Ok so any help I can give you I will as well. I am going for my walk and I wish you a great day...

You have taken the first step, I wish you all the best with the rest..Kim Smiley
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old  tired

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Re: Weight loss
Reply #4 - 06/18/10 at 06:15:19
As long as you burn off more calories than you eat you want gain weight.
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william h krumpen
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #5 - 06/18/10 at 06:36:39
Ive always been a thin guy, except for when I got sick, then I got fat. Im getting thin again.
If you want to live, cook your own meals. If you are buying your food, you are buying poison. GMO crops are out there, corn is the number one offender. I only eat organic corn. Tomatoes & Grapes are very highly pesticided crops, Broccolli is not, I dont always buy organic broccolli.
Raise a garden, itll make ya work & then ya get to eat, both are good for ya.

Excercise,, yea, Riight.. He!! with that, have FUN, find something that isnt sitting flat on that a55 & do it. Frisbee is outside, painless fun. Dont have to try to set a record, just pick a target & toss at it. Someone to laff with is good.It makes ya walk.

Stop eating the comfort foods. Well, cut down, while ya develop your diet toward eating more healthy & nutritious meals.
Steamer Baskets are a must.
A 25 pound bag of organic pinto beans is about 40$. No white rice, long grain Brown rice. Learn to make cornbread, its easy.
Once you learn to EAT & how to cook & eat `real foods, those burgers from Burger King will taste absolutely disgusting.

IF you smoke, stop smoiking those Chemistry Sets they sell & call cigarettes. Get imported ( Imported tobacco isnt sprayed w/ Thimerosol, ours is) tobacco & roll your own. Youll smoke less &, once you get used to the taste of tobacco, instead of the chemicals in cigarettes, youll really like it more.

White flour has nothing in it for food. Doubt it? Leave some wheat flour & some white flour out for the mice. Youll lose the wheat, they wont eat the white.

Margarine,, NO, not no but hell NO,, get butter.
Aspartame & MSG, POlysorbate 80, polyethylene glycol, these thngs are put in our foods, read whats in it, the corn sweetener is nasty, too, read the labels on what you are buying & talk to store managers. Tell them why you wont buy the toxic crap. That IS WHY there is so much organic available now, Consumer Demand.
Go out & demand Good Food be made available & leave their crap on the shelves.
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #6 - 06/18/10 at 06:55:44
Growing your own is a great idea!  Do you?  

Doesn't have to be a huge garden.  Just a few plants of several types can be easy to grow, and don't have to take up a huge amount of space.  I slacked off this year and am only growing several varieties of tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.  But its enough for us, and it is great "exercise" to take care of them.  Not hard, but you have to be vigilant.    
Then cook the tomatoes and peppers together.  Throw in an onion if you like (I don't).  You don't even need any oil because the tomatoes are plenty juicy!  Yum.

P.S.  I am definitely not a nutrition expert.  I have never had a weight problem, except for being under-weight.  Yea, don't laugh... who wants to look like some anorexic refugee?  lol

My eating habits aren't good, so I won't give that kind of advice, but I do know fresh veggies taste better!  Smiley  

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~ 2006 Black, Big Crank battery, HD Softail muffler, engine guard/o-ring pegs, Spitfite windshield, custom mounted Saddlemen bags, Mustang seat! ~ oh, and Hairdo by Helmet! ~
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Serious Thumper

Posts: 1897

Re: Weight loss
Reply #7 - 06/18/10 at 09:33:12
Simple. Ride more, eat less.
When ever you get the urge to snack, go for a ride instead.
The amount you would have spent on a snack will fill the tank.

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Re: Weight loss
Reply #8 - 06/18/10 at 10:28:33
Just got these emailed to me and thought they might make you laugh.  I don't mean to offend anyone, I think they are funny.

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~ 2006 Black, Big Crank battery, HD Softail muffler, engine guard/o-ring pegs, Spitfite windshield, custom mounted Saddlemen bags, Mustang seat! ~ oh, and Hairdo by Helmet! ~
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #9 - 06/18/10 at 12:01:48
South Beach has worked for me.  About 15 years ago I last 40 pounds thru a no carbo diet from Cleveland Clinic's nutrition department.

South Beach is very similar.

As for exercise, of course it's good for you, but doesn't produce much weight loss.  There are 3500 calories in one pound of human body fat, so you have to exercise off 3500 calories to lose one pound.  At 200 calories per mile for walking or jogging, that 17.5 miles per pound.

Easy way to remember - don't eat white stuff.  That means avoid potatos, pasta, white bread, white rice.

Instead, eat sweet potatos, brown bread if you have to have bread, raw oatmeal and not the instant junk, brown or wild rice, and spinach pasta.  All have the complex carbos instead of the simple carbos that make you fat.

Works for me - and lastly, avoid beer.  Beer is the worst of all for loads of carbos.  Whiskeys and other liquors and red wines have far fewer carbos.
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Jerry Eichenberger
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #10 - 06/18/10 at 12:31:11
Jerry Eichenberger wrote on 06/18/10 at 12:01:48:
Easy way to remember - don't eat white stuff.  That means avoid potatos, pasta, white bread, white rice.

That's everything I like... Huh...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #11 - 06/18/10 at 17:01:22
arent cod and halabut white,so is lobster tail,abaloni,turnips,
dover sole, mai mai, and a bunch more fish.
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mickrowe37   IP Logged
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OK.... so what's the
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #12 - 06/18/10 at 18:02:58
Yup,.. and I like all that too!...

Come to think of it,...  I like pretty much everything...

'cept sweet potatoes...
That's just wrong... Potatoes?,.. that are sweet?...  Ugggh!... Tongue...
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Ludicrous Speed !... ... Huh...
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Skid Mark
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #13 - 06/18/10 at 19:27:48
Great advice all around. Working out and eating better has worked for me. Lost 20lbs and feel so much better. When you are not overweight and in decent shape life is so much more fun. It's a lot of work but worth it. The cartoon about what fits you busy life stlye one hour a day workout or 24 hrs dead really hit home. I make time every other day to alternate eliptical and bowflex. These are 2 Investments that have paid off very well.
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2008 S40 , Windshield, Sigma Cycle Computer, after market backrest & luggage rack, Tkat Fork Brace, saddlebags, 12v power supply, Garmin GPS
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Shoulda got into this years ago
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Re: Weight loss
Reply #14 - 06/19/10 at 19:45:05
I don't have any equipment,and I'm the same weight now as when I got out the army 138 lbs 5'7", 72 years old, it's very simple,you are fat because you eat to much. I walk one half mile a day just walk down the driveway to get the paper,and back.
Most days I eat a big bowl of oatmeal with butter on it and about a half cup of whipping cream poured over along with some "Tate and Lyle"golden syrup,most days thats enough,if I work hard in the garden I might have a sandwich for dinner.
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Science and Logic fly you to the moon,
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