This is my first real contribution to this awesome site for Savage (s40) owners. It is assumed that you know what the header pipe and muffler looks like. The bike is 2007 S40 from California.

This is the installed muffler

No issue with exhaust being to close or at angle against the brake cable

the adapter, clamps mounted.
This instruction is aimed at showing one way of taking off the stock muffler and installing a Harley Davidson stock sportster muffler (part number 65747-94). This muffler has a sliding bracket (not tab) mount that can be mounted on the Savage (S40) muffler mounting bracket.
Following tools and parts were used:
1. Socket wrench
2. Socket wrench extender
3. Open end wrench or adjustable wrench

-From Clymers manual
1. Muffler sealer- Permatex 80335 Muffler & Tailpipe Sealer (rated at 2000F degree)-seem to dry and harden well (smells bad when riding until cured). $2.
2. Muffler to header pipe gasket (part 13 aka Connector). From
3. Muffler to header pipe clamp (part 12) and bolt (part 10). My bolt broke while being removed due to rust. From
4. Header pipe gasket (part 1). From
5. Harley Davidson Muffler (part number 65747-94). $40 before shipping.
6. Harley Davidson exhaust muffler clamp 1-7/8” from ebay. $9.95 before shipping.
7. Straight 3 to 3.5 inch adapter (at local muffler shop).
This is a 3" adapter. The diameters were custom fitted at the muffler shop to my header pipe and muffler.
a. There will be a gap of .5” between the header pipe and muffler when the muffler mounting slide is lined up to the bikes mounting bracket two bolts can be used to secure the muffler. The adapter will allow the muffler to be moved back far enough to line up the muffler to the bracket, so two bolts can be used to secure.
b. This is not needed, but you will only be able to use 1 mounting bolt to mount the muffler to bikes mounting bracket if you do not use the adapter to fill the gap. Also the muffler will be moved closer to the front, so it will look shorter.
c. $0 to $15 depending on shop.
8. 8 Stainless steel washer for muffler mounting bracket. These were used to fill the gap created by the angle of header pipe. These washers will sit between the muffler and the bikes mounting bracket. Also 2 will be used to buffer the nut against the mounting bracket.

This is picture of muffler and bracket from rear of bike. Note the 3 washers (1 is hidden) directly below the muffler, and 1 washer between the nut and the bracket at the bottom.

This is picture from top of bracket and muffler. Note that muffler sits flushed and tight against the bracket. Gaps are filled with washers. This should provide better securing of the muffler.
9. 2 Bolts and nuts to mount the muffler to bracket on frame (grade 8). This is the strongest available at local hardware store. Locking nut would be best. This is automotive grade.
How to:
1. Remove Header pipe and muffler:
a. Remove front heat shield (part 20) by removing the two bolts holding it on to frame. You may need to hold the bolt on the other side of bike with a wrench to get the bolt to come out.
b. Reinstall the bolts that held the heat shield, as this holds the engine to frame.
c. Remove nuts and washer (parts 6,7,8,9)holding the muffler bolts to frame.
d. Detach header pipe and muffler from bike.
2. Detach muffler from header pipe:
a. Remove bolt (part 18) to detach rear heat shield clamp from header pipe.
b. Loosen bolt (part 10) from clamp (part 12) that joins the header pipe and muffler.
c. Pull muffler from header pipe.
3. Clean area to join:
a. Clean the area that will join with sandpaper (if needed) or rubbing alcohol (if needed). Cleaner joints will allow for better seal.
4. Test join the parts:
a. Header pipe, adapter, muffler to ensure length is correct and diameters are good for a snug fit.
b. Mount the header pipe, adapter and muffler to ensure that everything will fit properly on bike. Do not need to tighten the bolts. This is so you don’t have a surprise after you use the sealer. Once the sealer dries, it is very hard to take the parts apart.
c. Mark where the joints meet. This will help ensure that the adapters and joints are installed in right distance from each other in step 5.
d. Inspect the muffler mounting bracket on bike and slide. Note the gap. Estimate the number of washers needed to fill the gap. Gap will not allow for proper mounting.
e. Remove header pipe and muffler from bike.
5. Installing the goods:
a. Join the adapter to muffler.
i. Put the HD muffler clamp on the muffler.
ii. Apply muffler sealer inside the muffler. Do not apply sealer to adapter.
iii. Insert the adapter in the muffler.
iv. Remove excess muffler sealer from inside the muffler where the adapter ends before it dries.
v. Finger tighten the muffler clamp. Actual tightening for seal will happen at the end when all the bolts are tighten little by little after the header pipe and muffler has been installed.
b. Join the muffler/adapter to header pipe:
i. Put Suzuki Muffler to header pipe clamp (part 12) and bolt (part 10) on the header pipe.
ii. Install the muffler to header pipe gasket (part 13 aka Connector) on the header pipe.
iii. Apply muffler sealer inside of the adapter end that will join with the header pipe. Do not apply sealer to header pipe.
iv. Insert the header pipe in the adapter.
v. Finger tighten the clamp (part 12).
c. Installing the muffler and header pipe:
i. Slide two bolts into the muffler mounting slide. Install washers to fill the gap between the slide and bikes mounting bracket. I’ve used 3 on rear bolt and 1 on front bolt. Your bike may require different number.
ii. Install header pipe gasket. Use new one if old is damaged.
iii. Carefully, install the assembled pipes to the bike.
iv. Install header pipe bolts. Finger tighten.
v. Install front heat shield. Tighten with wrench. You will need to hold the other end (on other side of bike) to turn the bolt.
vi. Install 1 washer on each bolt on muffler to mounting bracket, install nut and finger tighten.
vii. Tighten all bolts little at a time, alternating between the bolts. Do not tighten one area first.
1. Tighten header pipe bolts. Do not over tighten. 20lbs on torque wrench is what I read as being appropriate. I just hand tighten using a wrench on mine.
2. Tighten muffler mounting bracket bolts.
3. Tighten clamps on joints.
4. Repeat step 1,2, & 3.
d. You are done (you may want to install a generic heat shield to cover the gap).
I was not able to take many pictures during the installation, as my hand was a mess. I will post some after pictures and hand drawn shortly (I need to go to work to use my work scanner).