Ok, my gas cap leak is fixed. What I did was use the Honda gasket for awhile, then I cut the middle of it out leaving only the outer edge where it contacted the fuel tank. I put this cut out ring behind my original gas cap gasket just for a little bit of added pressure and it works without any problems such as not being able to close the lock and it comes right off.
Now that my gas doesn't leak, apparently my breather hole in my gas cap is clogged or something, because at around 60mph+ my bike thinks it's it out of gas.. so I'm in the process of trying to clean the gas cap or either just switch up to a Raptor 660 petcock.. but let me tell you, I'm 100% sure every time now that no gas is gonna come spraying out, and no more crap dripping down my tank in the hot sun

Also, at 60mph+ I figured out that you could flip the petcock from reserve to normal every once in a while and you wouldn't "run out of gas" on an almost full tank..