Serious Thumper
What happened?
Posts: 55279
East Texas, 1/2 dallas/la.
I checked the speedo just before I rolled off the bike. It showed 58 MPH. I was in Louisiana, home of the 70 foot wide, 4,000 foot tall pine tree. Obviously an exageration, the point is, if you go off the road into a place where trees are, you will not miss them, as they are so closely packed you cant see the sky. It was dark & I was out of control & all I knew was there was a grand liklihood I would hit a tree if I didnt stay in the ditch, so I rolled off the bike instead of staying on & riding it out, as I had blown a turn. As I rolled away, I realized I hadnt turned the bars to make sure I didnt get into the bike, so I pushed it. That stopped my rotation. I had planned on landing on my back & pulling the shoulders forward, to make the jacket pull tight & slide. Instead of the back, I landed on the right shoulder & side of the head. That folded my head over so hard my ear was crushed against my left shoulder. had a helmet edge been in there, my neck would have snapped. As it was, I suffered for about 10 years before I went to a chiropractor. Agter seeing about 6 of those guys, on X-rayed it & showed me the vertebrae. They were sitting like , say you take your fists & aim them together, then offset them a knuckle. Just a little more & I wouldnt have walked out of that ditch. That impact launched me. I came down on my forehead & plowed some soft ground, thinking" Man, If I hit a rovk, Im screwed" Literally, thats what i was thinking, then the lights went out. The bike, an RD400, made 5 endo flips & was totalled. All the grass stains were on the upper body & I was really sore.For a long, long time.
As it turns out, I was in a clearing. Had I stayed on the bike & ridden it out, I would have been in a freshly plowed field.. CRAPPOLA!!!