JaniceM wrote on 07/07/09 at 21:09:15:I think floorboards are the way to go, with the trouble I have been having. Actually, I am the more mechanical of the two of us. He offers, but my Dad was a master mechanic and had his own garage. I was running for tools and working on cars as soon as I could toddle!
It just seems my pegs are too big for my ..big feet. I just got my new metric J & P catalog, but I haven't looked up what might be matching with ours, and nothing is listed for s40--only s50 and up.
Look at the topic here for Floorboards....same section.(Pics and details)
Those are the ones I'm getting for my bike.
Mine is a Savage 2002.
But would fit your bike also....I think those are the ones most used here.
( If in doubt,Ask the "Guys" here.......they know everything