What you have here is a very cheap timing cover removal tool. For about $3.00 at your local auto parts store, you can purchase a "heavy duty gasket scrapper". It needs to be around 1/8th inch thick, in other words, you should not be able to bend it, period. This one came pre-bent, but a straight one would be better. It will work either way.
Take the scrapper and grind the sharp end off with a bench grinder. I used the one at work. Round the corners off a bit. Then use a hand file to shape it so that it fits in the slot of the timing cover snug like. I guess you could just use the hand file, but that might take a long time.
Put your new tool in the timing cover slot, and while holding the handle firm, use a pair of pliers to turn on the metal part of the gasket scrapper and twist the timing cover out. Slick huh?? When you put the timing cover back in, use some anti-seize on the threads, and just use your brand new tool. GENTLY. It just needs to be snug.
What you just made was a very large screwdriver.