The Savage is a most versatile little bike. It morphs to whatever you need. I needed a lightweight city bike, to commute to work and to go shopping. For that I needed luggage capacity. Choices include a luggage rack mounted trunk, leather saddlebags, or hard saddlebags. I went with LeatherLyke hard saddlebags. A bit expensive (over $400) but not if they are what you want. I have a
BLog entry detailing the mounting of my saddlebags.
The saddlebags carry my Hat -- without which I cannot appear in public. For shopping a saddlebag can take a gallon of milk, or a ten pound bag of potatos, or a five-liter box of wine, or a 20 ounce bag of tortilla strips and a pint of salsa.

My other accessory is a National Cycle Flyscreen. At 9" tall and 9.75" wide it isn't much of a windscreen -- but it blocks just enough wind to keep me comfortable at 75 mph. About $100 new, I got mine for less than half of that, used, off eBay,